emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Happy Halloween
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
Danny and Ryan’s message to Robron fans!❤️ https://t.co/mTIkqkSeiE
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
Danny and Ryan’s message to Robron fans!❤️ https://t.co/mTIkqkSeiE
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Where is Carlos? He’s sleeping.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Emmerdale fans spot major clues over Kim Tate's secret partner
Has the truth been revealed early?
Claire King as Kim Tate in Emmerdale
Claire King as Kim Tate in EmmerdaleITV
Emmerdale fans have spotted a possible link between Kim Tate and newcomer Al Chapman.
The ITV soap has teased that Kim (Claire King) is working with a secret partner after taking partial control of the Sharmas' factory, and eagle-eyed viewers think Al could be the mystery individual in question.
Tuesday night's Emmerdale double bill (August 14) saw Harry Potter actor Michael Wildman make his first appearance as Al, who's the estranged father of Ellis Chapman.
Al's first episodes saw him explain that he'd recently returned from working in Dubai, where he was running an outdoor pursuits business.
 Al Chapman meets Marlon Dingle in Emmerdale
Die-hard fans who read Emmerdale spoilers closely will already know that Kim has plans of her own for an outdoors pursuit centre. Coincidence? Probably not.
Speaking in July, Emmerdale producer Kate Brooks explained: "Getting in bed with Kim Tate is like getting in bed with the Devil herself so it won't be plain sailing for [Jai].
"They are planning a new outdoor pursuit centre at the heart of the village – there will be kayaks, segways, a nice little eatery and will look fantastic and rejuvenate the village.
"It will bring new characters into the village and they can all have fun in the treetops and zipwires."
 Kim Tate updates Jai Sharma on her plans in Emmerdale
Claire King, who plays Kim, also recently told Inside Soap: "There is a Kim and Graham story coming up, which does involve family, but also Kim goes into partnership with a new guy who she worked with in Dubai when she went away on a business holiday.
"They're very, very similar, so whether they will click together or explode, who knows? Also, Graham doesn't like it too much, as he feels it's encroaching on his turf!"
So, with the evidence stacking up, are Kim and Al about to feature in a big storyline together?
Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7pm on ITV, with extra episodes at 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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2 APRILE 2018 17.36 Calcutta
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
I’m so sorry for all the people who love Skam Italia ❤️ You guys deserved a fourth season! I feel like every remake should at least have all the four seasons, since it’s still a remake and OG had four seasons.. but yeah.. 
I’m sorry ❤️
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
BREAKING: Emmerdale actor Mark Jordon, 54, has been found not guilty at Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester of affray, unlawful wounding and assault https://t.co/qciq7AY152 https://t.co/d9cXqxfvKb
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Emmerdale spoilers: Week of horror ends in two shocking deaths?
There is tragedy heading to Emmerdale village in a week that no-one left behind is going to forget in a hurry. But who lies and who dies – and is there set to be a double death as more than one storyline ends up with potentially fatal outcomes? Producer Jane Hudson was coy over the possibility of there being multiple deaths as a fire takes hold and Robert Sugden (Ryan Hawley) seeks revenge on rapist Lee.
A trailer has recently been released teasing a week that starts off light hearted enough. With Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) disgusted with Bernice Blackstock (Samantha Giles) for thinking him capable of murder, she is determined to win him back and so she plays on his interests in the wild west and murder mysteries to arrange a bonanza of a day.
While it’s meant to be for charity, the event – which she allows Liam to lead as Sheriff of Emmerdeadale – Bernice is using it as a backdrop for a risky marriage proposal. But that doesn’t turn out to be the biggest disaster of the day.
With Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson) in desperate need of cash, she and Kerry (Laura Norton) go on the rob at the factory. But after they sabotage CCTV equipment, sparks from the electric wires trigger a fire. A close by Tracy Shankley (Amy Walsh) is trapped in the cupboard and with Frank Clayton (Micahel Praed) recently preaching about the importance of family, viewers are worried for both characters as a horrific explosion tears through the factory.
