emmanvasquez · 1 year
"why wouldn't i check up on you, jaxon?" emmanuel gives him a smile, before sipping on his drink. "i haven't seen you when the fire broke out, and i had to know you're doing alright. but...how's danny doing? is he recovering well, resting?"
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˙ ˖ ✶ Emman
"Thanks for checking up on me after everything. Makes it feel like what we had for a little bit was pretty special. Plus I don't know, makes me look at you differently. You're a great man, Emmanuel." @emmanvasquez
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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date: @gildedploys
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
Emery: I'm safe, you don't need to worry Emery: want to do tacos for dinner? Emmanuel: with me, you're safe, okay? Emmanuel: we can build our own tacos and stuff?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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"because... you're you, em." it was the simplest way he could explain it, for now, as he looked into her eyes, giving her a soft smile. "your company is the company i want above everyone else's, em." he then pours the woman a drink, one just the way she liked it, and also one for himself. "i'm glad some things stay the same."
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“Why me?” She asked him softly, her eyes slowly traveling up his torso to meet his eyes. Emery smiled at his words, squeezing both of his hands as he spoke. “Well for the record, I’m glad it was me that you asked. You’re the perfect company.” The blonde let go of one of his hands, allowing Emman to easily pull her away to the bar. “Still the usual, you can never go wrong with a good blend of vodka.”
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
"i haven't heard about anything else besides the news, and you know the groupchat..." emmanuel gives the other man a shrug, before he goes to check on his phone for the second time. "i'm thinking about visiting the hospital, check on how everything and everyone's doing. you want to join me?"
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Location: Fast Gas
Open @hidehillstart
"Has there been any updates?" Jace asked with a puzzled look. The last he'd heard Steffi hadn't made it and there was two injured, he presumed the Jones home wasn't standing anymore too. Unfortunately for him the gas station had to keep running and the forum had strangely been quieter than usual.
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
Emery: i'm not going anywhere... Emery: i don't mind at all em, it's where i'd rather be Emmanuel: that's all i need right now, make sure you're safe. Emmanuel: is there anything you want for me to pick up?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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Manny Jacinto attends the press night performance of “George Takei’s Allegiance” at the Charing Cross Theatre on January 16, 2023 in London, England
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
Val: I'm great. Thank you. Emmanuel: that's all i need to know.
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
Brandon: im ok, im just at the lake at the moment. are u ok? Emmanuel: i'm doing okay, just grabbing things for me and em, i think we're just going to stay in with all this that's happening. just...hit me up anytime if you need help, okay?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
@thebrandxnharris Emmanuel: hey bud, i haven't seen you around. where are you?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
@valenciagomez Emmanuel: just checking up, i hope you're alright, safe.
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
Jax: i'm okay but my date was stabbed, so i'm at the hospital right now Jax: i'm glad you're fucking alright though, and i gotta say didn't see this one coming Jax: neither the attack, or you checking up on me Jax: it's sweet Emmanuel: any updates with your date? Emmanuel: i'm also glad you're okay, relieved. Emmanuel: if you need help with anything, do not hesitate to ask, okay?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
@jaxonfrchld Emmanuel: i haven't seen you since the fire broke out, are you doing alright?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
@gildedploys Emmanuel: just...stay home with me, okay? stay and rest, i'm just getting us a couple of things. Emmanuel: you don't mind being cooped up with me for a while, no?
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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"i didn't have a choice." was all he could say. valencia had every right to be mad at emmanuel, especially after all of the promises they've made to each other all those years ago. at one point in time, he was convinced that the life he had with her is the kind of life he wanted to have, and she was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. yet with his father lingering around at the time with the want to control his life and force him into a path he didn't want in the first place, he knew he isn't meant for what he wanted, and to make sure valencia iasn't to get caught in the crossfire when he pissed his father off initially for not complying to what he wanted. "i did what i had to do, and i didn't want any of it, val."
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Every bit of her wanted to punch Emmanuel dead in his face. How dare he ask to talk after they'd planned a future together and he left without a single word? She nearly even left the very lucrative career she was in for him and then she went to visit him and there was nothing. Nothing but a lingering ghost of what was once their mutual meeting ground to express their love to one another. Taking a few deep breaths, Valencia tilted her head to one side and looked that man in his eyes silently for a moment. What could he possibly have to say to her? Nothing would make up for what he'd done. No excuse would suffice. "I would rather relinquish my home and move back in with my parents than hear anything you have to say. You died seven years ago. You're still dead to me."
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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"but it's you who i wanted to go with, em." emmanuel stops on the tracks so he could stand in front of her, both hands now on her shoulders. there's this subtle grin on his face as he says "i'm...very happy to have you with me tonight. i wouldn't want it to go any other way." emmanuel then pulls away to hold emery's hand to lead them to the bar. "deal. all we have to do is wait for a good song. in the mean time...is it still the usual, or you taste has changed?"
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"You could of asked anyone to come with you and you picked me.” Emery said with a shrug of her shoulders before giving his hand a squeeze. “No? I’m sure there’s a list of people who would of taken up that offer.” She felt calmer with his presence, the lingering haunted feeling of a serial killer lurking around the corner lessening with his touch. “If you’re pouring the drinks we can dance, that’s a deal.”
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emmanvasquez · 1 year
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emmanuel had been separated from emery for a short while at the part tonight, letting her socialize as he had bumped into a few people, socializing and catching up on what he's missed for a long while now. he at least owed them an explanation as to why he had to leave, giving them only a brief explanation, not wanting to dampen the mood. the reactions he's gotten had varied, and the now-businessman expected all of it, and as he was making his way outside, texting emery to meet him there as...they had an interesting moment at the party that he wanted to talk about when they go home together. though, his thoughts have been interrupted the second he bumps into someone--a certain woman he's turned his back on when he had no choice but to leave town and do as his father says. "val--" he calls out. "hey--can we...can we talk?"
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Valencia had already been experiencing the woes of such a long night. All of the alcohol in the world couldn't disguise the fact that she was tired and wanted to go home as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, she was preparing to do just that. Well on her way out of the door, she was grabbing anything that belonged to her when she lightly steps on the foot of someone and she immediately begins being apologetic. "I'm so so so--" but the moment her eyes caught who she was speaking to, she raised her eyebrows and looked away, wanting to avoid any awkward interaction with Emmanuel if she could help it.
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