enhyhoonie ยท 26 days
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DIET PEPSI (part 1)
Pairing: Racer!Sunghoon x female!reader
Genres: Serie, College!au, Racing!au, smut, ennemies to lovers, !nsfw!
Triggers: Bad language, illegal activities, smut
WC: 4.4k
A/N: I'm an inconsistent writer sorry about that :') I listenned to Diet Pepsi from Addison Rae and that's basically how i got the inspo lmao. THERE'S MORE DON'T WORRY <3
Synopsis : Sunghoonโ€™s fingers traced lightly along my jawline, his touch sending shivers down my spine. His eyes were dark, almost predatory, as they locked onto mine.
โ€œStill trying to play the innocent, huh?โ€ he murmured, his breath warm against my ear. โ€œTell me, Y/n, is this really what you want?โ€
I looked away, struggling to keep my voice steady. โ€œYou think you know me so well. But youโ€™re just playing games.โ€
A smirk tugged at his lips. โ€œGames? Maybe. Or maybe Iโ€™m just giving you a taste of what youโ€™ve been craving all along.โ€
I shivered as his hand slid down my side, his touch lingering with a mix of arrogance and seduction. โ€œIโ€™m not here to fulfill your fantasies,โ€ I retorted, though my voice trembled slightly.
Sunghoon leaned in closer, his lips brushing against my neck. โ€œFunny,โ€ he whispered, โ€œbecause it seems like youโ€™re exactly where I want you. So tell me, how much more do you want to deny it?โ€
His words were like a caress, both maddening and irresistible. As his hands explored my body, the tension between us crackled with undeniable heat. I could feel my resolve slipping, leaving me to grapple with the dangerous allure of his touch.
โ€œWhat are your plans for summer break?โ€ Fia asked, tossing her clothes into her suitcase.
โ€œIโ€™m not sure yetโ€ฆ probably looking for a summer job,โ€ I replied thoughtfully. โ€œWhat about you?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m heading to my boyfriendโ€™s place for the summer. Itโ€™s just a few kilometers from the dorm,โ€ she said with a grin.
โ€œYouโ€™re leaving me here?โ€ I said with a mock pout. โ€œItโ€™ll be strange not having you around for two months.โ€
โ€œOh, donโ€™t be dramatic,โ€ Fia teased with a mischievous smile. โ€œIโ€™m not vanishing completely. Iโ€™ll be back from time to time to work on some assignments, and weโ€™ll definitely catch up.โ€
โ€œWell, now that you mention it, I think Iโ€™ll focus on studying as much as I can this summer,โ€ I said.
Fia rolled her eyes dramatically. โ€œCome on, itโ€™s summer break! The last thing you should be doing is burying yourself in books. Weโ€™re supposed to have fun!โ€
I frowned slightly. โ€œI take my studies very seriously. Fine art has always been my dream.โ€
Fia placed a hand on my shoulder, her tone softening. โ€œA little fun wonโ€™t ruin your grades. Youโ€™re the top student of your degree. Youโ€™ve earned a break.โ€
I paused, contemplating her words. โ€œYeah, I suppose youโ€™re rightโ€ฆโ€
โ€œOf course I am!โ€ she said with a playful nudge.
Fia was right. From the start of the program, Iโ€™d poured my heart into being the best. My drive for perfection earned me a scholarship to the University of Applied Arts and a spot on campus. It was time to enjoy this well-deserved summer break.
โ€œOh, by the way,โ€ Fia said, โ€œthis weekend, my boyfriend invited me to a car race heโ€™s participating in. You should come with me!โ€
I blinked in surprise. โ€œBut isnโ€™t that kind of thing illegal?โ€
โ€œYeah, but donโ€™t worry. Itโ€™s not the first time theyโ€™ve done this, and itโ€™ll be packed with people. Itโ€™ll be a blast!โ€
โ€œFia, Iโ€™m not sureโ€”โ€
โ€œNo arguments,โ€ she interrupted with a firm tone. โ€œConsider it an order.โ€
I sighed, feeling resigned. โ€œAlright, fine.โ€
โ€œWho knows, maybe youโ€™ll find a hook up,โ€ Fia said with a teasing grin.
I winced. โ€œNo thanks. Iโ€™ve got more important things to think about.โ€
Fia just laughed and went back to packing. โ€œJust saying!โ€
The weekend finally arrived, and with it, the excitement of the car race that Fia and I were about to attend with her boyfriend, Leo. Early that evening, Leo showed up at the dorm to pick us up. His sleek, matte black sports car gleamed under the streetlights, a perfect match for his look.
โ€œReady for the race?โ€ Leo asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
I managed a nervous smile. โ€œI think so. Iโ€™ve never been to something like this before.โ€
Fia squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Y/n. Leoโ€™s been looking forward to this for weeks. Itโ€™s going to be a night to remember!โ€
The drive took us out of the city and into a more rugged, secluded area. As we approached, the landscape transformed from urban sprawl to an open, abandoned parking lot illuminated by harsh floodlights. The place was alive with the hum of engines and the murmur of an excited crowd.
Leo parked his car and motioned for us to follow. We made our way through the crowd of racing enthusiasts and racers who darted around. The makeshift racetrack was set up in the lot, a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness, and it was buzzing with a palpable energy.
โ€œI need to check on the car,โ€ Leo said. โ€œYou two find a good spot to watch.โ€
Fia and I wandered towards the viewing area, navigating through the crowd. I couldnโ€™t help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the scene. The smell of gasoline and burnt rubber was strong, mingling with the cool night air.
โ€œAre you alright?โ€ Fia asked, noticing my nervousness.
โ€œYeah, just a bit out of my element,โ€ I admitted, glancing around at the throngs of people and roaring engines. โ€œThis is way more intense than I expected.โ€
Fia smiled and squeezed my arm. โ€œYouโ€™ll get used to it. Leoโ€™s really fired up tonight. And speaking of which, you should see the guy heโ€™s racing against.โ€
Just then, a tall, imposing figure appeared near the track. He stood beside a sleek, silver racing car that seemed to glimmer under the floodlights. His presence was magnetic, and there was an effortless confidence in the way he carried himself. His dark eyes were sharp and focused, and he exuded an almost aloof air of superiority.
โ€œThatโ€™s Sunghoon,โ€ Fia whispered, her voice laced with a mix of awe and excitement. โ€œHeโ€™s Leoโ€™s biggest rival. Sunghoonโ€™s undefeated, and Leoโ€™s been itching for this challenge for a long time.โ€
I stared at Sunghoon, taking in his cool demeanor. He seemed unfazed by the crowd and the hype, his focus solely on the track and his car. The rivalry between him and Leo was evident, and it was clear that this race was more than just a competitionโ€”it was personal.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the floodlights cast an artificial daylight over the track, and the atmosphere thickened with anticipation. Leo emerged, his expression one of intense focus. He and Sunghoon exchanged terse words, their conversation filled with a competitive edge. Leoโ€™s jaw was set with determination, while Sunghoon remained cool and composed, his demeanor almost nonchalant.
The night sky darkened completely, and the roar of the engines grew louder. The cars lined up on the starting grid, and the crowdโ€™s excitement reached a fever pitch. With the night air charged with tension, the signal was given, and the cars surged forward with a deafening roar.
Fia and I found a good spot to watch, and I could hardly contain my excitement as the two cars sped around the track. The vivid lights of the floodlights made the scene almost surreal, the racing cars cutting through the darkness like shooting stars.
As the race unfolded, I was completely absorbed by the action. The speed, the noise, the thrillโ€”it was all overwhelming and exhilarating. And as the race reached its climax, I felt a rush of adrenaline, caught up in the intensity of the moment.
The two cars were neck and neck, their speed creating a blur of lights and shadows. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, and the tension was almost palpable.
With a final burst of speed, Sunghoonโ€™s sleek silver car edged ahead, crossing the finish line just inches in front of Leoโ€™s black racer. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement blending with the roar of engines slowly dying down. Sunghoon had won.
As the cars stopped and the cheers subsided, the announcerโ€™s voice cut through the night air, amplifying the stakes of the race. โ€œAnd there you have it, folks! Sunghoon is our winner tonight! As per the wager, Leo must now grant Sunghoon whatever he desires.โ€
Sunghoon stepped forward, his calm demeanor unshaken by the cheers and the spotlight. His voice was cold and blunt as he addressed the crowd, though his words were directed solely at Leo. โ€œI want Leoโ€™s girlfriend for the night.โ€
A hush fell over the crowd. The request was both shocking and humiliating. Leoโ€™s face flushed with anger and frustration as he realised that Sunghoon was humiliating him by forcing Leo to give away his girlfriend to his rival, but before he could react, he turned to Fia and me.
โ€œFia, Y/n can I talk to you both privately?โ€ Leoโ€™s voice was tense, his eyes shifting between us.
Leo took a deep breath, his frustration evident. โ€œI donโ€™t want to give Sunghoon what heโ€™s asking. Itโ€™s not right. But I need a way out of this.โ€
Fiaโ€™s expression hardened, her anger growing. โ€œWhat do you mean, a way out?โ€
Leo glanced at me, his eyes pleading. โ€œIโ€™m thinking of proposing something else. Y/n will come instead of you Fia and Iโ€™m hoping heโ€™ll accept this as a substitute.โ€
I felt a wave of confusion and anxiety wash over me. โ€œMe? But why me?โ€
Leoโ€™s gaze was intense and desperate. โ€œIf he accepts this, it might be the only way to avoid giving up Fia and not get humiliated even more.โ€
Fiaโ€™s face was a mix of anger and betrayal. โ€œLeo, this isnโ€™t right. You canโ€™t justโ€”โ€
Leo interrupted, his voice firm but strained. โ€œItโ€™s the only option we have right now. I need your help, Y/n.โ€
Fiaโ€™s eyes darted between Leo and me, her frustration evident. โ€œY/n, you donโ€™t have to do this. Itโ€™s not fair to put you in this position.โ€
I was overwhelmed, feeling trapped between my own uncertainty and Fiaโ€™s distress. โ€œIโ€”I donโ€™t know. This is all happening so fast. I donโ€™t even know Sunghoon.โ€
Leo reached out, his tone softening. โ€œPlease, Y/n. Iโ€™m asking you to do this for Fiaโ€™s sake. Itโ€™s just for one night, and itโ€™s the only way I can avoid getting humiliated and giving away my girlfriend to this jerk.โ€
Fia stepped forward, her voice trembling with emotion. โ€œLeo, this is wrong. We need to find another way. Y/n shouldnโ€™t be put in this position.โ€
Leoโ€™s face was a mask of frustration and desperation. โ€œI donโ€™t have another option right now. If we donโ€™t do this, itโ€™ll only make things worse.โ€
The idea of stepping into a situation I wasnโ€™t prepared for, and the pressure of Leoโ€™s request, made me feel uneasy.
Leo could see the distress in both Fiaโ€™s and my eyes. Trying to calm the situation, he put on a reassuring smile. โ€œListen, Iโ€™ll handle this. Maybe that was too hasty of me, Iโ€™ll figure out another way to settle this without involving anyone we donโ€™t want to. Just give me a moment.โ€
He stepped away from us, his expression a mix of determination and secrecy. I could see him heading towards Sunghoon, their conversation hidden from our view. Fia and I watched anxiously, both of us lost in our own thoughts.
โ€œI hope he knows what heโ€™s doing,โ€ Fia muttered, her voice tinged with frustration and worry. โ€œThis isnโ€™t fair to anyone.โ€
I nodded, feeling my anxiety grow. The whole situation felt like a bad dream, and I was unsure how to react.
Moments later, Leo returned with a more composed demeanor, but the tension was still palpable. Without a word, he reached for Fiaโ€™s hand. โ€œLetโ€™s go,โ€ he said firmly, guiding her away from the crowd.
Fia looked at Leo in confusion and anger. โ€œLeo, whatโ€™s going on? Where are you taking me?โ€
Leo didnโ€™t respond, his grip firm but gentle as he led her away. Fiaโ€™s protests grew louder, her voice carrying through the noise of the crowd. โ€œLeo, stop! What are you doing?โ€
My eyes darted around, searching for a way to help her. Just then, Sunghoon approached me, his expression unreadable.
