enchantedmemory · 3 days
“Look at this dumbass terf who cant even tell the difference between rape on video and acting. Like I think we would know if the actress was actually being raped for my cnc porn!”
“Woah did you guys know that actress Shelley Duval was actually being tortured while she was playing the role of Wendy from The Shining?? I would have never known, but those tears and exhausted looks were all real!! I thought she was a really good actress but it turns out the director had been abusing her and overworking her to the point of mental break! Isn’t this a fun tidbit of cinema history!”
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enchantedmemory · 5 days
i wish every woman could experience being in a true female only space at least once. a space away from men in a secluded area. cooking, eating, dancing, creating, swimming, existing only among women. no need for make up, clothing that’s not comfortable and practical, no bras, no shaving, no artificial femininity. if you wanna walk around naked you can be, no one’s gonna stare at you, no fear of a man sitting in the bush filming or masturbating. no body shaming or pointing out any part of your body. no pressure to look perfect. no need to look perfect. just existing and being enough, living without fear and in harmony with our bodies and nature.
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enchantedmemory · 5 days
If you're afab and find yourself thinking stuff like "I wish I had a body like a trans woman," I'm gonna need you to stop and ask yourself what you mean by that. Like reeeeally deeply, introspectively ask yourself. Because your answer probably reveals a lot about your hidden biases towards trans women. Do you want a penis? Great, but not all trans women have those, and it's really weird to try and define a whole group of people by their genitals. Do you want to look more masculine? Because, and I really hope I don't need to say this, viewing/defining trans women as "more masculine women" is super transphobic and fucked up and you need to stop viewing us like that immediately. There are no meaningful universal differences between cis and trans bodies you can define that do not in some way reduce us to our anatomy and/or stereotypes about us. So, instead of comparing yourself to whatever imaginary idea of trans women you have in your head, just be yourself. Explore your body and gender on your own terms, but please, leave us out of it.
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enchantedmemory · 5 days
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"Anti Porn radfems are reactionary and fear mongering" This guy could be lying but the idea that a man could come across a site called "THIS WOMAN IS BEING FUCKED WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE AKA WE ARE LITERALLY RAPING 100% REAL + SERIOUS" and write it off as a kinky title and still proceed is unfortunately fathomable.
The average male is coming across hundreds of videos entitled: "Conned out of sex", "Fucked instead of paying rent","Came in Her without her consent", "Stepdaughter fucked as punishment" etc. The literal culture of porn is to title videos with the most horrific, sexually abusive and illegal crimes against women and minors. Think about it: how would someone who is actually fucking their underage stepdaughter title their videos/activities to distinguish themselves from the millions of fake "fucking my underage stepdaughter" content? But when people say porn promotes and desensitizes people to rape, we're overreacting. Ok
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enchantedmemory · 5 days
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found under that "how to slap women in the face" post...men are literally closed fist punching their girlfriends & the pervert rights activists are making them feel like there is nothing wrong with them with all this "well we don't wanna be a kink shaming sex negative prudish puritan!" shit. like ok I think my kink is for all violent male doms to be beaten into a 3 year coma with tire irons how about that
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enchantedmemory · 6 days
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enchantedmemory · 6 days
Hey, Depp Cult: It’s over, and you got nothing that you wanted.
The appeal is settled.  That means Depp’s case is dismissed with prejudice and he signed a settlement in which Amber Heard denied liability.  After spending 26 million dollars on lawsuits in two countries, all Depp has to show for it is a twice-upheld ruling that he’s a wife-beater and also a piece of paper that says seven idiots agreed with him.  He can wipe his ass with that or roll a blunt, it’s his choice.
Amber is free.  He can’t relitigate their relationship anymore.  She has no gag order, no injunction, no NDA.  She did not accept guilt.  On Instagram today, she stated that the UK court found she had been subjected to domestic and sexual violence, and he can’t touch her for saying that.  He’s toothless.
She’s not paying a cent; her insurance is.  Depp spent 26 million and got one million back.  What a deal.
Oh, and her countersuit still stands.  He still owes her two million.  So let’s take a tally:  Judge granted Heard a restraining order, UK judgment (upheld twice on appeal) found Depp was a wife-beater and rapist, VA jury found that Depp defamed Heard through Waldman, and now Depp’s verdict against her no longer matters and isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.  That’s Amber: 4, Depp: 0.
Depp will never have a career resurgence, because in his own words, he’s “never getting clean and sober.”  Big studios won’t touch him.  He’s out of Pirates.  He’s out of Fantastic Beasts.  He’s already ruining his reputation in the European indie scene with his horrible behavior on set.  His music is shit.  He looks like his liver is trying to claw its way free of his body.
Meanwhile, Amber’s still Mera in Aquaman.  She has about as much screen time in the sequel as she did in the original.  She has another film, In the Fire, coming out in 2023.  She’s free to resume her activism work.  And one day she’ll write a tell-all book and be the star of multiple documentaries about how she was vilified and wronged, and maybe you remoras will feature in those documentaries, dressed as poop or giggling over a victim describing her rape.
(Don’t forget, the Internet is forever!  One day your kids will see that, and then they’ll go no contact.)
