enchantiing-bby · 5 years
I wanted to share this with you guys sooner but I’ve had to do a bit of configurations on the dough, getting the right proportions and shit.
Makes 2 4” pizzas at 59 calories each, for both it is 118 calories (wayyy less than ONE slice of regular pizza at 300 calories!!! You can literally have 3 ½ of these for the same amount of calories)
¼ cup flour , 2 tbsp water , ½ tsp baking powder , ½ tsp salt
Mix all the ingredients until a stiff dough forms, cut the ball of dough into 4 equal portions, roll out the dough balls to about 4 inches across, heat a nonstick skillet to medium and add cooking spray, cook both sides of the tortillas until there are slight brown spots. This makes 4 tortillas and each one is 22 calories.
1 can tomato paste , 1 can tomato sauce , ½ cup of HOT water, 1 tablespoon oregano , 1 teaspoon basil , 1 ½ teaspoon minced garlic , 1 teaspoon onion powder , ½ teaspoon salt , ¼ teaspoon white pepper , ¼ teaspoon black pepper
Mix all ingredients together, this makes 2 cups of pizza sauce, each tbsp is 14 calories each
2 tortillas , 1 Tbsp pizza sauce , 2 tbsp mozzarella , 5 slices turkey pepperoni , 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper (this is a COMPLETELY optional ingredient!!!!!)
Bake the tortillas for about 10 minuets on 350°, take them out and add half the pizza sauce and half the mozzarella to each pizza, then cut the pepperoni slices in half (or fourths if you’d like) and add them on top, add the crushed red pepper (if using) and bake at 350° for 10 more minuets.
An important note on this recipe: I use whole wheat flour, the one I use is 25 calories per a tbsp. Also, the turkey pepperoni is roughly 4 calories per slice (or at least the one I use) and is not needed at all, it’s a completely optional ingredient. Without the pepperoni it would be 49 calories for each pizza. Even though I say in the recipe the tortilla recipe makes 4, you can cut the quantities of the ingredients in half and just make two. The pizza sauce is also something you can cut down the amount of to suit your needs, if you think you’ll not be able to use the whole amount before it goes bad, just use the amount you need at one time. I personally like to make tacos and pasta sauce with my leftovers. But it’s up to you, play around with the recipe it’s self and see what you like.
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
My family : ‘Did you eat today?’
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
i can’t believe i’ve taken 10k+ steps everyday since sept 26 and i haven’t binged in almost 2 months and i never go over my cal limits and i workout everyday. who is this new bitch with all this self control? i love her and her slimming bod
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
just checking in to say i’m STILL NOT skinny and that is DEFINITELY why nobody loves me ok thanks bye
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
some people call it an eating disorder, I call it a reverse mukbang
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
Imagine eating a normal amount of food without feeling like a waste of space after
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
me: *is still not losing any weight*
me: i should lower my ugw
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
Reasons to lose weight #39
Because I’m starting university next year and I refuse to be fat in university the way I was in high school.
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
Reasons to lose weight #31
So I won’t feel guilty having crushes on people because I think I’m too fat and gross to be liked by anyone.
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
When I lose weight:
I will be more confident
My jawline will be visible
My waist will be small and I’ll look great in skirts
My neck will be thinner
I will see my collarbones
My thighs will be thinner and nicer-looking
My fingers will be thin and seem longer
My feet will get a little smaller for all that weight won’t deliver pressure on them anymore and I’ll be able to have a broader choice of beautiful shoes
My face will be slimmer
My wrists will be thin and graceful
My anckles will be thinner
When I bend over there will be no fat rolls
I will not be triggered by food and slim people
I will feel more comfortable
My eyes will seem bigger
My round glasses will look cute on my face
My chest will be smaller and better-shaped
Shopping won’t be a torture for my self-esteem
My parents will be finally relieved that I’m not overweight
I will not fear telling my weight
My 5 year torture of being fat will end
Girls/boys will notice me and i might find a partner
I will not be ashamed of my body
I will feel great in a swimsuit
I will no more be at risk of type 2 diabetes
My sugar addiction will disappear
My skin will get clearer
I will be able to dance and it will look amaizing
I will have more control over my life
I will look cute in dresses
I will be used to eating healthy
I will be proud of myself
I will wear tank-tops
No more heavy sweating in Summer
It will be my achievement.
