enfpstud · 6 years
hi! i saw a post that your currently studying economy too!(in the same language too) but im not really good at it so can i ask how do u study in up coming exams? also is it ok if i were to see how u answer the essay questions?
hi sorry if this is wayyyy too late to answer but i studied econ for SBMPTN... soo didnt know how to answer essay questions tho:”)) im currently an international relations major student so this 2nd sem i’ll get an econ lecture and i’ll update you up about that:))
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enfpstud · 6 years
thank you for using my masterpost:))
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so, you’re new to the studyblr community and dont know where to start. many people have been in this position, including myself. i was recently asked by @theboldrevision on how to grow their blog. here are a few tips on how to start a studyblr and how to grow.
your blog name / URL
have it something related to yourself and/or studying. this way it makes it easy to distinguish yourself as a studyblr. try and make it short as it is easy for people to remember.
have an appropriate theme which correlates to your content. if your predominant focus is on photos; you can get away with a multi column theme but I find them personally difficult to navigate. if your blog is based mainly on text a singular column theme is a must have, it makes it easier to read large blocks of text i.e masterposts i recommend these themes: hera | genesis |  caerus | nocturne | easton | 176 | nayeli
your icon
the icon size on tumblr is 135px x 135px it can be made using photoshop, (windows / mac) or if you prefer a legal route you can use vecteezy.com. your icon can be whatever you want, it can be a selfie, an icon or even a drawing
header icon (Optional)
this is up to personal preference, I have one but many blogs don’t. the size for the header is 640px x 360px. yet again, it can be anything you desire, you can have a photo (max size 10MB) or a gif (max size 3MB)
choose a colour pallet for your theme, i recommend coolors.co for all my colour pallet needs. make sure the colours are visible and don’t interfere with your content. this will ensure that your log is easy to see. on the topic of visibility, make sure your text size is visible for those with poor vision, we really appreciate it. choose a background which contrasts your text colour, I prefer a white background with black text but as long as it is legible it will work. i personally prefer minimalist themes as they are clean and easy to navigate but as long as it isn’t overly cluttered and is legible it will work.
intro post
make an into post so people can get to know you, state some facts about you, your ambitions in life and with your blog, who inspired you etc. it is an easy way for people to get to know you and make friends as people with similar interests may ask you questions or dm you
make friends, almost everyone is friendly and is always willing to help you out. don’t be afraid to message or ask people for advice. try and reply to messages and dms, you might make a friend. 
participate in events, eg blog rates, blog awards, ask games etc.host your own events; same as above, giveaways (if financially viable), follow forevers. join networks such as the small studyblr network @smallstudyblrsunite. it is an easy way to make friends and have your content reach an audience
original content
what is your focus going to be? photos, masterposts, tips, or a variety. choose what you want to post as it is important in forming your niche. A rule of thumb is original ideas are the best ideas when it comes to masterposts and advice. 
how to take photos
you don’t need a fancy camera, i use my phone. i strongly recommend natural lighting as it provides the best picture quality and it prevents over saturated photos caused by artificial light. choose a background that complements the object you’re taking a photo of. some people use their desk, a bench, table or their bed. i have also seen people use paper for their background. your options are limitless. you can try putting stationery or other things around your photo to make it interesting. you can include stationery, a drink, flowers, washi tape etc. make sure there aren’t many/any shadows directly on top of what your photographing as it makes it harder to see.  then it comes to editing, i usually increase the brightness and/or exposure, the warmth and the highlights just a bit to make it clearer. Some apps which people use are vsco (android / iOS) instagram and photoshop. i mainly use the the photos app on iOS to edit but i sometimes use photoshop. however, all photos don’t need to be staged like this, sometimes authentic photos are just as good. at the end of the day do what feels right to you. 
tag your posts with related tags and use tracking tags of your favourite blogs so they can see your content (mine is #aoademic) here is a directory of a lot of tracking tags made by @enfpstud 0-C | D-G | H-L | M-R | S-Z and some more by @getshitdonetbh (X) using popular tags will help you gain some extra exposure such as #studyblr #new studyblr #studying #student #studyspo #notes. tag your favourite blogs in your posts so they can see them but don’t go over the top.

