emomemelordess · 5 years
Yes please
HC that when Bucky is asleep, Sam Wilson writes impish messages on Bucky’s metal arm using letter-shaped refrigerator magnets. 
Usually along the lines of “I M STUPID”
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Yes please!!!
DeeJay Drop That Bass
Imagine being a street DJ that started in a small rich town that usually doesn’t accept that. You’ve climbed up the ladder and have always felt the beat wherever you go, always wearing a pair of headphones blaring dubstep remixes, and your recent wanderings have lead you to New York. 
Loki, who’s stuck in Avengers Tower on house arrest, can only leave the tower with supervision, so Thor, ever the loving brother, takes him out for a tour. They come across you, and Loki finds your music mesmerizing. He’s never heard anything like it in Asgard. You’ve got your traveling case open to be filled with tips, and it doesn’t have much in it– maybe about two hundred by his estimate. He insists on forcing Thor to put some in, and you give Loki a grateful wink in response– from somebody that had a neon faux hawk, he didn’t expect that. Much to everyone’s amusement, he forces somebody to take him out every afternoon to listen to you, putting more and more tips in your traveling case, and during your breaks, asks you about your music. A friendship– maybe something more– blossoms between the two of you. 
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Peter, trying to do his homework: *repeatedly slams his pencil down on a blank sheet of paper*
Peter, sobbing: THIS. IS.
Y/n: *sits down beside him* Something tells me you need some help...
Peter, flopping his head onto the table: *nods*
Y/n, feeling your phone buzz in your pocket: *reads Loki’s text*
Loki: I miss you.
Y/n, quickly texting back: Helping Peter, be there soon.
Y/n, turning back to Peter: So, what are you trying to write?
Peter, sniffling: I have to write a poem for school... and I SUCK at it.
Y/n: *feels your phone buzz again*
Y/n: *looks down*
Loki: Is there a way I can convince you to come now?
Y/n: *texts back* I won’t be long, I promise.
Peter: Uh, y/n?
Y/n, putting your phone down: Sorry.
Y/n: *hears your phone buzz again* So how far have you gotten?
Peter: *holds up his crumpled piece of paper*
Y/n: I see.
Peter: It’s due tomorrow and I have NOTHING.
Y/n: *hears your phone vibrate for the 12th time* Peter just give me a sec.
Y/n: *opens your messages to see 12 shirtless photos of Loki*
Peter, peeking at your screen: Is that Loki?
Y/n: *slams your phone down on the table*
Y/n: *nervously giggles* NO.
Y/n: So, uh, POETRY-
Loki, appearing from nowhere: Did you say poetry? Lucky for you, I’m an expert.
Y/n: Loki, I think it’s better if I help him-
Loki: Are you questioning my poetry skills?
Loki, plopping down in a chair: First thing you need is inspiration. Anything or anyone in particular?
Peter: *blushes* Well there is SOMEONE...
Loki: Do tell.
Peter: *avoids Loki’s eyes* Um... I need my pencil sharpener.
Peter: *runs out*
Loki, turning to you: You stopped answering me... I got worried.
Loki: ...did you see my photos?
Y/n: *faintly blushes* Yes, I saw your photos.
Loki: *grins* Did you like them?
Y/n: *mutters* Yes...
Loki, pulling out his phone: I have some others I was meaning to send you, I can show you now-
Loki: *begins to scroll through his photos*
Y/n, eyes wide: *stares at all 64 of them* Damn-
Peter, running back in: I think I have an idea!
Y/n: *grabs Loki’s phone and chucks it across the room*
Peter, sharpening his pencil: Roses are red, violets are blue...
Loki, under his breath: All my dirty thoughts involve you.
Peter: *pauses sharpening* Sorry?
Loki: Wait I have another one.
Y/n: Loki, I don’t think-
Loki: *places his finger over your lips*
Loki: Roses are red, sunflowers are gold...
Loki: *whispers into your ear* Get down on your knees... and do as your TOLD.
