empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
ooc. what if I make hsr Kaveh be gazed upon by the Nihility (IX)?
Then what? Who's gonna stop me? Mew??? Jamey??? They have no control over ME
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
“   what ??   no   ‘  bless  you ?  ’   i’ll  remember  that .   ” from alhaitham 😔
@venstm || prompt! || From Alhaitham! || Muses mentioned @shallliveoninsong 's Sissel
Kaveh stared at him deadpanned for once. Nope, he's not going to win him over that easily. This time he'd have the upper hand! "You'll be fine, you'll live."
Then his attention turned back to the strange black kitten in his arms. He's giving him a good chin scratch and a gentle smile. When the kitten sneezes in turn, that gentle smile turns into soft laughter.
"Oh bless you, little Sissel. Bless you."
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
    always be kind to animals.  ♡
“   you  live  your  entire  life  chasing  after  attention   &   food .   ” “   how  could  you  betray  me  like  this ??   after  all  i’ve  done  for  you .   ” “   i  would  chop  off  my  left  arm  for  you .   ” “   there  are  things  in  life  that  matter  more  than  food .   ” “   can  you  not  be  chaotic  for  five  minutes ??   ” “   you  are  literally  crazy .   ” “   you’re  lucky  you’re  cute .   ” “   instead  of  a  bladder  of  steel ,   you  have  a  bladder  of  fucking  paper .   ” “   don’t  give  me  that  look !!   ” “   stop  looking  at  me  with  those  big  ol’  eyes .   ” “   do  you  really  have  to  stare  at  me  while  i’m  changing ??   ” “   at  least  someone  around  here  is  happy  to  see  me .   ” “   it’s  rude  to  lick  someone  without  permission .   ” “   one  of  these  days ,   you’re  gonna  give  me  a  fucking  heart  attack .   ” “   your  brain  is  probably  smaller  than  my  fist .   i  love  you .   ” “   every  time  i  see  you  i  suddenly  remember  that  life  is  worth  living .   ” “   your  little  baby  sneeze  just  cured  my  depression .   ” “   you  are  my  only  source  of  serotonin  at  this  point .   ” “   see ,   you  know  you’re  cute .   that’s  the  problem .   you’re  too  powerful .   ” “   i  trust  that  you  would  bite  the  ankles  of  my  enemies .   ” “   i  know  you  don’t like  being  picked  up ,   but  you  are  so  small .   you  don’t  have  rights .  ” “   what ??   no   ‘  bless  you ?  ’   i’ll  remember  that .   ” “   you’re  being  too  quiet   …   what  have  you  done ?   ” “   it’s  amazing  how  you  make  everything  100  times  better  just  by  existing .  ” “   i  love  you  more  than  anyone  has  ever  loved  anything  in  this  entire  world .   ” “   i  am  starting  to  think  you  might  be  gay .   ” “   if  anyone  is  ever  mean  to  you ,   i  will  break  all  of  their  fingers  individually .   ”
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
As expected of a Knight, Kaeya had thrown down his payment a lot quicker. His hands barely touched his mora when it slammed against the wooden table. It still felt like a lot. Kaveh should be rejecting his offer… But the man was asking so earnestly for it to be repaid later. On a different day. With a somewhat defeated sigh, Kaveh nods. “Alright. But next time no dirty tricks. I bet you had it in your hand before I could say anything.”
Or maybe his swordsmanship was the true culprit? Regardless of the reason, he would let it be for today. A switch is flipped within the architect. The Palace of Alcazarzaray was his magnum opus. The pride and joy, the agony and disdain, everything that Kaveh strived for was all wrapped up in that building. A small smile was on his lips as he stood up with Kaeya's help.
“My best work, in fact.” He was allowed to be a bit cocky. At least with this one project. Once they stepped outside, the warm Sumerian air hits them both. It's not humid, just very warm. Orange specks of light litter the streets as night has taken over.
People were either doing their last minute shopping for the night, or returning from the Akademiya to unwind in the tavern or nearby cafes. From a distance Kaveh could hear a street musician playing a tune that seemed to fit for their nighttime walk.
