emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Why are there people on my floor.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Tumblr media
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
ooc; Won't be around much today, guys!
Spending some time with my friends and family. Probably won't be on until late tonight or even tomorrow. 
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Good afternoon, my TGP family!
Slept in, since this was my first night at my new apartment. Lindsay, you pick out a killer bed. I almost couldn't drag myself out. 
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Yeah, I mean, with a closet as big as mine, it was a hard decision.
Is that sarcasm? Oooh, it's pretty! I approve.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Text: EM. I have my outfit all picked out. I totally posted it awhile ago!
text: ELL. I totally didn't see it. I have take a look!
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Hi, Emily!McKynliegh here!
Bonjour, Ms. Mck.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Don’t harass them or anything. I don’t know what you guys might do. ;)
They only have a Cam and an Emily so far.
ooc: It’s a different roleplay. What we do, is only represent them after the glee project and…
 Doooon’t! I mean, it’s different, but still…
Yeah, don’t! it’s not wrong, you know, but it just feels… weird
Guys, please don’t be angry at me if I do! I’m not being discriminatory and I find that I really like tumblr RPing. It looks fun!
 I won’t be angry or something. Yeah, but i’m not sure if it’s cool being in 2 role plays at the same time
ooc; ah, let her do what she wants. It's not even like it's the same concept or anything, and there are millions of Glee roleplays out there, so I highly doubt this will be the only TGP roleplay in all of tumblr-time. 
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
ooc; Ya'll are viscous. Here it is.
Don't harass them or anything. I don't know what you guys might do. ;) 
They only have a Cam and an Emily so far.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
 ooc: where’s that fucking roleplay? We are the first and the bestest!
ooc: Not cool! theirs is probably so freaking lame!
Well, it's a Glee+Glee project rp. And I'm not going to say it's lame or anything, but you know. We were the first n' stuff. 
ooc;; There's another Glee project roleplay now.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
OOH, I got this cute orange dress...
Do it up, Ell!
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
ooc;; There's another Glee project roleplay now.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Text: Hmm. What to wear, what to wear?
Text: Anything, girl! Just make sure it's cute. Maybe sometime orange, too. That's your color.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Text: Ooh, girl apartment funness!
Text: I know, right! It's a partaaaay!
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Text: So whats all this about you moving in with Linds?
Text: Rissa and I are in LA, moving in with Lindsay in her  new apartment! We figured we should flock over since we were the only ones in NY.
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Hey, you feeling any better than before? Hows the date?
Text: Now that I'm actually in LA, I feel kind of better. But if I see that man again I will punch him then call the cops.
It was great! I have a crush on Bruno Mars. He's amazing. 
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emvasquez-blog · 13 years
Samuel got himself prepared. He wore jeans, his black Vans, and a blue shirt.
He sprayed some perfum on his kneck, grabbed the tickets and his keys.
He received the text from Lindsay saying that she was already at LAX.
He got into his Jeep, and started driving till there, he parked his car, and went to search for Emily. He heard someone screaming “SAMUEEEL”, he turned around as his dreadlocks balanced, it was Emily.
Emily flicked her thick hair with her fingers, patiently waiting in the busy airport for Samuel as her stomach growled hungrily. Her luggage was in her arms, and there were a few stares and fingers pointing. “You’re Emily from the Glee Project, right?” A teenager said. Emily smiled and nodded, proceeding to autograph a shoe. “Samuel!” She screamed when she finally saw him. “Finally! God, I’m hungry. Let’s goooo!” She threw her arm around his shoulder and pulled her luggage after her.
 Samuel lead Emily to the car, helped her with the bags, and asked her “Where do you want to eat?”
“It wouldn’t be too un-dateish if I said somewhere fast food, would it?” Emily scratched her head and laughed. “We don’t have much time until the Bruno concert and I am starving. All I need is a hamburger and I’ll be good to go. Me gusta.” She smiled wide and pumped her fist in the air, humming the tune to ‘The Lazy Song.’
 Samuel nodded his head “McDonald’s it is then”. He drove to Mcdonald’s. He asked Emily which menu she wanted, she told him, and then he left her on a table, saving seats. He got the both menus, and sat. “So, how was your flight?”
After Emily eagerly chewed her Big Mac, she swallowed and smiled. “It was pretty good, for a non-stop flight. The in-flight movie was boring and Mar wasn’t on the flight, but there was almost no turbulence, so. How was your day?”
 Samuel ended his Big Mac and answered Emily “It was pretty boring, actually…”
He got up, and so did Emily. He opened the passager car for her, and then he got into the driver seat. He started driving to the concert. The concert was on the beach, so it wouldn’t be so hard to find a place to be, but it was hard to find a place to park.
Samuel finally found a place to park. They got out of the car. The concert hadn’t started yet. That was a good sign.
Emily bopped around to an invisible beat, full of energy after her Big Mac. “Bruno!” She screamed with all the other girl’s, bumping her hip against Sam’s to get him to join in. “Bruno!” When he got on stage, she screamed so loud her throat almost burst.
 Samuel laughed at Emily’s scream. He took her, and put her on his shoulders. She screamed him a “Thank You”. Billionaire started playing. Travis McCoy entered the stage and started doing his thing. Everybody was singing along, including him.
Emily leaned over Samuel’s head to raise her hand towards the stage. When both the performers on stage reached out to quickly slap it, she screamed so loud she almost fell off. “I’M NEVER WASHING THIS HAND!” She hollered loudly, and a few teenagers near her looked up to give her odd looks. She pumped her fists in the air and ignored them.
 The song ended and everybody cheered “WOOOOO”. Travis got out of the stage, and Bruno picked his guitar to start playing Count On Me. Again, everybody started cheering. Samuel thought that, that was a pretty good song.
Emily continued rocking out, song after song, performance after performance, most of the time on top of Sam’s shoulders. It was halfway through the concert when she lost her shoe, but she could be bothered. It was too strappy, anyway. It would only fall off again. Finally, the opening chords of ‘Just The Way You Are’ pumped in the air and Em almost toppled into the crowd in excitement. “WAHOOO!” She scream-sung along with the lyrics.
 The concert was almost ending, and so was the date. Samuel was nervous, because he wanted to kiss her, but he was afraid to wreck things up.
He didn’t know if Emily felt the same way he did…
“I guess I should start getting settled at Lindsay’s,” Emily admitted, smiling at Sam. “This was amazingly fun, thanks so much. I had a ball. And I’ll totally massage your shoulders if they hurt tomorrow.” Emily grinned. “You’ll come by Linds’ later with everyone else, right?”
 ”No problem, yeah it was!” he smiled “Anytime you want! Oh you better! Why did nobody told me about that?, and doing what?”
"It's a 'TGP' family party!" Emily cheered. "Now, drop me off at my new apartment, boy, or we'll have an issue." 
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