And let’s not forget that now, thanks to your efforts to unseal court documents, the whole world knows that Depp’s dick doesn’t work.
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enchantedmemory · 6 days
‘‘we need to tell men it’s okay to cry and show their feelings’‘ LMAOOOOO we need to tell men to stop killing and raping and beating women and watching porn holy shit y’all can fuck off with that ~male positivity~ bullshit, men are the OPRESSOR class in patriarchy we don’t need to hold their hands and coddle them like this
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enchantedmemory · 8 days
gender is a conservative-made social construct btw. It has no purpose besides keeping women subordinate and dependant and making sure men join the military. It’s not an identity, it’s a method of oppression, and you are falling for it head over heels.
makeup and breast augmentation, high heels and false eyelashes aren’t “gender affirming “care””, they’re a product of capitalism that targets women, designed to make you feel ugly without them and become reliant on the industry.
Gender ideology is conservative and “gender affirming care” is capitalist. You aren’t a leftist or a communist.
Gender and capitalism doesn’t care if you’re born with a penis and doing these things, it profits just the same.
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enchantedmemory · 8 days
lately i've been doing a lot of thinking about why women are the main supporters of transgenderism, and i think i've boiled it down to three main elements
1. women are socialised to be more accommodating and accepting of uncomfortable situations than men are. this has been discussed at length in the radical feminist tradition and the gender critical movement, but it bears reiterating. women are taught from early childhood to disbelieve their feelings of fear, anger and humiliation for the benefit of men.
2. i'd argue that the description of physical dysphoria is one that almost all women empathise with, because of how alienated women are from their bodies by society, in a way most men are not. even women who would say they are comfortable with their bodies have complicated feelings about having a female body in our society, even if they don't have the framework to express it. therefore, when women are confronted with men who make claims about sex dysphoria, they relate and empathise and some can draw conclusions that this distress aligns them with femaleness (i would argue that all women experience sex dysphoria in a misogynist society like ours but i digress). i think there many women also find solace in the idea that someone else could possibly have their physical distress alleviated and want to believe it is possible to find a solution to it.
In other words, “The body has been made so problematic for women that it has often seemed easier to shrug it off and travel as a disembodied spirit.” - Adrienne Rich
3. women want to believe that male oppression and men aren't really that bad. to comprehend the scale of women's oppression, and to fully understand that the men you know and love are as complicit in it as any other, feels like balancing on the brink of madness. women are desperate for evidence that things aren't as bad as they suspect.
Andrea Dworkin says it best: “Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships.”
that is part of the allure of the trans movement for these women in denial. breaking down the categories of male and female, and denying the social dynamics therein, means they don't have to grapple with the ugliness of misogyny.
anyone else have thoughts on this? i'd be keen to hear if others on radblr think
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enchantedmemory · 8 days
asexuals can enjoy sex believers go tell a straight man he should get another straight guy to blow him because he can just enjoy the pleasure and it doesn't matter if you aren't sexually attracted to the person. Does this make it clear how absolutely unenjoyable it would be to fuck someone you aren't sexually attracted to. Before someone screams acephobia I actually cannot give less of a fuck about your sexual attraction I just cannot stay quiet while people say the most insane shit and it stays in their echo chambers never examined by a sane person. Because this is insane.
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enchantedmemory · 8 days
“one hundred and fifty years ago people didn’t GET cancer”
no you’re right they just had intense pain and died one day leaving their family to wonder what happened
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enchantedmemory · 9 days
I can feel concern for any woman that I want. "She doesn't need your pity." She doesn't have it. She has my concern. "She's rich, she's doing just fine." Great, she still has my concern. "She's sexually liberated, you're being weird." Dope. As she should be. She still has my concern. "You sound like a Karen." I've seen what you define as a Karen, so that doesn't mean anything. She still has my concern. "She wouldn't give a damn if you were the one going through it."
My feminism is not conditional. She has my concern.
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enchantedmemory · 9 days
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enchantedmemory · 9 days
"hey why are all the barrier garments like linen shirts or chemises or combinations going away?"
"oh we have more washable fabrics now! you don't need to worry about sweat reaching your outer clothing when you can just chuck it in the washing machine!"
[100 years later]
"so uh all of those new washable fabrics are leaching microplastics into our water, and the constant machine-washing wears garments out faster. they're also not really sturdy enough to be mended, so we keep having to throw them out and now the planet is covered in plastic fabric waste that will never break down. also it turns out that the new washable fabrics hold odor-causing bacteria VERY well. so could we get those barrier garments back please?"
"sorry babe linen now costs $100000/yard and since it's been so long without them, nobody knows how to adapt barrier garments to the current styles anyway"
"maybe try this new $50 undershirt made of Special Sweat-Wicking Plastic Fabric! :) :) :)"
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enchantedmemory · 9 days
Modern medicine today: we diagnose men 4x faster than women with the same disease and we can only estimate baby size with an error of about 1.5 pounds (that's a massive margin since most babies weigh like 6 pounds)
Star Wars medicine: we can save a man from dismemberment and body-covering burns but this woman is dying in childbirth and we have no ideas.
Yeah, sorry, it checks out.
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enchantedmemory · 9 days
Oh, she was thisclose to calling him something very impolite. 😂
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