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Isn’t that the whole point of marriage? To get through the hard times because we are together, not in spite of it?
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Felicity Megan Smoak-Queen is the love of our lives
And the smartest of them all!   Arrow Crossover Part 2 Spoilers Ahead…..
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And that, my friends, is why she couldn’t be in part 1.  Admittedly, I didn’t watch Part 1 and I really debated whether or not I was going to watch tonight.  It was a  leaked spoiler of the Olicity kiss (from R/eddit no less lol) that got me to change my mind.  I’m only going to focus on the Olicity aspect of this episode and talk a lot about Oliver, both bad and good.  I’m starting with the bad, bear with me ;)
They start with a logic fail in the writing (shocker lol) by stating that Felicity had seen OliBarry but hadn’t noticed his personality didn’t match her husband’s, yet in the first interaction we are shown, she is instantly confused but is whisked away to help solve their problems before she can delve in deeper.  
Then, because this show truly likes to elevate my blood pressure, BarrOliver decides not to tell his wife that he has been body-swapped because ‘they already have too many problems.’  
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Listen up, you big dumb pine tree, your ‘problems’ with Felicity are that you don’t tell her important things!!!!!!  Things like you have a son and she will be a step-mother once you are married; making a deal for life in prison and leaving her as essentially a single mother who has a sociopath hunting her so she has to give up her entire life; and oh yeah, you’ve been body-swapped with BA.  
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What’s even more frustrating is that Felicity could not have made it clearer in the last episode that Oliver’s decisions and lack of inclusion placed her in a situation where she felt weak and has contributed to her trauma.  I do understand from Oliver’s perspective that he believes he is protecting her by not putting more on her when she’s already dealing with so much and their relationship is strained.  But if Oliver truly believes that Felicity is strong, then he has to trust that she can handle hard truths and respect her enough to let her decide what she needs and wants to do with that information.  
There was an interesting juxtaposition between Felicity the intellectual having no problems figuring out how to access an intergalactic parallel universe portal with the Felicity who is doubting her emotional intelligence when it comes to Oliver.  I did appreciate Felicity’s talk with Caitlyn, primarily because it was just really nice to see Felicity have an actual friend to confide in.  But I really wished when Felicity pondered ‘what is love without trust, without respect?’ that she was asking Oliver those questions.  That is the underlying issue and even though Oliver has said he trusts Felicity, he is not respecting her when he is not honest with her, even if he thinks he a good reason for it.  
Because the thing about it is, after 7 seasons and some of the most illogical, infuriating, and insulting writing, I have never once doubted Oliver’s love for Felicity.  There is no question that Oliver Queen would kill for her and die for her. Case in point, remember the scene from 5x20? No, not that scene ;) this scene..
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LOL Felicity.  As if there was ever the slightest possibility he would let you go.  Not only would he never intentionally let go, on the off chance he did drop her, he would let go of Dig’s hand so fast and try to land on the ground first so he could cushion her fall.  At the same time, Felicity was willing to sacrifice herself so Oliver won’t be pulled down with her.  Lack of love has never ever been an issue for these two.
But first and foremost, Oliver and Felicity are individuals, and they both have brought baggage with them into the relationship.  Felicity has struggled with trust and abandonment issues long before she met Oliver.  Oliver, as was brutally pointed out in 7x08 and tonight, had major issues with fidelity and commitment.  It is quite possible that the writers were just taking cheap shots at Oliver but I’m choosing to believe those ‘insults’ were included on purpose.  To show Oliver is capable of change and to show that it was Felicity who sparked that change in him.  Loving Felicity and being loved by Felicity has changed Oliver from a billionaire playboy/serial cheater to a devoted and faithful husband of epic proportions.  (Seriously, this man wants nothing more than to skip out on a party honoring him so he can sex up his wife).  Epic.
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Oliver has come so far from the broken shell of a man who came home from Lian Yu.  Oliver has struggled to figure out who he is and has worked hard to become the hero and man that Felicity always believed him to be.  No one understands that (and him) better than Felicity.  She’s been there from the start.  She’s seen the sacrifices that he makes.  She knows his heart.
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As Felicity knows well, Oliver isn’t perfect.  Oliver admitted to Barry that he was compartmentalizing his feelings until their body-swap issue was dealt with and Barry reminded him that time is of the essence.  Compartmentalization is a tried-and-true Oliver Queen coping mechanism and sometimes it serves him well. But not when it comes at the expense of his wife’s feelings.  Progress!
So he gave Felicity the words she needed to hear when she told him last week that the old her was gone and not coming back. Oliver assured her tonight that no matter who she is or who she becomes, she will always be the love of his life.
