enacoated · 10 years
          Slowly, she takes the paper from his hands and holds it against her chest as if for protection from the other. ❝ Thank you. ❞ And she's just about read to turn and walk off to find her room like she originally planned, but when he speaks the meaning of her name, she stops, turns on her heel and looks dead at him. Eyes slowly widening as he goes on and it is indeed, her name. ❝ … ❞ A moment of silence passes between the two of them as she fumbles around for something to say in return.
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          A blush can't help but creep onto her cheeks as she thinks about it. ❝ Y-yes..I was aware. ❞ She's surprised, to say the least. Never has someone taken notice to the meaning of her name and for him to say that it suited her. ❝ I just wasn't expecting someone else to know.. ❞ Get it together, Chisaki. You shouldn't act this way around him. Deep breath now as she composes herself and looks back down at the paper she's been holding against her chest.
          ❝ Oh, this? Well, ❞ She looks at it now, making sure that all of her writing was still here. ❝ It's just my living arrangements along with a small map of where everything is, nothing too special.. ❞ He'd been the one asking the questions until now, so it's about time that she asks a question of her own. ❝ Er..Fai-san, why are you here by yourself? Are you lost? ❞ 
it was on this day. { fai }
Chisaki. He will remember that. As soon as she finished saying her name, his body straightened up in his normal position. The piece of paper still on his hands but with a more decent look that Fai fixed while he introduced himself to her. His actions were a little discourteous but he can’t help it! Teasing people is one of his hobbies, but he does it with a good intention, hopefully she won’t get offended with that.
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Stretching his arm he handed the object to the owner. “Here you have, Chisaki-chan.” Smiling again, though this time could be said it was different, since he felt a little bad for playing with her a little he wanted to show something more honest about him even if it was for a few seconds, he didn’t want her to think bad about him so fast. A compliment to his name? “Do you think so?” That was something that he actually didn’t enjoy too much, but saying something about it would make him take topics that he rather have deep under a grave. So he would just smile politely and say something back, that’s what he’s supposed to do right?
                                “A                                       thousand                                                       blossoms.
Did you know? That’s the meaning of your name, it suits you very well, Chisaki-chan!” Ah yes, he really meant it, he liked her name better than his, a real name, a real meaning, he would probably take every opportunity he gets to pronounce it. “By the way, if it’s okay to ask, what is that paper for?”
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enacoated · 10 years
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          ❝ ... ❞ Here we are with another pause. ❝ ...I think someone is calling me. Yes...ah. It's time for me to go. I enjoyed our chat, even if it was short. ❞ And now she's walking off, quickly. ❝ Maybe we can talk again sometime, if you'd like! ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— “Flaws? My ability to torture is excellent, not flawed. Oh, you mean my super highschool level title. It’s torturer.”
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enacoated · 10 years
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           ❝ ... ❞ Moment of silence. ❝ We all have our flaws, I suppose. ❞ Awkward cough. ❝ And what would your title be..you know. What you specialize in? ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— “If someone broke something that belongs to me, I’d break their index finger, then wait an hour; and then break their other finger and so on. If I’m feeling nice, I won’t cut their fingers off.”
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enacoated · 10 years
          She's at first taken aback at him saying that he wo't give her paper back. For a moment, she opts to snatch the paper right from his hands if he persists in being that way and gives a ridiculous request. She's silent  as she waits to hear what he wants in exchange for her piece of paper and a sigh of relief escapes her, it's something simple thank goodness. ❝ I think that's fair enough. ❞ Though she's still pretty shaky on giving her name to a stranger, but he seems nice enough.
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          ❝ Chisaki. ❞ Only giving her first name to start with before continuing on to her full to be fair to him. ❝ Hiradaira Chisaki. ❞ That'd be enough to get it back, right? ❝ It's nice to meet you, Fai-san. ❞ And while she was in no type of hurry nor did she want to seem pushy, she holds her hand out for the piece of paper now. All's fair now. She'd told him what he wanted to know and now since he had what he needed, there should be no reason to hold her paper prisoner any longer.
          ❝ You have a very lovely name, by the way. ❞
it was on this day. { fai }
He smiled at her comment about herself, Fai has always had a way with people it was really obvious for him to notice she was getting nervous with their conversation. He couldn’t blame her, you never know what kind of people you could meet in a place like this. Though, he didn’t consider himself one of the “good” or “bad” guys. 
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After hearing she was the owner, eyes turned to his hand’s direction. “Uh.” For the way it looked he thought it was something useless but apparently it was the otherwise. “Since I found it it’s mine now, but I’ll exchange it for something else.” He paused for a few seconds as his gaze went back to her. He made a step back, bowing before her placing his hand on his chest as the other went back. “My name is Fai D. Flowright, if you give me your name it will be a pleasure to give it back.” A serious tone of voice, introductions were always important and he was raised to always have good manners, it might be exaggerated but he was used to it. And to finish with his small act, a cheerful smile appeared on his face adding a few words. “How about that?”
Of course, even if she denies his petition he would give it to her, but he has always enjoyed playing with people even if he had just met them!
