Global warming and deforestation. 
We, as human beings, tend to think that Earth belongs to us. But no, Earth belongs to every species living on it. We destroy their natural habitats to satisfy our unnecessary needs. Soon polar bears and orangutans will only be an idea as ice is melting and forests are being destroyed to make palm oil.
Yesterday, National Geographic published a video on its Twitter account. The video is by photographer Paul Nicklen and it is such a sad video. This bear can’t even feed itself. I feel like our only purpose is to kill and destroy. But some of us are smarter than the so called Leader Of The Free World aka Donald “Moron” Trump. We can do things to change this. Stop buying food or product with palm oil in it, don’t use your car as much as you can, reduce your water waste as well as your energy consumption (buy better light bulbs, pull the plug when you leave). 
We won’t stop global warming, but we can slow it down.  
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We accept the love we think we deserve.
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower (via furioushideoutstranger)
This quote is so sad, and at the same time so true ... I know it because I had the tendency to reject people who showed interest in me like I didn’t feel worthy of their attention. And I ended up alone must of the time... And it is in that situation that I found out who were my real friends, those who didn’t let me down even when I was mean to them, even when I was a awful friend because I felt like I didn’t deserve them...  They made me a better person, they made me realize that I was actually worthy of their love, and I will always cherish them for what they did... 
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My first post !
Hi everybody! This is my first post ! *yaaay* 
I am writing while I should study for my exams, but I can’t really concentrate on something if I am thinking about something else. When I have something in mind, I have to do it. That’s why I am writing this... 
I kinda started this blog on an impulse. I was bored and could focus on my math, so yes : Welcome to my blog  !  I didn’t really thought about what I am going to talk about... I see this as some kind of diary/lifestyle blog/anything-that-come-to my-mind blog .. 
What I know for sure is that I will not post regularly. 
I don’t even know who is going to read this, seriously ... But if you read that last sentence, it means that you probably read what’s above, so I hope you are enjoying it so far. 
Yeah ... That is all I have right now ... 
I hope you are having an amazing day ! and if you don’t, remember that a bad day will only last 24h max :) 
PS : Read the “About ME!” page <3 
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