englishlesson · 3 years
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
I have a bicycle.
He has a new car.
We live in a big house.
✨An:Dog is an domestic animal.
This is an egg.
He is not an engineer.
Negative:There isn't any milk in the bottle.
There aren't any books in the bag.
I'm not going to buy any eggs.
Question:Do you have any problems?
(Yes,I am/No,I am not)
Have you seen any of his films?
(Yes,I did see/No,I did not see)
Can I be of any helps?
(Yes,I am/No,I am not)
Positive:There is some water in the bottle.
I have got some money in my purse.
He needs some medicine.
Question:Have you got some coffee?
(Yes,there is/No,there is not)
Would you like some more orange juice?
(Yes,I want/No,I do not want)
Is there some children playing outside?
(Yes,there is/No,there is not)
✨How many:
How many sugars is she taking in her coffee?
(She taking a sugar.)
How many children were there in the party?
(There were ten children.)
How many students can visit us?
(Five students can visit us.)
✨How much:
How much money do you want?
(I want fifty dollars.)
How much sugar do we need?
(We need there sugars.)
How much time is there left?
(There is an hour.)
✨A lot of:
There is a lot of honey in the plate.
There is a lot of sugar in my tea.
There are a lot of books in the library.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
Be Going To
✨1-I am going to wash his car.
I am not going to wash his car.
Am I going to wash his car?
(Yes,I am/No,I am not)
✨2-You are going to have a breakfast.
You are not going to have a breakfast.
Are you going to have a breakfast?
(Yes,you are/No,you are not)
✨3-We are going to go on holiday this summer.
We are not going to go on holiday this summer.
Are we going to go on holiday this summer?
(Yes,we are/No,we are not)
✨4-They are going to buy the house.
They are not going to buy the house.
Are they going to buy the house?
(Yes,they are/No,they are not)
✨5-He is going to change his job.
He is not going to change his job.
İs he going to change his job?
(Yes,he is/No,he is not)
✨6-She is going to sing at the party.
She is not going to sing at the party.
İs she going to sing at the party?
(Yes,she is/No,she is not)
✨7-It is going to drive the car.
It is not going to drive the car.
İs ıt going to drive the car?
(Yes,ıt is/No,ıt is not)
✨8-You are going to go.
You are not going to go.
Are you going to go?
(Yes,you are/No,you are not)
✨9-We are going to meet each other tonight at 6:00 PM.
We are not going to meet each other tonight 6:00 PM.
Are we going to meet each other tonight 6:00 PM.?
(Yes,we are/No we are not)
✨10-They are going to sell their old car.
They are not going to sell their old car.
Are they going to sell their old car?
(Yes,they are/No,they are not)
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
*Writing Time (Page 114)
I don't know what will happen yet in future.My decisions may change.I want to bet the judge.I want to prevent injustice and defend women's rights.I want to buy a house with the money I earned.I have to work for this.
*Listening Time and Speaking Time (Page 115-116)
Shopkeper:Can I help you?
Customer:Yes,Do you have any loaves bread,bottle of milk,packet of flour?
Shopkeper:Yes,How much do you want?
Customer:2 loaves of bread,1 bottle of milk,1 packet of flour.
Shopkeper:Here you are.
Customer:Yes,Do you have any of apples,of oranges,bananas?
Shopkeper:Yes,How many do you want?
Customer:1 kilos of apples,3 kilos of oranges,6 bananas.
Shopkeper:Here you are.
Müşteri:How much does it coast?
Shopkeper:They are 13£,393P altogether.
Customer:I'll pay in cash.
Shopkeper:Here is your change.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
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Theme Eight Emergency And Health Problems
-Zeynep was very(patient)that day.She had a lot of(ache).She went to the(emergency)room first.The doctor(cure)her to(rescue).She had several(health problems),so she had to take(medication).She felt better now.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
1)Şehriban:What should I do in the event of on heart attack?
Melisa:You should do chest compression/do CPR.
2)Şehriban:What had better I do in the event of on faint?
Melisa:You had better position him/her properly.
3)Şehriban:What must I do in the event of on car accident?
Melisa:You must check yourself and other passengers for injuries.
4)Şehriban:What have to I do in the event of on flu?
Melisa:You must take a long rest when you catch the flu.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
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Theme Seven World Heritage
-Zeynep was very bored.She wanted to do research on(historical sites)and(natural beauty).She began to look at(world)(heritage)sites that existed(centuries)ago.She was very surprised by what she saw.There were(underground)cities,caves and a whole lot of other things.We must protect our(traditional)assets.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
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Lidya Civilization
Established on the Ege Sea coast,around the Menderes and Gediz rivers.Trade is very developed.They used the barter system before,and then invented the money the obtained from a mixture of gold and silver.Agriculture and animal,husbandry are developed.It has a natural resources such as marble,silver,copper and gold.They believed in the polytheistic religion.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 3 years
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I went to Göbeklitepe about two years ago.Göbeklitepe is an archeology wonder.Şanlıurfa is in the city center.Göbeklitepe was built between 11400 BC.The temples that reflect the belief world of prehistoric people and enriched with animist figures made Göbekitepe one of the most important discoveries in the history archeology.Undoubtedly,in addition to it's impressiveness,all kinds of data and scientific results obtained in excovations regording prehistoric life are also of great importance for human history.This place is really beautiful and must be seen.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
*Travel Wrıtıng*🧭
Şehriban:Did you go to İndonesia?
