enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
What are you cooking for dinner. Will is calm now, I like meat a lot.
I am currently cooking an array of foods. My main course is of course a lovely medium-rare steak in a butter garlic. The sides consist of a few sautéed vegetables, particularly onions. There is a savory sauce poured in a feathery manner on the plate that brings out the buttery taste of the steak. The beverage of course consists of a lovely red-wine from 1987 paired for its sweet refreshing taste to cleanse the pallet of the mostly savory meal.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Hello Count Dr. Hannibal Lecter VIII, since I'm not ALLOWED to call you Libby anymore
Full title? I do enjoy it being used, it's not often people make the effort to say it all the way.
His eyes twinkle in amusement.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Thank you. It warms my heart to see my mylimasis be so protective, though I do apologize for the ferociousness of his words. If do choose to attend dinner with us one day, I will make sure you won't be the meal. I always try to be the most inviting host.
Holy shit you’re actually eating Nigel up???
Sounds about right, he's looking like a meal I'm interested in being served for dinner, per my husband's cooking style.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
William, do be polite. He is interesting, and he is dangerous. Something we both tend to enjoy in our company. Perhaps, give him a chance to be our friend?
hello Libby :)
Hello, Nigel. I see you are already exercising the new..'nickname'.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
hello Libby :)
Hello, Nigel. I see you are already exercising the new..'nickname'.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Now, Nigel...it is not for you to decide if I keep you at an arm's length or not. Yes, I am Lithuanian and recognizable so I do not doubt you have seen me around at some point of time.
Hannibal gave Nigel a polite smile, his eyes were a bit sharp but not murderous at most. He was just curious at the pure show of confidence from him. It was a bit brazen.
Well if we were to truly say my full name it would be Count Dr. Hannibal Lecter VIII. I have a very distinguishable title.
Hannibal smoothed his coat down carefully, before looking up with a haughty grin.
Libby? That is a very common name. I suppose I will allow you to call me it since you desire to so badly.
Hello, Hannibal Lector
It is spelled Lecter, not Lector. But please, just call me Hannibal. No reason why you should call me Lecter.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
A nickname? I suppose so, what would you recommend? I've only ever received nicknames from my mylimasis. I am as one would say, not exactly well-versed in that type of friendly things surprisingly. I've always kept everyone at an arm's length.
Hello, Hannibal Lector
It is spelled Lecter, not Lector. But please, just call me Hannibal. No reason why you should call me Lecter.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Hello, Hannibal Lector
It is spelled Lecter, not Lector. But please, just call me Hannibal. No reason why you should call me Lecter.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
The opera? It is not often I am to go to such a high-class event. Ever since I settled down with my mylimasis he's dreaded going to the opera. I suppose I would enjoy some company to the opera once again. I am not rude, I detest being rude. I am simply always right.
Hannibal tilted his head to the side with curiosity. It had been awhile since he had been invited anywhere to a high class event. Will didn't like to attend many and Hannibal disliked the idea to ever attend without him. But, it would be rude ot refuse an invitation.
Me? Make you nervous? That is unfortunate, pardon me if I haven't been a suitable conversationalist. I would hate for you to be nervous in my presence. I would hate for you to see something that you wouldn't like. Do not be afraid to tell me anything.
Hannibal gave Nigel a Cheshire cat grin, his eyes turning into crescent moons. Made him nervous? Oh, he'd hate to make him feel like prey. Or would he?
Are you.... are you...
What? Do use your words.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Are you.... are you...
What? Do use your words.
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Italian does always tend to bring it out more. Speaking of myself? One could say I enjoy sharing anything about myself. It is often a privilege not many get to experience afterall.
I believe anyone would be rightfully upset if their cultures food were to be defiled for pasta that is simply going to taste awful. Why not but penne instead? Or perhaps cut fideo. Simply barbaric that is all. I would love to show any soul how to properly snap a meal, I am very well-versed in preparing meals.