โ€œCome with me,โ€ he said, his voice cold and commanding.
Before I could react, Sunghoonโ€™s hand was on my arm, guiding me towards his car. The crowd had thinned, and the night air felt colder as he led me through the parking lot. My heart raced as I struggled to process what was happening.
โ€œWait, where are we going?โ€ I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
Sunghoon didnโ€™t answer immediately, his focus on the car. As he forced me inside, he slid into the driverโ€™s seat, starting the engine with a smooth, controlled motion. The low rumble of the car seemed to echo the turmoil inside me.
As we sped away, I glanced back towards the crowd, hoping to see Leo and Fia, but they were already out of sight. The weight of the situation settled heavily on my shoulders. I had been pulled into this chaotic mess, and I felt trapped and unsure of what lay ahead.
Sunghoon drove in silence for a while. The tension in the car was thick, and I struggled to find the right words.
โ€œWhere are we going?โ€ I asked again, trying to break the silence.
Sunghoon finally turned his gaze away from the road, his expression still unreadeble. โ€œTo a place where we can talk privately. Leoโ€™s plan was to avoid facing the truth. I donโ€™t appreciate being deceived.โ€
I swallowed hard, trying to calm the frantic thoughts swirling in my mind. โ€œLeo said he would come up with another solution. He didnโ€™t want to go through with your original plan.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s gaze remained fixed on the road, his face still cold. โ€œIt seems he was less forthright than I thought. But here we are.โ€
As the car sped through the night, I felt trapped between the conflicting actions of Leo and Sunghoon. The night was far from over, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead was both thrilling and terrifying.
Sunghoon maneuvered the car down a winding dirt path, the headlights slicing through the dense forest. The rhythmic thud of the tires against the uneven terrain was the only sound breaking the silence.
He eventually pulled over in a secluded clearing, the car's engine humming softly as he shifted into park. The sudden quiet was almost deafening, and I could hear my own heartbeat thudding in my ears. Sunghoonโ€™s fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel, his frustration barely masked by his cool exterior.
He turned to me, his dark eyes fixed with an intensity that made me shiver. โ€œThis wasnโ€™t how I planned it,โ€ he said abruptly, his voice betraying a hint of irritation. โ€œI was supposed to take Leoโ€™s girlfriend, not his friend. The humiliation wouldโ€™ve been far more satisfying.โ€
He leaned back in his seat, his demeanor shifting back to its usual aloof and nonchalant state. Despite the situation, he seemed eerily calm, as though he was simply going through the motions of a routine rather than engaging in something deeply personal.
โ€œTell me,โ€ he said, his voice smooth and almost casual, โ€œhave you ever done it in a car?โ€
I could feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. His question was blunt, and the way he asked itโ€”so casuallyโ€”made my face grow hot. I glanced down at my hands, fidgeting with the hem of my dress, unable to meet his gaze.
โ€œI... no,โ€ I stammered. โ€œI havenโ€™t.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s smirk widened slightly, though his eyes remained unreadable. โ€œI thought as much. Itโ€™s not really your scene, is it?โ€
I shook my head, unable to find the words. The situation was surreal, and his casual demeanor only seemed to heighten my discomfort. I felt trapped, both by the physical confines of the car and the emotional weight of the night.
Sunghoon studied me for a moment, his expression thoughtful. โ€œI suppose weโ€™ll make this a first for you then,โ€ he said, his tone almost indifferent.
The way he spoke made me feel like I was part of some game he was playing, and I couldnโ€™t shake the sense of unease. The silence in the car felt heavy, suffused with an uncomfortable tension. Sunghoonโ€™s gaze remained fixed on me, his smirk never fading. I could feel his eyes on me, as if he was assessing every nuance of my reaction.
โ€œI guess this isnโ€™t exactly your kind of thrill, is it?โ€ he said, his tone dripping with condescension. โ€œI mean, itโ€™s clear you havenโ€™t really lived on the wild side.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not some... easy target,โ€ I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the lump forming in my throat. โ€œJust because I havenโ€™t done something like this doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m... Iโ€™m not bold enough.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s eyes glinted with a sharp, almost predatory light. He leaned forward slightly, his tone dripping with condescension. โ€œIs that so? I just thought you might be too timid for something like this. You look like someone adamant to step out of your comfort zone.โ€
The way he spoke was calculated, meant to push my buttons and provoke a reaction. I could feel my pulse quickening as his words sank in, igniting a fierce determination within me. I wasnโ€™t going to let him belittle me, not without a fight.
In a sudden, impulsive decision driven by a mix of defiance and desperation, I shifted my position in the car. Without fully realizing what I was doing, I swung my leg over his lap and straddled him, my heart racing with a mix of anxiety and adrenaline.
Sunghoonโ€™s eyes widened in surprise, but the smirk on his lips remained. He looked at me with a blend of amusement and satisfaction, as if he had been waiting for this exact reaction. His hand rested casually on my hip, his touch sending a shiver down my spine.
โ€œRaise the stakes,โ€ he said, his voice low and almost amused.
The realization of what I had done hit me like a jolt. I was straddling him, the proximity making my heart race even faster. The initial burst of defiance was replaced by a sinking feeling as I understood Sunghoonโ€™s manipulation. He had provoked me, played on my insecurities, and now I was exactly where he wanted me.
A wave of shame and anger washed over me, and I tried to push myself off his lap, but Sunghoonโ€™s grip was firm, holding me in place. His eyes were cold and calculating, and his smile widened with satisfaction.
โ€œYouโ€™re quite easy to manipulate, you know,โ€ he said softly, his voice tinged with an edge of cruelty. โ€œIt wasnโ€™t hard to get you to react. All it took was a little prodding.โ€
I was taken aback by his words, the sting of his taunt cutting deep. I had been tricked, my attempt to assert myself used against me. The realization made me feel vulnerable and exposed, and I struggled to maintain my composure.
โ€œI... I didnโ€™t mean toโ€”โ€ I started to say, but my voice faltered as I tried to regain control of the situation.
Sunghoonโ€™s grip on my hip tightened slightly, his gaze never leaving mine. โ€œItโ€™s alright,โ€ he said with a cold, almost pitying tone. โ€œYou donโ€™t have to apologize. Itโ€™s just a part of the game. And now, youโ€™re fully in it.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s eyes never left mine as he took in the flush of anger and embarrassment on my face. His smirk grew more pronounced, a blend of satisfaction and cruel amusement evident in his gaze.
โ€œSince youโ€™re so eager to prove yourself,โ€ he said, his voice smooth and laced with taunting, โ€œwhy donโ€™t you give me a hickey?โ€
The request was unexpected, and I felt a surge of panic. The idea of doing something so intimate and, frankly, embarrassing in my current state made my heart pound even harder. I was overwhelmed by the situation, unsure of what to do or how to respond. I felt a growing aversion towards him, fueled by his manipulation and the way he seemed to toy with me.
But my pride was a stubborn force. I wasnโ€™t going to admit that I didnโ€™t know how to give a hickey, not to him. The very thought of telling him that was mortifying, and I refused to give him that satisfaction.
I took a deep breath, trying to steady my trembling hands. โ€œFine,โ€ I said, trying to sound confident despite the knot of anxiety tightening in my chest. โ€œIโ€™ll do it.โ€
Sunghoonโ€™s eyes glittered with a dangerous, sensual light. He tilted his head slightly, exposing the side of his neck. His hand wandered from my hip to my back, fingers grazing my skin with a touch that was both deliberate and electrifying.
โ€œGo on,โ€ he said, his voice low and almost a purr. โ€œIโ€™m waiting.โ€
My heart raced as I leaned in closer, the heat of his body against mine making my breath hitch. I pressed my lips to his skin tentatively, trying to muster the courage to follow through with the task. The closeness was overwhelming, and his touch made it even harder to focus.
Sunghoonโ€™s hand continued to explore my body, tracing along my back and the curve of my waist. Each touch was calculated, designed to heighten my discomfort and make the situation more intense. I could feel his fingers brushing lightly against the bare skin of my upper thigh, and it made me shiver involuntarily.
Despite my best efforts, I was inexperienced and unsure, and I could tell by the way Sunghoonโ€™s eyes gleamed that he was thoroughly enjoying my struggle. I tried to apply pressure with my lips, but it came out more hesitant than confident. The feeling of his skin beneath my lips was foreign and unsettling.
When I finally pulled back, my face flushed with embarrassment and frustration. Sunghoonโ€™s expression was a mix of amusement and mockery. He traced a finger lightly over the spot where Iโ€™d tried to leave a mark, his touch a lingering reminder of my inexperience.
โ€œNot bad,โ€ he said with a smirk. โ€œThough I have to admit, itโ€™s more like a soft nibble than a bite. Youโ€™re a bit too gentle.โ€
I glared at him, my pride wounded by his taunting. The way he compared my attempt to a bite only deepened my humiliation. I tried to ignore the heat rising in my cheeks and the ache of frustration that was slowly taking over my emotions.
Sunghoon's smirk never faded as he observed my flushed face. His eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and something darker, something that made my pulse race. Before I could react, he slid his hand down to grab my ass, pulling me closer against him. The sudden move made me gasp, my breath catching in my throat.
"Let me show you how it should be done," he whispered, his voice low and laced with a dangerous edge. Before I could react, he pulled me closer, his other hand slipping into my hair and tugging my head to the side, exposing the delicate skin of my neck.
I barely had time to process what was happening before I felt his lips against my skin. The sensation was electric, his mouth hot and insistent as he latched onto my neck with a hunger that made my breath catch. His teeth grazed my skin, and the sharpness of it made my body tense, every nerves.
A low, involuntary moan escaped my lips as his grip tightened on my ass, pulling me flush against him. The way his body pressed against mine, the heat radiating from him, was overwhelming. My mind screamed at me to pull away, to resist, but my body betrayed me, responding to his touch with a confusing mix of fear and arousal.
He sucked harder, his tongue swirling against my skin, leaving behind a mark that I knew would be impossible to hide. The intensity of it sent a wave of heat pooling in my stomach, and I hated how much it was affecting me. Every touch, every movement of his lips against my neck, seemed to ignite something deep within me that I hadnโ€™t known existed.
When he finally pulled back, I was left breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. Sunghoonโ€™s eyes were dark, filled with a dangerous satisfaction as he surveyed the mark he had left on me. His thumb brushed over the spot, and I shivered at the lingering sensation.
"See? Thatโ€™s how you leave a mark," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "You canโ€™t just be gentle with everything. Sometimes, you have to take what you want."
I tried to mask my reaction, but the throbbing pulse in my neck and the ache in my core made it impossible to hide how his touch had affected me. I hated that he had turned me on, hated that my body had responded to him in a way that made me feel weak and vulnerable.
But most of all, I hated that he knew it. The triumphant gleam in his eyes told me that he had noticed every shiver, every gasp, and it only fueled his arrogance.
Sunghoonโ€™s eyes softened slightly as he pulled back, his lips leaving a lingering warmth on my neck. He looked at me with a mix of satisfaction and something else I couldn't quite place.
โ€œWell, thatโ€™s enough for tonight,โ€ he said, his voice suddenly shifting to a more neutral tone. โ€œIโ€™m not going to push you further.โ€
His unexpected decision left me with a strange mixture of relief and frustration. I tried to steady my breathing, my cheeks still flushed from his touch. Despite the torment and the way my body had betrayed me, I snapped back, trying to salvage some shred of dignity.
โ€œWhy did you even need to do all this?โ€ I asked, my voice shaking slightly. โ€œWhy did you have toโ€”โ€
Sunghoon cut me off with a dismissive wave of his hand. โ€œI was just having some fun. Besides, you made it pretty easy.โ€ He paused, his smirk returning. โ€œWhere do you live? Iโ€™ll give you a ride back.โ€
Sunghoon drove me back in silence, the atmosphere between us thick with unspoken tension.
When we finally arrived at the dorm, Sunghoon parked the car and got out, walking around to open my door. I stepped out, feeling the cool night air on my skin. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my rear with a smirk.