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We been knew but it is nice to hear :)  But now we need to see actual change that support his sentiments.  Actions do speak louder than words so while this exchange was a nice start, there needs to be follow-up.  Better communication.  More inclusion.  Showing Oliver treating Felicity as his true partner, his equal.  Growing and evolving together with understanding and support. Facing the world and all of its’ problems together, united, strong and confident in their love, trust, and respect for each other.  <3
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The last episode of Arrow made me give up on the show. The way that the writers are acting like the Felicity of the previous seasons was some weak pushover when she’s a character that resonated with so many people (myself included) makes me so unbelievably sad. I’ve been reading you fics to cheer me up, I love your writing 💕💕💕
Thank you so much, anon! It means a lot to me that my fics are helping you escape from the show. Honestly, writing them does the same for me. I’d probably be way more upset over how poorly the writing on Arrow has gotten if I didn’t have fanfic as an outlet.
I understand your frustration. Felicity Smoak has always been a strong character. Strength comes in different forms and evolves over time. For some reason, these new writers think they’re “saving” Felicity. When in reality, they’re just making the rest of the characters look like selfish, judgemental hypocrites. Felicity hasn’t done anything the other characters on the show haven’t done before. Oliver left her vulnerable, and the others were willing to do the same if Felicity hadn’t reached out (and sometimes begged) for their help.
The only significant difference I’ve seen in Felicity is when she held Diaz at gunpoint. I mentioned this on Twitter, but I’ll mention it here on Tumblr too. Up to this point, even being on Team Arrow, Felicity’s only acted in self-defense and taken life when there was no other option (like Havenrock). Diaz was captured, unarmed, and ready to face justice. I don’t think prior to Oliver going to jail that Felicity would’ve even contemplated shooting someone (even a villain) point blank like that after they’d already been caught. I completely understand everything Felicity had to do in self-defense, but taking a life in cold blood does cross a line no matter who is pulling the trigger. Even if Diaz deserves it, it is an emotional burden that Felicity would have to bear. I for one am glad BS intervened, and Felicity didn’t go through with it. 
I know some will argue that Oliver and Dig have taken lives in this way. But we’re not talking about Oliver and Dig. We’re talking about Felicity and what’s in her nature. She always inspired Oliver to find another way instead of killing, and Felicity had found another way, which is how Diaz was initially caught. The only time she ever really encouraged Oliver to kill was when he had to fight villains like Ra’s or Darhk who would show no mercy in the heat of battle.
I wish the writers were more nuanced. Felicity’s methods for getting Diaz and her subsequent PTSD and need for security are totally valid in my opinion. Oliver is lumping the Diaz gun incident in with the aftereffects of her trauma, and that’s where the writers lose me. They’re connected, but they’re also different issues in my opinion. I think Felicity’s most vulnerable moment was when she almost shot Diaz and as Oliver knows firsthand, people sometimes go too far or make mistakes when they’re desperate and in pain. It doesn’t mean she’s suddenly “dark.”
Whatever Felicity is going through, I don’t see “darkness” in her. I see a strong woman who has reached her breaking point. I see a woman who’s scared and feels like she has no one to lean on, including Oliver (even with him home she still feels unsafe). For Oliver’s part, he needs to earn back his wife’s trust and understand that his decisions have a ripple effect. He has to be her rock now, and prove that he has her back. I was glad when Oliver apologized, but the writers pissed me off two seconds later when they had Felicity say it wasn’t on him (even though she said before he made her the way she is now). Too often they give him a pass at Felicity’s expense.
I’m willing to see how this plays out, but I’ll admit my faith in the writers handling the fracture between Olicity effectively is almost nonexistent. Some days it really does make me want to walk away from the show, because I’m so often disappointed with how they portray our favorite characters. I don’t think it’s right that certain characters are always given a pass for their actions while others are constantly judged and villifed when it’s their turn to be understood and supported.
But like you said, at least we have fanfic to cheer us up when we’re feeling down. I’m currently working on Rumor Has It, and it really does make me miss season 2 (Arrow’s strongest season imho)!
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O l i c i t y  -  When will they ever learn?  
A r r o w  2 x 07  |  7 x 07
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We still don’t know a lot about Kat McNamara‘s character on Arrow; it is said that her character name is “Maya” and casting notices likened her to being a “Buffy the Superhero Slayer” type.
But what we do know now is that she makes her first Arrow appearance in the episode “Unmasked” airing next Monday, December 3 on The CW, though our guess with this photo release is that she is not the person under the new Green Arrow mask. We’ll see about that, right?
(We’ll also note that the photo caption lists her character not as Maya, but as Mia… another name that is prevalent in Green Arrow lore, as the name “Mia Dearden” – an alias used by Thea before on the show – was the modern-day Speedy in the Kevin Smith era.)
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Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re rid of him yet.
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I hope this is symbolism and foreshadowing of Oliver picking up the pieces of his family that he left behind and making them whole again.
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everything is better in slowmotion 
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O l i v e r  Q u e e n  *  B e a u t i f u l  D a y 
A r r o w  7 x 07
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Badass Queen™
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I hope this is symbolism and foreshadowing of Oliver picking up the pieces of his family that he left behind and making them whole again.
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Never, ever, ever, EVER, threaten Oliver Queen’s bae and babies. That man will fuck you up seven ways to Sunday.
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- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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Look at them, all touches and smiles, so happy and hopeful because they are part of each other’s lives again. I love them.
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