Meanwhile, an explosion of rage is occurring elsewhere in the village as evil Lee continues to push his luck with Robert. As he demands cash and an apology from Victoria Barton (Isabel Hodgins), Robert sees only one method of getting Lee out of their lives for good.
We know what Robert can be capable of when pushed to the edge and as he tells Lee he isn’t walking away from this showdown alive, will he follow his threat through?
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
🌈 Your favourite #Emmerdale couple #RobRon wish everyone the best for a happy #Pride today at #MardiGla @DannyBMiller https://t.co/yvpA4k0QlK
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
REPLAY: Belle's heartbreaking reading leaves us all missing #LisaDingle #Emmerdale https://t.co/rAV7tnzWnb
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Emmerdale leads up the Maya Stepney attack drama that David Metcalfe is facing serious accusations
Is he responsible?
Emmerdale's David Metcalfe has difficult questions to answer next week after Maya Stepney is attacked.
David (Matthew Wolfenden) becomes the chief suspect after someone whispers in Maya after her decision to return to the village.
Scenes that fly later this week see David's father Eric Pollard catching Maya (Louisa Clein) who spies on Jacob Gallagher far from. This sparks a showdown that Eric gives Maya an ultimatum.
Although we cannot reveal exact circumstances, Maya may have access to the hospital after a violent event a few days later.
PC Swirling is quick to visit David to ask him some questions, while Jacob also thinks his father is responsible.
Mourning with the situation, David leads the hospital to meet Maya and they replace some angry words, just as PC Swirling arrives.
Maya confirms who attacked her and when David is escorted by Swirling, he is worried about seeing Jacob wait outside. It is obvious that the disturbing link between Maya and Jacob is as strong as ever.
Once back home, Jacob reveals an important piece of information that allows some of David's friends and families to turn their backs on him.
David already feels alone after the turbulent events, but he stops doing something the next day that can make things worse. Is David now on a downward spiral?
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Emmerdale spoilers: Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle take revenge on Victoria Barton’s rapist Lee
Emmerdale’s Robert Sugden (Ryan Hawley) and Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller) are set to take matters into their own hands in the quest for justice against Victoria Barton’s (Isabel Hodgins) rapist Lee – but will they end up taking things too far and making things worse?
Victoria’s life was shattered when she was brutally attacked in her own home by the predator following a night out. Since then she has been left shaken but determined that he doesn’t hurt another woman but Robert is becoming increasingly angry at the fact that Lee is still a free man.
Still struggling to get his head around Victoria’s decision to keep the baby, Robert reveals to Aaron that he is going to have it out with Lee at the car dealership where he works. Aaron decides it would be best if he accompanied his husband, knowing that he has a penchant for taking things too far.
The pair believe that they can get Lee to confess to raping Victoria but will their hopes be shattered as Lee remains adamant that the sex was consensual? Pictures have already been released of Aaron and Robert upping the ante by putting posters of Lee branding him a rapist on all the cars at the dealership – which seems to be a sign that they fail to get the confession that they hope for.
But when Lee offers to take the couple for a test drive in one of the cars, seemingly oblivious to who they are, the cogs in Robert’s mind are working. How will he try and take advantage of this situation and will he resort to heavy handed tactics when he manages to get Lee alone?
And, if so, will this only serve to make Victoria’s case and chances of justice through the courts weaker?
It remainas to be seen what Robron do next – but in a situation as precarious as this, one wrong move could have disastrous consequences.
Have you been affected by this storyline? Rape Crisis can help...
You can find information, support and advice by visiting Rape Crisis. 0808 802 999 is the confidential helpline number.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Emmerdale star Alexander Lincoln reveals new feud as Jamie Tate's family arrive
It's Andrea vs Kim.