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enacoated · 10 years
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          ❝ Even if you're a bandit, you shouldn't practice stealing and breaking things that don't belong to you. How would you like it if someone broke something of yours? ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— “I never said I was a good person. I’m a bandit. if I want something, I take it.”
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enacoated · 10 years
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          Does she really need to explain why.. ❝ Good people pay for what they break and apologize for it. ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— “Why would I pay for what I break?”
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enacoated · 10 years
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          ❝ I don't think you'll want to pay for that if it breaks though. ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— Gives it another punch. “I am trying to break it.”
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enacoated · 10 years
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          Sees some lone soul slamming that poor slot machine. ❝ ..I think you should stop. You wouldn't want to break it. ❞
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                             ` «「 ☠ 」— Slams fist on the slot machine, attempting to break it.
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enacoated · 10 years
          ❝ You're welcome.. ❞ Voice trailing off now as she looks him over. He seemed a little too cheery--though that wasn't a bad thing. ❝ Are you positive..? I feel awful for causing trouble for you..even if it was something so small.. ❞ She probably looks silly to him for apologizing so much, but it's in her nature. 
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          Dusting herself off, she arches a brow at his not wanting any medical attention. Huh, most people say yes whenever she offers, but he must be different from most. ❝ I'm fine. You don't need to worry, I'm pretty sturdy. ❞ A nervous laugh follows, because this was really the time to make jokes with a stranger whom you've just met. She places the bandages back inside of her bag now as she turns to him once more, noticing the piece of paper he has in his hands. It takes her a moment before catching on to realizing that it was indeed her paper, filled with everything she needed to know about the island. ❝ Oh! Yes..that's mine! I dropped it. ❞ 
          A nervous glance at his hand that held her paper now, twiddling with her fingers in the mean time. ❝ Do you think I could get that back..? It's kind of important, sorry. ❞ She almost felt sort of bad for asking for it back, but she did need it.
it was on this day. { fai }
Walking around the place, inspecting the area, he had already found his room, now he just needed to know better his new “home” or whatever you could call that nightmare. Fai didn’t want to see this events in which he ended up trapped like that, he rather take it as some unexpected vacations.
Hands went up, supporting his head to rest; the wizard living in his own world ignored everything around him causing clumsiness in his walk. Before turning to the corner of the end of the hallway he couldn’t see at time another individual that was coming his way. Something that wasn’t usual to see! He had always had a great agility but how distracted he could have been to find himself lying on the floor? After all, there’s always a first time for everything.
Before he could say anything, he identified a female voice apologizing! That was fine, everyone has accidents and he didn’t mind at all his fall. Looking up finding the other’s hand reaching out for him, he didn’t hesitate in taking it, but he was careful, seeing the size of the fingers he could assume someone of his height would be to heavy to support, and he didn’t want more accidents! Gaze met another, a deep blue color just like his. Coincidences don’t exist, he had learned that. “Thaaaaaaank you!” He said in a singing tone of voice, using his other arm to help himself to stand up.
A gentle smile while  listening to her question. “Ah! No, no!” He said waving his hands. “I’m perfectly fine! Don’t worry about me, but most important are you okay?” His words were interrupted at the sight of a piece of paper on the ground. Blinking just as he had found a new treasure he leaned down picking it up, thinking that it could have been his but the object seemed unknown for him. “Could this be yours?”
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enacoated · 10 years
it was on this day. { fai }
          Piece of paper in her hand as she walked along row upon row of cabins, looking for her own in which she was assigned to be housed. ❝ Room One Forty-Seven.. ❞ She circled the entire housing area about two times now and believe it or not, she's not seen her cabin even once. In fact, this whole area seemed to be empty for one reason or another so that left out the option of being able to ask someone for help. 
         Or so that was what she thought until she'd realized she hadn't been paying attention and accidentally bumped into someone. The impact hadn't hurt her that much, but there she was on the ground and assumingly, the other person was as well. The paper in which she held all her necessary information on had been crumpled thanks to her clutching it while falling. There goes her only ticket to knowing the basics. Her concern is not this though, it is on the other person whom she'd brought down with her.
          ❝ Ah! S-sorry..I didn't see you. I really should learn to pay more attention. ❞ Embarrassed, she gets up on her own and holds her hand out for the other. Chisaki'd been looking down this whole time, so it was a surprise to her when her eyes met the form of a young man, only a few years older than herself. ❝ Er--...I.. ❞ She'd lost herself in just that one moment as their eyes locked, only to be pulled back just as quick.
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          ❝ You fell pretty hard, do you need a bandage or anything..? ❞ And just like that, she goes to reach for the bag at her side, pulling out a roll of bandages just in case they were needed.
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enacoated · 10 years
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Moves his hand away....
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Pokes her nose. 
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enacoated · 10 years
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enacoated · 10 years
celeswizard started following you
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enacoated · 10 years
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calm | pogadz [pixiv] 
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enacoated · 10 years
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Love is probably like the sea. It’s not just all fun and love. You also have to embrace the sadness, pain, and everything else. That’s when new feelings are born.
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enacoated · 10 years
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