"You know," he said, his voice carrying a hint of teasing, "you have a pretty nice ass I will give you at least that."
His words hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt a surge of humiliation and anger, my cheeks burning as I tried to compose myself. I managed to muster a glare at him, but my eyes were brimming with unshed tears.
Sunghoonโ€™s smirk widened as he got back into his car. โ€œLooking forward to us meeting again, Y/n.โ€
As the car pulled away, I stood there, feeling a mixture of relief and heartache. I fought back the tears that were now streaming down my face, the raw emotion bubbling up from within. The frustration I felt wasnโ€™t just from the nightโ€™s events but from how deeply it had affected me.
It wasnโ€™t just the emotional turmoil that left me in despair; my underwear was uncomfortably wet, a reminder of how Sunghoon's actions had affected me in ways I deeply resented. The realization of how much he had gotten under my skin only added to my sense of humiliation and frustration.
The streetlights cast a faint glow on the pavement, reflecting the tears that continued to fall from my eyes. It was in that moment, that I came to a clear and undeniable conclusion.
I hated him.
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enhyhoonie ยท 10 months
Red Moon (Prologue)
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Pairings: No pairings (fem!reader)
Genres: Fantasy!au, DarkRomance, !NSFW!
Triggers: Gonna have smut, bad languages, blood, death, kinda gore
WC:ย  4.3k
A/n: Itโ€™s gonna be a loooooong serie...also thereโ€™s no pairing it will be like a all together thing (lol). I hope you guys will like it :โ€™) Anyways if thereโ€™s anything you can always inbox me <3 Guys! Try to guess who said the last phrases ๐Ÿคญ
Being the eldest daughter in the family has never brought me any luck... Especially when the child born after me is a boy. Jungwon, my little brother, was automatically proclaimed the future heir of our family. Ever since he was born, I've been almost invisible to our parents, and of course, this also rubbed off on the servants. All my governess and guardian had done my education and follow. Fortunately, they took good care of me and showered me with immense love to replace that of my parents. I was never jealous of my brother; He and I loved each other very much. It's not his fault that our parents favor him so much...it's something he can't control. Unfortunately for him, he's a terrible student. Ever since he was a child, he's only skipped his lessons with the tutor to practice with his sword. As a result, I did his homework on his stade. He wasn't fit to be an heir...but I...I absolutely wanted to...be the heiress. But of course, that would never happen...as long as Jungwon remained alive.
_"Jungwon, start learning your lessons more seriously. When you will be the head of the family, I will not do your job secretly for you like I'm doing now." I told him.
We were sitting at a table in the library; me reading a book; him sitting opposite me, almost lying on the table, looking at me sulkily.
_"Y/n I came to see you to spend time with you, not for you to lecture me."
_โ€œI never asked you to come and see me, anyway.โ€
_"Wow, that's mean."
_"Look, we're not kids anymore. This is no time for jokes or making light of your role. Get a grip."
_"You're the only person I can be with without worrying about a role I never wanted and now you talk like everyone else... I thought you understood me." He said, really hurt.
I lifted my eyes from my book and looked at him gently.
_โ€œI'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that.โ€
_โ€Forget itโ€. He said before storming out of the library.
That was the last time I saw my brother before he disappeared.
It had already been a month since my brother disappeared. We had moved heaven and earth to find him, but to no avail. We found no trace of him, as if he'd vanished. The tension in the house was unbearable, and I spent most of the day in my room. How could he have disappeared so easily? How come he still hasn't been found? Is he still alive or... dead? I was worried sick.
The door to my room opened. I turned around and saw my mother and father.
_โ€Why did you do that?โ€ My mother shouted.
_โ€What do you mean?โ€ I answered, confused.
_โ€Don't play with us. You think we didn't understand your little ploy?โ€
_โ€I don't understand.โ€
_"You got rid of Jungwon so you could be the heiress."
_"I would never do that to my brother." I said in shock.
_โ€We're aware that you're desperate to become the heiress, and knowing you..."
I cut my mother off.
_โ€What are you insinuating? That I'm so cruel as to hurt my brother just for a position?" I said, feeling my rage rising.
My parents said nothing.
_โ€It's funny to hear you say you know me when you know nothing about me. You haven't even been able to fulfill your role as parents because I'm a girl who won't bring anything to the family."
_โ€Don't talk nonsense..." began my father, before being interrupted by the servant who came storming through the door.
_โ€The young Lord has returned!โ€ He said breathlessly.
I rushed to the entrance of the mansion and saw my brother standing there unharmed. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.ย 
_โ€Jungwon, I'm so happy you're here safe and sound...you don't know how worried I was.โ€ I said, my face buried in his chest, holding back my tears.
I stepped back a little and cupped his face to get a good look. He looked at me expressionlessly, which made the smile disappear from my face.ย 
_โ€œJungwon?โ€ I said, confused.
He stepped back and passed me.
_โ€Don't worry, big sister, I'm fine.โ€ He said indifferently.
Jungwon had returned to the manor after his disappearance. According to what he told us, on the day of his disappearance, Jungwon had gone to the river to practise his sword, fell off the pond and was swept away by the current. They then found him unconscious by a noble house, the Vempes, who took care of him for the past month until he recover and could come back to us.ย 
I never heard about this noble house. Jungwon said they are 6 brothers in this family and the head of the family is actually the older one. They are living in the far East of the Kingdom.ย 
The days that followed Jungwon's return felt like a surreal blur. His presence lingered in the halls of our family manor, but the vibrant, lively brother I once knew seemed to have left us at the riverbank where he disappeared. In his place stood a stranger, wearing Jungwon's face but not his spirit.
He became a ghost in our home, moving with an eerie silence that echoed through the corridors. The brother who once laughed and practiced his sword diligently now immersed himself in books and scrolls.ย 
His transformation was unsettling, as if the river had not only swept him away physically but had also carried away the essence of his being. I tried to reach out, to bridge the gap that had emerged between us, but my attempts were met with a stoic indifference that sent shivers down my spine.
The dinners we used to share turned into silent rituals, punctuated only by the clinking of cutlery on porcelain. Jungwon's eyes, once warm and familiar, now held an inscrutable gaze that seemed to penetrate through the very core of my being. It was as if a veil had been drawn over his soul, shielding him from the world.
One evening, I found him in the library, surrounded by ancient tomes and dim candlelight. His eyes were fixed on the text before him, but his mind seemed to be wandering through distant realms. The sight of him hunched over those books, a stark departure from his former self, tore at my heart.
_"Jungwon," I called softly, careful not to startle him. He looked up, and for a moment, I glimpsed a flicker of recognition in his eyes. But it vanished as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the cold, distant gaze that had become his new normal.
_"What happened to you?" I asked, the words escaping my lips before I could censor them.
He closed the book with deliberate slowness, meeting my gaze with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine. "I'm just doing what needs to be done," he replied, his voice devoid of the warmth that once defined it.
The sense of loss deepened as I realized that the brother I had known and loved was slipping away, replaced by a version of him that was a mere shadow of the past. The mystery of his disappearance had been solved, but in its wake, a new enigma had taken root within the very heart of our family.
I hesitated for a moment, watching the flickering candlelight cast shadows on his unreadable expression. The air in the library felt heavy with unspoken tension as I searched for words that could bridge the growing gap between us.
_"What needs to be done?" I questioned, my voice barely above a whisper. "You've changed, Jungwon. Ever since you came back, it's like you're a different person."
He sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of an entire world. "Y/n, the responsibilities that come with being the heir, they're not to be taken lightly. I've realized I can't afford to be the carefree brother I used to be."
_"But that doesn't mean you have to shut me out," I pleaded, my frustration bubbling to the surface. "We've been through everything together. Why this sudden distance?"
Jungwon's gaze remained fixed on the closed book before him, a mask of detachment veiling his features. "You wouldn't understand, Y/n. The burden of leadership is not something you can grasp."
_"I may not be the heir, but I'm still your sister," I retorted, my voice gaining a hint of desperation. "We've faced challenges as a family, and we've always supported each other. Why push me away now?"
He finally looked up, and his eyes bore into mine with an intensity that made me catch my breath. "You don't get it, do you? This is not just about family. The Vempes taught me things, things that matter for the future of our legacy."
_"The Vempes?" I echoed, confusion etching lines on my face. "What did they teach you that turned you into this... stranger?"
He leaned back, folding his arms with an air of finality. "They showed me the importance of knowledge, strategy, and discipline. Qualities I lacked, qualities needed to ensure the prosperity of our family."
I shook my head in disbelief. "Jungwon, you were fine the way you were. You don't need to sacrifice who you are for some idealized version of leadership."
His expression remained impassive, unmoved by my plea. "This is the path I've chosen. I won't let sentimentality cloud my judgment."
A heavy silence settled between us, the words hanging in the air, echoing the irreparable distance that had grown between the brother I once knew and the stranger who now wore his face.
The Vempes remained an enigma, an unsettling puzzle. My curiosity, once a gentle whisper, had grown into a persistent ache, compelling me to dig deeper into the shadows that surrounded their name.
Late into the night, I roamed the vast halls of our mansion, searching for any hidden records, ancient scrolls that might shed light on the mysterious family that had claimed my brother for a month. The library, my sanctuary for solace and knowledge, yielded nothing. No tomes spoke of the Vempes, and the scrolls held no mention of their existence.
It was as if they were a phantom family. The absence of information about them only intensified the unease that had settled in my chest. Families, especially noble ones, were documented meticulously. Yet, the Vempes seemed to exist beyond the reach of such conventions.
Why did the Vempes keep to the shadows? What secrets did their distant home in the far East hold? My frustration mingled with the realization that, in the vast expanse of our mansion's library, the silence about the Vempes was deafening.
The Vempes had claimed to teach my brother essential virtues for our family's legacy, yet their own legacy remained shrouded in silence.
The library was dimly lit, and Jungwon was engrossed in a book, his eyes scanning the pages with an intensity that made me hesitate. The air felt heavy with unspoken tension as I approached, determined to breach the subject that had become an unspoken barrier between us.
_"Jungwon," I started cautiously, "we need to talk about the Vempes."
He closed the book, his expression shifting ever so slightly, a subtle discomfort surfacing. "There's nothing to discuss," he replied, his tone clipped.
_"But there is," I persisted. "You disappeared for a month, and all we know is that the Vempes took you in. I want to understand why they hold such sway over you, why their influence has transformed you into someone I can hardly recognize."
He met my gaze, his eyes guarded. "Some things are better left unexplored, Y/n. The Vempes have their ways, their reasons. It's not a path you want to tread."
Frustration bubbled within me, and I refused to be deterred. "They cared for you for a month, Jungwon. You owe them that much. Why the secrecy? What did they do to you?"
His eyes betrayed a hint of discomfort, but he quickly masked it. "They did what they believed necessary. Now, I have responsibilities to fulfill. That's all that matters."
The distance between us felt like an unbridgeable chasm. "Responsibilities? What did they teach you that turned you into this... stranger?"
He sighed, a weariness settling in his features. "Discipline, strategy, knowledge. Qualities our family lacked, qualities essential for our prosperity."
_"They've changed you," I pressed, desperation creeping into my voice. "You've become someone I can't reach, and I can't stand by without understanding why."
A fleeting expressionโ€”was it regret?โ€”crossed his face gone in an instant. "Y/n, the less you know, the better. This is my path, and I won't let you get entangled in its complexities."
The finality in his voice left me with a sinking feeling, the realization that my brother, my confidant, had become a stranger guarding secrets. "Jungwon," I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper, "I can't watch you disappear like this. Whatever they've done, we should face it together."
He stood, the distance between us growing palpable. "Some paths are meant to be walked alone. This is one of them."
And with those words, he left the library, leaving me behind in the quiet that echoed with unanswered questions and the heavy weight of an unspoken divide. The truth about the Vempes seemed to be a fortress. He had no intention of letting me breach.
The once vibrant streets of the kingdom now echoed with a silent unease. Whispers of fear flitted through the air like shadows, and the once bustling marketplaces were gripped by a palpable tension. The kingdom had become a place of caution and apprehension, a far cry from the lively realm it once was.