don’t focus on followers and notes as the purpose is to become motivated to study and share that with the studyblr community. just think of notes and followers as icing on the cake, they’re a nice extra but what’s the point of icing without a cake? (terrible analogy, i know)

the queue is a lifesaver. it auto posts your posts and if you activate queue 2.0 in tumblr labs you can schedule how many posts are posted, what time intervals you want a post posted and how long per day your queue is on. It makes it look like your blog is active when you are not online so you can focus on other things and not be on tumblr all day.  i have mine set overnight as people on the other side of the world can see fresh content from my blog while I’m asleep. it is very convenient but you can queue 300 posts.
protecting your content
always source your original content so if people add to your post or delete your caption you will still be noted as the source. this can be done by clicking the gear icon and putting your blog url in the content source section. you can also watermark your original posts. this is usually done by placing your blog name or url somewhere in the post where it cant be cropped out but isn’t too distracting.
ground rules
please don’t repost, always reblog!!! (i can’t stress this enough) along those lines, avoid reblogging photos without captions or photos from pinterest and weheartit as it is probably stolen content. this is because many posts are being reuploaded and initially they might state the source and is later deleted or they don’t give credit at all. to respect the content creator please avoid doing this.
the best advice is to be friendly and be yourself. i wish you the best with your academic future ♡
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enfpstud · 7 years
heeey!!! its late i know but welcome;)))
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hi studyblr! i’ve been in this community on this account for about a year now, but i don’t think i’ve ever done an ‘about me’ thing so here it goes!
about me…
my name is katherine!
i’m fifteen years old as of the time i’m writing this
i’m going into 10th grade (sophomore year)
things i like…
music! - i play the ukulele, take voice lessons, and i was in my school’s production of irving berlin’s white christmas last year, and i hope to be in more school musicals! also my favorite artist is dodie clark, she’s such an inspiration to me!
i love writing and practicing my hand lettering and calligraphy
i’m into pokémon, harry potter, the musical be more chill and star wars!
i like this one boy called locker boy and he likes me and we’re a weird couple of kids (please ask me about him)
studyblrs that i love!…
@journalits @universi-tea @allydsgn @bookmrk @areistotle @elkstudies @academla @enfpstud @emmastudies @lazyhermione @lentilstudies @localstudyblr @lycheestudy @zeestudies @eintsein @educatier @empathetically @focusign (there’s way more but i’m tired and i don’t feel like typing all of them out so)
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enfpstud · 7 years
Hi!! We just saw your studyblr tracking and omg, is fantastic! All the blog are awesome and there are so many of them! We wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind adding us and our tag (#Architstudy), it would be an honor 😊Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!! 💕
hi!! sorry for the late reply😊 i definitely will when i have the time to open my tumblr via pc, thanks too😊😊
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enfpstud · 7 years
aaah yess i finaly had a surgery for my broken bone and yess finally my uni tests are done im so free rn waiting for the announcement how about youu omg i miss tumblr
emmaaaaaaaaaa hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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enfpstud · 7 years
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Ramadan Prayer Schedule 2017
What is up fellow Muslims! With a few days left till fasting month begins, here’s a simple printable where y’all can fill up the prayer timings according to your country (in case y’all happen to be looking for a different design) for 2017′s Ramadan! Do leave some feedback in my ask, and if there’s any requests (like if there’s any changes y’all want me to make), feel free to say so. Have a blessed Ramadan!
Download the printable here! (there’s only yellow this time, soz)
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enfpstud · 7 years
Ayyyyyy I'm an enfp too
ayyyy am i late on answering this bc the uni tests just finally done LOL hi anyway lets talk fellow enfp;))
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enfpstud · 7 years
life update: hi yall sorry for disappearing again for sooo long lol its finally d-19 to the big uni test and i really am trying my best to study. and i had a surgery abour +3 weeks ago for my broken bone (clavicula) like for real that surgery wasted lot of my time to study bc i couldnt move out from bed, but it went really fine!! my right arm now pretty much better!!! i hope yall doing okay too in your studies<333 see you soon!!! i hope to bring you a good news too sooo yeah!!
