endsville-devblog · 9 years
We’re Still On Hiatus, But... !
“Endsville,” originally to be produced using RPG Maker VX Ace, is still on hiatus due to the lack of pixel artists.
We are still taking submissions from the ENDSVILLE OPINIONS SURVEY to better the experiences of everyone. (We’ll post the top answers for the fun questions.)
Also, how’s a dating sim sound? Pixel artists will have to be hired and the head producer doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of funding yet, but they’re eager to put their hands to work on a side project.
Would YOU play it?
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
We’re Still On Hiatus, But... !
“Endsville,” originally to be produced using RPG Maker VX Ace, is still on hiatus due to the lack of pixel artists.
We are still taking submissions from the ENDSVILLE OPINIONS SURVEY to better the experiences of everyone. (We’ll post the top answers for the fun questions.)
Also, how’s a dating sim sound? Pixel artists will have to be hired and the head producer doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of funding yet, but they’re eager to put their hands to work on a side project.
Would YOU play it?
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Grim n’ Mandy stickers, iphone+galaxy cases, and more now available on my RedBubble store!
Be sure to tag me with a photo of your purchase! <3
Mandy with a bow! Sheesh, what an idea! Wish I came up with it. I digs this! Keep going, little artist person, sell them stickers!
(We’re at a standstill for the moment so please be patient!)
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Hello. First off I need to say that you do have my support. I don't see how I can't support a group of fans making a game for Billy and Mandy, even more so I'm just loving the work and idea already. More so can we get an idea as to what the gameplay for the RPG is going to be like?
Most definitely! Think of it as this. Pokemon’s open-world and combat with Skyrim’s randomly-generated loot. If that doesn’t get ya, I’m sure the authentic music, carefully-designed art, and nostalgia will.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Developer Update #4 | July 1, 2015
A very late but somewhat lengthy update! New art, new music, and we have someone from India to work on tilesets!
No word from Mr. Hinde yet for a fourth piece. Meanwhile, the IndieGoGo campaign is proving to be a total flop. We can’t make the game as great as we want it without the funding to commission people for sprites and tilesets!
I’ve finally got a charger and I’ve been very productive with sketches, lineart, and I really like what “N” is doing with the colors! I would like to post an example here, but the art is outdated. You see, we’ve heard your cries for an art style more reminiscent of the show’s, and we’ve provided! Nerds and germs, I present to you, Endsville’s new art style. That’s all for this update.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Wow, I have not been consistent with updates. Holy shit, I need to get my ass in gear.
Uh. It’s not Wednesday, so this won’t exactly be formal. But we’ve got some scripts in place, Sabnine’s got a charger so we’re going to be getting an influx of art now. Gregory Hinde produced two more tracks, so that’s really awesome. Aaaaand I recently discovered that some people are not too thrilled about the art style not mimicking that of the show. What do you think?
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Developer Update #3 | June 10, 2015
Very short and boring update.
Mr. Hinde is going through with his promise as he has produced for us a track to be used in the game.
It will be kept under wraps until I feel it is time to reveal it, but if you are curious as to what it sounds like: It’s looped, so the last note transitions perfectly to the very first note. And it’s less than a minute long. Best of all, it sounds like it was used right in the show. Same sounds, same tune, I showed a few of my close friends and they agreed. “Oh man, this takes me back.” It’s completely unique and original and exclusive only to Endsville, and I hope many more will come.
My computer is still without a charger but until I manage to get my hands on one, I’ll continue to sketch facesets. I uploaded last night on the blog one of these sketches. Billy looks cute.
Anyway, until I get a charger I will continue to sketch, sketch, sketch.
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>>DK’s Art & Design
Billy sprite, ahoy!
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Developer Update #2 | May 27, 2015
The die is cast, we’ve passed the point of no return, and it’s going to happen. It’s happening.
Below the read more: Sprites, story direction, and the composer of Billy & Mandy.
So I’ve messaged the composer for The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy asking for permission to use his music for Endsville. It was originally going to be nothing super special - He’d send me a few downloads to some tracks he made he wouldn’t mind used in the game, I credit him, yadda yadda yadda.
However... I’ve received this.
It's a pleasure to hear from you and thank you for your kind words.  I would enjoy helping out on the project.  How much music will you be needing and may I ask if you have anticipated budget. As you may know, we can't use the melodies or character themes from Grim Adventures, but the production can be duplicated.
“Wait, what? I didn’t ask for that, I asked for-- WAIT THIS IS COOL.”  -Me, giggling behind my computer screen. He inquired about the budget and I informed him that there is none and we are all working volunteer. That this is entirely fan made, made by fans, for fans, in hopes that it would follow the footsteps of Jhonen’s new comic Invader Zim.
However he doesn’t seem to care that there is a lack of budget...
I have no problem investing into your future.  So you'll need background music to loop and then musical hit points which will come when the game is farther into development.   If that's correct, then the next step is to let me know what you're anticipating to hear within the BG music.
Know what this means? Authentic original music from an authentic composer who worked with the actual cast and development team. For free. When I get my hands on some money it’s definitely going his way if he’s taking the time out of his day to do this for little old us.
I didn’t get very far in the actual game’s engine but I am writing out the entire story first before I begin requesting music, resources, sprites, and pictures. It’s looking great so far. I’m concerned only about how well executed it’ll be when compared next to the “script”. I already have an idea as to how the combat system will work, stats, items, etc.
