emptyleftbehind · 10 months
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"Here's an idea...How about NO?"
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emptyleftbehind · 10 months
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one brotherlook per ep -> 6x11 ❝ Appointment in Samarra ❞
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emptyleftbehind · 10 months
even more injury memes
[ FOLLOW ]  for sender to find receiver at the end of a trail of blood.
[ DISCOVER ]  for receiver to find sender at the end of a trail of blood. 
[ SEE ]  for sender to look towards receiver after a battle and realize they’re bleeding. 
[ TELL ]  for receiver to look towards sender after a battle and realize they’re bleeding. 
[ SHIELD ]  for sender to take the brunt of an attack for receiver. 
[ COVER ]  for receiver to take the brunt of an attack for sender. 
[ SHOCK ]  for sender to find receiver covered in blood and delirious. 
[ AID ]  for receiver to find sender covered in blood and delirious. 
[ CONCEAL ]  our muses haven’t had time to slow down so receiver has been hiding a serious injury which sender finally uncovers. 
[ REALIZE ]  our muses haven’t had time to slow down so sender has been hiding a serious injury which receiver finally uncovers.
[ ATTEMPT ]  for sender to intervene in a fight receiver is in but receiver has already sustained an injury. 
[ LATE ]  for receiver to intervene in a fight sender is in but sender has already sustained an injury. 
[ FIND ]  for sender to rescue receiver after they’ve been tortured. 
[ LOCATE ] for receiver to rescue sender after they’ve been tortured. 
[ CHECK ]  for sender to show up at receiver’s house because they haven’t been heard from in a while only to discover receiver is recovering from major injuries. 
[ FOUND ]  for receiver to show up at sender’s house because they haven’t been heard from in a while only to discover receiver is recovering from major injuries. 
[ SAVED ]  for sender to rescue receiver from a dangerous situation but reveals they’re injured afterwards. 
[ SUCCEED ]  for receiver to rescue sender from a dangerous situation but reveals they’re injured afterwards. 
[ LOSS ]  for sender to attempt to rescue receiver only to be stopped by a serious injury. 
[ FAILURE ]  for receiver to attempt to rescue sender only to be stopped by a serious injury. 
[ MELTDOWN ]  for sender to witness receiver being hurt which causes them to go into a murderous rage. 
[ VENGEANCE ]  for receiver to witness sender being hurt which causes them to go into a murderous rage. 
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emptyleftbehind · 10 months
Send “This isn’t you” for your muse to try and stop my muse from doing something reckless.
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emptyleftbehind · 10 months
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[[Oh look how the evil has returned to my life lmao. My favorite bad boy now has his own blog again. I'll be posting some opens and prompts/memes when I get time later today. But here he is in all his glory...Or well...not glory ha ha]]
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emptyleftbehind · 10 months
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"They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. If that's true then mine are dark, curtains drawn, shutters closed. Nobody's home." Independent and AU Soulless Sam Winchester. Contains Triggering & adult themes.
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