Reports of people disappearing and turning up dead with their throats gruesomely slashed had become a haunting reality. Each day, the list of victims grew, leaving behind a trail of horror and a kingdom on edge. The unsettling notion that a shadowy figure lurked in the shadows, preying on the unsuspecting, gnawed at the collective consciousness.
The manner in which these victims were left, drained of blood, sent shivers down my spine. The kingdom had become a dangerous labyrinth, and the walls were closing in. Questions raced through my mind like a tempest: Who could be behind these gruesome acts? What motive could drive someone to commit such heinous crimes?
Theories and suspicions danced in the recesses of my thoughts. Was it an outsider, an infiltrator with a vendetta against the kingdom? Or could it be someone within the court, hidden behind a faรงade of nobility? The air of uncertainty hung thick, and trust became a fragile commodity in the face of an unknown assailant.
The mansion's corridors echoed with hushed whispers as I passed by a group of maids, their heads bent together in a conspiratorial discussion. Unable to resist eavesdropping, I slowed my steps, catching fragments of their conversation that reverberated through the air like a clandestine melody.
_"...heard they found another one, throat slit just like the others..."
_"Awful, isn't it? And not a drop of blood left in them. It's like they were drained dry."
The weight of the kingdom's collective fear hung in the air, but one particular phrase caught my attention.
_"...vampires, they say. Creatures of the night, feasting on the blood of the living."
A shiver ran down my spine as I heard the word "vampires." It was a fantastical notion, an irrational explanation meant to feed the fears that gripped the maids and, perhaps, the entire kingdom. Vampires, in my pragmatic view, were creatures of myth and legend, not malevolent beings prowling the shadows of our realm.
I continued down the corridor, dismissing the notion as irrational gossip fueled by the escalating fear. Vampires were the stuff of stories, not plausible culprits in a series of murders. The reality, I believed, lay in the tangible world, a world where motives and individuals could be unraveled and understood.
The evening air was thick with tension as our family gathered for dinner. The familiar grandeur of the dining hall seemed to pale beneath the weight of unspoken words. The clinking of silverware against porcelain resonated in the silence, interrupted only by the occasional exchange of guarded glances.
The butler approached my father with an ornate envelope, sealed with an unknow insignia . As the wax seal was broken, a hushed anticipation settled over the room. The contents of the letter were read aloud, revealing an invitation to a grand ball hosted by the Vempes, celebrating their recent establishment in the kingdom.
_"They specifically request our family as honored guests," my father announced, his expression shifting between curiosity and caution. "It seems they consider Jungwon part of their family and wish to see how he's fared since his return."
A subtle chill settled over the room as the words hung in the air. Jungwon's eyes betrayed a flicker of displeasure, an emotion he struggled to conceal. The Vempes' influence, it seemed, reached beyond the realm of our immediate family.
_"I have no interest in attending their ball," Jungwon stated curtly, his voice laced with an undercurrent of resentment.
My mother's eyes flickered toward Jungwon, concern etched on her face. "Jungwon, dear, it's a formal invitation. It would be impolite to decline, especially considering the hospitality they extended to you during your... absence."
Jungwon's jaw tightened, his frustration palpable. "Their hospitality was unnecessary, and this invitation is nothing more than a pretense. I won't play into their hands."
The air in the room grew heavier as Jungwon attempted to dissuade our parents, urging them to reconsider attending the Vempes' ball. His objections were met with gentle dismissals, my parents seemingly captivated by the allure of the invitation.
_"But it's an opportunity to strengthen ties with the Vempes. They've extended a gesture of goodwill, and we shouldn't spurn it," my father reasoned, glancing at Jungwon with a knowing look.
I observed the exchange, torn between my brother's evident discomfort and the diplomatic considerations that seemed to sway my parents. The Vempes, with their mysterious influence and the recent unsettling events in the kingdom, had woven a complex tapestry that ensnared our family.
Jungwon's reluctance persisted, an unspoken tension radiating from him like an invisible force. Despite his objections, the decision had been made. The Vempes' ball loomed on the horizon, a gathering that held promises of both revelation and uncertainty. As the dinner continued, the looming specter of the invitation cast a shadow over our family, and I couldn't shake the feeling that attending the ball might unravel more than just the dance of formalities.
Under the veil of the night, I discreetly slipped away from the confines of the dining hall, clutching the Vempes' invitation in my hand. The flickering candlelight in the corridor illuminated the intricate calligraphy that adorned the parchment. My fingers traced the elegant curves of the writing as I read the words penned by the head of the Vempes family.
Dear Esteemed Guests,
It is with great pleasure that the Vempes family extends an invitation to you and your honored family to attend a grand celebration in our newly established residence within the kingdom. As we embark on this new chapter, we find ourselves drawn to the bonds that tie us to those we consider family. We have come to cherish the presence of your son, Jungwon, who, through fate's design, spent a month under our care. In honor of the unity between our families, we invite you to a ball where joyous festivities will abound. This gathering serves not only to commemorate our newfound place in the kingdom but also to renew the bonds between us. Our family, eagerly anticipates the pleasure of your company. We extend our warmest welcome and look forward to sharing an evening of merriment. May this event strengthen the ties that bind us. With utmost sincerity,
Heeseung Vempes
The words on the parchment painted a picture of warmth and hospitality, but beneath the polished surface, a subtle undercurrent of intent lingered. It was evident that Heeseung Vempes and his brothers sought more than just a social gathering; they desired news about Jungwon.
The inked script hinted at a genuine interest in our family, particularly Jungwon's well-being. However, as I read between the lines, a lingering suspicion tugged at the corners of my mind. The Vempes, with their intricate dance of family and enigma, seemed to be orchestrating a narrative that transcended the boundaries of mere cordiality.
The day of the ball arrived, shrouded in an air of anticipation that seemed to cling to every guest as they approached the imposing manor of the Vempes. The grand facade of the residence loomed overhead, its architecture both impressive and vaguely unsettling. As we stepped out of the carriage, the evening shadows cast eerie silhouettes, adding an undertone of foreboding to the already ominous atmosphere.
Dressed in a gown of deep red, I couldn't shake the feeling that the color mirrored the subtle unease that settled in my chest. Jungwon, clad in a matching hue, wore an expression of annoyance that seemed to deepen with each passing moment. His discomfort, palpable in the tension that lingered between us, mirrored the aura of the Vempes' manor.
Before we entered the grand hall, my parents issued a stern warning. "Y/n, we expect you to conduct yourself appropriately. Do not create a commotion," my father cautioned, his eyes stern. The unspoken implication hung in the air โ€” any disruption would jeopardize not only our family's reputation but also our delicate ties with the Vempes.
The grand doors swung open, revealing a hall bathed in opulence. The chandeliers cast a warm glow, and the polished marble floors reflected the elegant attire of the assembled guests. However, an unsettling hollowness pervaded the atmosphere, accentuated by the conspicuous absence of the Vempes. The Vempes, the hosts of the evening, were notably absent.
Jungwon's irritation deepened, evident in the furrow of his brow and the tightening of his jaw. He exchanged curt nods with acquaintances, his gaze searching the room for any sign of the elusive hosts.
The ballroom, despite its grandeur, seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of unease. Guests engaged in polite conversation, laughter echoed against the ornate walls, yet an intangible tension lingered in the air. Jungwon remained by my side, his presence a silent reassurance in the midst of the enigmatic gathering.
As the night unfolded, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling of being observed. A subtle weight hung in the air, an invisible gaze that followed my every move. It was as if unseen eyes traced the contours of my gown, scrutinized the nuances of my expression. The sense of being watched intensified with each step, an eerie awareness that stirred the hairs on the back of my neck.
Jungwon's vigilance did not go unnoticed. His eyes, ever watchful, mirrored the unease I felt. His protective stance was both comforting and disconcerting, a testament to the unspoken understanding that something beyond the surface transpired within the walls of the Vempes' manor.
Amidst the masked dancers and glittering chandeliers, Jungwon's proximity offered solace. His presence, both protective and troubled, hinted at a shared apprehension. Together, we moved through the dance floor, our steps echoing in the cavernous hall, our senses attuned to the enigma that enveloped the night.
From the concealed vantage point of the interior balcony, six shadows loomed against the warm glow of the ballroom below. Their silhouettes, distinct and enigmatic, observed the festivities unfolding beneath them. Yet, their focus was singular, converging on one figure amidst the swirling dancers โ€” Y/n.
Among the six shadows, one stood apart, his gaze fixated on Y/n with an intensity that bordered on predatory. His features were obscured by the dim light, rendering his intentions inscrutable. He watched her, not with the curiosity of a guest, but with the calculated interest of a hunter sizing up its prey.
The others, shrouded in whispered conversations, exchanged words in hushed tones. Their discussions seemed to carry an air of secrecy, as if unraveling a plan known only to the conspirators. Their eyes occasionally flickered toward the lone figure, their intentions veiled in the dance of shadows.
As the mysterious observer continued to scrutinize Y/n, his fellow shadows exchanged glances and murmurs. The air around them crackled with an energy that transcended the ordinary revelry of a ball.
The atmosphere on the interior balcony became charged with an aura of anticipation. The mysterious observer's gaze remained fixed on Y/n, his intentions cloaked in ambiguity.
The hushed whispers among the five shadows intensified, their clandestine conversation taking a more sinister turn. The air around them crackled with an energy that bespoke a shared malevolence, and their eyes gleamed with a devilish glint. Among them, the one who had been observing Y/n with predatory intent emerged as the central figure, the puppet master orchestrating the macabre symphony.
As the conspiratorial murmurs reached their zenith, the shadows exchanged knowing glances, their smiles widening into devilish grins. The atmosphere on the interior balcony became charged with an unsettling anticipation, and a shiver seemed to traverse the collective spine of the shadowy assembly.
The standing figure, with a sinister smile that mirrored his nefarious thoughts, spoke with a lecherous edge, "Should I just take her in the garden and do her like an animal? I just can't wait anymore."
His words hung in the air, laden with an ominous implication that sent a chill through the shadows' conspiratorial circle.ย The ballroom below, oblivious to the malevolent forces at play, continued its dance of revelry. Unaware to the shadows, a sinister undercurrent pulsed within the shadowy recesses of the Vempes' manor, where the convergence of dark desires hinted at a night that held more than mere celebration.
_โ€Alright, time to start the show.โ€
31 notes ยท View notes
enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
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Pairings: Sunoo X fem!reader
Genres: Highschool!au, fluff (really fluffy)
Triggers: Bullying, bad languages
WC: 2.2k
A/n: My friend was like โ€œImagine Sunoo as a soft shy boyโ€ thanks to her I wrote this lol.
Synopsis: The high school years are the best! I'm living my best life, being the captain of the cheerleaders has given me a lot of popularity and friends. I recently developed a crush on someone in my class. His name is Sunoo. He is not really popular, on the contrary he is the outcast of the class. He is rather shy and reserved. I'm sure he doesn't like me, after all I am his number one bully. I'm not bullying him for evil purposes, it's just that I don't know how to react when I'm near him and I end up bullying him. I tried confessing to him a lot of time but I failed miserably. But one day some jerks in my class took his dairy and thought I would have been fun to read it in front of the class. Thatโ€™s how I found out what he felt about me.
_"Whatโ€™s next class?"
_"Ugh I hate mathsโ€ฆ"
I donโ€™t know whoโ€™s talking and I donโ€™t care about maths now Iโ€™m just waiting for him to come.
_"Weirdโ€ฆNormally heโ€™s never late." I start muttering.
_"Who are you talking about?" One of my friend asks.
Honestly I donโ€™t know my friendโ€™s name, more like I donโ€™t remember and I donโ€™t care. I have too much friends and I just have one name I only have to know anyway.
Kim Sunoo
_"Oh heโ€™s here!" I say as a smile appears on my face.
_"Oh heโ€™s here!" I say as a smile appears on my face.
My friend turns and looked at the class door.
_"I donโ€™t know what you find in him that attracts you." She say disgusted.
_"Isnโ€™t he lovely today?" I asked myself with my gaze still on him.
_"Whatever." My friend say rolling her eyes.
Before I stand up to come talk to him some jerks have already come up to him.
