enchantressmorgana · 2 years
“Who knows? Fableton’s a weird place. Maybe someone’s wandered in from another world who’s perfectly qualified to deal with all… that.” He made a vague gesture at her head. There were some things he’d never be comfortable sharing with another person besides Morgana, but most of their secrets became irrelevant with the fall of Camelot. One of the perks of slipping into an alternate dimension, or whatever had happened. He’d come to Fableton on purpose, and he still wasn’t totally sure.
“And all the stories are true,” he yawned. That was a slight exaggeration, but it was truer than was comfortable sometimes, especially here. “Uther’s the reason I can’t have the willow bark? What a dick.” Enough things were actually Uther’s fault that he didn’t feel bad about blaming this one on him too. Not a lot of people sorry to see that guy dead. “Forget it. I’m going back to bed.” He’d still be passed out in a ditch if a girl on a motorcycle hadn’t woken him up.
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“It would take someone from another world,” she mused with a roll of her eyes. These days, there was really no one that would care about any of their secrets.  Even just finding someone who believed that they were who they were and from when they were felt more than a little laughable some days. She actually rather liked life here, even if she hated the city. 
“The worst sort of dick,” she smirked slowly at him. Her eyes flicked up to the box with a sigh, “That’s actually one of those not fun quirks about this place.” Waving her hand, it floated about halfway down from the ceiling, making her stomp her foot in irritation. “How are you even conscious right now?” Amusement was clear on her face for him to see. 
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enchantressmorgana · 4 years
Perfectly reasonable and no labels did not belong in the same sentence. He could tell what most things were with a little concentration, but why use magic when labels. existed. “It’s called therapy, and I think you should try it,” he drawled, his eyes slitting in annoyance. He didn’t know if Morgana was clinically OCD or just annoying, and they couldn’t know unless she saw a doctor. He’d judge her a lot less if she had a real problem.
He snorted. “You know the fae. We’ll do the same thing for six centuries, even if it doesn’t work.” In this case, it worked in their favor, since very little about that world had changed since they’d been gone. The biggest difference was that there were a lot more solitary fae now, and some of them had even adapted to city living. He wasn’t half as vulnerable to iron as most with faerie blood, and it still made his bones ache to think about it. Fableton was about all he could handle, and that was living on the edge of the woods. He shot her a baleful look. “What happened for you to become so evil?” He waved a hand half-heartedly at the ceiling. The box gave itself a little nudge, but that was all.
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Her eyebrow quirked at him, “Do you really want to give a psychiatrist to all the fucked up in here?” She pointed at her temple and shot him a pointed look, considering he was part of the shit she’d wind up dumping on them for them to be of any kind of use. Talking to people who could be clinical and detached wasn’t something she had a problem with. Finding someone who could understand her rather... unique background was.
She laughed softly and nodded, “Yes, I do know that. It’s why all the stories exist that do.” Parties and trickery were certainly among the top things the Fae excelled at. Getting used to seeing fae in the city had been something of a novelty, but times were ever changing, as she was well aware. “Oh, you know, just a man named Uther,” she snorted, the joke old and worn in but nonetheless true. “Though, that one is really not my fault,” she admitted, just another consequence of magic in the modern world.
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enchantressmorgana · 4 years
“Ugghhh, not again!” He let out a loud groan as he came through the door to find things flying around their shop. Not a week passed that she didn’t feel the need to reorganize it. Now he would never find anything. He supposed he could keep using finding spells to locate things, but magic didn’t always work perfectly here even for the half-fae, and it was more fun to complain about it. They could afford to be a little ridiculous with each other. There weren’t a lot of secrets between the two at this point, and Mordred so loved secrets. Mostly other people’s.
“The forest folk know how to party,” he confirmed. His head was still pounding with his hangover. The plastic-water hadn’t improved it much, and he went nosing in the shelves for the willow root. “Do we have any of that hangover tincture?” It would pass quickly; there were a lot of benefits to being only half human, but it didn’t hurt to speed the process along.
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“Oh yes, again,” she smirked easily, teeth flashing at him in amusement. Part of her enjoyment of rearranging was always watching Mordred try to find anything at all without magic. She liked to think she put everything in perfectly reasonable places, just... with no labels or anything like that. She watched as a box circled around his head and she lifted her hands to show that wasn’t her fault. 
“That’s something. At least it’s not lost in this ‘modern age’,” she rolled her eyes at the very phrase. There were times she swore they were worse than they had been at home in the human world. All of the progress, and she wondered how much had actually been made. The question made her smile slowly, “There is. If you can reach it.” She pointed at a box that had settled itself up at the top of the rafters, slowly butting around them with bottles clinking inside.
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enchantressmorgana · 4 years
A flick of a wrist and a quick word had parts of the shop floating all around, rearranging in a way that was far quicker than any pure human could have managed. When left to her own devices too long, Morgana would rearrange the entirety of the world if she could. Parts of it could certainly use it, she had long ago decided. But then, she didn’t like cleaning up other people’s messes and never had. 
Hearing the door chime, she didn’t even turn just let her voice drift through the space. “Did you have fun, then?” The dichotomy of them always amused him, one raised more among the fae, the other among humans. It had never really kept them from feeling comfortable with one another though. She turned to eye Mordred with a slight smirk.
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