encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
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― Clarice Lispector
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encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
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“The Unicorn” by Christine Price, 1965
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encrea · 3 years
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Αrt by Annie Stegg
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encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
The best notes written in manuscripts by medieval monks
Colophon: a statement at the end of a book containing the scribe or owner’s name, date of completion, or bitching about how hard it is to write a book in the dark ages
Oh, my hand
The parchment is very hairy
Thank God it will soon be dark
St. Patrick of Armagh, deliver me from writing
Now I’ve written the whole thing; for Christ’s sake give me a drink
Oh d fuckin abbot
Massive hangover
Whoever translated these Gospels did a very poor job
Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night
If someone else would like such a handsome book, come and look me up in Paris, across from the Notre Dame cathedral
I shall remember, O Christ, that I am writing of Thee, because I am wrecked today
Do not reproach me concerning the letters, the ink is bad and the parchment scanty and the day is dark
11 golden letters, 8 shilling each; 700 letters with double shafts, 7 shilling for each hundred; and 35 quires of text, each 16 leaves, at 3 shilling each. For such an amount I won’t write again
Here ends the second part of the title work of Brother Thomas Aquinas of the Dominican Order; very long, very verbose; and very tedious for the scribe; thank God, thank God, and again thank God
If anyone take away this book, let him die the death, let him be fried in a pan; let the falling sickness and fever seize him; let him be broken on the wheel, and hanged. Amen
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encrea · 3 years
Its funny that "dislike of authority" is considered a symptom of various mental illnesses like...okay this one makes you based.
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encrea · 3 years
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Knight of the Void Parts 1 and 2 by Anato Finnstark
This artist on Instagram
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encrea · 3 years
“So, if you are too tired to speak, sit next to me because I, too, am fluent in silence.”
— R. Arnold
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encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
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encrea · 3 years
“Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear so immediately that the two of you, on some level, belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you’re in love or creating things together or foxhole buddies or partners in crime. It’s so clear, right off the bat, that this is what you’re supposed to be doing, that this is what you’re for. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest of circumstances, and they help you make a life. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but. It definitely makes me believe in something.”
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encrea · 3 years
“To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.”
— Unknown
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encrea · 3 years
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oil painting on wood panel, 2021
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encrea · 3 years
january 2022 keeps testing me like im mentally stable or something
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