Y/n: *turns a very vibrant pink*
Peter, overhearing: *frowns* I don’t think I can use that one...
Y/n, whipping around to look at Peter: DON’T USE THAT ONE.
Tony, walking in: What’s with all the SHOUTING?
Tony: *sees Loki’s still open phone on the ground*
Tony, picking up Loki’s phone: *begins to scroll through his photos*
Tony, horrified: *stares at you and Loki* Alright BOTH of you...
Tony: *points at the door* ...GET OUT.
Taglist: @bluebunnlee @chroniclesofmedicine @klanceiscannon14 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @soulnoon @imjustaworldoffandom @wildmoonstone @ironmaidenmidgardqueen @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites @hanyasnape @anti-socialish @peterman-spideyparker @iamverity @lilangeldevil006 @amyofasgard @riptstark @ejectur @thatspongebobkidmeme @emomemelordess @bluefrenchfries604 @jim-the-fallen-fan @lili-arwen @dragongirl642 @btsiguess-kpop @s2pidhead @littleredstarfish @madisonlupin @burdenedwithglcriouspurpose @kesi-everlynn @hellothedoctorisreal @shitilikeandstuff @sophie-barnes26
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Why can I see this tho?
Y/n: Can we go now?
Thor, finishing breakfast: Once I retrieve Mjolnir from my rooms, we can leave-
Loki, strutting in: *flips Mjolnir in his hand* Sorry, you mean this?
Y/n: *falls out of your chair*
Tony, pouring coffee onto his hand: No. WAY.
Bruce: *chokes on toast*
Steve: *slams his newspaper onto the table* Seriously? Is EVERYONE worthy now??
Vision: *shrugs*
Loki: *cries with laughter* YOUR. FACES.
Loki: *Mjolnir disappears from his hand*
Thor: Wait... it’s not real?
Loki: Of COURSE it’s not real.
Thor, holding out his hand: *the real Mjolnir comes flying to him*
Thor: *places his hammer down* For a moment there, I was SURE...
Y/n: *looks between Mjolnir and Loki* You know...
Y/n, standing up: You should give it a try, Loki.
Loki: *scoffs* I will NOT ridicule myself in front of you lot.
Thor: Come now, Loki, you’ve proven yourself time and time again.
Loki, placing his hand on Mjolnir’s handle: You know what I think? You just want a good LAUGH.
Thor: I think you’re just scared.
Loki: Scared? Me?
Y/n: *nods* You’re DYING to know, you’re just too frightened to find out.
Loki, absentmindedly picks up Mjolnir: *uses it to point at you* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Y/n: *slowly raises your eyebrows*
Loki: As if I’d even CARE if I could pick up-
Loki, stares down at Mjolnir: -this worthless piece of...
Loki: *holds it higher* ... junk.
The Avengers:
The world:
Thor: ...I KNEW IT.
Taglist: @bluebunnlee @klanceiscannon14 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @soulnoon @wildmoonstone @ironmaidenmidgardqueen @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites @hanyasnape @anti-socialish @peterman-spideyparker @iamverity @lilangeldevil006 @amyofasgard @riptstark @ejectur @thatspongebobkidmeme @emomemelordess @bluefrenchfries604 @jim-the-fallen-fan @lili-arwen @dragongirl642 @btsiguess-kpop @littleredstarfish @madisonlupin @burdenedwithglcriouspurpose @hellothedoctorisreal @shitilikeandstuff @sophie-barnes26 @electroma89
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Tony, sitting across from Thor and Loki: *looks between the two of them* You know…
Tony: *leans back in his chair* I’m surprised neither of you realized sooner that you weren’t related.
Thor, fork halfway to his mouth: What are you getting at, Stark?
Loki, picking at his food: *slowly looks at Tony*
Tony: Besides the obvious differences in physical appearance? I mean, just personality wise…
Tony, laughing: One of you commits mass murder and the other is as terrifying as a golden retriever-
Loki, standing up: *slams his hands down on the table* 
Loki: Alright, I’ve had ENOUGH.