Emmerdale star Alexander Lincoln has revealed that Jamie Tate will be torn between his wife and his mum after his secret family arrive in the village.
Show bosses have announced that Jamie will be joined by his wife Andrea and their young daughter Millie next week, as fans finally get their explanation over what Kim's son has been hiding.
While Jamie is optimistic that his family can be happy at Home Farm, it's fair to say that Andrea and Kim won't be the best of friends.
Speaking about the drama to come, Alexander explained: "I think Jamie has been fairly open with Andrea, telling her what his mum has done and who she is. He has tried to paint a picture of Kim to Andrea.
Jamie Tate's secret family arrive in Emmerdale
"You'll see that Andrea is less innocent than Jamie is. Jamie doesn't assume the worst of people – apart from his mum! Andrea is a bit more hard, so that makes it quite interesting when her and Kim meet.
"Andrea is not going to take any nonsense from Kim and there'll be a dramatic relationship there."
Discussing whether Andrea is really a match for someone as fearsome as Kim, Alexander continued: "She's not manipulative like Kim is, but there's a definite feistiness. Andrea cares for Jamie and she knows about things that have happened with Kim in the past.
"Andrea wants to protect Jamie – and oddly enough, that's what Kim is trying to do as well. You've got two women who want to do what's best for Jamie, and he's caught in the middle of this swirl of emotions."
Jamie Tate's secret family arrive in Emmerdale
Emmerdale fans will also have to watch out to see how Kim deals with the revelation that she's now a grandmother.
Alexander laughed: "She does not like being a grandma at all – Granny Kim! She hates it.
"Kim has also got the idea of Jamie being her little boy. She didn't expect him to have a family at all. In her mind, she thinks it's all very quick and she doesn't really like the person that Andrea is anyway. She thinks Jamie can do better."
Emmerdale airs Andrea's arrival on Monday, June 3 at 7pm on ITV.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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7 huge Emmerdale fan theories that will blow your mind
What's next for the villagers? The superfans have some ideas.
Emmerdale fan theories, Cain Dingle, Robert Sugden, Moira Dingle.
In recent months, Emmerdale has really gained momentum. With new arrivals, flashback surprises during the special Big Night Out episodes, heartbreaking and hard-hitting storylines for Victoria and Lisa and, of course, the gripping twists in abusive Maya's downfall – it's been exciting stuff.
We all know one sign of a great soap storyline is if it gets fans talking. Currently, Emmerdale has a wealth of fan theories about what might happen next. Social media has been rife with speculation and we've put together some of the best theories for you to ponder over. Do they sound probable or are they way off the mark?
1. Victoria will give her baby to Robron
Victoria Barton confides in Moira Dingle in Emmerdale
One of the biggest Emmerdale theories of the moment centres around the outcome of Victoria's pregnancy after her horrific rape. As this storyline has played out in parallel to Robert and Aaron's struggling surrogacy plans, fans have put two and two together and speculated that Vic will give her baby to Robron.
While we know Victoria is pregnant, not much has been said yet about whether she plans to go ahead and have the baby. With brother Robert desperate to have a child with his husband Aaron, could Victoria's tragedy have an unexpected outcome for all three of them?
In truth, we have our doubts on this one, as it wasn't so long ago that Victoria was desperate for a baby herself, so we'll just have to wait and see what she decides...
I'm wondering if Victoria will have her baby and give it to Robron #emmerdale
— Ann beverley (@anniebev6) May 15, 2019
Robert and Aaron are going to bring up Victoria’s baby aren’t they #emmerdale
— Kelly Mew🧚‍♂️ (@x_kelx) May 14, 2019
I wonder if Aaron and Robert will have Victoria’s baby 🤔 #Emmerdale
— Lindsay Kaye Clamp x (@lindsay_kayex) May 10, 2019
2. Maya has groomed other boys
Maya Stepney in the woods in Emmerdale
Ever since manipulative Maya began worming her way into Jacob's affections, viewers have wondered whether she has done this before. She might have protested her innocence to the police and Jacob's loved ones, but her efforts to groom him have shown a clever and vindictive woman at work. Could it be that there are other victims of Maya out there? Could they be the cause of her downfall?
