ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
power move: saying “that’s treason” every time someone does something that mildly inconveniences you
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
real facts: noct is more willing and eager to be submissive when with women and femmes
what’s a bitch gotta do to get some cin x noct smut what about some Classic lu//noct/// wheres my noctnea?????? aranoct???? w/e Any Lady??? Where Are My Noct Ships With The Ladies?????
give this boy a femdom????? wtf???? he deserves it?????
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ i’ve got a crick in my neck, ’ he laments, arching his back in very much the way a cat would when trying to stretch out. ‘ and my lower back... ’ his words sound strained as he holds the position, then he groans as he falls flat back onto the chaise. / @scutumrex.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ uh... specs? what’s up with all the... uh. stuff? ’ he pokes his head out from the tent. prom and gladio are off being social beings, having marched off from the haven they’re staying at to visit the nearest town. but noct is happy with using the remainder of his day to partake in one of his old, favorite past-times: napping in a pile of all his friend’s stuff, because it’s an unreasonably windy day and he can’t keep the chill out of his bones to save his life. 
of course, digging through his friend’s stuff to steal their blankets and sleeping bags tends to lead to an awkward situation or two. like the time he found a bullet vibe tucked in prompto’s pillow case. but this is a different type of awkward, because it seems so out of character in such a weird way. it’s a little sack of gems, kept away from the stock they have as a party for use in crafting special potions. it’s gems in a sack that noct spilled all over the tent floor as he was trying to snag iggy’s sleeping bag to use during his nap. 
so, yeah- he shoots ignis a confused look after unzipping the tent door. 
‘ how do you sleep with all this hard shit poking you in the back? ’ / @fujubun.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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    Alright, not a prank. Not a prank in the slightest. Noct was serious. Gladio shut up the moment he felt Noct’s lips against his own. He shut up when he heard that tone that delivered a command more than a suggestion. Quietly, he gave Noctis a nod and followed after him.
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noct grins like he’s just won the lottery as he leads gladio down the series of halls that lead to the room that’s still kept for him here at the citadel. oh, he’d normally wait until they got home for this, but- the second the door i shut behind them he turns on his heels, grabs gladio by the collar of his shirt, and pushes him unceremoniously to the ground. 
‘ good boy, ‘ he chirps, nudging gladio’s legs apart with his his foot. he gets dangerously close to gladio’s crotch, but he isn’t ready to give gladio any attention there just yet, not even cruel attention. ‘ you look your best down there. ’ he muses, reaching over gladio to lock the door. ‘ go kneel in front of the armchair and stay there. ’
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
line starts Here for noct to step on your muses 
he’ll do it
fuckin watch him do it
get in line nerds
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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' no squirming, ' he presses his toes into ignis' chest, just enough to make the pressure known but hinting at more if ignis were to disobey; he sounds far more irritated than he actually is for the sake of getting his point across. ' you've been a brat all day. now you're going to lay still and be good. don’t even think about getting up from there. ’ / @sage-fire. step on ignis week? step on ignis week.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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    “What’s up?” Gladio walked over to Noctis. “This isn’t going to be some prank, right?”
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despite gladio’s lack of faith, there’s no ill intent here. in one smooth, easy motion, he reaches up and tucks his fingers into the hair that falls down gladio’s neck and pulls him down to his height. ‘be quiet, ’ he warns, pressing his lips to gladio’s before continuing- ‘ and follow me. ’
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ gladio. come over here for a sec. there’s... something i wanna do. ’ / @thekingsshield.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
‘ you’re greedy? ’ he snorts, finding it hard to believe- but he’s more than happy to take it as a compliment. if anything, though, noctis is the greedy one, and terrible for it too. he’s fantasized about this since the moment he saw ignis. he’d languished over it for weeks before officially hiring him- about how improper it was, about how it made for an unsteady base to a working relationship. he’d damn near taken others’ advice on who to hire, just so the choice wouldn’t have to be his own. but he’s glad he’d hired ignis.
his crush on the man aside, ignis showed a spark that the others he’d interviewed did not. he was intelligent beyond his years and even if his age does show on occasion, despite what noctis is sure are ignis’ best attempts to make sure it doesn’t show, noctis still thinks he is the best choice he could have made. for as smart and witty as he is now, it’s wonderful to think of how he’ll be in ten years, in twenty--- 
but in this moment, it’s hard for noctis to think of anything other than what he wants to do over the next few hours. 
‘ well, i’m glad then. i was half expecting you to text me in the middle of the day and ask for it to come off. ’ noctis noses along the line of ignis’ jaw as he speaks, peppering it with kisses once he’s done. ‘ i’m so proud of you, ignis. ’
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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He watched the boy munch away at his own bread, huffing, but it wasn’t like it ruined his appetite. Mors was typically quiet when he ate. He went through his toast, his croissants, his cream buns, all sorts, Mors seemed to burn up everything he ate, and yet he never seemed to actually be exercising it away. “Fine. If I kill you by stabbing, I’ll stab you in the stomach, and take all that toast you stole back.” He joked, in some very morbid way, and kept eating. “The kitchen staff should know better by now. Not my fault.”
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‘ if you want my digested food, it’s yours. maybe kill me in my sleep and spare me the horror of watching you eat it while i bleed out. ’ he stretches an arm across the table, snags a piece of bacon, and tears a chunk off of it. ‘ no milk? ’ he sees the tea, but it doesn’t sound as good as a glass of milk with his late afternoon breakfast. ‘ you’re the worst. ’
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ this isn’t gonna be my only piece of toast, calm down. ’ he chews through the toast, sighing absently and scooting his chair closer to the table. ‘ hard to be satisfied when the staff is rushing around in a panic trying to get more bread shipped in from across the city before dinner. i know you want me dead and all, but don’t kill me off by starving me out, yeah? just stab me next time. ’ / @amplectormors. response to.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ you look... happy. ’ / @sage-fire.
‘ --- i would have thought you’d look more uncomfortable, after your first full day wearing this for me. ’ he trails his fingers down ignis’ stomach and pelvis, stopping once he’s able to feel something hard and firm under the fabric of his work pants. he squeezes, ever so slightly, before moving his hands to ignis’ hips, he pulls his advisor close, brows raised but eyes meeting ignis’ gaze. ‘ are you happy? ’ 
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ i’m not going to burn my kitchen down, ignis. it’s only ever messy because i’ve got Massive and Crippling Clinical Depression that kicks my teeth in most days, okay? i’m fine. chill. i just wanted to make some grilled cheese and you weren’t here. ’ / @sagefxre.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ your hair. it looks good all popped up like that. why don’t you ever do it that way on days you work? ’ / @loyalight.
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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trans prince noctis
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ennuifelt-blog · 6 years
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‘ now, i heard a rumor from somewhere, just the other day, that someone used to sneak out of parties like this, ’ he raises a brow, shoulders and neck already aching from the annoying way his well-pressed suit makes him stand- so far from his usual, comfortable slouch. ‘ stories of heels left abandoned under punch tables and tiny pieces of torn $3,000 designer dresses found falling from the trellises. ’
he fixes his mother with a look. ‘ i think you two hired ignis because he’s better at making sure windows are locked than your retainers and staff were. cheaters. ’ / @maeternox.
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