Loki: *angrily looks at the Avengers seated around him* Not ONE of you have ever bothered to ask…
Loki: *holds up the security band around his wrist* Not ONCE was I allowed to tell MY story.
Loki: The worlds I’ve seen, the nightmares I’ve walked through…
Loki, staring at his plate: *quietly* I close my eyes and I see those… those THINGS watching me.
Loki: I see that mad titan LOOMING over me, reminding me that failure isn’t an option-
Thor: Brother-
Loki: *glares at him* SHUT IT. I’M NOT FINISHED. 
Thor: *quickly closes his mouth*
Loki: *looks at each Avenger in turn* For MONTHS he was in my mind… listening… constantly WATCHING… 
Loki: I did what I could to SURVIVE, to prove that I was worth something…and it was only when the link was broken, did I realize that I was merely a pawn on his chessboard…
Loki: *slowly turns back to Thor*
Loki, voice strained: You think I never wanted to go home? You think I’d prefer this… this DECAYING realm to Asgard?
Loki: *blinks quickly* But the horrors I’ve endured, the punishment he threatened me with… the unending pain he swore to inflict on me if I failed him…
Loki: *swallows* What kind of choice did I have-
Steve: Loki, I think you’ve made your point. Just sit down-
Loki: I will NOT. Tell me, captain, what makes a HERO?
Loki: *suddenly points at Natasha* YOU…
Loki: How many atrocities have you committed, Romanoff? And yet you’re allowed to walk free while I stand here in CHAINS.  
Loki: *stares at his brother* And need I remind you of the beings you’ve killed in your recklessness? Or how your dear father has murdered more than I can BOTHER to count.
Loki: *turns to Tony* And the things I could say about you, Stark…
Loki: *angrily laughs* You are all ‘heroes’… you’ve all supposedly proven your worth and yet I… I am unsavable, unredeemable, completely and utterly WORTHLESS.
Loki: *plops down in his seat*
Loki, shoving his plate away: *puts his head in his hands*
Y/n, sitting next to him: *stares at your plate*
Y/n: *slowly wraps your arms around Loki*
The Avengers: …
Tony: I’d like to add-
Y/n: *whips your head around to glare at Tony* One more word out of you and I will PERSONALLY duct tape your mouth shut.
Taglist: @bluebunnlee @klanceiscannon14 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @soulnoon  @wildmoonstone @ironmaidenmidgardqueen @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites @hanyasnape @anti-socialish @peterman-spideyparker @iamverity @lilangeldevil006 @amyofasgard @riptstark @ejectur @thatspongebobkidmeme @emomemelordess  @bluefrenchfries604 @jim-the-fallen-fan @lili-arwen @dragongirl642 @btsiguess-kpop @littleredstarfish @madisonlupin @burdenedwithglcriouspurpose @hellothedoctorisreal @shitilikeandstuff @sophie-barnes26 @btab66 @dearreaderme
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emomemelordess · 5 years
*very deep almost demonic voice* YES!!!!!
Y/n, sitting next to Loki: *watches Pepper open a pile of gifts*
Loki: *leans over* So, when do we shower the babies?
Y/n, staring at him: I’m… SORRY?
Loki: This is a BABY SHOWER, is it not?
Y/n: *laughs* It’s not a LITERAL baby shower-
Loki, confused: But the name IMPLIES-
Y/n: *pats his arm* Hold that thought Pepper’s opening our present.
Pepper, holding up your gift: *smiles* Thanks guys.
Loki: *whispers* Can we go now?
Y/n: *whispers back* No, not yet.
Tony: *stands by Pepper’s side* Was that the last present?
Pepper: *nods*
Loki, still whispering: But I-
Y/n, patting his arm again: One second, I think Tony wants to say something.
Loki, sighing: *slouches in his chair*
Tony: *looks around at everyone* I’d like to thank everyone for coming. It means a lot.
