ender-berry · 25 days
The Bearded Vulture is the only known animal whose diet is almost exclusively bone.
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The bone-eating giant bird which coats itself minerals like copper to get its rusty hue for unknown cosmetic reasons, most likely to show dominance. The brighter the hue, the more dominant the male.
They probably need the copper because its anti-bacterial properties. useful if you’re a carrion eater.
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The bird has a 9 ft wingspan.
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Bearded Vultures provide an indispensable service to the ecosystem, checking the spread of disease by consuming corpses. But the bearded’s diet is 95 percent bone. It can wait for the other scavengers to strip the body clean, then stroll in at its leisure to take its fill.
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ender-berry · 2 months
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wolfgang paalen in surreal objects: 3-dimensional works from dali to man ray - ingrid pfieffer + max hollein (2011)
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ender-berry · 2 months
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In the Middle Ages, it was very common to wear a book case on the belt. Book of Hours, Bible, Breviary etc and they were thus at your fingertips.
This one is Italian, made between 1465 and 1485, in nicely worked leather.
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ender-berry · 3 months
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Cinderella in her original colour palette and pose but in my style
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ender-berry · 5 months
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"Conforted by singular looking being"
John Augustus Knapp (1853-1938) - illustration from John Uri Lloyd's 'Etidorhpa, or, the end of the earth: the strange history of a mysterious being and the account of a remarkable journey', 1895
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ender-berry · 5 months
Caves are weirder and more varied than you think
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ender-berry · 5 months
꒰ঌ Couple prompts ໒꒱
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☆ 'show don't tell' ways to let them know that they are loved ☆
making them meals/snacks
sneaking cute notes in their lunchbox/backpack/bags/bedroom/food cabinets/closet
buying them or making them DIY gifts without an occasion
remembering the important dates
remembering the little details about them
preparing a washbowl with warm water or a bath with warm water after they come home from a hard and cold day
preparing a special date night on the weekends
taking them out shopping and paying for the things they want
thinking of their s/o's needs before their own
preparing them cool beverages when they come home after a hot day
doing the dishes/chores when their s/o is tired
taking them out on a picnic
kissing them randomly
endless hugs and cuddles
trying to avoid conflicts with them
trying to understand their POV
giving them flowers
cheek/temple kisses in public
hugging them in public/holding hands in public
actively listening to what they're saying
not interrupting them when they are talking/doing something
asking them how they're doing/how their day was
sending cute texts
being their biggest fan
breakfast in bed
being their steady rock when they're having a tough time
letting go of arguments
doing anything to make their s/o laugh/smile (even if it means making a fool of themselves)
asking about their opinion
sharing everything with them
bringing them an umbrella to work/school if it's raining or driving them home if they have a car
driving their s/o home after work/school whenever they have the time (if they have a car)
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@largefluff <3 <3 <3
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ender-berry · 8 months
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ender-berry · 9 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Wamp
Description: A Wamp is a creature the size of a raccoon with a grey, bag-shaped body and a hollow tail with a salt shaker at the end of it. It goes around shaking salt onto trees, where deer will lick up the salt. So if you see a deer licking the ground, there might be a Wamp nearby.
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ender-berry · 9 months
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‘The dogs seem to like you,’ he said. ‘I get on well with animals, sir.’ Teatime’s face was young and open and friendly. Or, at least, it smiled all the time. But the effect was spoiled for most people by the fact that it had only one eye. Some unexplained accident had taken the other one, and the missing orb had been replaced by a ball of glass. The result was disconcerting. But what bothered Lord Downey far more was the man’s other eye, the one that might loosely be called normal. He’d never seen such a small and sharp pupil. Teatime looked at the world through a pinhole. He found he’d retreated behind his desk again. There was that about Teatime. You always felt happier if you had something between you and him. ‘You like animals, do you?’ he said. ‘I have a report here that says you nailed Sir George’s dog to the ceiling.’
-Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)
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ender-berry · 9 months
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Another masterpiece GL webtoon comes out
Sherbet above the sea of fog
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ender-berry · 9 months
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ender-berry · 10 months
Poor Grandma
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ender-berry · 10 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Old Green Eyes
Description: The Battle of Chickamauga is considered to be the second worst battle in the American Civil War. So much blood was spilled, that it attracted a creature. Reports of a long-haired, pale, green-eyed creature lying on top of dead bodies were reported by soldiers on the battlefield. 
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ender-berry · 10 months
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The Ram and Warrior faces Death
The Red Goddess guides her general Yanafal Tarnils to defeat Humakt, God of War and Death, and become the new Lunar War God.
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ender-berry · 10 months
Just found out about the weirdest shark ever
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Prickly dogfish
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ender-berry · 10 months
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lesbian rpg ocs (each one looking for gf)
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