engagethelinkage · 4 days
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engagethelinkage · 27 days
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engagethelinkage · 29 days
Any setting where the elves have weaker booze than the dwarves isn't committing to the bit
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engagethelinkage · 29 days
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engagethelinkage · 29 days
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engagethelinkage · 29 days
So there’s a trend going round where you draw Miku inspired by your own culture and normally I just sit those out bc i’m from England but then the image of her covered in fake tan with the full chav makeup and sloppily bleached blue pigtails popped into my head and i almost threw up laughing. So here’s bri’ish Miku. She smells like impulse body spray and spent the last 30 minutes arguing with the teacher who told her to take her coat off. It’s chewsday innit
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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here, you're going to need this
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
I just had the weirdest, most confusing dream of my life.
I was at work and our head of blood banking needed some extra hands to help out with a mass blood donation drive they were holding in the town hall along with some Red Cross people and I was picked to come with. Normal dream so far.
Then the weirdness started.
When we got there, there were freaking, whole ass ASTARTES APOTHECARIES running the event. Not just any Astartes Apothecaries, fucking WORLD EATER ASTARTES APOTHECARIES and I was amazed, confused and god-damned terrified.
And motherfucking ANGRON was in charge of the whole damned thing.
Not Daemon!Angron either. Just Angron in a surgical cap and scrubs with the sleeves ripped off with the Red Cross insignia on his breast pocket, yelling at a bunch of Blood Angels that had blood covering half their faces and dripping down their chins.
And the Blood Angels looked like they were trying not to cry, there were several empty blood bags scattered around their feet, and I hear something above me, I look up and see fucking Sanguinius up in the rafters, messily sucking on a blood bag.
And then Angron, red in the face and steam coming off the top of his head, at the top of his lungs, yelled something along the lines of:
And threw a clipboard the size of a fucking desk at my direction and then I woke up in a cold sweat with my heart thundering in my chest and a audio of Warhammer 40k lore playing in my headphones.
And that was the time I dreamt that Red Cross was secretly a cult of Khorne and Angron was in charge of holding blood drives and were in constant struggle against the Blood Angels and Sanguinius that were raiding their events for an easy meal.
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
So usually when an imaginary friend is a real thing in a story, it’s either a demon or a ghost or some supernatural boogeyman that probably wants to eat the kid they’ve befriended (Mama, a couple of the Paranormal Activity movies), or “imaginary friends” are just treated as a real thing in the setting, and if a child just thinks hard enough they can manifest a friend into existence (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Happy).
And somewhere in the middle is an area where the imaginary friend in question is real and they are supernatural, but they aren’t malevolent, and they aren’t entirely honest about what they are. Like maybe they’re a fairy or a god or some kind of boggle from mythology, but they just got caught by a six year old and they don’t have time to get into it, so they just go “…Yes. I’m your imaginary friend. We haven’t met. How do you do.” And then they stick around because they do love this kid, and if you’re a boggle from mythology in the modern day good food is really hard to come by.
And at some level. That’s what I think Hobbes is.
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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Working on a game for the Say Hi to a Bird lyric game jam that's being run by @breathing-stories
My current game idea is tentatively called Directionless. You are a bird who is lost, overwhelmed, and unsure about yourself. So, you decide to take flight with no destination in mind.
You uses various actions to move around on a grid. Maybe you find a place you'd like to stop and stay. Maybe not. Maybe you'll be okay either way.
The actions are all on spreads of an accordion style zine. You spread out the zine at first so all actions are available. As you do actions, you fold in the zine so they become not visible and therefore unavailable. When there's only one action left, and you feel like there are no choices to be made, you "spread your wings" and open up the full zine again.
My plan is for the game text and rules to be on one side of the paper and the actions to be on the other side. So the game will be fully contained in this little accordion zine thing. I'm hoping to make some more progress soon!
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
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i have been laughing at this for 5 mins
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
the pope can't stop saying faggot the president of the united states has dementia and is being maneuvered like a puppet the king of england is attempting to cure his cancer with coffee enemas. save for the few anachronisms this reads exactly like a medieval history paragraph
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engagethelinkage · 2 months
once again thinking about the solid snake panty lines tweet
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engagethelinkage · 3 months
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And y’all want me to vote for this dude?
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