Tony, resting his hand on Pepper’s chair: To say that I’m excited is an understatement. My dad wasn’t the best role model, but I…
Tony, looking at the ground: I…
Tony: *laughs* You know what, let me just say…
Tony, kneeling down: *kisses Pepper’s bump* I can’t wait for you to get here.
Loki: *stares at Tony and Pepper*
Loki: *looks back at you*
Loki: *looks back at Tony*
Loki, eyes shining: *slowly turns back to you* I WANT that.
Y/n, turning to Loki: You mean a baby?
Loki, excitedly taking your hands: YES THAT. I want THAT… and I want it…
Loki: *whispers* …with you.
Taglist: @bluebunnlee @klanceiscannon14 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @soulnoon  @wildmoonstone @ironmaidenmidgardqueen @sociallyawkwardbeanwhowrites @hanyasnape @anti-socialish @peterman-spideyparker @iamverity @lilangeldevil006 @amyofasgard @riptstark @ejectur @thatspongebobkidmeme @emomemelordess  @bluefrenchfries604 @jim-the-fallen-fan @lili-arwen @dragongirl642 @btsiguess-kpop @littleredstarfish @madisonlupin @burdenedwithglcriouspurpose @hellothedoctorisreal @shitilikeandstuff @sophie-barnes26 @btab66 @dearreaderme @marshyrebelcloud @eclecticlokibytomhiddleston @lokitty-is-my-spirit-animal
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emomemelordess · 5 years
THIS IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loki’s Cupcake
TITLE: Loki’s Cupcakes
ONE SHOT : One-Shot
AUTHOR: Solaramoonset
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Reader and Loki try to steal food from the kitchens and you almost make it successfully until Thor catches you both. You both wind up throwing some sweets at him and bolt, leaving him shaking his head annoyed but also amused at your antics.
RATING: Everyone
NOTES: Written on cell phone. Loosely based on the Imagine. Also on AO3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/20823920/chapters/49500914
At first I thought I’d be caught and punished. Taking food after hours had got me punished at every group home I’d ever been to. But that first night, I didn’t see anyone. Nor did I meet anyone on the second or third nights.
The fourth night was different. Someone else was in the kitchen when I got there. I was still as a statue as the adult eyed me. I’d never met this man before, but then again Mr. Rogers did say that other people lived here too.
“I didn’t know Stark allowed children in his precious tower.” the stranger was angry, I had gotten good at reading anger from people.
“Don’t know… Stark.” I whispered, my voice shaking. The stranger tilted his head.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Straight MOOD
Imagine you’re Loki’s lover, and most of the time he’s tender and caring. But when he is angry he pushes you away, knowing that in that mood he won’t control what he says.
One day, when he’s in a VERY bad mood, you decide to stay with him instead of leaving as he command you. You try to calm him by hugging him and stroking his hair. After the second time he asks you to leave and you refuse to do so, he starts yelling at you hurtful things.
You, being used to a kind and sweet Loki, start crying and leave his room.
Loki of course regrets his words as soon as they came out, and his heart breaks when he sees you leaving full of tears.
He runs after you, and when he finds you in the middle of the garden still crying, he kneels before you and starts begging for your forgiveness, telling you that he loves you more than anything and that he wouldn’t be able to live without you.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Thank you Neko...
I can call you Neko right?
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Let me explain the context of this scene for a moment. Loki has been told his whole life that he was an Odinson. That he was an equal to Thor and that he has just as much birthright to the throne as his older brother. Now imagine that after a millennia of believing this about yourself and constructing an entire life based on this assumption, you suddenly find out that you’re a monster. 
As the God of Mischief, you played a harmless prank on your brother during his coronation to prevent him from becoming King a little while longer. All you wanted was to stay on equal footing as princes of Asgard rather than kneeling before your perfect brother and future King of Asgard. You didn’t mean for Thor to go to Jotunheim and attack the Frost Giants but he never heeded your advice. You are just his younger brother that everyone mocks and ridicules. 
