endgamedolls-blog · 4 years
foolish-pleasure replied to your photoset: Meed Bodhall, druid warrior and daughter of the...
Omfg I am in love!
Thank you!! >v < I’m so glad you love her! She just kinda popped out of nowhere I realize but she’s been in the works for a month or so now!
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endgamedolls-blog · 4 years
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Meed Bodhall, druid warrior and daughter of the full blood moon!
Named after a celtic druidess, Bodhall goes around teaching herself about the land she lives in hoping to one day unveil why the tourists have come in and brought ruin alongside their so-called “vacations.” She uses both blood and a newly discovered color magic, which allows her to sustain herself on the colors around her - as well as weaponize it for her own use. Her hair pulses like a heart with the lively color within, though should she drain it, I fear she may find herself at a loss bigger than she could ever imagine.
Had tons of fun with this doll, glad to FINALLY let myself create again! Wish i could’ve made her clothes and not reused some monster high doll ones, but I just don’t have the skills or money required for clothes yet - so I’ll make due with what I’ve got for now. Painting all her accessories was fun, though! 
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Girls night out... drying! LOL https://www.instagram.com/p/B4onCPGjZ1q/?igshid=1nu2bi4949n30
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Face up concepts for Ladyette while paint dries. The end product won’t be perfectly the same I’m sure, but I like to get a general concept down before going for it! By the way, do you guys have a preferred way to make scars for such a teeny tiny space? Is apoxie sculpt a good way or would cutting into the faces be better? I think apoxie would be nice for raised texture but hmmmmmmm. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GQJKNjEh4/?igshid=q6nzh8iag0hz
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Paint time comes up with some hilariously fabulous poses...! https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GJ6wZj0g4/?igshid=1pj5qdeoq2zab
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Just some posing refs I thought were cute enough to post. Still workin on a bunch of things at once! Hope you guys have a great weekend! 💖💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4BPZFJjFOG/?igshid=wrq3r7wqfym0
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Body horror tw!! /// the next doll I plan on doing is none other than my girl Ladyette E.K. Rungaroven, also known as Lady E for short. She’s one of my favorite OCs and I would absolutely LOVE a doll of her...! So I’m gonna try to eventually make one doll for each of her forms. Some may have to be statuette dolls, but either way I would just adore having her around. Whatta you guys think? I’m totally starting with her mostly human form first, then going from there as I build confidence in body mods! All art shown is by me! https://www.instagram.com/p/B322NPkjvNk/?igshid=fqvo1mwlm9hy
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
I'm curious--how do you guys go about creating your OCs?
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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New doll concept. Originally for a giveaway, but I may just end up making her myself.
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Sadly, gonna have to put these two into the ol “to be completed” box because I don’t have the tools to fix them up right. The second pic, however, contains a doll I think I’ll be able to work with just fine. 👀👀👀 https://www.instagram.com/p/B20-mBkDYXt/?igshid=146q6gh3x4zhj
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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Looks like someone’s having a very bad day... https://www.instagram.com/p/B2yY-E9D9iD/?igshid=1kg5hxo0q70nl
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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me, chanting: more dolls more dolls more dolls more dolls
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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If you’ve followed my instagram or my twitter, you’ll know I’ve started trying doll customization to see if I’m cut out for it! It’s a LOT harder than it looks, even with all the tutorials and guides out there! But I think, in the end, it’s worth while. There’s something just… so different and satisfying about having your character brought to life in such a real, grabbable, 3D sort of way. It also incorporates a bunch of different art forms I love (sewing, painting, drawing, general crafty goodness), which is comforting since it brings me back to my family’s routes (my grandmother sewed quilts and kimonos and my mother beads/sews/paints). 
All in all, I’m very happy with this outcome even with some of the downfalls I’ve had. This is Pearlina, an ex-acrobatic contortionist who’s main goal in life is to see to it she encourages everyone to love themselves no matter what imperfections or flaws they have (given she has plenty of her own). She helped me get through my own fear of asymmetry/mistakes while making her, too, which was half the fun. :)
I hope you guys like her! I might end up making a tumblr dedicated to doll customization in the future, so keep an eye out!
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endgamedolls-blog · 5 years
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concepts for my doll customization… may change things up as i work on her but here are the general ideas.
She needs a name, but that’ll come eventually. For now, all I know about her is: she’s a performer, kind of a mischief maker, is super duper flexible (so much so she can use her hands backwards and flip her hips all the way up her torso), works in some kind of circus?? and is possibly a real life articulated doll. Also, she has two right hands. 
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