emptyflovers · 4 years
idk who needs to see this but spices dont have calories u dont have to eat bland food
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emptyflovers · 4 years
if your sleep schedule is fucked up clap your hands 👏 👏
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emptyflovers · 4 years
ok I was gone for a while and maybe this will happen again lol
I noticed people followed me while I was gone
If you need to talk to someone even for a small talk you can write me 💛💛
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emptyflovers · 4 years
“Food isn’t food anymore.. It’s just calories.”
— (via fatty-x)
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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emptyflovers · 4 years
When someone asks why I hate myself so much.
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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emptyflovers · 4 years
My dad just told me that my parents didn't take me to therapy when they found my diary bc my mom "begged" for my father not to. My mother used to say how big my thighs etc. so I guess she don't want anybody to know this. And I just feel really worthless for some reason.
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emptyflovers · 4 years
Hi! It's been I guess 5 weeks since I started to eat more. It's the 6th week now and I start to workout and eat healthy today, but trying not to restrict myself. I don't have big appetite now, I started to eat normal size meals and now I will try to eat mostly whole foods, and slowly leave chocolate, fast food etc. I know this is a kind of restriction, but lets be honest, these are not the best foods for anyone.
I also tought about making some short videos for a couple if months to see how I change mentally etc. But idk I'm anxious about that a bit.
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emptyflovers · 4 years
Hi so the past two weeks I binged but as the days passed I started to eat less and less
and more normally???
I feel like I'm faking this
also I tought about maybe trying to eat like a normal human being and exercise a healthy amount and maybe slowly I would lose the weight????
First it was so easy 2 years ago or so .....but the past one year I gained back everything and literally losing and gaining the same kgs
I'm afraid hut maybe I could break this binge starve cycle,slowly hut surely??? idk what to do
my parents know about my ed for like a year but they consider it as a phase like wtf man
so what do you think?
I know recovery is the best option but like my brai. denies it so much
is there someone who did this?
sorry if im too much
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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yes im that f*ck*d up
insta page : emptyflovers
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emptyflovers · 4 years
Yo if anyone interested I made a meme insta page
Bc im a horrible person
Username: emptyflovers
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emptyflovers · 4 years
This... I love it
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this took too long to make lol
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emptyflovers · 4 years
I see no lie
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emptyflovers · 4 years
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To all uterus owners. Do you see that little part popping up? That’s never gonna go away. It’s your uterus. It’s an organ. Unless you remove it you’re never gonna not have that bump. So when you’re restricting or when you’re exercising don’t try to get it to go away. Stay safe!
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