emperoshares · 7 months
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girl I would kill myself if I did that lol
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emperoshares · 7 months
shinzo abe day was incredible. still not over seeing all the rumours about what happened, joining everyone in wondering how the fuck a shotgun assassination could have happened in japan, and then seeing the first photo of the doohickey
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emperoshares · 11 months
We sharing anaesthetic stories?? I had to have dental surgery when i was in middle school.
According to my mom and sister the very first thing i did upon waking up was BOLT upright and proceed to try and shove my ENTIRE fist in my mouth as fast as possible.
I had to be physically stopped, and i proceeded to sob my eyes out for the next 20 minutes. Somehow, i didnt damage anything 🤣
sorry that imagery is so vivid i just..
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emperoshares · 11 months
my friend asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend because her parents are homophobic af but they ended up hating me so much that they were glad when she said she was gay task failed successfully
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emperoshares · 1 year
Any AU ideas?( to the author, not Vash lol)
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Currently obsessed with the idea of Wolfwood somehow accessing Vash's Core by accident ( probably during sex lol) and getting turned into an Independent. Might make more at some point lol
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emperoshares · 1 year
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emperoshares · 1 year
"You wanna talk roots? Let's talk about how most of 2012-2015's fan culture is not just extinct, but erased from existence."
I'm actually curious about that, I've never been in any fandom long term. What was 2012-2015 Tumblr up to, and why was it erased?
Porn, queer theory, sex positivity, and beginners’ attempts at racial justice.
Most of it either disappeared, deleted, or died after the 2018 porn ban and the subsequent antisexual crush of SESTA/FOSTA.
Followed in rapid succession by all the US fascism.
There’s this notion that fandom is separate from the greater culture but it’s really, really not.
The same political forces that led a bunch of basically normal but newly impoverished people to join Qanon and become screeching bigots also led fandoms to rephrase ‘I don’t like this ship’ as ‘this is pedophilia.’
Nothing new, to be clear. People have been doing that for centuries.
The difference is a matter of centralization and scale. Tumblr WAS fandom, it was where fandom occurred, for about 6 years. Multifandom and crossover content in particular is just GONE. There weren’t places for that to move to as everyone dissipated into separate, semipublic, and even MORE ephemeral spaces like discord.
It’s hard for me to describe, especially unmedicated, but the elimination of huge swathes of fandom in late 2018 just.
Fandom used to be on the absolute bleeding edge of sexual politics, and now it’s this regressive, sanitized, commodified space where people think history began in 2016.
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emperoshares · 1 year
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The real secret is turning disadvantage into advantage.
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emperoshares · 1 year
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This won’t make your blog look ugly. How could you not reblog this? REBLOGGING THIS COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!
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emperoshares · 1 year
Ya'll be like "Shang was having a bi freak out, realizing he was into Ping". NO HE WASN'T. He already knew he was into men. His bisexual freak out was when he realized Ping was Mulan and hey maybe he's into girls too whatdoya know?
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emperoshares · 1 year
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maybe i am too old for tiktok
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emperoshares · 2 years
Me: The earth isn’t flat!
fiat earther: correct
me: huh?
fiat earther: it’s the shape of an Italian car
me: what?
fiat earther: you read my name wrong didn’t you?
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emperoshares · 2 years
if you're from europe and haven't done so yet, please please please sign the petition for unconditional basic income!
it needs 1 million signatures by the 25th june, as well as reach a certain threshold in at least seven countries which it only has in three, and it's also still missing so many signatures to reach 1 million and time is running out)
please just do it, it's free, it should be safe cause it's quite literally an official EU site, and literally all you need to do is put your name and address on there (not visible to the public, but they will check if the signatures are legit so please don't fake any signatures, that'll just make it look like the goal was reached when it wasn't)
please just do this, time is running out for this initiative. if there's any reason you haven't signed it yet and won't do it, tell me the reason, maybe i can debunk it
here's the link to the petition: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/014/public/#/screen/home
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emperoshares · 2 years
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emperoshares · 2 years
Etsy Strike April 11-18, 2022
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emperoshares · 3 years
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Anakin gets traumatized
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emperoshares · 4 years
hey pals! my boyfriend was in the ICU recently where he almost died because his pharmacy REFUSED to give him his insulin AGAIN because he was a few days late on insurance payments. They put his medicine on hold even after receiving the payments. He almost went in to a diabetic coma, stayed in the ICU for two days, which gave us a hefty medical bill. We are struggling to pay for not only our rent, pets and my heart medications but now his insulin and a ridiculous medical bill.
I’m asking for help so we can afford our monthly rent & help with his medical bill so we can actually buy his insulin this time and avoid another ICU visit.
thank you for reading/reblogging/donating!
everything helps! I also recommend doing your own bit of research on the big pharm and how disgustingly criminal they are.
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