_"Sun-sun youโ€™re here!" One of them say. "What snacks did you bring for us today?" He says as he take Sunooโ€™s bag.
_"Can you just sit at your desk and let him be?" I say, my voice raising from anger.
_"The math teacher will not attend class today so we have a free hour." One of the jerks say.
_"Oh look." Jerk#1 say before he takes a book out of the bag.
_"Give it back to me.โ€ Sunoo say as he try to take the book but jerk#2 stopped him.
_"Since you didnโ€™t brought snacks today, we will read your diary as a compensation. Look at the cover; 10 months diary."
_"Give him his diary! Whatโ€™s written inside is none of your business!" I say truly annoyed.
_"Y/n shut up and go sit at your desk. It will be fun." Jerk#1 say as he comes to the teacherโ€™s desk.
I looked at Sunoo but he just starred at his shoes looking anxious.
_"Letโ€™s read it in front of the class, after all itโ€™s better to share it to everyone."
_"Forget it Sunhae you will embarrass him more if you stand out for him." My friend say.
I end up sitting back clenching my hands, looking at those bastards with pure hatred.
_"Read it already!" Jerk#3 say as he take his phone to film the whole scene.
Day 1:
I heard that writing in a diary can replace the lack of not having a friend to talk to or just to write what we really feel so thatโ€™s why I bought one.
My main purpose isnโ€™t to write about my daily life, itโ€™s rather about writing about someoneโ€ฆmore about how I feel for this person.
I should probably introduce the situation first.
It has been 10 months, 305 days more precisely that I have feelings for Y/n. We were both in the same class last year and when I saw her for the first time, something weird happened. I felt my heart aching a lot and I felt nervous around her. I realized later that I have feelings for her. But I donโ€™t think she likes me. She tease me a lot and always look at me with a weird expression. I guess Iโ€™m disgusting in her eyes. Itโ€™s not like I expect her to like me, I just want her to seem me as a cool person rather than a loserโ€ฆ
Anyways, that was the first day of writing in this diary. I donโ€™t know if I will update it daily or just when I feel like it. I guess I will just go with the flow.
Day 2:
Today was okay. She teased me like always but she was a little bit different. Maybe because she changed her shampoo or because she teased me less than usual? I heard she likes ballad songs like me. We have common interestsโ€ฆit makes me happy. But when she caught me listening to it she just laughed at meโ€ฆmaybe she likes strong guys that listen to rap or hip hop? I will keep that in mind. I think Iโ€™m crazyโ€ฆ Nobody would ever think of having feelings for someone that tease you. Butโ€ฆI just find her charming and in some kind of wayโ€ฆI envy herโ€ฆshe has a lot of friend and everyone likes her. Something in her makes people attracts to her like the sun. Who wouldnโ€™t like her? I should stop writing now or else I will use all the pages.
Day 3:
Today I cut my hair and tried a different style. She definitely noticed since she pointed it out during lunch. She said it doesnโ€™t fit me. Mission failedโ€ฆ but since it was too late I had to go to the football match dressed like that. I donโ€™t go to see the match itself, itโ€™s to watch Y/nโ€™s prestation. Iโ€™ve never missed one. Sheโ€™s glowing when sheโ€™s cheerleading, I like seeing her like thatโ€ฆIt makes me like her even more.
Itโ€™s a relief that I can finally express how I feel about her. I donโ€™t regret buying this diary.
Day 4:
Should I count it as day 4 since I didnโ€™t wrote in this diary for days? Well this isnโ€™t the subject. I didnโ€™t wrote for day because something happened. It doesnโ€™t seem like a big deal but it confused me a lot, to the point I had to reflect about the whole situation the whole week.
One of the girl of the class confessed to me after school. Well it was to make fun of me, she said just after that it was a prank and that she would never date a loser like me. Iโ€™m used to it anywaysโ€ฆbut when I was about to head home I saw that girl and Y/n in the hallway alone. Y/n slapped that girl and said that she went too far and that she shouldnโ€™t jokes about feelings. She looked really angry, like haha was the one that was pranked. Why would she be upset about it? Sheโ€™s supposed to despise me, she was supposed to laugh with that girl not arguing with her. I thought maybe she donโ€™t hate me that muchโ€ฆ But why would she act like this towards me if she donโ€™t hate me? I donโ€™t get it. But what happenedโ€ฆmoved meโ€ฆI smiled all night thinking that she might not hate me. Iโ€™m hopeful.
Day 5:
Today was dangerous for me. I think I was about to have a heart attack.
Since I lost one of my contact lens I had to wore glasses for class. Of course I got called a nerd a lot by the class, and then she arrived. She looked at me then she came closer and took my glasses. She put them on her face and approached her face closer to mine while asking if she was pretty with them. I just went immediately to the bathroom name and clocked myself. I know that was lame of me but I didnโ€™t wanted her to see me blushed hard. She was so pretty with glasses onโ€ฆand the fact it was my glassesโ€ฆmy heart fluttered so much at that moment. I donโ€™t want her to see my like thatโ€ฆI should have played it cool but how could I? Thatโ€™s so embarrassing? Iโ€™m not a little boy to react like this but I like her so much and seeing her like thatโ€ฆI just lost it. I will not let this happen again. Gosh, my heart is still racing. I really like her. Yes. She was pretty with my glasses on.
Day 5:
Today is Valentineโ€™s Day and since I donโ€™t have the courage to confess to her I will just write down what I want to tell her.
โ€œY/n, I donโ€™t now what to begin with. Probably with the fact that I had major feelings for you since last year till this days. Youโ€™re probably wondering why you. The answer is simple. Youโ€™re like the sun. Everyone gravitate towards you. Even losers like me. Youโ€™re shining, youโ€™re beautiful, youโ€™re warm, youโ€™re cute, youโ€™re smart, youโ€™re determined, youโ€™re everythingโ€ฆyouโ€™re perfectโ€ฆyouโ€™re out of my league.I know too well that I donโ€™t deserve you and that you donโ€™t hold me in your heart. You probably think Iโ€™m petty or something like that, but I still hopped that you would see me in a brighter light, thatโ€™s why I observed you, to know more about you, to find us common interests, to feel more close to you. That sounds really stupid but I end up liking you teasing me, the nickname you gave me that was supposed to mock me, I liked it. I watched all your cheerleading prestations just to admire how dreamy you are when youโ€™re doing what you like. I think about you when Iโ€™m not supposed to, my dreams are filled with your face and my heart aches just thinking about your voice. Thatโ€™s the effect you have on me. I donโ€™t expect you to like me but I just want you to consider meโ€ฆnot as a failure but as a strong and cool person. I want to shine in your eyes like you shine in mine. I sorry for not saying this to you in person or even writing this in the purpose of giving it to you. Iโ€™m a coward, but you already know that, right? I donโ€™t know when will this feelings will last but I know theyโ€™re real and true.
Let me still gravitate around you.
Little boy.โ€
_"S-stop please."
I turned and saw Sunoo, looking at Jerk#1, his face red with tearing eyes and his fists clenched. He walked toward Jerk#1, take the diary from his hand and run away from the class.
The class was laughing and mocking his teary face. Assholes.
_"Y/n I pity you." My friend say while laughing.
I just looked at her, frowning trying to contain my rage.
I walked out to look for Sunoo. He was in the staircases crying and holding his diary tightly.
He quickly wiped his tears as he saw me.
_"Iโ€™m sorryโ€ฆ" He said not looking at me.
_"Sorry for what?"
_"I-I embarrassed you in front of the whole class I-I know youโ€™re angry a-at me but please ca-can you goโ€ฆI donโ€™t want you to see me cry li-like thatโ€ฆโ€ He said still sobbing.
I couldnโ€™t continue my phrase as tears started coming up and my voice end up breaking.
_"Y/n? Why are you crying?" Sunoo asks worried.
_"I shouldโ€™ve reacted fasterโ€ฆIโ€™m so sorry Sunooโ€ฆIโ€™m sorry for what I didโ€ฆI should have told you instead of acting like thisโ€ฆWhen I saw you crying I hated it so muchโ€ฆI should have protected you from the beginningโ€ฆI-โ€œ
_"Y/n you donโ€™t have to feel pitiful or guilty, you donโ€™t have to say all of this, Iโ€™m used to it-โ€œ
_"I never knew you felt that way towards meโ€ฆI thought you hated me because I was bullying youโ€ฆ"
_"Donโ€™t worry about it, stop crying, you donโ€™t have to be angry for me-"
_"Itโ€™s because I love you that Iโ€™m like that!" I said as tears still dropped from my eyes.
Sunoo step back his hands hiding the bottom of his face.
_"I-" He say confuse.
_"Are you alright? Youโ€™re red? Do you feel sick?" I ask worried, my tears already dried.
_"D-donโ€™t look at me pleaseโ€ฆ"
_"Iโ€™m red because of you thatโ€™s allโ€ฆ"
My cheeks started to heated as I see him looking at the window, his hand still hiding his red face.
_"Sunoo, I love you!"
He finally take out his hand and shows a bright smile while looking at me.
_"I love you, Y/n."
His smiley eyes and his peach cheeks were there most beautiful things I saw in my life.
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enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
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โ„™๐•’๐•ฃ๐•ฅ ๐Ÿ™
_" This class is really loud, I can already smell all the drama that will happen this year, I can't wait!" Yujin said while rubbing her hands together.
_"I just hope that my grades will be enough this year." Soha sight.
_"You'll just have to ask Y/n to help you, after all she's the smartest of us".
I looked at Yujin puzzled.
_"You bet, I had to make up for all the bad grades I got last year I couldn't even have fun last year."
_"But you were able to make it up during school break."
She wasn't wrong. I had neglected my appearance last year because I was so focused on my grades. But I decided to take better care of myself during the school break. I cut my hair, I wear contact lenses and I put on a little makeup when Iโ€™m in the mood.
_"I have a feeling that this year will be pretty quiet. And even if it's not I'll make sure it will". I said determined.
Last year was really hectic for me so I thought about taking a mental break this year.
_"With your new look it's going to be hard for you to have a quiet year." Yujin joked.
The classroom filled up more and more as the class time approached. While my friends and I were talking my eyes fell on the boy who entered the classroom. He stood out from the others not only because of his height but also because of his beauty. His presence filled the whole room and the air that filled it suddenly became warm. I followed him with my eyes until he sat down on the empty desk to my right. He put his bag to the side and took his headphones off his ears. He turned abruptly to me and our eyes met.
_"Uh-No, I'm sorry- itโ€™s just that- never mind." I stuttered as I lowered my gaze.
_"Uh-No, I'm sorry- itโ€™s just that- never mind." I stuttered as I lowered my gaze.
He looked at me unfazed for a few seconds and then went back to his business.
My friends who had witnessed the whole mess looked at me with wide eyes.
_"You're not hiding it, you know". Soha began, holding back her laughter.
_"Are you feverish or what? You're all red". Yujin added with a twisted smile.
_" I donโ€™t know what youโ€™re talking about. Can't you just take a moment and let me calm down from this embarrassment?" I said, my face buried in the palms of my hands.
_"This year is off to a good start for you." Yujin says to me in a mocking tone.
_"Who is he anyway?" I said still red with embarrassment.
_"It's Choi Soobin. He was supposed to finish high school last year but he didn't went to school so he decided to retake this year". Explained Soha.
_"I'm surprised you don't know him". Remarked Yujin.
_"She was obsessed with her grades that's why". Soha explained.
_"He's quite pretty..." I muttered.
_"Not wrong. But I heard heโ€™s a bad person. You shouldn't trust appearances."
_"He doesn't really give that vibe." I respond back.
_"He hangs out with bad people and he also got himself in some trouble with school."
_"You should hype up Y/n a little bit instead of freaking her out. Itโ€™s the first time Iโ€™m a while since she took an interest in a guy." Scolded Yujin.
_"Right, the last time she had a crush was in middle school and it was our class president." Said Soha in disgust.
_"Iโ€™m not interest in him! I just find him pretty thatโ€™s all."
_"Yeah right.โ€ They both said side looking at me.
