enitnerolf · 3 days
I want want want these. Here's hoping that you posting them for sale and me being online line up sometime soon and I can order them
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My physical copies of Time to Orbit: Unknown came today and oh my god they are beautiful. @derinthescarletpescatarian, @its-not-a-pen, and cheese_croissants have done a fantastic job publishing this. The cover art is perfect!
TTOU is easily the best sci-fi that i've read since Hitchhiker's Guide. (In my opinion, it's on par.) The characters are all so well written, the plot is... normal... and the amount of time that I've lost to this story is only slightly concerning. I am so beyond happy to have a physical copy of this masterpiece. And it's huge??
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These are some thick books! After having to white-knuckle grip these books to hold them both in one hand, it's crazy to think that I read this much in the span of a few days.
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enitnerolf · 4 days
With the power of adhd you can do two halves of different chores and then sit down again instead of finishing either 👍
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enitnerolf · 4 days
As a hoarder collector of paper parafernalia would go absolutely crazy for this
had a fascinating dream last night where there was a new, virally popular trading card game - it was called MOUNTAIN (stylised in all caps) and the whole gimmick was that you couldn’t buy boosters or anything - you had to find them?
nowhere sold MOUNTAIN - I mean, I expect players did, once cards were in their hands.
but acquiring cards meant noticing a box lying around, and just….nabbing it? they’d be in weird places - in a skip, wedged high up in a fence, nestled in the branches of a tree? nobody ever saw who left them there, and there was a lot of debate about how MOUNTAIN boxes were sometimes hard to acquire without risking one’s physical safety - but then, that was also bragging rights. especially as harder-to-reach boxes seemed to contain more elusive and sought after cards…
no, I don’t remember anything about the actual gameplay, we never played any MOUNTAIN. alas. I know there were “frame cards” that were literally transparent but for a fancy metallic or holographic border, which I guess upgraded the card they were applied to? frames were super rare, my coworker literally ran up to me in the pub purely to show off the frame he’d just found
dream brain gimme the deets on MOUNTAIN’s actual mechanics, I’m invested in this controversial unpurchasable scavenger hunt game
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enitnerolf · 7 days
fun Cambrian fact #9
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the Cambrian era was a long time ago. At least 5
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enitnerolf · 28 days
You do realise this is how a lot of people learn engligh right?
My nephews learn english by watching youtube videos. My husband and his brothers learnt most of their english by playing videogames. And when I caught up with the discworld translations I simply continued on to the next book in english. (And then I repeated the trick for German. First I read some books I already knew, then some childrens books and then I progressed to 'proper' books. I never evolved out of reading and into actually speaking german though)
If you’re an anime fan like the type who just watches anime constantly during your freetime you already have the power at your fingertips to learn Japanese. Just turn the subtitles off.
If you don’t wanna start with baby level content in Japanese that you understand you can start drilling flashcards when you’re on the toilet or something. Most language YouTubers will start breathing down your neck about anki but any flash card method will do.
Your brain will figure it out eventually. Could take a few months but you’ll figure it out.
Do you want to speak Japanese? You can. Turn off the subtitles. You’ll have no idea what’s going on at first. It’s fine.
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enitnerolf · 2 months
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enitnerolf · 2 months
Sometimes it blows my mind that there are people that don’t wear glasses/contacts. Like they can literally see with no aid. Like they wake up and just be out here seeing. What a wild concept.
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enitnerolf · 2 months
Poor guy in the middle
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enitnerolf · 2 months
My therapist just told me my problem is that I need to write more fanfiction.
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enitnerolf · 2 months
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That one pterosaur
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enitnerolf · 2 months
“X bodily fluid is just filtered blood!” buddy I hate to break it to you but ALL of the fluids in your body are filtered blood. Your circulatory system is how water gets around your body. It all comes out of the blood (or lymph, which is just filtered blood).
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enitnerolf · 2 months
I think because it is a serial. Each chapter is written to make you come back next week for more. A lot of them end on cliffhangers. So every chapter makes you go "hmmm I wonder... (what comes next/how they will fix this/what breaks next)". Except with most of the story already out you don't have to wait, the answers are only one click away.
And then the chapters are juuuust the right length to get you really engaged but also let you think "one more won't hurt".
I'm not surprised that I got timewarped by TTOU- I've binged a lot of webcomics at inadvisable rates.
I am surprised that so did everyone else.
I don't get it either. Apparently TTOU is just catnip for people with ADHD, people who are ill, and people who usually have trouble reading long fiction. I've never been able to figure out why this is the case.
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enitnerolf · 2 months
did you guys see the poem from a couple of days ago in poetry dot org’s daily poem it was so good and a treat to read 
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enitnerolf · 2 months
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enitnerolf · 2 months
We actually have the opposite problem in the netherlands. Older houses here are built to keep the warmth in, to the point that we hardly have to turn on the heater. Thick brick walls, small windows, insulation between floors. Wich is great when it's cold outside, but less than ideal in summer.
And of course there's the frugal dutch mindset of 'if you're cold, you put on more clothes' (no touching the thermostat!). I can put on more clothes when I'm cold, but I can only take off so many layers to cool down before it becomes indecent 🤷‍♀️
The secret is to have a hot water bottle under the 3 blankets btw
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enitnerolf · 3 months
Oh my goodness, the woodpecker 😆 (other two are Oriole and female Grosbeak)
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enitnerolf · 3 months
You don't need to use a safety pin to thread elastic through that channel.
There's a tool for that, called a bodkin, which works better than a safety pin. There's even a variety of different kinds.
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