I’ll definitely release a demo once I get around, say, 20 minutes of gameplay in.
The charger is still broken but sketches are still being produced. The new charger should come in within the week and the sketches will become lineart, and the lineart will become a part of the resource pool. In the meantime, have an unfinished psychopathic Mandy grinning.
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>>DK’s Art & Design
I’ve been working on spriting and I managed to complete Mandy and Grim, though Grim needs work to look less cartoony. I’m already working on the latter.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Thank you so much for the shout-out! I want to spread the word as much as I can. If the Invader Zim fandom can rise back from the dead so can we!
Check this out guys! We got another awesome game coming out! Go give them a follow to stay updated! endsville-devblog
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Do we need to know the show or just the characters and their personalities? (if just the second thing, then dang it summer, you need to come faster!)
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The entire game will be chock full of references from the entire show, from Pandora’s Box to Thromnambular. However we will not toss a character, item of interest, place of interest, etc, into the game and expect the player to know entirely about it just from watching the show. Most of it will be explained in the game as the protagonist advances through the game, learning as they learn.
That means when Nergal Jr shows up in the game, following it will be an explanation as to who he is, commentary from another character most likely. So no, you don’t need to know the show or the characters in order to have fun.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
I just found out about this on my dash! This is really cool, how long have y'all been working on this idea?
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First came the webcomic idea. But I didn’t have money or artistic talent.
Then came the text adventure idea. It was solid for a bit but I kept having writers block.
Then I began tinkering with a little program called RPG Maker VX Ace two weeks ago… Now I’m bringing my favorite show to life in high hopes I bring the fandom back from the dead - With my versions of each and every character, every single one of my headcanons I have thought of since I was a wee tot, and with my wild imagination and talent for storytelling.
Oh look, I’m tooting my own horn.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
An rpg based in the universe of billy and mandy? Hot dang you have my support!
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AHHHHHHH! Thank you!! This has been a dream of mine for a long time. The Invader Zim rising from the dead gave me hope for my first cartoon show watched straight from my own television. I will do it justice, while providing a mature environment for us older people (teens and young adults).
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Developer Update #1 | May 20, 2015
The first legit Wednesday update for endsville-devblog​. After switching from text-adventure to RPG Maker we decided to bring the town of Endsville to life through sprites, music, and neat-o cutscenes.
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So after switching from Twine to RPG Maker VX Ace, this entire week consisted of us getting the bare bones of everything done. Now Endsville will not in the slightest look like “The Witch’s House” or “Ib” due to the fact that I am learning as I go along, and do not have the time to create custom assets on that scale. However, there will still indeed be custom assets. Sprites are such an asset, and DK’s Art and Design is humbly providing us with such sprites. Their content will be posted later below.
The transition from Twine to RPG Maker VX Ace wasn’t as horrible as I had originally anticipated - Very little story was created in the first place due to me having bad writer’s block. However this is quite different from writing, and is more logic and visual, thus I’m able to work on it a bit more.
Also, because I’m able to switch from Twine to RPG Maker, we can have BATTLES! Below are screenshots with a placeholder enemy. The actor I am playing as is none other than Billy, whom apparently grew into his nose a bit!
(Yes, I know the word “single” is cut off in the second screenshot.
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As you can see there are two bars, one marked LP and one marked STA. LP is your Life Points. STA is your Stamina. Your stamina is basically how many points you can spare when deciding on what skills you wish to use. You can replenish your stamina by consuming soda.
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So in battle, you can pull a complete Elder Scrolls tactic and consume a shit-load of drinks to prevent yourself from not getting wrecked.
(I lost anyway to Mandy because let’s be honest, Mandy’s a BAMF.)
Stats will be discussed next week once they are better fleshed out.
Sabnine’s laptop charger busted so we are unable to get any lineart done. However we do have presentable sketches of Nergal Jr to show you (I asked for him first because I love that nerd). Already these are looking absolutely brilliant and Nergal Jr is looking quite canon despite having aged up a bit!
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Since DK is not here with me at the moment to discuss what the haps is, I’ll do it on their behalf. They have been working on spriting for the map view of the game. They say it took only a single hour to do three sprites, so sprites are apparently no grand obstacle for them to cross.
Currently there is only one picture available for showing, as it is the only image I am provided. However I am proud to be presenting it to you all today. Mandy, in all her evil glory.
[Based off of this.]
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This is unfinished, and already it is looking top-tier quality. Unfortunately that is all I am provided with at the moment. But the entire cast will be sprited, including Irwin, Pud’n, Reginald Skarr, Eris, and more.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Posting Schedules!
Wednesday: Developer Update; We post about the game’s current state. Maybe we added a new chapter. Maybe there’s a new boss-fighting mechanic. Maybe we did nothing but decided to demo the game a little.
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endsville-devblog · 9 years
Hello again. I don't want to be considered annoying, but I have to ask... when's the first Chapter going to be up? I'm sorry if this question would be considered annoying or if this would make you rush. I don't wish to rush you, I just wanted to ask.
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Well for starters, you’re not rushing. But text adventure game development is difficult when one has a writers block. Not to mention I need sabnine to draw the character interactions. As of right now we’re not sure when it’ll be done but it’ll be done eventually. Maybe if I had a bigger following I might be more motivated to push past this writers block.
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But man, I’ve got plans for the story.
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