empereor · 10 years
my dearest mother ;
      ❝Miss Nero! Could you come take a look--?❞
      Viridescent hues flick toward the doorway of the prodigious room, the current arrangement where it is she is to rest accordingly. Spring comes forth with no regards to preparation, the cleanliness of the household coming into question whilst those of maids skitter about in their utmost to cleanse each chamber thoroughly, restoring the pristine conditions it once retained. Bare feet plod tenderly against glimmering tiles before passing beyond the threshold to her room.
      Her mouth opens to inquire of what they required, only to perceive the one who hailed her pointing at an peculiar, ornate vial that sits atop the alabaster nightstand. Loosely her right wrist flicks, prompting this specific maid to step aside so she might move forward to examine the foreign object. Arms cross, eyes analyzing each carve in the glass which contains the carmine liquid, perfectly still as if having stood there without disturbance. Ah, but curious she does grow. Thus, a hand extends, taking careful hold to rest within her palm as she lifts it.
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      ❝Such an obedient child,❞ the voice coos sickeningly sweet, steeping with venom akin to a viper ready to strike. Lithe fingers tilt the silvern chalice that chills coral lips in attempt for every droplet to be consumed by the discomforted daughter. ❝A shame, to fall ill, if it were not to remain so...❞
      Lips twist into a minuscule frown, her very own digits lifting to apply pressure unto her delicate throat as if it would quell this burning figment that trickles with each swallow, as if recollecting something once long forgotten. Diminutive are the trembles upon the hand which wields the petite carafe, her grip tightening in a flare of her temper, crushing it so. The noxious liquid splatters across once freshened flooring, shards laced within it, as the housekeeper stares in mild concern of this act.
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      ❝Are you to exist there, inactive, with such filth to be tended? Does your obligation not call? Rid of it at once, lest it contaminates all else.❞ This order is issued as she turns, heeding no mind to the sting that gnaws continuous upon her hand, the poison leisurely seeping through pale skin. ❝Hail for another to draw a bath, with petals afloat, for my pleasure.❞
      ❝R-Right away, Miss!❞
      And, without another word, she strides forward to make way for the washroom--
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empereor · 10 years
      ❝Hm? Is that so?❞
      Intrigue flits across porcelain features, seeking that which might produce this immaculate gentleman to utter such nonsense. Verdant hues glisten at the aforementioned praise, howsoever, countenance brimming with an astounding, radiant expression whilst a single finger rests gently upon her chin in elation. ❝Umu! Praetor possesses superb tastes, only transcended by my own. Therefore, speak not of dissatisfaction! For he, whom proffers me plaudits, would thus indicate your appraisal exemplary. Do you not agree?❞
      Coral lips unfurl further into a smile of the most gratified nature, leaning forward in delight of this freshly stroked ego of hers. Eyes peruse this man once more upon the vanishing exhilaration surfaced from prior approbations. They flick away briefly, only to evaluate the current flooring to see those who make use of the extravagance their host benevolently bestows such a night of opulence.
      ❝Behold this makeshift stage, this Colosseum of dance! It is upon this hour we shall accompany these performers.❞ Slender is the limb that raises to present the grandeur auditorium, as if comparing it to a newfound plot of land that awaits exploration. Her palm upwardly turns while returning the earlier glance, it now offered for this acquaintance to grasp. ❝It is amongst them that our brilliance shall shine forth! They will be in awe of our presence...❞
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      ❝Alas, even Terpsichore himself shall writhe envious this eventide!❞
les yeux sans visage ;
Before you call me reckless, I'm not worried about her. So you shouldn't either~! She's not like most people here.
     Rarely does the male trust word of mouth— even less when aforementioned opinions regard those that could get in the way of his influence. Fortunately, these circumstances are on entirely different levels and he recognizes his confidant wouldn’t dare risk their statures amongst ‘good people’ for no reason. While his intuition is unparalleled when it comes to distinguishing pawns from kings and queens (the latter, in this case) who comprehend and move about the board with grace and skill, he has no qualms with taking The Once-ler’s advice, just the same. 