And finally, i will love myself
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
How to become pretty for summer✨👙👒
Your face:
Exfoliate and scrub your face every night.
Moistruize your skin.
Try to clean your face of acne.
Use face masks every day.
Put lip balm on in the morning and at night( and when you want to).
Brush your teeth 3 times a day and use lightning strips.
Use your mouthwash and FLOSS.
Pluck your eyebrows.
Your hair:
Wash it very well every 2-3 days.
Use your conditioner and leave it in for a couple of minutes and THEN wash it of.
After you get ouț of the shower use you hair masks or oils.
Leave it to dry natural and try not to heat dry it.
Try not to touch it too often because that makes it greasy.
Your hygene:
Wash your body every day.
Use nice smeling body washes and body lotions.
Don’t forget to scrub your body at least once a week.
Use nice smeling deodorant every time you change.
Wash your face 2 times a day.
Put on clean clothes. If you wore them for more then 3 times you should give them a wash.
Take care of your nails. Paint them a new pretty color every week.
Get rid of your body hair: wax or shave your legs, arms, armpits, down there, anywhere you feel the need to.
Your clothes/style:
Wear a new outfit everyday.
Try to make it look like you put a lot of efort into your outfits.
Add accesories: necklesses, bracelets, rings, ankle bracelets, earings, bags or hand wallets, etc.
Your shoes are very important. They ALWAYS have to match your outfit. If you don’t know what to wear a safe bet îs just plain black snickers.
If it’s cold make sure to put on a jacket with you or just tie it around your waist.
Always wear makeup even if it’s the tiniest bit. It makes a difference and trust me you need it.
Your personality:
Don’t always be on your phone.
Spend more time reading and in nature.
Play with your dogs and be an animal lover.
Listen to music that makes you feel good
Try to not talk so much and just listen more.
Choose your words and think before you talk.
Be delicate and soft when you speak.(But if anyone tries you be sure to not take any BS).
Don’t argue if possibile.
Keep your room clean and tidy.
Be organized. ✨
Be funny and charming. THAT’S BASICALLY IT.
Your eating habbits:
Never eat alone and try to eat as little as possibile around other people.
Drink zero calorie sodas instead of any other sodas.
Always chew gum or have mints on you. ( not just to burn calories but also for bad breath)
Cut your food into little pieces and play with it before eating it if you have to eat.
Chew every bite at least 25 times.
Drink water before eating and while you are eating so you get fuller quicker.
If the food has a lot of calories than make up an excuse to not eat it( try not to do this one very often or people WILL catch on).
Try and eat healthyer when you do eat so people will just think that is why you lost weight.
Drink a shit tone of water. ✨
Other things to note:
Never purge or use laxatives it îs really bad for you!!!
Follow a workout routine and learn how to jump rope really fast to impress people.
Make a workout playlist to make things easier.
Get your ears pierced for lords sake.
Keep a journal and write în it how you feel. Or maybe just doodle in it or idk whatever you want. ✨
Try and be helpfull to the people around you. Make your time on earth worth it. You know you are running low on time.
Learn a new languege to impress people and speak it to brag about it.
If you can die the ends of your hair blonde.✨
Stay safe loves this one is just for me,(sorry for the bad grammar xd) but if you feel like it helps you then that’s great too💜
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
my brain: okay step one to ACTUALLY lose weight, maybe dont eat the ENTIRE FUCKING KITCHEN at 1am
me the following night:
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
When I’ve lost weight to the point that I’m a literal skeleton it’s over for me bitches cuz I’ll be dead
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
Fake it. Tell yourself you’re already that cute tiny dainty girl. You giggle and dance and move around constantly. Of course you don’t want any sugary food, it’ll make your tiny stomach ache. Skip breakfast and lunch and by nighttime you’ll slide into tiny velvet dresses that will still bunch up around your cinched waist. Eventually, you’ll start to see this version of yourself in the mirror too.
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
No offense…: but you’re doing this for YOU. And you know when you sneak an extra serving without tracking the calories. Or put in half the the effort to your workout. You know when you cheat yourself and you can see the results all over your stomach, thighs, calves, arms, and back. You get what you put in. Put in the effort to take the stairs each time, leave the last few bites on your plate, drink the extra glasses of water. Simple. This is for you. Don’t cheat yourself.
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enchantiing-bby · 5 years
maybe people will finally start to care when i’m skinny enough to die
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