emortal-em · 5 years
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emortal-em · 5 years
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How to Succeed in College, by findx
I’m currently a college sophomore at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and thought I would share my tips for doing the best you can. College isn’t easy, so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward!
Go to lectures. In college, no one is forcing you to go class, so you have to motivate yourself to get up and go. If you really have to miss a class, contact your professor and ask what you missed. Also, some professors dock your grades for absences and tardies. Even if there’s no attendance policy, you should still go to lecture so you don’t miss important info.
Get a planner. Write down all important dates, like classes, club meetings, social outings, etc. and bring your planner everywhere so you don’t forget to write something down! If you don’t like planners, you can use Google Calendar or iCal. To-do list apps like Any.Do are also good.
Read your syllabus. Jot down important dates like your midterm and final into your planner, and make sure you know how much each assignment is worth! In some classes, homework is 40% of your grade, but in others, it’s only 10%. Also check for the office hours of your professors. This can make a big difference as the semester continues and your workload piles up.
Use your resources. MIT has tons of free peer tutoring available, and I’m sure other schools have similar opportunities for students to seek out help. You’re not paying so much tuition in order to not use all the resources your university is offering you! Also make sure to attend office hours if you have any questions.
Ask questions in class. If something in class is confusing you, ask about it. I know it’s a little scary, but you’re probably not the only person confused, so you’ll be doing everyone a favor. Plus, asking questions is a good way to get your professor to know and remember you.
Read the chapter before lecture. This gives you a basis of information to expand on in class and makes class way smoother. This is really important in your more difficult classes because it gives you less to learn new material in class. Also, you’ll have more meaningful questions to ask in class.
Avoid procrastination. Break your assignments into smaller pieces and set dates to finish each part  so it seems less daunting. This way, you won’t have to turn in a rushed, low quality or unfinished project or problem set, and helps you manage stress. Another method you can try is writing down earlier due dates in your planner, so you trick yourself into thinking the deadline is earlier than it truly is.
Do your homework. Homework problems often mirror problems on the exams. Even if it’s only a completion grade, or 5% of your grade, or whatever, you should still try to do your homework to the best of your ability. If you’re struggling with a certain problem, you’ll be able to go to office hours and ask questions about it, so you’ll understand the material better on the test.
Study efficiently. If friends distract you, study alone. If you need extra motivation to actually study, get a study partner. Turn your phone on silent and put it face down so you can’t see when you get notifications. Use Quizlet, flashcards, practice tests, your old exams, quizzes, and homework – whatever works for you. If you need a break, get up and take a walk or move to a new location.
Get some sleep! Sleep helps you retain information better. Sure, all-nighters might sound like a good idea, but you’ll be drowsy and unproductive the next day. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night.
Good luck!
Check out my other posts on how to make extra money online and how to take care of your skin. If you’re still in high school, I have posts on writing college essays and prepping for the ACT.
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emortal-em · 5 years
School junior year/senior
Classes I want/Signed up for:
1. Duel credit 102
2. AP-Stats
3. AP-Physiology
4. German
5. Band
6. Instrumental tech
7. One more I can’t remember but think is a study hall.
What I think for senior year?
1. What ever English class they have left for me to take... because right now I’m at the highest there is to take
2. A financial math class if they let me because I’m at the highest I can take
3. Band
4. A study hall
5. Forensics/AP environmental/AP Bio
6. German 2
7. Maybe I’ll aid or something 🤷🏻‍♀️
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emortal-em · 5 years
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The Welters Challenge 2019: Week Two- Destiny
I become the phoenix,  Once again transforming destiny. We brace before the fates descending, With resolution never ending.
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emortal-em · 5 years
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77K notes · View notes
emortal-em · 5 years
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emortal-em · 5 years
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No other than Loki looks this mischievous even when just turning around.
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emortal-em · 5 years
Parenting not from toxic ways our parents did to us
Speak life into each other
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emortal-em · 5 years
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there’s something in the forest
that’s making these flowers bloom
so I’ve been offering some sweets and shiny things
and now I can hear whispered “thank you”s
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emortal-em · 5 years
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- Alice are you ok?
- Let’s go get some snacks
Kady used such a soft caring voice when she said that. She was so worried about Alice. And the way she touched her arm. Like pls. 
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emortal-em · 5 years
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emortal-em · 5 years
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emortal-em · 5 years
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The Physical Kings - Pansexual Flag Moodboard
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emortal-em · 5 years
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emortal-em · 5 years
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My April monthly layout! 🌸
You can watch me draw this up and explain why this quote hit me in my April Plan With Me YouTube video:
IG luxinyourlife
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emortal-em · 6 years
*opens fortune cookie and it just says BITCH in all caps*
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emortal-em · 6 years
Just your daily reminders:
Racists are a problem
White people are not
Homophobes are a problem
Straight people are not
Transphobes are a problem
Cis people are not
Sexists are a problem
Men are not
And most importantly,
Hating an innocent person solely because of their race, sexuality, or gender makes you a fucking asshole
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