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March 24, 2017. its been 4 days since im working on my economy notes and also reviewing some of the old uni tests and im kinda satisfied with how it looks omg i havent been sooo happy with my notes before😅😅 (i know its kinda bleeding but yeah its just a cheap brand of notebook sooo and its A4 which much bigger than i used to write my notes soo i kinda like it)
pens i used in this: ✏ Zebra Sarasa Pen 0.5mm in Black ✏ Zebra Mildliner in Mild Magenta, Mild Gold, Mild Smoke Blue, Mild Blue Green and Mild Blue ✏ Crayola Supertips in Turquoise, Sun Yellow and Light Peach ✏ Artline Stix in Apricot and Light Blue ✏ Snowman Brush Pen in Black ✏ Zig Kuretake Fudebiyori Brush Pen in Indigo ✏ Tombow Fudenosuke Hard Tip
alsooo ive been listening to Stay by Zedd ft. Alessia Cara this whole week omg that song sooo good😍😍😍
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enfpstud · 7 years
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02.04.2017// {April Study Challenge - Day 2} Favorite teacher/professor and why?
My favourite high school teacher was the one that taught math and physics for my last two years. She was smart, sassy, witty, severe when she needed to be and absolutely awesome. She encouraged all of us to be better and study more without being tedious. If I didn’t get into med school I would have done math at university because of her. The pictures above are the math and physics notebooks of my final year, that I keep because I liked the subjects so much.
My current favourite professor is one of the anatomy professors. He looks like a combo of Dumbledore and Santa Clause, he has a thundering voice, he is incredibly enthusiastic about what he teaches and is so available for any clarification (he talked for 15 minutes with me and my friend because we didn’t understand the function of the hyoid bone).
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enfpstud · 7 years
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01.04.17 - 3/100 days of productivity here’s my monthly spread for april inspired by @studywithinspo :)
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enfpstud · 7 years
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feb. 1, 2017 / class notes + study guide from algebra! logs are really fun :P
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enfpstud · 7 years
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31st march 2017: [ 17/100 days of productivity ]
taken from my ig: @studyrelief​ // i started using my new black pen yesterday as i’ve officially run out of my @pilotpenuk bottle 2 pen in a gel 0.7 😪 the @penteluk energel in 0.7 is a great replacement and the nib runs so smoothly! it leaks a little through the page but i quite like it funnily enough, it looks more realistic 😅 it works great with highlighters too!  on the other hand, i hate that i need to handwrite notes since it takes so long but this is how i memorise 😭 i’m still making notes regardless of aesthetic and the tipex is abound ..
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enfpstud · 7 years
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asc: day 2: favourite teacher/professor and why?
i love my psychology teacher so much. when we first got her, i was honestly terrified of her bc shes like 4″ but so intimidating and idk i have her for ‘academic enrichment’ (basically an hour of supervised revision each week) as well as psychology and shes so great i love her these are my psychopathology depression notes (its so fun when u relate) and the blank book to do practice questions in. i did a lot of work and also progressed in botw a lil not much.
listening to: april 17
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enfpstud · 7 years
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[ 11/03/17 ] Wrote some notes on vectors 💜
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enfpstud · 7 years
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[april 2] 92/100 days of productivity 💕currently studying for the acts whilst doing physics homework and learning japanese. also, i just got some succulents!! i still need to name the ones on the bottom but the top succulents are named after bts members (because i’m trash haha) i hope you have a lovely day~
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enfpstud · 7 years
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From my studygram — @shairenestudies
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enfpstud · 7 years
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april study challenge, day 1: what do you have going on this month?
since the term has just started this week, i’m not attacked by projects and deadlines yet. however, i have my first tests and evaluations this month, one of my friend’s birthday and (luckily) two days off because of holy week 🌸
on pic: my april spread for my bujo! first time doing this kind of monthly view and i’m really liking it (≧∪≦) 
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