endotocorp-blog · 6 years
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Come find us! We are up and running on social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr! Check out our blog about our most recent cross country trip, or take a look at some of the many traffic innovative products have on our website! See you there! www.endotocorp.com #TrafficSafety #eNdoto #SocialMedia #PedestrianSafety #Reflectors #Posts #Speedbumps
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
30-Day Road trip article
Great article in the Hartford Business Journal about our North America Safety Tour...thank you for following our chronicle on our blog.  here is more info https://leadershipgh.org/2017/01/18/road-trip/
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 3--27, 2017; NAST Safety Tour, Satellite view of the total Safety Tour across America * over 7,800 miles in 26-days.  Thank you to all the Department of Transportation professionals who we saw on this trip.  We are already providing products and solutions for your road safety projects and needs to keep your roads safe and operating efficiently.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 27, 2017 Last RV trailer park for this NAST Safety Tour...heading home after being on the road for 4 weeks.  What a successful trip.  Thanks to all the DOT professionals we met.  We got the best insight on your State projects and we are motivated to work with you.  In the bottom images of the last leg of he road trip, notice the price of gas down south!  $1.93@gal.  We definitely filled up the tank.  and final image is the skyline to Hartford, CT, 8 hours + later...tonight we are sleeping in our beds...YEAH...oh 1 more...we toasted the trip as a success with some spirits...AFTER we stopped at home!
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 25, 2017 NAST-1 Safety Tour, hoot, hoot...we are on our way home going through Georgia, and going to stop in Virginia to winterize the Command Center so we can enter the frozen zone of the Northeast.  All over, every roadway we see upgrades and construction happening.  Our products and solutions are really needed for these upgrades and renovations.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 24, 2017 NAST-1 Safety Tour--final week meeting with Birmingham, AL DOT.  What a great meeting and we definitely are going to do many projects together.  And it looks like they need our road safety solutions in their road repairs.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 23, 2017-NAST-1 Safety Tour--Just entered Mississippi.  Have a couple more hours to Jackson, MS for our meeting tomorrow with the MSDOT.  So excited.  And at this time we are carving our way back home while we continue to meet the packed schedule we have been maintaining
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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Friday, January 20, 2017-NAST-1 Safety Tour-- one of the most fun things about this road trip is seeing the various bill boards across America.  We wanted to share this one with you!  Minimalistic marketing...Y’ALL!
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 23, 2017 NAST-1 Safety Tour--Mobile Showroom ready for Forth Worth DOT professionals. Yup they walk in and we discuss our products and solutions for some of their road safety projects.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 18-19, 2017;  NAST-1 Safety Tour-Another storm which made us have to change our trip plan.  We had to miss going to Carson City and Las Vegas, NV because of the storm and treacherous roads making it impossible to drive.  I thought our winters in New England were bad...try California snow!
We started the leg back and since we skipped Nevada, we went straight to Fort Worth, TX to rest for the weekend and be prepared for our meeting Monday morning with the TXDOT.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 19, 2018, NAST-1 Safety Tour--a real live camp grounds in the woods and nature...most of the places we park are usually right off the road and just big parking lots...”trailer parks!”  But we got a treat this time with this real camping grounds..we had to make a detour because as we approached Nevada, there was a road block preventing all large vehicles or trucks from entering the roads without tire chains.  Yup, you got it...there were street vendors at the side of the roads selling tire chains. 
We decided to make a change of plans and skip Nevada...since we didn’t know what conditions were there with a snowstorm.  We ended up going back to Northern California and it made it pleasant to find this real campground to park for while....but you guessed it!!! NO WiFi! 
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 18, 2017 NAST-1 Safety Tour--hazards of a road trip is the weather and the roads sometimes.  As we are leaving San Francisco to start heading to Nevada...this is the rain storm that we went through.  Notice the streams of water from the torrential rainstorm.  We were in the 60-ft Command Center and felt safe being so high up from the ground.  Hopefully, we’ll pass the storm but we are hearing that there is major snow as we head through the mountains of Northern California towards Nevada....SNOW??? we thought we left that back home in New England!
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 16, 2017 NAST-1 Safety Tour...driving through San Francisco...notice the erosion happening right next to the road we were driving on.  Pretty scary. ..and who doubts there is global warming???
 We had a great meeting though with the professionals at the Department of Transportation on Northern California...will report on it more...but once again, our challenge is to find strong broadband throughout the trip.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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Sunday, January 15, 2017--Sunny California...finally we were able to relax since the following day is Martin Luther King Jr. day and every municipal department is closed.  Good thing we brought our bikes and we were able to go about and do some shopping.  Yes...bikes, since it’s very difficult to navigate the 60-ft Command Center to short trips to the mall or grocery store!  lol..
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 13, 2017--on the road again.  809 miles from El Paso, TX to Long Beach...a day and night road..many times endless evening driving..especially when point to point is over 11 hours. 
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
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January 12, 2017-one of the benefits of our North America Safety Tour (NAST-1) is America’s fruited plains...beautiful U.S.A landscape that looks like an artist painted it...and one did...Mother Nature.  this is heading into California with a quick stop for refreshments and checking the Command Center’s engines.
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endotocorp-blog · 8 years
LADOT Here we come!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017--Day 17 of our NAST-1 Safety Tour Road Trip--
We are very excited to be meeting with the professional team at the Los Angeles Department of Transportation.  We have been collaborating and working together for many years whereby LADOT has utilized many of our pedestrian and road safety products and solutions to both enhance and upgrade their roads and highways.  This is a link to a case study on how our K-71 flexible traffic post was the solution they used for their downtown Broadway cityscape initiative...both safety and aesthetics were the objective. StreetScape Case Study
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