Suddenly, you are fighting for your life in a frozen wasteland and a Frost Giant touches you, meaning to cause frostbite and kill you. But you don’t get an injury from his freezing skin, you don’t feel anything at all. Instead, you look down and your own skin starts to resemble the monsters that you and your friends are trying to fend off. You’re completely confused by the situation but you don’t have time to think. 
The Allfather arrives and saves your group from certain death but immediately upon returning home, your brother and father begin to argue. You stand there quietly, finally having a moment to reflect on what just happened. Then you realize it. You’re a Jotun. 
Your older brother that you admire and love more dearly than anyone else is saying he wants all the Jotuns to fear him just as they fear their father. You become terrified that your own brother will kill you if he found out what you truly are. You look up at the at the man you called your father to watch his reaction as Thor shouts the words that just broke your heart. 
The Allfather doesn’t even notice that you’re falling apart inside yet the legends say he can see everything that transpires around him. He has lied to you about everything and yet won’t even look you in the eyes. Should you fear him at this moment? What was his reason for hiding the truth from you? What will all of Asgard say when they find out? Will you be banished or killed? 
A million thoughts are running through your head like a tide of rushing water, destroying all the memories you’ve once cherished and drowning you in fear.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
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Celebrate Banned Books Week by reading more!
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Loki: *breathes*
Me: *wipes away a tear* Beautiful, majestic, absolute PERFECTION. A soft boi, a tiny bean. Must hug, must protect at all costs.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
That’s called being asexual... it effin sucks man...
Imagine Loki having a lover who cannot actually orgasm. They still enjoy sex, the making out, getting aroused, the closeness of it…. But actually penetration does nothing for them and they simply can’t orgasm as anyone else would recognize it. No screaming, no nail taking, no gasps, just a soft sigh of pleasure and then turning where they can watch Loki fuck them.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Imagine, one night, Loki waking up to see Tony standing over his bed with his arms stretched out.
He sleepily grumbles, “What in the name of Jormungandr’s hairy left nostril are you doing, Stark?”
“I.. I’m T-posing to assert dominance!” whimpers Tony, before Loki mutters a few Norse swearwords, magics up a mouldy nectarine, throws it at his [Tony’s] face, shoves him out of the room and goes back to sleep.
(Why would Tony be doing this? Too much caffeine and too little sleep, probably…)
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Yes please!!!
Loki is very good at shapeshifting, we all know that. But suppose that if he uses it in battles, like they are almost on the verge if losing and Loki just turns into something huge and the Asgardians win, like:
Fandral (trying to kill some aliens): This is not working out, we’re out numbered. Where is Thor? We need his lightening.
Sif (slicing an alien’s neck): He’s fighting with a beast. I doubt if he can hear us.
Thor: *struggling*
Vokstagg: If he doesn’t come soon we are all going to die.
Hogun: We need something big and powerful. These things are out numbering us.
Fandral (loudly): Okay. So, anyone on our side hiding any special abilities would like to disclose!
Loki: *stabs an alien* *sees more coming* *covers himself in green mist* *puff* *stapeshifts into a huge fucking fire breathing dragon and burns the enemies to ashes*
Everyone: *stunned silence*
Fandral (jaw dropping): I take everything back I’ve ever said to him. Odin if you’re listening to me right now, please don’t make him kill me.
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emomemelordess · 5 years
Yes!!! This would be ADORABLE!!!
Imagine not being able to have children for some reason. Perhaps Reader has dogs/cats/animals as their child(ren). Now, imagine readers most mischievous animal child getting Loki to meet reader.
(I need this. If the animal’s name is Loki, AND if written in the pet’s point of view)
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emomemelordess · 5 years
YES!!!!!!!! I NEED dad!Loki rn!!!
Imagine that a child who’s developed aquakinetic powers under somewhat traumatic circumstances is brought to live with the Avengers, and they immediately glom onto Loki as being the least intimidating grown-up in the building, seizing his leg and trying to hide in his cape (though they eventually warm up to Thor, at least).
Loki ends up adopting the kid, of course ^^
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emomemelordess · 5 years
I need some more tasertricks man...
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I am not getting stabbed in the name of science.
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