endrikastar · 5 years
my life
hey everyone it be a minute since i have posted a blog! i have been busy with my music and videos that i honestly forgot i had this application! anywho lets get down to buisness.. I AM ABOUT TO DROP MY SINGLE IN MID DECEMEBR! i am soooo excited about this! i have been working on my music for a hot minute ( and i know those who have been working with me for a long time knows this)  however i am excited to also say that i will be releasing a lyric video with the song as well!!!! omgoosh i am supper excited about this like you guys have no idea!! And although i am excited i am also very nervous! as everyone will hear my heart and i hope that my songs will help people in there lives even if they just need to feel like they are not alone... i hope my music will do that for them.
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endrikastar · 5 years
Rid of toxicities
In life we all have things that we need to get rid of. Low self esteem, doubt, fear, toxic people/ toxic environments/toxic relationships/toxic friendships, self harm, suicidal thoughts, cruel behavior, etc.. And often we just sit back and complain/blame someone for these outcomes of the choices WE have made and I'm here to tell you that the only person who can better you & your situation is you. You have to be willing to get your stuff together. filter out the negative, Anchor your thoughts, and throw all of the bad away... only this time don't let it come back at you like a boomerang.. Stay positive my folks! There are brighter days up ahead! #staypositive #staymotivated #stayhumble
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endrikastar · 5 years
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I am sick and tired of seeing mediocre artist rising to fame. I am also tired of all the crapy songs they play on the radio. I really dont care how many cars you got, how many chicks you have, how you got drunk, partying all the time, You taking other peoples ladies/guys because you're so "bad" I really don't care about how many guys/girls you had sex with or that you're the baddest hoe in the world. Like seriously y'all. What the heck happen to music? I remember when songs use to be helpful, amazing, had morals and values in them. Now its just a bunch of meaningless songs. And they got everyone captured, nodding their heads to their track almost as if they are hypnotized. And it's making me sick. Music, she is tired of this, this is not what she was created for. I challenge you if you're an artist to change THE GAME UP! Don't be like them. Dont wanna make money so bad and sell out just to be on such a low level. Help people through their tough times, make inspirational songs, Make meaningful songs. 'Cause what's "Hot" nowadays aren't doing anything.
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endrikastar · 5 years
Life goes on⚓
Sometimes in life we are faced with challenges. Sometimes it might involve letting someone go, Other times it might involve harder choices. However at the end of the day it all comes down to how you handle the situation and if you handle it the best way possible. I recently took people out of my life as they both were toxic people that I couldn't be cool with anymore. Their mentality was one of someone who was still in high school and me...well let's just say I've been pass that mentality since age 13. I feel like we try to keep a facade up and we try to be who we are not in front of people so that they can look at us as if we are "cool" we would rather put on a mask and live a lie than be happy with who we are..That's how we lose ourselves. And I'm at the point in my life where none of that matters! I don't need a whole bunch of friends. I am more than fine with the ones I have. And the ones I have we encourage one another, we lift each other up, we are there for each other. We dont go around pretending to be someone we are not. Our secrets are safe with each other, and we would truly do anything for each other.
Moral of the story is if someone is really my friend i have their back. However if you're just my acquaintances...well I can't promise you that.
Y'all take care and choose who you call your friends wisely
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endrikastar · 5 years
My first vlog on my YouTube channel! Go check it out
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endrikastar · 6 years
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Hey whats up my Star forces its been a minute since I've blogged on here.
I'm more active on my Insta, snapchat, & twitter, so make sure you follow me on there. ( @ewestmusik) Anyways... life has been crazy and beautiful all at the same time. I feel like though that 2019 will be am amazing year not only for me but for a lot of people.
Comment down below if you have any new year resolutions:)
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endrikastar · 6 years
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Oatmeal with blueberries, apples, and granola on top! #healthyliving #breakfast #timeforwork #letsgetit.
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endrikastar · 6 years
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Well of this is the case then i need to get some rest & call it a night!! I love ya'll, hope today was amazing. #samsung #samsunghealth #stress #goodnight #gotworkinthemorning #teacherlife🍎
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endrikastar · 6 years
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I try to do both tho! Lol #sick #teacherlife #daycarelife💕 #preschoolteacher #hopeigetbettersoon🙏
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endrikastar · 6 years
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Exciting things are beginning to happen for me! I can't wait to share my heart with ya'll. As a writer thats my favorite thing about making music. Being able to connect with people on a mental & spiritual level. #singlecoming #music #indieartist #itsabouttogodown #lovinlife #singersongwriter
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endrikastar · 6 years
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I have been really stressed out lately. I am so sorry that I went ghost on you guys, but to those who don't know I got a job! Which is great, don't get me wrong. But my job is pretty stressful. I am a daycare teacher for the toddlers... That alone should let you know what the root of my stress comes from however, I am happy to say that I am slowly but surely getting back on track. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who is Still rocking it with me even in my absence. Thank you to my day ones, thank you to my supporters, y'all are the reason why I keep going. Making music my career was a very hard choice. I know that there are a lot of risk that's involved with choosing music to be your career, but I just want to thank y'all again for encouraging me to keep going. Thanks for every single inspiring, encouraging, & motivational DM that I have received from my supporters it is really because of y'all why I keep going. So thanks❤
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endrikastar · 7 years
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I little bit under the weather Today! I found this passage in the Bible where Jesus prays for disciple's of Him. I am truly in awe! such love he has for us❤✝❤
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endrikastar · 7 years
Heyyyy of you missed My fully alive cover by @flyleafmusic please head over to my YouTube channel! (Link is in bio.) I have it uploaded!!!! #flyleaf #coversong #youtuber #lit
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endrikastar · 7 years
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Uploaded a song cover last night! Head over to my YouTube channel and check it out. (Link is in bio) #singer #insta #selfie #youtuber
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endrikastar · 7 years
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endrikastar · 7 years
My thoughts (Spiritual)
Today I woke up and decided to read the Bible.
Which is something that I need to do a lot often.
Today I read that Jesus truly wants us, like he really does. He wants us to be the best version of ourselves with him. He doesnt want us to deal with life on our own, he wants to lead us into his love and grace. He wishes that none should perish, but that all would come to the acknowledgement of who he is. ❤
And as I read scripture from scripture, word from word.
All I could feel is the love that he has for us. And I became extremely emotional when I realized that he didn't have to die for us, infact he didn't want to die at all. But he was like " not my will but yours be done" And he even let's us know that he could call on more than twelve legends of Angels and they would come at once at his disposal. And yet he still chose to die on the cross for us, Such love. And as I write this I am at such peace knowing that no matter what, rather I die or become a martyr that in the end, I am safe on his side❤
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endrikastar · 7 years
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Excuse my absence on here, my phone hates me. Lol Anyways I hope all is well with y'all, I'm currently working on Merchandise Designs as well as practicing my song for studio tomorrow! Oh yeah and my birthday is tomorrow as well! :) #iwillbeofficiallyoutofmyteens #hello20s #selfie #indieartist
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