I just find him prettyโ€ฆthatโ€™s allโ€ฆ
3 days later, in the school hallway
_"I hate them! Itโ€™s always me who have to go buy drinks!" I cried out with drinks in both my hands.
Theyโ€™re wasnโ€™t a lot of people in the hallway so I sped up my walk before others students comes.
I donโ€™t know what really happened at the moment, but I felt something or someone pushing me from behind and while I turned my head back to see the culprit, I crashed against a wall from the front. I looked in front of me and saw my chocolate milk spread all over my uniform and on the personโ€™s uniform that I crashed on. I raised my head and saw Soobin face looking at his shirt then me.
_"I-Iโ€™m so sorry, I just-"
_"Itโ€™s okay, itโ€™s my fault anyway." He said with a calm tone.
_"But still-"
_"Do you have your sport clothes?" He asked.
_" Uh noโ€ฆ" I answered confused.
He proceeded to take off his school jacket and lend it over to me.
_"Take it. You donโ€™t have clothes to change."
_"No I canโ€™t your shirt is dirty too you should use your jacket."
_"I have my sport clothes so donโ€™t worry and take it." He said while taking my hand and putting the jacket in.
He smiled at me then left to class.
When I went back to class Yujin and Soha were waiting for me.
_"Isnโ€™t this jacket a little bit too large to be yours?" Soha noticed.
_"Her jacket is in her bag idiot." Yujin said while coming to me.
She looked at the jacket then looked at me in disbelief.
_"Holy shit!"
Soha came closer and looked at the name tag of the jacket.
_"Be fucking for real! What happened?!" Screamed Soha.
_"He has dimplesโ€ฆ" I said still processing what happened to me earlier.
_"He has dimples when he smile." I repeated.
_"I think sheโ€™s still in shock too."
After calming down I told everything to them which made them wilding.
_"I ship!" Yujin said shaking her head.
_"How does it feels to be the main character uh?" Soha asked as she pinched my cheeks.
_"Good girl X Bad guy, thatโ€™s my favorite type of pairing ya know." Added Yujin.
_"I think you made it out like itโ€™s a big deal but itโ€™s not." I said trying to calm them down.
_"You came in class looking like someone sucked your soul out of you and youโ€™re saying itโ€™s not a big deal !?" Said Yujin as she raised her brow.
_"Actually I donโ€™t knowโ€ฆ"
_" What I know is that Soha and I will do our best so you can name the thing youโ€™re feeling right now."
_"You donโ€™t have to know."
1 week later, in the school gymnasium
Our class was having a dodgeball game for the third time. And by some miracle, I found myself on the same team as Soobin. During the games I could see that he was quite competitive and serious. I was surprised that he didn't want to participate before making the teams.
Yujin who was in the opponent team gave all her energy. She is a very sporty person so it was to be expected.
Shit I have a cramp
Yujin who got the ball looked at me and obviously found out from my expression. She gave me a malicious smile and throw the ball with all her force to me.
This bitch, sheโ€™s taking advantage of my cramp to get me out.
Accepting my fate, I closed my eyes and waited for the ball to hit me but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw Soobin in front of me and with his two arms spread. His back was really wide and I figured out that I was so close to him that I could feel his warmth. I turned to look at the others and they were all speechless.
_"Oh shit, he got hit by the ball on his face." Whispered one of the student.
I moved and looked at his face. His left cheek was bleeding a little but he remained calm.
_"Iโ€™m sorry." Shouted Yujin from the other side.
The EP teacher sent Soobin to the nursery and we continued the match. Yujin got me out in the end. While I walk out the playin ground Yujin got closer and pointed the teacher to me.
_"What?" I asked.
_"What are you waiting? Go ask the teacher if you can go to the nursery to check on Soobin!"
_"Thatโ€™s why you-"
_"Gosh shut the fuck up and go already!"
_"Youโ€™re evil you know." I said smiling.
She winked at me and I went to ask the teacher.
I was in front of the nursery. The door was closed and the stress started to fill my body. I opened the door and went directly to the drawer in front of the bed he was sitting on.
_"Why are you here?" He asked.
_"To take care of your wound."
_"Isnโ€™t it the nurseโ€™s job?"
_"She rarely there the afternoon.โ€
_"Because of her divorce process. But you couldnโ€™t now that since you werenโ€™t there last year."
_"How do you know I wasnโ€™t there last year?"
_"I heard from the rumors."
_"Rumors? That means thereโ€™s a lot of rumors about me going around."
_"You believe them?"
_"Should I?"
He smiled at me and leaned, his elbows on his lap.
_"Thanks.โ€ He said.
_"Itโ€™s me who should thank you. Itโ€™s the second time you helped me so I will be your nurse as a pay back. Itโ€™s the least I can do after all."
I took the first aid kit out of the drawer, sat down on the desk chair and moved a little closer to him.
He looked at me and chuckled before he pulled the chair closer to him.
_"How do you expect to take care of me if you're not at least this close?" He said with his smile remaining.
I didnโ€™t responded out of frustration and started to put alcohol on his cheek with a cotton ball. He closed his eyes from the pain and frowned.
I was between his legs with our faces so close that I could feel his breathing. But what tormented me the most was his two hands gripping the seat of the chair on either side of my thighs. I could feel the side of his thumbs against my thighs which made me shiver. His hands were burning, probably like my cheeks at that moment. I finished and Soobin opened his eyes again. We looked at each other without saying anything, which frustrated me even more.
_"Isnโ€™t it too close?" I asked looking at his hands on each side of the seat of the chair.
Like he just realized, he softly pushed the chair and scratched the back of his head.
_"Yeah youโ€™re right. Sorry." He said with a hint of embarrassment.
I stood up and mechanically walked to the door.
_"Well, see you tomorrow in class then." I said before opening the door.
_"One remaining."
_"You still have one favor to do since I helped you twice. Right?" He said as he looked up at me with a smirk.
_"Yeahโ€ฆ" I said confused. "Oh, I forgot to tell you my name, Iโ€™m-".
_"Y/n. I already know." He said softly.
_"Iโ€™m looking forward to this year.โ€ He said as he stood up. "Letโ€™s get along Y/n!โ€ He cheered.
_"Yeah, letโ€™s get along well."
Fuck I think Iโ€™m starting to like himโ€ฆ
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enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
โ€๐‘ผ๐’‘๐’„๐’๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’˜๐’๐’“๐’Œ๐’”โ€
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ยป ๐”ผ๐•Ÿ๐•™๐•ช๐•ก๐•–๐•Ÿ
๐‘ โ„๐•–๐•–๐•ค๐•–๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜
โ˜… Torpe
Synopsis: His always looking at me, it makes me uncomfortableโ€ฆ Heโ€™s not a weird guy but when Iโ€™m around he acts unnaturally. Is he scared of me? The students in our class likes to make fun of him, but he never said anything to make them stop, so I speak up for him. Maybe he thinks that I pity himโ€ฆI hope not. I want to get along with him.
โ˜† Apodyopsis
Synopsis: Iโ€™ve been a intern in a psychiatric hospital for a week now and I thought that It was going pretty well at the moment. But since I was brought here one of the patient kept secretly following me everywhere at work. The nurses said that he never talked since he arrived at the hospital but his stares tells me all already.
โ˜… Selcouth
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โ˜† Phosphenes
Synopsis: I hate being the oldest daughter, I hate my father, I hate my life, I hate the mob, but what I hate the most is having to be sold like an object to the people I hate with all my soul. At 19 I wanted to go to college, be independent and get away from this family, but I find myself having to marry the young head of the Seattle mob for the sake of my sisters and my father's honor.
โ˜… Redamancy
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โ˜† Basorexia
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_โ€œCan you explain me why?โ€œ
_โ€œCan I show you instead?โ€œ
๐‘๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•™๐• ๐• ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Kilig
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โ˜… Last dance
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โ˜† Ustulation
Synopsis: All I want is revenge. To give them a taste of their own medicine. May they give me back my tears and my time that I have wasted on them. The demon of lust has offered me his help and as I have nothing more to lose, it is with pleasure that I accept his offer.
๐‘๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐• ๐• 
โ˜… Wonderwall
Synopsis: High school years are the best! I'm living my best life, being the captain of the cheerleaders has given me a lot of popularity and friends. I recently developed a crush on someone in my class. His name is Sunoo. He is not really popular, on the contrary he is the outcast of our class. He is rather shy and reserved. I'm sure he doesn't like me, after all Iโ€™m his number one bully. I'm not bullying him for evil purposes, it's just that I don't know how to react when I'm near him and I end up bullying him. I tried confessing to him a lot of time but I failed miserably. But one day some jerks in my class took his dairy and thought it would have been fun to read it in front of the class. Thatโ€™s how I found out what he felt about me.
โ˜… Collywobbles
Synopsis: You know the expression "having butterflies in your stomach"? In my case, you have to take it literally. I get butterflies in my stomach when my emotions are high. My parents, who are scientists, did everything they could to try to cure me but they didn't succeed. That's why I live in a greenhouse. I felt so lonely and shunned by others that my parents made me a friend. A robot whose function would be to keep me company. But I started to feel more than friendship towards this machine.
๐‘๐•๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•จ๐• ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Nepenthe
Synopsis: I got kicked out of my high school for something I didn't even do. I went from a normal student to a killer. I had to move and change schools but my reputation followed me and the same thing happens again and again. I was already ready to jump off the bridge when a hand pulled me and his voice brought me back to myself.
โ˜… Rรชverie
Synopsis: _โ€œAlice! Wake up, we are late!โ€œ
_โ€œBut my name is not Alice...Where are we?โ€œ
_โ€œStop rambling and follow me he wants to see you as soon as possible!โ€œ
I fell in Wonderland...And it's very different from what I read in the books...
โ˜… Viridity
Synopsis: Iโ€™ve liked Niki since childhood. I never imagined a future where I didn't like him. But even though I confessed to him since the age of 4, he never returned my love. But that didn't stop me from persevering. I would love to be more than his childhood friend but I am far from it. I plan to try one more time before we part ways but I don't expect much anyway. My best friend calls it naive innocence.
โ˜… Forelsket
Synopsis: Why did I kiss him?! Of all the guys I could have found, it had to be him. Not only is he the most famous guy in high school, but he's also the cockiest person the world has ever known. Basically he's a big asshole. And now I have to tell my so-called friends that he's the famous boyfriend I keep talking about...
โ๐•๐•–๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•›๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Sphallolalia
Synopsis: I expected nothing from him. He was a free spirit that nobody would tied up to an obligation. I couldnโ€™t fit his lifestyle neither would he fit into mine. But I still let him invade my space. Why? Because I was bored.
โ๐•Š๐• ๐• ๐•“๐•š๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Cafunรฉ
Synopsis: High school was supposed to be calm and peaceful. Well thatโ€™s what I thought. I didnโ€™t expected to sat next that really pretty guy with his pretty dimples and his gentle demeanors. I didnโ€™t expected to have a crush on him and deal with this feeling called love. I just wanted my high school year to go well but I end up with a lot of troubles instead.
โ๐”น๐•–๐• ๐•ž๐•˜๐•ช๐•ฆ
โ˜… Qualtagh
Synopsis: The first day of spring. My friends were having fun and swimming in the lake while I was walking past the valley. This day was too beautiful to think that I was bump by my boyfriend the same day. But I guess meeting HIM that day too made me forgot about this breakup.
โ˜… Thantophobia
Synopsis: Taehyun was the only true friend I had and I would do everything in order to stay this way with him. I donโ€™t want him to leave me. His my salvation, my only meaning of life, heโ€™s the most important person to me. But I need to let him go for his own goodโ€ฆ
โ˜… Aubade
Synopsis: Summer breaks are overrated. Summer in general is overrated. But I think Iโ€™m the only one that think that. Everyone likes summer. Hot girl summer, summer love story, enjoying the beachโ€ฆetc. Summer is the teenagers season. But honestly I donโ€™t see the hype, itโ€™s just a season thatโ€™s all. I donโ€™t see why I should love summer and I hate the fact that my cousin bring me with her to her beach house for summer break to make me change my mind.
