Secret Storms
Visible storms with lighting, thunder and wind are very easy to see in life. But what about the secret storms in our individual lives that others cannot see because they are undetectable?
It’s easy to put on a fake smile like one puts on makeup in the morning. When we go through a secret storm we don’t find comfort from others because they don’t know the turmoil we may be going through on the…
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What are You Going to Do with the Time You Have Left?
What are You Going to Do with the Time You Have Left?
Someone said something to me today that not only hurt me but most importantly caused a major distraction in my mind. I was literally rewinding in my head what the person to me. Which prompted me to stop and think that I am wasting precious time in my life to think about something that has already happened that I had absolutely no control over. I knew that the enemy was using what was said to me…
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Expressing Your Feelings Verbally To Someone You Love
Expressing Your Feelings Verbally To Someone You Love
Many relationships either don’t start or break up because of not expressing your feelings. For some expressing their feelings verbally to the one they love is not as easy as it sounds.  Love requires you to be vulnerable. Part of being vulnerable means expressing your thoughts and feelings wholeheartedly, without reserve. That becomes difficult because it means that you are now open to the…
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What Season are You living In?
What Season are You living In?
I recently attended the funeral services for a late friend/co-worker. His sister and brother-in-law delivered a very power message to the congregation, entitled, “What Season are You Living In?” Their message sparked something on the inside of me and served as reminder that we should all be living our lives daily with purpose.
None of us know the day nor the hour when we will depart from this…
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My Heart is No Longer in This Place...
My Heart is No Longer in This Place…
My Heart is No Longer in This Place… sigh!
They say that home is where the heart is, however my heart is no longer here.
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Reached a Crossroad in Life?
Reached a Crossroad in Life?
Life can make us feel like we have reached a major crossroad. A crossroads is about change. This can be experienced from starting or ending a marriage, a change in careers, a child going off to college, a death in the family or challenges with our health. These events can cause a lot of anxiety. You know you’ve reached a crossroad when you know that everything after that specific point in time…
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Not all Strength is Loud
Not all Strength is Loud
I was watching my new favorite movie on Lifetime called, “Beaches”, staring Nia Long and Idina Menzel. If you haven’t seen this movie I highly recommend you do. Nia and Idina meet when they young on Venice Boardwalk which developed into a lifelong friendship. This movie depicts what so many friendships go through and everyone will be able to relate to it.
My favorite quote from this movie is:
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Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow "The past is finished. Learn from it and let it go. The future is not even here yet.
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Don't Let Your Anger Mature Into Bitterness
Don’t Let Your Anger Mature Into Bitterness
‘“Anger is a short madness’ (Horace) but bitterness is anger that has been boiled, simmered, and then found so unpalatable that it has been thrown into the deep freeze of our unconscious psyches.” (Elizabeth Spring)
I know from first hand personal experience how damaging it can be to live with bitterness and unforgiveness. It’s like like taking poison, it damages you from the inside out! Life is…
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NEVER Make Permanent Decisions on Temporary Feelings
NEVER Make Permanent Decisions on Temporary Feelings
  Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings. I repeat, Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings!
When your upset or frustrated, you can’t trust your feelings, your emotions and your thoughts. Emotions are very real and there is no doubt that you feel that way in the moment, but the truth is, your feelings and emotions aren’t always based on fact and don’t always…
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When You Fall Down, Get Back Up!!!
When You Fall Down, Get Back Up!!!
Falling down and Failures (i.e. challenges, lessons, mistakes) will happen; it’s inevitable!
The stumbles and falls we suffer in life can be very much like physical ones. Have you ever actually fallen? Aside from the embarrassment, what thoughts ran through your mind?
Did you:
Get back up faster than when you went down?
Take a few moments to regain your senses before standing?
Hit the ground…
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Donnie McClurkin Song - I Need You
Donnie McClurkin Song – I Need You
This song blesses me so much… I had to share.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzdQgjKUTwM%5B/embedyt%5D
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Missing My Dad Today I was the apple of your eye, you were the balm to my soul. You were the only person who understood me for who I was and not for what I could be.
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Feeling So Happy Today :)
Feeling So Happy Today :)
Letting my light shine.
Boy oh Boy, today was a great day!
Feeling So Happy Today 🙂
You ever had such a great day that you wanted to shout it from the mountain top? Well, that’s me today!
Every person’s I spoke to today their energy was so upbeat and genuinely vibrant. I was already in a good mood when I woke up this morning so running so I just kept it going. I smiled, laughed my cheeks off all…
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A Glimpse into My Mirror
A Glimpse into My Mirror
Self Reflection for me means taking time out to look exercise introspective and a willingness to change what may be looking right back at me.
I like to consider myself as being driven and productive. However, I also like to feel connected to who I am and the people I choose to have as a part o my life. To make sure I keep the connection I like to set aside time for self-reflection. During my…
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When You Don't Know What to Do
When You Don’t Know What to Do
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
-Proverbs 3:5-6
I’ve been going through a roller coaster of emotions lately. Dealing with everything life throws at me and I found myself asking, “What do you do, when you don’t know what to do?”
About (2) weeks ago my Pastor gave me a personal…
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The Best Time to Kiss Her
The Best Time to Kiss Her
Saw this quote and had to share it…
The best time to kiss her.
When she’s babbling on about something. When you’re arguing. When you see her. When you’re with her. When you’re with your friends. When she cries. When she’s happy. When she does something you love. After you ask her out. After she says she loves you. After you just kissed her. Before you leave. My point is, whenever you get the…
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