engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 4 GEC16 Course Takeaway
This subject has thought me regarding the business world. I hope to apply in real life what I have gained in this subject. Out start-up venture has also thought me a lot. Number 1 skill i gained is a skill to coordinate. In a start-up i realized that team coordination is a must. This subject has opened my eyes to the real world. My favorite activity is the Rejection Therapy. In the future we should be open for rejections but we must cease every opportunity we have. Thank you to our teacher for imparting us all the knowledge we acquired. I will surely miss this class.
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engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 4 Demo Day
Demo Day was such a fun experience. We get to see exhibitions from different Start-up ideas from entrepreneurs. I have learned a lot from that day. Our team won as 3rd place in CMU ATBI Aqua-Agri Category. I am happy to experience a wonderful event from our Demo Day. I learned about marketing and sales from the pitch event. I also got to have an idea concerning competitors and investors.  
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engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 3 Lecture Series Takeaway (3rd Speaker)
Start-up Ecosystem was explained by Miss Keren. Her life story was somewhat inspiring for me. I have learned from her that sometimes our failures would lead us to somewhere else that is much better for our own good. I have learned that Start-up in ecosystem is those company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious, and success is not guaranteed.
In the start-up ecosystem our ideas are heard. It is a very nice and it is the right environment for entrpreneurs.
I am thankful for this lecture series because I have learned a lot with regards to Start-up. All speakers were also able to answer our queries during the open forum. I am looking forward to apply all the knowledge that I gained into the opportunity that I will encounter. Thanks to Lecture Series. What a nice experience!!!!
#Lectureseries #StartupEcosystem #StartupSuccess
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engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 3 Lecture Series Takeaway (2nd Speaker)
Prof. Sheila Poonon talks about Incubating Innovation it is exploring start up opportunities in the Philippines. Incubating start-up same way works the same as incubating chickens. Where we nurture and support the start up until it will grow into a successful start-up business.
One of its benefits is to have funding mentorship, networking opportunities and the supportive environment. Incubating Start up in the Philippines is in accordance to RA no 11337 which is the act of support in terms of infrastructure.
Prof Sheila has mentioned the Types of Business incubation. Namely, the 1. Tech focused incubators 2. Social impact incubators 3. Industry Specific and 4. Academic Incubator
All in all after the 2nd speaker I am much enlightened concerning the Start-up incubation for the growth and development of a Start-up business.
#IncubatingStartup #NurturingStartup #BusinessIncubation
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engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 3 Lecture Series Takeaway (1st Speaker)
The 1st speaker was Dr. Gamaleila A. Dumancas. I have learned from her that intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century. Intellectual property is the inventions and the literary works which is the creations of mind. It is like owning a piece of land where we regulate, valuate, monetize, transfer and take ownership.
It is also important to protect our intellectual property to prevent competitors to copy our trademark and product. To avoid wasteful investment and to enhance corporate identity.
Intellectual Property rights has been discussed as well. Intellectual Property rights are the following: 1. Patent- government issued grant, exclusive right to the inventor. 2. Utility Models 3. Industrial Design 4. Trademarks or service marks 5. Copyright and related rights 6. Lay out design 7. Geographic indications
The 1st speaker also discussed how to valuate Intellectual Property. Such as the 3 methods: 1. Cost based, 2. Market based and 3. Income based.
After what has been done we are rest assured that we can enjoy the benefit of the protection before its expiration.
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engineurhema · 1 year
BLOG 3 Lecture Series
On April 19, 2023, the Lecture Series Program was held and here are the Program flow during the event. It was fun, interesting and full of learning day.
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engineurhema · 2 years
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The picture above are the notes we have listed during our venture proposal. After the proposal I have realized that launching a website is quite daunting. There are much considerations to be done. Number 1 is on how our team will be able to sustain our website considering the costing and expenses into it. Will the monthly income enough for our website?? There are multiple questions that we have ask ourselves. But I am still happy atleast we still have our market which is the students of the CMU. My team and I are now continually having our brainstorming for our start-up. I am looking forward for our next task as a team. And that is all about our venture for the last few weeks. It was an interesting venture indeed!
#Venturedone #Exciting #Entrepreneur #LessonsandLearnings
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engineurhema · 2 years
Our team's start-up will solve the problem for slow learner student. Sometimes there are fast discussions in classes that causes the student unable to understand comprehend the topics. In our website, the CMU Tutorial Hub. Students will be able to find tutors that will help them understand a certain topic. It will help them find tutor if there is no available tutors for specific subject. It is a website that will help student generate income by having a sideline.
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engineurhema · 2 years
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This is our team planning for our Venture Proposal. We have discussed the problems we have observed as a student. Eventually we have come up to a Tutorial Hub solution.
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engineurhema · 2 years
Our team decided to have a tutorial service for our Venture Proposal. It is called CMU Tutorial Hub. It is a start-up that will create website or a platform that will help those students that are struggling academically. As well as help the student that has potential and those that can provide right credentials to be a tutor and help them earning a profit.
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#Beatutee #Beatutor #CMUTutorialHub
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engineurhema · 2 years
Blog 4: Anticipating
I am excited for our upcoming discussions. I am also looking forward for the group activity that we will be having.
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engineurhema · 2 years
Opportunities are everywhere around us. We just need to recognize every opportunity we have. It is perceiving possibilities for a new profit potential. There are 4-Step process that can develop an idea for a product.
These are the following:
Identify a point of pain in target market
Innovate a product or a service
Test Business Model
Explore how to acquire customers
Following these 4 steps I believe I will be a successful entrepreneur.
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#Targetmarket #successfulentrepreneur #percievepossibilities #profitpotential
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engineurhema · 2 years
Blog 2: Entrepreneurial mindset (2nd learning)
To have an entrepreneurial mindset is to have a mindset that drives innovation, creativity, hard work, goal setting and a fearless attitude leading to achievements and success in business world. Having a mindset that sees the world as a place with endless opportunities, and these opportunities are opportunities they create for themselves.
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engineurhema · 2 years
BLOG 1: An ENTREPRENEUR (1st learning)
Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the economy. They play an important role in the market. They are risk takers, and they find ways to realize their ideas. They are also individuals who will organize resources they have and would grab every opportunity to innovate and start a business.
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#beanentrepreneur #takerisk #innovate
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engineurhema · 2 years
Hi, my blog will be all about the things I learned in GEE 16. 
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