_ย ยซ Why do you want to make me fall in love with summer?ย ยป
_ย ยซย Are you sure itโ€™s the summer I want you to fall in love with?ย ยป
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enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
โœฏ๐‘ป๐‘ฟ๐‘ป ๐‘ด๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’”๐’•โœฏ
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Notice: โ˜…โ†’ sfw and โ˜†โ†’ nsfw
โ ๐•๐•–๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•›๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Sphallolaliaแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ ๐•Š๐• ๐• ๐•“๐•š๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Cafunรฉ โžœ ๐š˜๐š—๐šŽ
โ ๐”น๐•–๐• ๐•ž๐•˜๐•ช๐•ฆ
โ˜… Eccedentesiast
โ ๐•‹๐•’๐•–๐•™๐•ช๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Thantophobiaแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ โ„๐•ฆ๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•œ๐•’๐•š
โ˜… Aubadeแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
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โฅ๏ธŽ Rแด‡แด€แด„แด›ษชแดษดs
โฅ๏ธŽ MTLS
โฅ๏ธŽ Iแดแด€ษขษชษดแด‡s
โฅ๏ธŽ SMAUS
โ˜… The wrong group แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Anotherแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โฅ๏ธŽ Oแด›สœแด‡ส€s
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8 notes ยท View notes
enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
โœต๐‘ฌ๐’๐’‰๐’‚ ๐‘ด๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’”๐’•โœต
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Notice: โ˜…โ†’ sfw and โ˜†โ†’ nsfw
๐‘ โ„๐•–๐•–๐•ค๐•–๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜
โ˜… Torpeแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜† Apodyopsisแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ ๐•๐•’๐•ช
โ˜… Selcouthแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜† Phosphenesแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ ๐•๐•’๐•œ๐•–
โ˜… Redamancyแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜† Basorexiaแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ ๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•™๐• ๐• ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Kiligแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Last danceแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜† Ustulationแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ ๐•Š๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐• ๐• 
โ˜… Wonderwall
โ˜… Collywobblesแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ ๐•๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•จ๐• ๐•Ÿ
โ˜… Nepentheแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Rรชverieแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
๐‘ โ„•๐•š-๐•‚๐•š
โ˜… Veridityแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Forelsketแถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
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โฅ๏ธŽ Rแด‡แด€แด„แด›ษชแดษดs
โฅ๏ธŽ MTLS
โฅ๏ธŽ Iแดแด€ษขษชษดแด‡s
โฅ๏ธŽ SMAUS
โ˜… The pride war แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Valentine's day แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โ˜… Her protectors แถœแต’แตโฑโฟแต
โฅ๏ธŽ Oแด›สœแด‡ส€s
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1 note ยท View note
enhyhoonie ยท 2 years
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โฅ๏ธŽAbout me & this blog
๐•„๐•– โ†’ Licia โ€ป 03' โ€ป INFP โ€ป she/her
๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•“๐•๐• ๐•˜ โ†’ I will mostly write for Enhypen and TXT but if there's others groups you want me to write for and that I know them well I will see what I can do~
โ˜†I write sfw fics so every stans, whichever age they are can read them.
โ˜†But I might write nsfw fics too so minors please do not interact with them.
โ˜†I'm writing series,oneshots, smaus, mtl, reactions and imagines (but if you have more to propose I'm listening ยทแด—ยท)
โ˜†My mailbox and asks are always open so don't hesitate if you want to talk to me or ask for something (แต”แดฅแต”)
โ˜†Most of all, I'm writing for fun so if you ask me to write something that makes me uncomfortable I will politely decline. Btw asks will be posts 5 days laters bcs...Obviously I need time to get inspo lol.
โ˜†I'm also here to make some moots and I love interacting with new people (even if I'm 100% afraid of people) so if you want let's be mutuals (เฉญโ€ขฬ€แด—โ€ขฬ€)เฉญ
โ˜†I've been preparing this blog for weeks now and I have some works already done that I've wrote before being on tumblr so I'm really happy to see that people are actually interested in my works. Thank you (เน‘ใƒปฯ‰-)๏ฝžโ™ฅโ€
โ˜†I don't have a specific schedule for when I will post my works. I will deal with that later and have a proper one.
โ˜†Disclaimer: My works are all fictional, it's for entertainment purpose only. My blog is a safe place so please be respectful to others and me here.
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โ˜ž๏ธŽ๏ธŽ ๐”ผ๐•Ÿ๐•™๐•ช๐•ก๐•–๐•Ÿ masterlist
โ˜ž๏ธŽ๏ธŽ๏ธŽ ๐•‹๐•๐•‹ masterlist
๐™ธ๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š˜ ๐š”๐š—๐š˜๐š  ๐š ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š–๐šข ๐š๐šž๐š›๐šž๐š๐šŽ ๐š ๐š˜๐š›๐š”๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š›๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š‹๐š˜๐šž๐š ๐™ธ ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐š–๐šŽ๐š—๐š ๐šข๐š˜๐šž ๐š๐š˜ ๐š•๐š˜๐š˜๐š” ๐šŠ๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šž๐š™ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐š–๐š’๐š—๐š ๐šœ๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— :
โ˜ž๏ธŽ Up coming works
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0 notes
enhyhoonie ยท 3 years
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๐๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ: ๐๐ž๐จ๐ฆ๐ ๐ฒ๐ฎ ๐— ๐Ÿ๐ž๐ฆ!๐ซ๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ
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The universe is cruel. It target the innocents and makes their life like a living hell. The happiness craven by thus who need it the most are thus who suffer the most.
I am one of these people.
The life that the universe has given me, I want to get rid of it. I don't want to live anymore with this suffering that I have to carry alone since I was a child, I want to escape from it all.
Why can't I do it?
I was only dust when you appeared and made me rise from my ashes.
Hospital room, morning;
_ "This is the second time this year, Y/n don't you realize how much trouble you're causing to your father and me?" My mother scolded me, facing me at the end of the bed.
I looked away from her to the window as a response.
_"Look me in the eye when I talk to you." She said harshly.
I ignored her order and continued to stare at the window silently.
If only she knew it was all their fault. They were only reaping the consequences of their mistake. They deserved it.
_"When are you going to realize that killing yourself won't get you anywhere. If you think that ending your life will allow you to forget how much you failed in your life, you are wrong."
_"This is all your..." I said before she cuts me off.
_"Don't blame it on your father and me. If you get bad grades in school it's your fault. If everyone at school doesn't like you, it's your fault. We have nothing to do with what you do at school. "
_"That's the problem. "I mumbled quietly enough so that she wouldn't hear me.
I had thrown myself off the second floor of our house hoping that it would be my last breath but unfortunately I ended up with two broken right ribs, my leg and my left arm in pieces. The doctor said that I had to spend the whole summer break in the hospital so that I could recover faster, and of course my parents agreed so they could get rid of me.
My suicide attempts never succeeded, and yet I had tried everything.
My parents are in the process of getting a divorce, which has affected the atmosphere in our family ever since. The atmosphere was not the best before but now it has become worse. My parents never gave me any attention, nor did they show me any affection since I was a child. The only time they paid attention to me was to point out my flaws and shortcomings.
When I was a child, I used to cry a lot, but now I've gotten used to it, and I haven't cried since. I don't mind spending my vacations here. I don't have any friends to go out with and my own house makes me suffocate. Staying alone in a hospital room seems more pleasant than staying with my parents who don't want me.
In the afternoon;
My mother told me she would visit me every Wednesday and weekend because of her job and left, leaving me alone again.
I had spent my time making paper airplanes but unfortunately none had landed as smoothly as I had hoped.
_"Well, this is my last plane, it must be perfect." I said, taking my crutch to get out of my bed.
I headed down the hallway of the rehab center in an attempt to find the garden. Not being able to find it I launched my plane in the hallway. It launched successfully and flew a little further ahead. I followed it while keeping my eyes on it. Then it landed softly at someone's feet.
I ran my eyes along the person's body and then stopped at his face. It was a boy about my age. His hair ended at the nape of his neck and his bangs slightly hid his eyes. He was also dressed as a patient like me and had a catheter on the back of his right hand.
We stared at each other for a few minutes, then he bent down and picked up the plane.
_"I guess this plane belongs to you." He said with a bright smile as he handed me the plane.
I stood, mesmerized by his beauty for a few seconds before coming to my senses and taking my plane.
_"Yes, it's mine. Thank you." I said embarrassed.
_"Are you new here? I've never seen you before." He asked, still smiling.
He scanned me completely and then met my eyes again.
_"Look like you've a bad accident." He pointed out to me.
_"Not really..."
_"Anyway, it was nice to meet you. My name is Beomgyu." He said, holding out his hand.
I hesitated for a moment and then shook his hand.
_"My name is Y/N."
_"Beomguy, go back to your room right now, you have to take your medicine." A nurse shouted from down the hall.
_"I have to go, but come see me tomorrow afternoon. I'm in room 93."
I didn't have time to answer him as he was already leaving to his room. He looked back one last time and shook his arm in the air as a goodbye. I answered him by doing the same but more discreetly.
I don't know him yet but I can see that this Beomgyu has the joy of living. ย 
The next afternoon;
I went to the room 93 as he said but found it empty.
I went back in the hallway when a nurse called my name.
_" Y/n! Beomguy asked me to inform you that if you're looking looking for him, he will wait in the garden."
_"Oh I see. Thank you."
The nurse shown me the way to the garden and indeed he was there, sitting on a bench, doing nothing but looking blantly at the flowers with a smile on his face. I went forward to him when he looked at me and patted the side of the bench next to him. I sat down and turned my eyes to the flowers, too awkward to look at him.
_"Thank you for coming see me." He said soflty.
_"Well, I can't refuse you anyway..."
He laughed then looked at the flowers again.
_"Why are you saying that?"
_"You were too nice, so I thought that if I would refuse I would have been the mean one..."
_"So, does that implied that the previous ones that refused were mean?"
I looked at him, a bit chocked by what he just said. Is he saying to me that he have asked to other people before but they refused?
As I was looking at him with confusion, he looked at me back and chuckled.
_"You're actually the first person to come see me besides my family." He said with a sweet smile.
How can he still smiling while saying that?
_"Oh don't look at me like that, I wouldn't have even care if they would have come anyway."
_"Have you been here for long?" I asked.
_"Probably," he said with a playful voice. "But I will leave soon."
_"When will you leave?"
_"Probably in a month."
_"You will leave before me then." I remarked.
_"I think it's fair enough. I was probably here longer than you, so it's normal if I leave first."
_"You're right."
_"You're not the type to smile a lot uh?" he said as he poked my cheek.
I looked at him in the eyes and saw a bright expression on his face. I kinda envy him for being this joyful and bubbly. The worst thing is that it suits him so well and I like to see it.
He withdrew his finger and crossed his arms behind his neck.
_"You should smile more. I bet you look prettier with a smile on your face."
_"I don't smile when I don't feel it."
_"I don't understand."
_"Why would you smile when your life is falling apart?"
The silence after what I've said made me grew more anxious as the seconds were passing.
_"Now I think I understand more." Beomgyu said, breaking the silence. "But still I think you should smile rather than being sad. Your life is falling apart, but you're still here living this life. So make it more colourfulrather than seeing everything in a dark way."
I stared at him, raising my brow. It's obvious that this boy don't know about the hardships and traumas people can experiment in life. He can't understand that it's hard to smile when the only thing you want is disappear.
_"You don't get me?" he asked surprised.
_"I got you. It's just that smiling isn't my thing that's all."
_"I promise you that within a month I will make you smile." He said in a determined tone.ย 
_ โ€œI can't wait to see it.โ€ย 
_ โ€œSo, how did you get here with all these broken limbs?โ€ย 
_โ€I fell from the floor of my house.โ€ย I said vaguely.
_ โ€œAccidentally?โ€ย 
_ โ€œYeah...something like that.โ€ย 
I didn't want to tell him the real reasons I was here. After all, I don't know him. I'm not going to start talking about my problems to a stranger. Besides, he wouldn't understand.ย 
_ โ€œAnd you, why are you here?โ€ย 
_ โ€œAn unrequited illness. I had to come here for my treatment.โ€
_ โ€œHow long have you been here?โ€
_ โ€œFour months.โ€
_"Four months?!" I repeated surprised.ย 
_ โ€œIt's a long treatment, I can't help it.โ€ He said amused by my shock.