Viewers were quick to pick up on ex-husband Liam Cavanagh's reaction to her arrest and after all, it was Leanna who tried to warn the villagers what Maya was like long before we saw her true colours. Will it emerge that Maya has done this before?
Now it's out in the open it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that Maya has done this before. #Emmerdale
— Penn Wooding (@BrixhamUK) May 22, 2019
Going to guess that this grooming #Emmerdale storyline will finally end with the revelation that Maya has done this before and that Maya isn’t her name.
Yes, I watch Emmerdale. 🐏🐄🐓
— Jim Doran (@jai_dee) May 22, 2019
Maya must have previous form surely?? Jacob can't be her first victim 🤔 #Emmerdale
— pollyk (@joy9kat) February 28, 2019
3. Laurel and Jai set to be Emmerdale's next big romance
Charlotte Bellamy as Laurel Thomas in Emmerdale
Forget Robron, Coira or Vanity – could Emmerdale's next biggest ship be Jaurel? After Laurel's disastrous affair with Bob, are producers lining up her next romance with another unlikely admirer? Fans think they've spotted sparks in the Sharma sweet factory between Jai and Laurel, and they've certainly been spending more time together in recent months.
Since Jai's last relationship with con artist Nell ended badly, he's been on his own and even actor Chris Bisson expressed interest in Jai having a bit of happiness. What do you reckon, could that be with Laurel?
Anyone else getting the feeling that Laurel and Jai are going to end up together? #Emmerdale
— Anzi (@Monkey_Moom) April 10, 2019
Is it me or are we getting Jai & Laurel vibe? 😊 #Emmerdale
— Sulagna (@maitra_sulagna) April 10, 2019
Think there's going to be a Jai and Laurel romance.. #Emmerdale @ITV
— Eleri (@EleriEdwards) March 21, 2019
4. Moira or Cain will cheat
Moira Dingle in Emmerdale
It hasn't gone unnoticed that things have been strained between Cain and Moira of late. With Cain spending more time with ex-flame Harriet, and Moira left to confide in new farmhand Nate, even the couple themselves seem to be aware they've hit a rough patch. With frostiness at Butler's and each of them spending more alone time with others, could this be a sign that Coira are doomed to split?
Theories circulating have predicted Cain might return to the arms of Harriet again or Nate's attraction to an older woman might mean he'll bunk up with Moira.
But Coira fans might not need to worry too much yet as actor Jeff Hordley's recent interview on This Morning suggested Cain and Moira are solid. Unless this was just to throw us off the scent...
I really don't understand where emmerdale going with the Cain/Harriet and Moira/Nate. I just know they love messing the Cain and Moria fans around. I just want them to have a decent storyline. Not in involving exs. I'm not worried about Coria they love each other ☺☺☺#Emmerdale
— Royal Princess Alice Rinderette 😘😘😘😘😊😊 (@WoodhouseAlice) May 16, 2019
Still can't help but feel the writers of emmerdale are going to split Coira up .Cain getting close to Harriet and then Moira cosies up to Nate not feeling positive but normally turns out ok
— Coirafanatic (@Lunascatcat) May 19, 2019
5. Is Mandy Dingle dying?
Chas Dingle attacks Mandy Dingle in Emmerdale
You might think the Dingles have had enough tragedy in recent times, but that doesn't stop fans speculating that there's more on the way. When Mandy Dingle returned earlier this year, she hinted that she hadn't revealed her biggest secret, and left without another word. While some fans predicted that her son Vinny could be Paddy's, others had more heartbreaking ideas.