“I lost everything to that project.” He admits as he begins to walk. “Yet if I were to go back, I think I'd do it all again. Though with a better location.” Kaveh said with a warm laugh. “The Withering made it difficult for construction. And I made the poor Forest Rangers upset with me. W-We made up however! So it's fine!”
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
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You're so stupid and perfect And stupid and perfect I hate you, I want you I hate you, I hate you Oh oh, again, again, again
About Kaveh ┃ Guidelines ┃ Commissioner ┃ Verses ┃ Bonds ┃ Mobile Pin
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
"Alright then. I trust you. And thank you again, for fixing it." [From Sissel]
@shallliveoninsong || continued from here! || From Sissel!
It takes some time to get it done. Some project was thrown at him last minute and he had to show some draft at least to get them off his back. But it is done. As the architect promised, the scarf had been repaired. It was seamlessly rest itched. No one could even tell where it had torn. That's how well he had gotten it done.
There was also a new addition to the scarf. As he was given permission to do so, Kaveh embroidered in gold thread, real gold in fact, the letter S on a small corner of the scarf. It was simple, to respect the feline's wishes. Just a simple S in Sumerian.
The scarf was held out for him to see. "That way people know it belongs to you." Kaveh explained with a nervous expression. He hoped he liked the addition to the piece. "If you don't like it, I can always remove it."
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
Thoughts on Kaeya :)))
@glacialswordsman || prompt! ||| From Yaya! (Kaeya)
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"I think he's a rather... Elusive fellow. But very kind as well, it makes me wonder why he'd take such pity on a man like me. I appreciate it however, it feels like he understands my problems and doesn't think I'm naive or foolish for feeling such things. Unlike Alhaitham. I wish to get closer to him and hopefully repay that same kindness he offered me."
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
Thoughts on + Sissel!
@shallliveoninsong || prompt! || From Sissel!
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"A lovely cat. But sassy at times but it's evident it's mostly from the hardships he had to face. If I'm able to, I'd love to let him live here with me and Alhaitham. Without any fear of either of us dying and let him live a normal cat's life. He's also a wonderful cuddle bug."
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empyreanparadisaea · 6 days
Send me "Thoughts on" + a Character name and my muse will give their opinions of that character.
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empyreanparadisaea · 7 days
“Y-Yes of course General Jing Yuan sir! I mean Jing Yuan!” Though it still felt too oddly intimate to say. At least the General didn't seem to mind too much… Still, it was in Kaveh's nature to be formal with those above him. Even if they didn't deserve it, which General Jing Yuan absolutely did! It was simply Kaveh's nature.
He glances over to the Cloud Knight the General spoke to. The one named Yutie did seem bewildered by the inclusion. “I’ll be in your care.” He said with a polite bow towards him. “O-Oh, I almost forgot.” Kaveh reached in for a sheet of paper and a pen. It was quick but elegantly written down. 
Then the sheet was given to the General to read over. “I’m staying at this hotel. Should you need anything beforehand, please don't hesitate to find me here.” His beacon details were also there should the General want to text him instead. With that being the final thing, Kaveh closed his suitcase.
Mehrak came to life, beeping back into the air with his own excitement being known. “Thank you for the opportunity, General Jing Yuan.” He bowed once again as did Mehrak. To think this was happening… he truly couldn't believe it! He stood up with a bright smile on his face. His ruby red eyes glittered with optimism. “You won't regret this.”
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empyreanparadisaea · 9 days
ooc. *waves hand*
Sorry for the impromptu absence. I haven't had much muse for Kaveh.and I did originally want to redo his icons still haven't dhdjdj
But I'm gonna try to bust through my Sampo threads and hopefully tomorrow I can write on here.
If not well I am available on @maskednihilism
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empyreanparadisaea · 18 days
ooc. Ok gonna make icons and then come and finish up drafts!
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empyreanparadisaea · 22 days
ooc. I managed to get a lot of my drafts on kaveh done. I will be revamping my kaveh icons and I wanna give a shout out to @starlighttrain for being so kind in making this beautiful icon border for him! Definately commission them if you want something as beautiful as this!!