     After all, this is a plan put into play in consequence of his inability to support Once as much as he would like to. Even if ‘wondering what could go wrong’ is a habit that often provokes blighting, even the most minuscule of skepticisms bleed thoroughly into the background as he locks eyes with she who, Hans decides, is absolutely worthy of a gemstone moniker. Perhaps even more, which is all too clarified when she brings light to the subtle rising of his mood: as not only his friend has come across someone so awe-inspiring, but he’s thought to share her. 
     It’s almost difficult to stop from brimming with delight, and he offers the blonde a grateful nod upon clutching the token of something that’s, for once, pleasantly unexpected. “Far too kind. Only a moment, and already I needn’t imagine why he speaks so highly of you.” Attaching the memento to a pin about his chest with only a fragmented second’s concentration, he’s left with an effortless smile that ghosts along the curve of Adonis lips. 
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     ”I can only hope that I don’t disappoint, dearest jewel.” 
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empereor · 10 years
our strange duet ;
      Leisurely are the hours that trickle by, the brisk buss of eventide peppering the citizens whom trek about on their journeys home. Rays peer over the horizon whilst streetlamps flicker, seeping through the panes of window which permit onlooker to admire each passing figure which floats with poise in their rehearsal. One woman stands among them, carmine garments draping over such a petite frame whilst palms press upon her protruding hip. Censorious is her mien, viridescent hues closing in the deliverance of a single, dissatisfied breath.
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      ❝Is there no finesse to these steps? Can you not master, so simply, this choreography? Synchronize, become one amidst each other in this display of your talent, lack not passion! A mere mishandle of colorant ruins such artwork, brimming with pulchritude, upon the canvas.❞ Vocables bark the notions of their practices that weigh upon this artistical mind. Swift does she wave aside the musician whom sits before the piano, commanding he cease his keystrokes in her motion of stepping forward.
      Several eyes accumulate where she stands, observing delicate digits slip upon the waist. Beneath her grasp is a woman of darkened hair, the one hailed the star of this theatrical piece opposite her very own role. ❝Erratic you are, fluent you must become,❞ she coos, applying minuscule pressure to undulate an exemplary display for the others to become educated. Running bare fingers along the skin she bares, she retreats to the sidelines once more in vehement anticipation.
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      ❝Now dance, prance! From the beginning! Entrance us with this physique of Gods!❞
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empereor · 10 years
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beg the flames (for our mercy) : a Red Saber fanmix
(listen) | (tracklist) | (art credit)
"Hark to the hubbub! scent the fumes! Are those real men or ghosts? The stillness spreads of Death abroad—down come the temple posts, Their molten bronze is coursing fast and joins with silver waves To leap with hiss of thousand snakes where Tiber writhes and raves.”
— Victor Hugo
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empereor · 10 years
( ˘ ³˘)❤
      Appreciation, though needed not, must be proffered unto those most deserving. There is no uncertainty that one brimming in wait for such opulent praises is one whom has stood beside her, boasting of her magnificent aptitude for fine art. Thusly she saunters into the office of the renown man, donned in threads of finely woven emerald which affirms his spectacular presence. ❝Salve Lorem, Praetor,❞ she greets, masculine tone hinting to how presently pleased she is to converse with him once more. Coral lips turn upward into an alluring smile of gratification to herself, as if already commending the deed she is to bequeath.
      One, petite hand extends to take his into her own, the other pressing intrepdily unto her chest. ❝I, who stands before you, your ruby, flourishing flower of the arts, owe means of gratitude unto you.❞ Forward she leans, lips planting themselves atop the back of his hand. They rest for a second before she permits the ending of the buss, releasing his limb in the process.
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      ❝Umu. Come, it is alright. Sing aloud your praises. Let it be known it is, in this moment, thus far, the grandest offering you have received!❞
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empereor · 10 years
( ˘ ³˘)❤ IF YOU CAN REACH.
      Aside of scripts and poetry which this artisan reads, there is a fondness of which one might label a novella. Minuscule readings, brimming with shortened stories that breathe the budding intimacies of romance into that of flourishing gardens. Ah, such readings have thus inspired her to attempt an act of seeming affection, one she wields not predominantly for whom she hails blood.
      Fingers grasp tight on the lengthy sleeve of the middle, using minuscule exertion to tug him down swiftly without any forewarning. Upon her toes does she stand, as if attempting to reach the tip of his nose… only for the point of her own to brush against his own fleetingly. Heels rock backward whilst she secures her balance, releasing the cloth of his garment as she glowers at the floor, inwardly blaming it rather than her own judgement of distance.