_ โ€œWell... I understand better why you are so happy to leave in a month.โ€
_ โ€œWho said I was happy about it?โ€
_ โ€œYou're not?โ€
_ โ€œIt's pretty cool here.โ€
_"It is."
We had been talking all afternoon. Beomgyu is an energetic and rather optimistic person. He is my opposite, but maybe that's why I enjoy his company. He is a bit tiring to deal with, but somehow, being in his presence made the time that I found long to go by seem to pass more quickly.
_ โ€œIt's getting late. I need to get back to my room.โ€ Beomgyu informed me.
_ โ€œIt was nice talking to you.โ€ I admitted.ย 
_ โ€œIt was nice talking to you too. I hope we can talk more tomorrow.โ€ย 
_ โ€œShould I come by to see you in the morning?โ€
He looked away awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.
_ โ€œUhm, I'm only available in the afternoon...โ€
_"Oh, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then."
_"Okay, let's meet at the same place, same time." He said before heading back inside the center.
Our afternoon meetings had become routine as the days passed. The more I got to know him, the more I began to understand him better, and so did he. Being with him was like a breath of relief and an escape from my shitty life. I could say that I would now consider him a good friend. My only friend. I like his personality, I like the way he sees the world, I like the fact that he tries to understand me and doesn't judge my opinions. Beomgyu is a good person who lives his life always true to himself. I see in him the person I would like to be. Of course I didn't tell him everything I thought about him...or rather I don't dare to tell him. I will tell him when the time is right.
_ โ€œBeomgyu, can I tell you something?โ€
_ โ€œOf course, I'm listening.โ€
_ โ€œThe reason I'm here...is because I attempted suicide. It was not an accident."
His smile disappeared as soon as I finished my sentence. He looked at me concerned, without saying anything, while I looked at him hoping for a reaction from him.ย 
_ โ€œWhy?โ€ was his only reply.ย 
_ โ€œBecause I don't want to suffer anymore.โ€
_ โ€œSuffering from what?โ€
_ โ€œSince I was a child, my parents never showed me any sign of affection and rarely cared what I did at school. Since middle school I have been bullied and it got worse in high school. I tried to talk to them about it but all they said was that if I was being bullied, it was because I must have done something wrong. I tried to kill myself twice but it didn't work."
_ โ€œAnd they don't worry about their daughter committing suicide so many times?โ€
_ โ€œThey think I'm doing it to get their attention, or because I'm running away from my problems. They remind me every time that I'm just another burden to them."
Beomgyu took my hand and looked me straight in the eyes.
_ โ€œI assure you that your parents are wrong. You are not a burden to anyone. They are the problem. If they can't see how much you suffer because of them, they have no one to blame but themselves. You are the victim in this whole thing. You were never the problem. But don't let that get you down. I can see that you're hurt and traumatized, but cherish your life, prove to them that you can rise above it all. Show them that they were the problem and that you can shine without them. I believe in you. And I'm here to prove to you that you're a smart, fun person who can do what you want on your own." He said with a comforting smile.โ€ย 
_ โ€œWhat if I don't have the strength to fight anymore?โ€
_ โ€œI will give you that strength. Believe in yourself as I believe in you. If only you could see yourself the way I see you. When I listen to you talk about the things you love or the things you care about, I see in your eyes that light you think you've lost. I love seeing you like that and I want you to be that way for as long as possible."
_"Do you think I can really do this?"ย 
_"You are more than capable." He said confidently.
_"I'll try then." I said with a light smile on my face.
_ โ€œOh, I made you smile!โ€ He said, pointing at my face in shock.
_ โ€œIt looks like you did.โ€ I said with a laugh.ย 
_ โ€œI've done my duty then.โ€ย 
_ โ€œCongratulations!โ€ I said, clapping my hands.ย 
He made an exaggerated reverence, then put a big smile on his face.
_ โ€œBut now let's talk seriously.โ€ he cut off suddenly. "Don't try to commit suicide again, okay?"
I nodded my head in agreement.
_ โ€œOkay.โ€ย 
_ โ€œSome people wish they could live as long as possible. You'd miss out on so much, there's so much to do in this world. You can't do everything you want to do in one lifetime. So enjoy your life to the very end."ย 
_ โ€œWhat is the thing you want to do most when you get out of the center?โ€ I asked him.ย 
He took the time to think and then spoke.
_ โ€œI want to skydive. I'd like to know what it's like to fly, to be in the air and see the world from above."ย 
_ โ€œIt sounds pretty cool.โ€ย 
_"What about you?โ€
_"I want to fight the students who bully me and leave my house."ย 
_ โ€œThat sounds pretty cool too.โ€ He said playfully.ย 
We started to laugh suddenly and at some point, Beomgyu choked on his laugh.
Like every afternoon, I went to the garden, but Beomgyu was not there. So I went to his room and stopped abruptly at the door when I saw a man and a woman inside. I hid behind the wall on the side of the door instinctively. I assumed it was her parents. A doctor was at their side, holding a notebook in his hand. His parents didn't look very happy. Neither did Beomgyu. He was on his bed, looking at the palms of his clasped hands with a blank stare. It was the first time I had seen him like that.ย 
After what he had said, I realized that I felt the most alive when I was with him. I could appreciate who I am and genuinely smile. He was my light. And I think I have feelings for him. I know we've only known each other for 3 weeks but I felt connected to him and he made me happy.
3 weeks...That's when the realization hit me. In 3 weeks he was leaving the center and I might not see him again. Maybe it's best that I don't tell him I have feelings for him and that we remain good friends. After all, I don't even know if he has a girlfriend... Well, let's keep it like that, it's better this way.
_"He collapsed in the hall earlier." Informed the doctor to his parents.ย 
His parents were silent and continued to listen to the doctor.
_ โ€œI think his condition has worsened.โ€ The doctor continued. โ€œHe doesn't have much time left.โ€ He concluded with a short sigh.
The next afternoon, I went to the garden and saw Beomgyu sitting as usual with a beautiful smile on his face. He turned his eyes at me and his smile widened. I smiled back at him and sat down beside him.
Her mother broke down crying as her father tried desperately to console her. As for Beomgyu, his expression remained the same.
I stormed off to my room and collapsed on my chair shocked by what I had just heard.
What does it all mean? How much time does he have left? What happened to him? Why didn't he tell me about this?
I spent the night asking myself questions and imagining things while waiting impatiently for the next day.
_ โ€œSorry for leaving you alone yesterday. My parents came to visit me unexpectedly."
_ โ€œIs that all? There's no other reason?" I asked with a tight face.
He stared at me for a moment, then looked away with a bitter smile on his face.
_ โ€œYou heard everything yesterday, didn't you?โ€
I nodded.
_ โ€œDo you want to tell me what's really going on?โ€
He remained silent, still smiling, then leaned back on the bench and sighed.
_ โ€œI'm in stage 4 of a lung cancer.โ€
_ โ€œAnd how long do you have left?โ€
_ โ€œNormally a month and a half, but as my conditions have worsened I only have about three weeks left.โ€
_"Why didn't you tell me about this?"
_ โ€œBecause you would have run away like the others. Who would want a new friend who is dying?โ€
_ "Me..."
We looked at each other for a moment before I started talking again.
_ โ€œThe fact that you don't have long to live doesn't change the fact that you are my friend. You are and always will be my friend.โ€
_ โ€œThank you Y/n.โ€
After this event, I started to spend all my days with Beomgyu in his room. As he became weaker, he no longer had the strength to walk. He had even reached the point where he had to breathe with a respirator. From day to day I saw him getting paler and thinner. But I had to keep a positive attitude in front of him so that I wouldn't show it was hurting me.
_"Can I ask you something?"
_โ€Live for me. Enjoy your life and be happy for me. Look at the world in color and stand up for yourself. That's what I want you to do when I will leave."
_"Please don't say it like that." I said almost tearing up.ย 
_โ€I can't leave in peace unless you promise to do that.โ€ He said with a soft smile on his face.ย 
_ โ€œWhy do you keep smiling when I can see in your eyes that you are at your limit?โ€ย 
_ โ€œBecause it's the only thing I can do. There's no point in me feeling sorry for myself. I'd rather smile and enjoy the time I have left to the fullest."
_ โ€œYou never break down?โ€
_ โ€œOf course I have. But alone. When no one is around.โ€
_ โ€œBecause I don't want the last image people will have of me to be a sad boy who is abandoned. I want them to see me as the one who was able to leave with no regrets and full of joy."
_"You are." I concluded.
_ โ€œIf you want me to leave with no regrets, promise me you'll do what I asked.โ€ He said, holding out his pinky to me.ย 
_ โ€œI promise. I said, crossing our pinkies together.โ€
2 weeks had passed after our discussion. I still hadn't admitted my feelings for him. The current situation did not allow me to tell him that I loved him. Moreover, I have the impression that he sees me more as a good friend. I prefer not to say anything and keep our relationship as it is.
It was dark when I decided to visit Beomgyu secretly. He was asleep when I sat on the edge of the bed beside him.ย 
_ โ€œI know you can't hear me right now, but I wanted to thank you. You are the first person who tried to understand me and made me smile again. When I am with you I feel alive. All my life I only saw things in a bad light, but you came into my life and showed me that smiling and enjoying life is more beneficial than giving up. You are the sun to my moon, it's because of you that I can shine. At first I saw you as an ignorant and a bit stupid. I was jealous of you, of your good mood and your joy of living. But when I saw you opening up to me, I realized that you were a lonely person who hides his sadness behind a smile. If I continue to live, it is because of you. And I will always be grateful to you. The only things I regret is that we didn't meet before, that I can't find the courage to tell you everything I feel and that I can't tell you that I love you until now."
When I reached out my hand to take hers I was shocked by how cold it was.
_"Beomgyu?" I called out to him, shaking him.
I had been crying all night. I couldn't see anything and my heart hurt horribly. I had no more tears to shed but my desire to cry was still as strong as the day before. I lost my sunshine, my only friend, the person I love. I wasn't ready to lose him yet, everything happened so fast.
He did not answer. His body swayed to the rhythm of my arm's movement.
When the nurse arrived with a doctor after I called for help in panic, I stood in the corner of the room, watching the doctor give him CPR.
After a few minutes, the doctor stopped and nodded to the nurse who took me straight back to my room.
She didn't say anything to me, but I already knew what had happened.
The nurse left and closed the door, and that's when I collapsed and the tears came out along with my yelps.
I suddenly heard a door open and saw the nurse enter the room. She came over to me and handed me a letter.
_ โ€œI found this in Beomgyu's room. It is addressed to you."
I took the letter and waited for the nurse to leave before opening it.
He is my sunshine and he will always be.
If you're reading this letter it means I've crossed to the other side of the rainbow. I know it's not very appropriate to write you everything I want to say in a letter but I feel more comfortable when I write. I wanted to tell you what a great and strong person you are. I am so happy that I met you and that I could consider you as my friend. You have made my last days on earth more enjoyable and have allowed me to see another side of the world. Honestly, even though you saw me smiling all the time and I was scolding you all the time to cherish your life, I had already resigned myself to mine. But when I met you and could finally see how great it was to have someone to rely on, I realized how much I wanted to live, that I wanted to do things I never imagined, to know you a little more. But unfortunately, that wasn't possible. I know that by the time you read this letter you have probably cried before or maybe you are crying right now too. That's why I'm telling you; don't cry anymore. You have cried enough. I don't want to be the cause of your sadness, on the contrary I want you to smile when you think of me. I left you a present in the envelope, it's the polaroid that the nurse took of us in the garden. At least you'll have a memory of us together. And finally, I would like to thank you for being there in my last moments, you taught me what it was like to have a friend and that sometimes it's better to share your sadness with someone. I thank you for not letting me die alone and for teaching me what love is. Yes, I love you and I'm sorry to tell you only in this letter. I leave with no regrets and with you in my heart.
_"Thank you Beomgyu."
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