emptynight · 8 years
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Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
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emptynight · 8 years
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Using a series of sensors, Dua’s bot detects when a person is about to run into something and beeps to them. The project took her a total of four days to build. Her prize is every Marvel fan’s dream.
Follow @the-future-now​
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emptynight · 8 years
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(via TrollX)
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emptynight · 8 years
All the this!
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New comic! (link)
I don’t care if they can’t understand me. They may be garbage cats, but they’re my garbage cats.
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emptynight · 8 years
Forgive yourself.
When you wake up late. When you procrastinate. When you fail yourself. When you fail others. When you can’t leave the house. When you’re late paying bills. When you don’t have a job. When you’re failing in school. When you’re not pleasing your parents. When you hurt yourself. When you hurt others. When you lie to yourself. When you lie to others. When you love the wrong person. When you make the same mistake. When you feel defeated. When you lose your temper. When the last time turns into a time again. When you cheat yourself. When you’re not good to yourself. When you don’t have a plan. When you feel hopeless. When you hate yourself. When you’re impatient. When you tell yourself to give up. When you stop believing in yourself. When you lose faith. When you doubt yourself. When you forget to say I love you.
Forgive yourself.
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emptynight · 9 years
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These exchanges between a bigot named Brendan Sullivan, and a heroic troll named Robert Graves, will be the best thing you read all day, I promise.
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emptynight · 9 years
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let's gif: pokemon sage - [2/?]
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emptynight · 9 years
If anyone in California is interested in adopting a dog or a cat, Kerns County Animal Shelter ( one of the most disgraceful shelters in California ) is being shut down. Dogs are being sold for 15$ and cats for 5$ ( all are fixed with shots. )
Every animal will be put down by September 30th.
Go here for more information. 
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emptynight · 9 years
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This was meant to be a quick warm up, but it turned into a comic that I’ve wanted to draw for a while. This is something that is extremely important to me, and I appreciate it if you read it.
A while ago, I heard a story that broke my heart. A family went a cat shelter to adopt. The daughter fell in love with a 3-legged cat. The father straight up said “absolutely not”. Because he was missing a leg. That cat was that close to having a family that loved him, but the missing leg held him back. Why?!
Many people have the initial instinct of “nope” when they see an imperfect animal. I get it, but less-adoptable does NOT mean less loveable. 9 out of 10 people will choose a kitten over an adult cat. And those 10% that would get an adult cat often overlook “different” animals.
All I want people to do is be open to the idea of having a “different” pet in their lives. Choose the pet that you fall in love with, but at least give all of them a fair shot at winning your heart.
Don’t dismiss them, they deserve a loving home just as much as any other cat. They still purr, they still love a warm lap, they still play, they still love you. Trust me, next time you are in the market for a new kitty, just go over to that one cat that’s missing an eye and see what he’s all about!
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emptynight · 9 years
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emptynight · 9 years
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emptynight · 9 years
What I learned from Fullmetal Alchemist
Good people do bad things:
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Good and evil are subjective:
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Sometimes those you trust the most will hurt you the worst:
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Bad things happen to good people:
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Even those you love can die:
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 Life isn’t fair:
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You can’t get something for nothing:
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Don’t judge people by their outward appearance:
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Don’t give up. Even when things are hard:
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Don’t forget the people who helped you get where you are:
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Hatred will destroy you:
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People can change:
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There are two sides to every story:
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Even your enemies have feelings:
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When the world is crashing down around you, it is okay to laugh:
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… or cry:
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Family comes in all shapes and sizes:
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Big things come in small packages:
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The truth is sometimes more frightening than you hoped:
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Beauty can hide great strength:
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Crying is not a weakness:
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Expect the unexpected:
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Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice in order to move forward:
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Learn from your past. Don’t forget your mistakes:
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emptynight · 9 years
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emptynight · 9 years
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You know what I love about this statement? The fire inside of it, the rage directed at a racist action from a school administrator. There is no professional glossing about this, no usage of “we do not condone this behavior”. This was not done to make those reading it feel comfortable, it is a direct shaming of behavior that these young men knew better than to demonstrate.
This is the LEADER of a institution of higher learning firing back and telling a group of students that they are a disgrace to the school name. 
I love President Boren’s overall attitude of, “You knew the rules when you showed up, here are the consequences, because in 2015, you all knew far better.” He even acknowledges it was “freedom of speech”, but addresses they abused that, resulting in consequences.
I am so here for this.
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emptynight · 9 years
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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emptynight · 9 years
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For more posts like this, CLICK HERE to follow Ultrafacts
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emptynight · 9 years
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Let me tell you about how cool my brother is.
He’s been unemployed for over a year now, and is going to school for engineering.  So to help with finances, he decided to start building furniture, and it’s awesome.
Almost ALL of his work is done with recycled wood, and everything you see is designed, built, stained, and painted by him, by hand.  This is his passion, and he’s really, really good at it.
That last image is a cabinet he built for me when I was complaining about my apartment’s lack of kitchen space, and it works like a dream.  It’s got wheels on it, and it’s flush against the counter on one side, and hooks are on the other so I can hang whatever I need to.
He is currently open for commissions, and he does everything in his power to give his clients the best price he can for the best quality he can give them.  
Check out his work here,and send him a message if you have any questions.  He’s happy to work with you!  
Reblogs and shares are most appreciated!
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