      It is upon glancing upward does viridescent hue perceive the expression that paints itself across porcelain features, ire swelling within her as she barks a single order for him to obey.
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      ❝You! Do not speak of what you just thought! Ever, understood?! A-And cease that face, make haste!❞
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empereor · 10 years
( ˘ ³˘)❤
      Swift is the act which she initiates, lissome fingers motioning for the esteemed acquaintance to lean forward. Atop her toes she stands, closing the gap between this contrast of height. Yet, in sooth, that does not hinder her in bequeathing the other a delicate buss beside his captivating glance. Resting upon her soles once more, she exhales a breath of satisfaction to the proffered gift, as if no other could compare to what she extends in reference to her physique.
      Both hands press themselves upon each hip, presenting herself in a upright motion in order to explain this divine deed. ❝Umu. It is my duty, as an idol, to lavish those whom recognize my talents, fan and companion alike, as I see suitable.❞ There is no query if he finds such adequate, merely accepting it such a notion as so.
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      ❝There is no need to thank me. Merely recollect, in these coming days, of my generosity.❞
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empereor · 10 years
      Vibrant hues gleam with diminutive intrigue to that which he questions. Gaze rests upon the visage doused in a waning carmine, yet she heeds not the evident quandary that grasps him so. For, so long as no wickedness lurks in the recesses of his mind upon sight of each curve of her physique, then each moment would thus be forgiven. Alternatively, there is fondness to the expression this stranger displays... much akin to a pure babe, leisurely graduating from their innocence.
      ❝Do not make such a darling face,❞ she remarks, slender digits pulling aside the hanging curtain to the room which she emerged of prior. ❝It is simple. Various garments lay in wait. Upon donning them, your judgement will then be made, accordingly, to which is most befitting.❞
      Fluid is the flick of her wrist, indicating where he might sit with ease for this viewing. Slipping between the fabric to swap undergarments, she reaches for an item that has yet been placed upon her. Unhooking the straps with particular ease, she slides the article on, merely to expose herself from beyond the drapery once more. Golden tufts sway whilst she tugs upon the ribbon in comparison to the crimson colour of cloth that matches the undergarment. ❝What is to your liking of this piece? The colouration? The support?❞
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      ❝Elaborate, leave no detail unspoken!❞
booby trapped ;
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empereor · 10 years
      Swelling smiles permit a silent salutation unto the artist summoned from the streets, appreciably mixed with reassurance to his feeble thanking. To grace this work within his possession by her own hand, however, replaced the expression with one of effervescent intrigue. It is only in the name he proffers that she permits her glance to lift, observing the filling contents of his chalice before locking with his own gaze.
      ❝I see. A handsome name. Well met, Grantaire,❞ she greets verbally, her chest puffing scarcely in unconscious preparation to her own introductions. ❝Before you, dearest painter, sits a virtuoso whom rivals that of Apollo! The flower of Olympia, one chosen to prance amongst the Muses themelves! Umu... I suppose, in summary, one is to call me Nero.❞
      Lithe digits move to set the artwork cautiously against the edge of the divan where she lounges. Limbs press herself upright, both legs tilted to the side as a hand falls into her lap, the other resting lightly upon the leather bound cushion. Quietude befalls her, hues of viridescence firmly planted upon his sitting figure. Earnest features bear no ill intent, merely exposing a peculiar curiosity she took notice in the transferring of the item.
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      ❝Pray tell, for what reason your pride, as an artisan, is lacking?❞
      Words need not be uttered to convey that which inhibits any fervour to parade about with paintings of completion. Brows furrow, a shift in her body as she elaborates her rationale of inquiring. ❝One should not retain reluctance -- delicacy -- in laying bare their soul. A cub, once grown, yields not the robust roar it masters to that of its infancy. Therefore, neither should you, nor any.❞
so vast is art ;
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empereor · 10 years
the lion's share ;
      Frequent are such expeditions to fanciful outdoor restaurants, always cluttering along the cleanly streets of Kairos. Frivolous, such dining which bequeaths utmost indifference to the youthful actress. For, each member of the minuscule rendezvous contains no persons of favour to her... rather, it is merely the woman which plays the role of a maternal figure and who seems to be an acquaintance. Utilizing the excessive status this carmine artisan has accumulated, it is no wonder that those of lower esteem were to flock and attempt to be spotted alongside her presence.