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kaveh muse is low but if you wanna follow @empyreanparadisaea is me!
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empyreanparadisaea · 22 days
The old vendor lady blushed. “Oh aren't you a sweet talker? I'll give you another one if you praise me like that.”
Kaveh laughed as he went in for his bite. As he was used to food with heat, he ate it quite easily. “Well I'd like to think I somewhat become an expert!” 
“After trying the whole menu yesterday, I would hope so!” The vendor chimed in laughing. This causes color to blossom on his cheeks. From embarrassment to being put on the spot like that by the vendor lady.
“I-I just wasn't sure what to get. I never had Luofu food before. Y-You would've done the same, right Sir Argenti?” He asked, looking at the Knight with big round eyes that said if you don't agree I will cry. Perhaps it was a bit of an exaggeration but truly Kaveh didn't mean to make a fool of himself!
“To truly appreciate the culture, you should immerse yourself in it right?!”
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empyreanparadisaea · 22 days
Was he noticed? Kaveh tries his best to not let it be known. Though there is a smile that couldn't hide his mischievous feed. “Well good. Because it's one of my favorites. If you don't like it, I will be somewhat sad.” People could have preferences but sharing something that close with another person was rather intimate. It made it all the more worrisome for the other to enjoy what he had called comfort food.
Now that he was ready, Kaveh picked up his suitcase. There is a light sprinkle of blush on his face as he starts making his way out. “Thanks for joining me. I'm sure you have other plans or things to do but…” Meals were better with other people. A sentiment not shared with many people as he noticed.
“Well I'm sure we'll have a good time together. Or you can deny my invitation next time.” He said with a gentle laugh. Though the Archeologist hoped he didn't.
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empyreanparadisaea · 22 days
To that Kaveh couldn't agree with. Though his department isn't fully manned by the IPC, their influence over the organization couldn't be denied. They were, after all, the ones who supplied the Archeologists with weaponry and other forms of defense. For the preservation of new planets, they would say. He wasn't a fool. What they truly seeked was the riches they could mine from them.
The resources, the culture, the people. All for the Amber Lord. He keeps this thought to himself however. While the good doctor had been kind, sharing such thoughts wasn't wise. Perhaps when they are alone they could. And perhaps share his own views on schola—
“H-Hey!” Another harsh bump is given, this time Kaveh is caught off guard. It makes him jump from his seat and slam back into it. 
“Asteroid field.” the immovable instelleron says. “We'll be out of it soon enough.”
“I forgot there was a large asteroid field between here and Izumo.” He said as he tried to sit upright again. Though slamming harshly on a hard seat hurt his rear more than he'd like to admit. “I pray we get through this quickly. I don't think I can handle more of it.”
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empyreanparadisaea · 1 month
"I miss my computer. I miss air conditioning. I miss my plane. I miss being able to take a walk without getting harassed by weird monsters. This dimension is a bloody nightmare!"
@kaibacorpbros || unprompted! || From Seto Kaiba!
Alhaitham was chuckling to himself. A rare sight! A rare sight indeed ... Which is why Kaveh was walking up to him with suspicion in his eyes. "What got you in such a good mood?" He asked his roommate.
"Our guest." the scholar said, pointing at the man sitting on their couch. "He's muttering to himself angerly again. I don't understand half the words he's saying but clearly he's missing something."
Kaveh rolled his eyes. "Don't be mean Alhaitham. He's Inazuman. He's not used to our weather."
"Maybe he would get used to it if he didn't wear such gaudy, heavy clothing."
"Haitham! Be polite! He could hear you!" And a sharp slap on the scholar's arm is given.
This only serves to make the man laugh harder. Of course Alhaitham would be happy at another man's suffering. Truthfully he wasn't. Alhaitham simply found the words the stranger said amusing.
He had once spoken to him about it. And what the brunet told him... well... It was laughable. Another world? With fantastical technology? Yeah right. That's why Alhaitham laughed. Kaveh could only do so much however.
"I'll get him some water. You get him a towel." Kaveh ordered.
"No. I don't think I will."
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