Melisa:Yes,I did.
Şehriban:When did you start to write about travelling?
Melisa:I first wrote my memories when I went to İndonesia.That was 5 years ago.
Şehriban:So did you want to go to Indonesia once again?
Melisa:I think I wan't go there again.
Şehriban:Why?Can you tell me what happened?
Melisa:Because there I was bitten by a snake while I was travelling in the rainforest and ıt was pretty scary.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
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Why do I want to go to Canada?
-I want to go to Canada.Because I want to study there.I like the education system.Canadian people are generally lively friends and knowledgeable.There are son many natural beauties out there.For example:Prens Edward İsland,Louise Lake etc.I would like to try Quebec Poutine,one of the traditional dishes of the area,and Nanaimo Bar,one of it is traditional desserts.I think these are valid reasons to go to Canada.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
Turkey/Yozgat/Historical Places
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Çeşka Yeraltı Şehri:Built on a high hill.The underground city has three entrance gates.Howeover,there entrance gates were filled before today.Among the ruins and on the lower slopes off the hill,you can see ceramic pieces from the Roman and Byzantine periods.
Nizamoğlu Evi(Etnoğrafya Müzesi):Opened the visitors in 1985,as of today there are around 4000 works,990 of which are on display.One of the most important works in the banner, which is located in the manuscript hall and was built as a gift for Çapanoğlu Grand Mosque.
Sarıkaya Roma Hamamı(Basilica Therma): İncluded in the Unesco World Heritage tentative list in 2018 the Basilica Therma,has been an winterrupted hot water source since ancient times.From the relief of a snake like figure(Healt symbol Asclepius),it seems that this structure was used not only for cleaning but also for healing.
Turkey/Yozgat/Traditional Food and Dessert
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Testi Kebabı:Inıtially,it is a dish farmed around tandoori culture.The traditional Testi Kebabı is prepared by putting meat and ingredients is earthenware pots called jug and pot,produced in the district of Avanos, and cooking in tandoor.
Arabaşı Çorbası:Arabaşı Çorbası,which combiner hot soup cooked with poultry meat such turkey, goose and chicken,and cold dough also courses neighbours and relatives to come together and mingle in Anatolia.
İncir Uyutması:İncir Uyutması, is made from figs, milk and sugar.İt is a beautiful and delicious dessert that adorns İftar tables in Ramadan.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
◍𝔉𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔞 ℭ𝔞𝔣𝔢◍
*Tea Varieties
Turkish Tea/Black Tea $2.00
Green Tea🍵$2.00
Sage $3.00
Linden $3.00
*Coffee Varieties
Turkish Coffee☕$2.00
Filter Coffee $3.00
Espresso Coffee $4.00
Americano Coffee $4.00
Coffee Latte $4.00
*Dessert Varieties
Turkish Baklava $4.00
Turkish Künefe $4.00
Waffle $5.00
Suffle $5.00
*Cold Drink Varieties
Water $1.00
Soda $2.00
Lemonade $2.00
Milkshake $4.00
***Address:New York NY 10017
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
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Waiter:Welcome,how can I help you?
Customer:We liked it,can I have the menu?
Waiter:Of course.
Customer:Can I have pasta and salad?
Waiter: Would you like a drink?
Customer:hmm...Can I have water.
Waiter:Bon apetit.
Customer:Thank you.
Customer:The bill,please.
Waiter:$20.30 sir.
Waiter:We hope you come again.
Şehriban Baygın
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englishlesson · 4 years
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Announcement:Flight TR366 has been delayed.
Şehriban:Sorry,my flight was delayed for three hours.Excuse me,what time is it?
Melisa:İt is a quarter past three.My flight was delayed.
Şehriban:İt that so,where are you going?
Melisa:I'm going to Germany.You?
Şehriban:I'm going to Canada.My name is Şehriban.What is your name?
Melisa:I'm Melisa.Pleased to meet you.
Şehriban:Nice to meet you,too.What is the purpose of your trip to Germany?
Melisa:I will go to study.
Şehriban:I see.Are you German?
Melisa:No,I'm not.I'm Turkish.I'm going to Germany study because there are many educational opportunities there.
Şehriban:You are right,but it's hard to get used to a foreign country.
Melisa:Yes,I know.Germans look a little cold at first sight,but you can warm to them when you meet.Germans are a bit sting but it equally reliable.They are also punctual,disciplined and hard-working.Canadian people like?
Şehriban:Canadian people are generally hospitable and friendly people.In addition educated people are many and serious people.
Melisa:What are you doing there?
Şehriban Baygın
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