      It is so that hues swathed in verdigris drift from tedious company, seeking remedies to what ails her so. Fortunes radiates upon her, it seems, in the sighting of a familiar countenance amongst the scuttling masses. ❝Tyrion, is it?❞ Reluctance lacks in this address, merely a ploy to verify his name and acquire what attention she can. Although they are not relatively close, his is a visage she has become acquainted with at gatherings of high esteem, accompanied by the pleasantness of wit. ❝Sit, partake in this food and drink. One has failed to arrive, allowing a seat for the taking,❞ she explains, motioning to the absent position beside her own.
      Brief is the pause she takes, monitoring the mild ire which blossoms in the gaze of the parent of no insouciance. Before any words are spoken, however, a retort has already begun. ❝Worry not. If they like it not, leave they shall.❞ Coral lips turn into a smile of invitation, disregarding any glower nor whisper muttered her way. They shift with irritability, the first showing signs of readying themselves to possibly depart.
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      ❝Another cognizant of fine discussion, I welcome thus!❞
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empereor · 10 years
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Fate Extra // Saber 2013.09.15
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empereor · 10 years
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The Jack (Gintoki)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 || Johannes Brahms
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empereor · 10 years
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Kido ☆
Marche Slave || Tchaikovsky
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empereor · 10 years
✆ !!
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Praetor ♥
Serenade || Franz Schubert
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empereor · 10 years
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Hans ♢
Moonlight Sonata || Ludwig van Beethoven
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empereor · 10 years
birds of a feather ;
      Eventide sweeps through the illuminated halls, brimming with patrons whom arrive to the rendezvous set by that of a decorous host. Elaborate suits and silken gowns grab the horde of faceless masses, garnering viridescent hues to peer in admiration in each instance. Yet there is one that piques the intrigue of the petite actress. Of colourful apparel to match the brilliance of each strand of hair, it is no wonder of her captivation. Golden boots clink forward in a single step, compelled much like that of a moth to a scorching flame.
      Magnificent, like that of a talented piece of artwork. Instantaneous is the impulse that seizes her, whimsical to her approach as if there was no other that his eyes should rest upon. Thus, she speaks with no discomfort, vocables nigh commanding than proffering a proper request. For, if it is any who might be given such privilege to dance with an artisan as grandeur as she, then it would be no other than he who is bequeathed such an honour.
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      ❝Umu!~ A dance I desire, so a dance I shall obtain!❞ The declaration is made with a valiant vehemence, no queries to be accepted from the stranger swathed in a vibrant arrays of pulchritude. ❝Come, let us dazzle the audience with each prance! Their eyes shan't fall from such steps -- such poise!❞
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empereor · 10 years
les yeux sans visage ;
      Favours are not beyond the carmine garbed actress, golden boots plodding along with hardly a sound to be hearkened. From the gardens she emerges, the nip of the chilled air lingering upon exposed skin and fabric if one were to hover close. There is no mind to it, howsoever, merely satisfied at the object within lithe fingers that she sought prior to this approach. Nails have thus begun to dull the nettlesome thorns that protrude from the lengthy stem, preening it to perfection before arriving at her final destination.
      Hues swathed in viridescence are accentuated by the sooty make-up smeared beneath the alabaster mask, ornate designs imitating that of a skull to conceal the porcelain countenance beneath. Ah, but it does not hinder the expression that surfaces upon the mark she is meant to locate. Were it not for the silk which displays the front of her legs in a thin veil, one might mistake the young maiden to be gliding. ❝Salve--❞ It is thus she nears with this greeting, presently flashing the male the flower in a fluent motion.
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      ❝A rose by any other name cannot compare to the diamond that shines before me.❞ Coral lips lift into a chivalrous smile, delicate hand extending to bequeath the freshly plucked gift intended for him alone. ❝Befitting, is it not? As the colour I match, I shall likewise mimic it's presence flawlessly. Discard it and I will follow, yet until then I remain in your company.❞
      With her piece spoken, she awaits a response.
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