empty-corvid · 2 days
I wish I wasn't traumatized at the young age because now I can't function like a normal human being. I'm scared of everything because I'm so scared of fucking things up. I don't want to be me anymore
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empty-corvid · 2 days
most people on this app forget this:
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empty-corvid · 2 days
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current favorites pt. 3
pt. 1 / pt. 2
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empty-corvid · 2 days
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empty-corvid · 2 days
School (?) season thin$po + reasons to keep going
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I don’t see many for guys so [these are mostly self specific]:
Oversized T-shirts
forced to use belts to keep pants up
having her trace your collarbone and neck
Nice hands
“you should eat more” from relatives you see once a year
having to tell your parents you need new clothes cuz they’re too big
sharper jaw
able to wear shorts
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empty-corvid · 2 days
I’m on a seafood diet .. I see food, and I Die! T
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empty-corvid · 3 days
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back on my grind 💯
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empty-corvid · 3 days
restrict calories. NOT nutrients please bbs. lets keep our hair!!
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empty-corvid · 3 days
my current safe foods 🪽
itsu seaweed thins! these are very low cal (22-30/pack) and have a good amount of seaweed in them. they can be pricey but they have a lot of flavours (wasabi helps distract me from binging since i can't handle spice lol)
cup soup! i usually have a 32cal miso one i bought from an asian convenience store or heinz chicken cup soup (77cal) which tastes amazing. good to have before a meal (to eat slower) or as a meal, very filling and also stops my binge cravings
sweet freedom syrup! (around 17 cal/tsp, will depend on product). these are good when i'm sick of plain coffee during liquid fasts and helps stop my sweet cravings (i have a sweet tooth 😒)
tuna! a controversial one but it's always been a safe food for me, it's protein and the portions make it easy to not overeat (you can also buy little pots of them). very filling, i like to have it in a bowl with rice and seasoning and chopsticks so i eat slower and so that people think i'm having a big meal lmao.
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pics from pinterest, dm for removal
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empty-corvid · 3 days
yougiveitaway on twt
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empty-corvid · 3 days
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I somehow didn’t gạin wẹight even though last week I completely gave up on tracking and rẹstricting
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empty-corvid · 4 days
I know it sucks having to waste food, but if you're committed to losing the weight, I'm sorry, but you have to. You may feel guilty for a bit but trust me the self control will boost your confidence so much more.
I'm putting this out there because I'm seeing way too many of you guys saying you're losing motivation & binging. I've been struggling with it too but we need to start working on ourselves officially. No more 'October will be our month' just do it now.
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empty-corvid · 4 days
Is it bad if I believe that when I’m skinny I can do anything? Idk if it’s Ana or the delusion or me trying to convince myself but I swear it feels once I’m skinny I’ll have all the attention and friends and money and opportunities I want. This is why it’s so important I lose weight. It isn’t just the way I look, it’s also the way others will treat me once I look that way. I want to control every aspect of my life and losing weight is one step closer to that.
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empty-corvid · 4 days
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empty-corvid · 4 days
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empty-corvid · 4 days
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empty-corvid · 4 days
Tips for not binging.
These tips are ideal for people 150+ lbs as I am 160 lbs and these are helping me! I am not a medical professional but we don’t all have access to that so I wanna say what helps me in the hope it can help others.
🤍 DONT ⭐️ve DO OMAD instead! If you’re used to eating 2000+ calories almost everyday ⭐️ving will work for the short term but then you’ll relapse back to old habits as you’re not used to it. Try OMAD because you’re still training your body to understand restricting but obviously you’ll be full at the end of the day. (Have your OMAD at about 4 pm - 8 pm) 
🤍 Water fast only ONE day of the week to start for 4 - 6 weeks so your body can get used to it. Then do two days for another 4 - 6 weeks so you can get used to that. 
🤍 WALK! Walk for 30 minutes everyday then increase to 45 minutes everyday then increase to 60 minutes everyday. Do this on an empty stomach before your OMAD. 
🤍 PROTEIN! Fish and veggies or chicken and veggies every night as your OMAD. It will keep you full and a standard serving is less than 400 calories. Even if you add rice that’s still under 500 calories! 
🤍 Allow yourself a low kcal (under 100 calories) treat after your OMAD. I know what you’re thinking but it’s better to have a 80 kcal treat every night than binging on 2000+ calories a couple days of the week! I eat two biscoff biscuits after my OMAD everyday and my daily caloric intake is still under 500 calories and I haven’t binged in months. It’s nice knowing I have a little treat to look forward too at the end of my day! 
🤍 The usual advice - KEEP YOURSELF BUSY! Drink only water and green tea. Track your calories literally everyday YES liquid calories count. Remember why you’re doing this. Remember it’s always “I’ll start tomorrow” “Next month is my month” No one can lose the weight for you it’s you against you. Four months from now you CAN be thinner or not but four months is gonna past regardless time doesn’t wait for anyone. You got this! 
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