Could Mandy's real secret be a terminal illness? Was her brief visit to Emmerdale to set up a later story where she makes peace with her family and comes home to die? Whatever Mandy's secret, we'd love to see Lisa Riley back in the village – her fun return was all too brief.
Is Mandy ill?? #Emmerdale
— All About Soap & Reality (@about_soap) January 8, 2019
6. Jamie's mystery caller is Joe Tate
Alexander Lincoln as Jamie Tate in Emmerdale
There's no better way to get soap fans speculating than by throwing in a mystery phone call. Newcomer Jamie Tate has so far seemed nice as pie compared to his mother Kim, despite being embroiled in a car accident in his first week. Nevertheless, Jamie seemed clean cut until we saw he was hiding a secret – twelve missed calls.
Fans' thoughts immediately turned to Joe, once presumed dead and now AWOL somewhere in the world. Could it be him who's trying to get in touch with his estranged uncle? Or is there someone else desperate to get in touch with Jamie?
I bet you that’s joe ringing jamie #emmerdale
— 🌚 (@nottjayy) May 16, 2019
Did anyone else notice Jamie having missed calls from an unknown number? It's Joe Tate!!! He's coming home! 😀
— Dan (@DanONeil95) May 16, 2019
7. Adam Barton will make a return to the village
Victoria and Adam Barton fear Pete has threatened their adoption chances in Emmerdale
After Victoria's rape ordeal, we've only just begun to watch her heartbreaking story. But some viewers are already predicting there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Could a return of Victoria's ex-husband Adam Barton give her back some happiness?
We've seen how much Victoria misses him and with actor Adam Thomas reportedly keen to return, we wouldn't rule it out. But just what would this mean for Moira and her killer secret?
@emmerdale I think Victoria will keep the baby and Adam returns #Emmerdale
— Tam LizAnn ODriscoll (@tamlizann) May 9, 2019
Victoria will give the baby to Robert and Aaron and go in search of Adam her true love
— helen (@Helenwo21468879) May 10, 2019
Emmerdale airs weeknights on ITV.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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Robron Seek Revenge!
Emmerdale’s Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle aka Robron seek revenge against Victoria’s rapist in new spoiler pictures
Emmerdale powercouple Robert Sugden and Aaron Dingle, best known as Robron, appear to try and get revenge against Victoria Barton’s rapist in brand new spoiler pictures obtained by Digital Spy.
According to Digital Spy, actors Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller, who play the popular pair, have been spotted filming on location for dramatic scenes which see Lee forced to face some consequences.
Paparazzi photographs show that Robert and Aaron will soon take direct action by visiting the car showroom where rapist Lee works.
They speak to staff at the business and are seen clutching incriminating posters, so it seems that they may have taken revenge to expose his true colours.
The posters show Lee’s face with the word ‘rapist’, which is sure to provoke some shocked reactions from his colleagues and customers. But how will Victoria react if she finds out?
Emmerdale films its scenes a few weeks in advance, so this episode won’t air until June at the earliest. The photos also show a slightly happier mood once the cameras had stopped rolling.
The ITV soap aired moving scenes scenes last week, as Victoria confided in Moira Dingle about how Lee raped her after they’d met on a night out.
Since then, Victoria has reported Lee to the police and has also confided in Diane Sugden, Robert and Aaron with the news that she’s pregnant with her attacker’s baby.
Victoria has headed off for a break with Robert, who wanted to help his sister clear her head after the traumatic time she has faced.
An Emmerdale spokesperson had previously warned of Robert’s revenge plans, telling Inside Soap: “Victoria was so traumatised after the assault that she couldn’t face a medical examination, and also disposed of the clothes and bed linen from the night in question.
“The idea that Lee might get away with what he did to her doesn’t bear thinking about for her or her family, and Robert isn’t just the sort of person who can just sit back and do nothing.”
Will Robron get their revenge? Tune into Emmerdale weeknights at 7pm.
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emmerdalesweden · 5 years
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