Why do you speak like that?
I think one should always start off with a greeting before asking questions. Hello, who may you be?
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Ah yes, I learned Italian since an early age you see. My lovely mother was venician royalty, and Italy holds a deep rooted importance for me in turn. Italian is a romantic language yes. Italian holds such a prominent impression, the words flow in a passionate manner. There can never be an Italian who could not show case the fullness of himself through his words.
I suppose I could speak a bit of Italian, I do like to entertain.
L'italiano è una lingua così elegante. Conosciuto per la sua capacità di trascendere e raggiungere molti. L’opera italiana è un ottimo esempio. È bellezza e profondità che raggiungono il cuore di chiunque abbia voglia di ascoltare. Ha emozioni e pensieri. Ogni pezzetto di italiano parla da solo. L’italiano ha davvero i suoi grandi pregi. Allo stesso modo, lituano e rumeno. Penso che sia una conclusione semplice.
Why do you speak like that?
I think one should always start off with a greeting before asking questions. Hello, who may you be?
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
It is alright, most of the words are lost to the world. As long as the intentions were made it does not matter. I appreciate your compliments of my language, Lithuania is soft and airy. A purr is often as a result of it when speaking, my mylimasis tends to love that part of it as well. Romanian you say? You are not far from my home country yourself, it is a virtue to be proud of one's upbringing so that much is admirable that you too, believe it is important.
Aș spune că româna este o limbă foarte drăguță, există un anumit mod în care promovează senzația în urechi. Îți mulțumesc că ai împărtășit o limbă atât de frumoasă cu mine.
Îmi iubesc limba maternă în egală măsură. Nu conteaza cuat de pún tind sa o vorbresc. Nu voi uita niataa acea parte din mine care va fi lituanianiana. O parte care aparține culturii mele, familiilor mele, strämoșilor mei. Acesta este ceea ce simbolizează numele Lecter. Un adevărat lituanian.
Why do you speak like that?
I think one should always start off with a greeting before asking questions. Hello, who may you be?
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Nigel, those are some very personal questions. But I will humor you since you seem to be desperate to know. I speak this way as a result of favoring highly intricate conversations. Words form beautiful sentences that have meaning, why not make such sentences more lovely with words that compliment? Now, it also seems as of you have a certain way of speaking as well, I am also in return wondering why you speak that way. I am from Lithuania, where are you from Nigel. Don't be afraid to tell me now, I am just curious to see what you will answer with. But I already have a certain idea.
Why do you speak like that?
I think one should always start off with a greeting before asking questions. Hello, who may you be?
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
Why do you speak like that?
I think one should always start off with a greeting before asking questions. Hello, who may you be?
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enabler1therapist2 · 2 months
It's been awhile, dear Will and I had been on a sabbatical. Crawford had caught wind of us and we had to flee. We are enjoying the nice vacation else where until he tires and we may return.
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enabler1therapist2 · 3 months
Hello, Dr. Lector. I've a tip for you, regarding some of your silverware's whereabouts. One Mr. Graham was spotted using a spoon that looked remarkably similar to one of your sets. He used it to feed his dogs. As a result of this I believe him to have bent the spoon. Very sorry for your loss, and I do extend my condolences.
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I was aware that one such spoon had gone missing from my lovely 1940's set of pure silver cultery. Now that being my dear mylimasis was found using it to feed...his fierce canines...is another subject. And while a good disinfection of such an instrument could have left an area for forgiveness. Seeing that he's in fact left it in such an irreparable state where it bends at a precise 45° angle is extremely upsetting. Thank you for notifying me of my cutlery's tragic fate, while I do mourn it's lost...I suppose that it was a sacrifice that I was bound to make. It was the spoon, or the rest of my set. I can do without a spoon, but not without the smile of my dear Will who is pleased to see me give into his unrulyness.
With a solemn gratitude,
Hannibal Lecter.
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