enterwithabang · 6 years
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enterwithabang · 6 years
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          info page gets an update and i am way too lazy to fix his icons yet
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Pop hadn’t said a word- in fact, his eyes had practically lit up when Guntram had started to ramble. That stuff just sounded so cool...! Maybe it was because Pop’s perception of military work was a bit (read: highly) idealized, but still. Heat-seeking stuff existed, he knew that, but that wasn’t always reliable. Was this a new method, or-?
“No, no- I wanna hear more!” For being old enough to be in college, Pop did seem a little more on the childlike side at the moment. “What else can you tell me about- I mean, that won’t get you in trouble. ...Actually, no, I wanna hear about that, too, if you’re willin’ to tell me!”
Oops. Guntram, congratulations, you’ve made friends with the biggest troublemaker to be unleashed from Light Labs. At the very least, though, he was more than happy to hear about what the weapons nerd had to say, and even if he’d figured out by now that this was one of the reprogrammed DWNs (which he hadn’t), any remaining uncertainty about hanging out with them was well tossed out the window by the casual talk of weaponry and the fact that Guntram was willing to overlook nearly being blamed for one of Pop’s accidents.
Multi-purpose? Oh man, Pop must’ve been a busy guy! Not to mention all the things he’s probably seen while working in the industry! Guntram was curious, but had too many questions to ask all at once. He just nodded at the rhetorical question, though he looked uncertain about it. “Well, yeah, explosives have their uses.” Hopefully not pranking uses…
Guntram’s eyes lit up when the conversation shifted to his job handling weapons training. “Pretty much the whole load on my base! There’s so much to cover, and not everyone comes in pre-programmed with what they need to know, so I take care of that. There’s also new weapons being tested everyday, and I’m usually a part of the pilot programs! We’re testing busters that can fire shots that automatically correct their trajectory so they can hit moving targets! And-”
Guntram cut himself off, chuckling nervously. Whoops, looks like he had gone off on a tangent there, and in his experience, civilians weren’t all that interested in military weaponry. That, and he had to be careful about what he said, since a lot of the weapons they were testing were classified, though he doubted his programming would let him spill the beans on those.
“Ahahaha… sorry, I guess I got a little carried away there,” Guntram said, smiling sheepishly. “Were you saying something else…?”
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Really? Blues, the only DLN who really had anything bad to say about their creator, had managed to talk to him? That was a surprising development. Of course, it’d be unrealistic to assume that over eight years of bitterness and grudge were all okay now.
“Nah- you caught me at a decent time. Work’s not for an hour or so.” And it was mining work, at that- which wasn’t bad, it was just a bit nerve-wracking. It was so easy to mess up, and a big enough screw-up would cost the lives of the fragile workers. Well, they didn’t use humans anymore, at least, for the actual labour- but still...
“...’M surprised you managed to talk to Dad, though. That’s like, the one thing in the universe you can’t do.”
 “Somewhat,” Blues says, and is terribly glad his shades make it easier to hide his expression - and therefore just how nervous he really was.  “…I talked to Dr. Light, too.”  He wasn’t quite ready to refer to the man as ‘dad’ in conversations, yet, but he was trying. For reasons he couldn’t explain, he really wanted Pop to see that he was trying. 
Maybe because of how close he was to Roll?
Beyond these two things, however, he wasn’t sure what to say to Bomb Man, or even if he should stick around. Maybe he was busy? That would be a good reason to leave and he wouldn’t have to admit to himself that he was scared of his own brother.
 “Sorry, I should have asked… was I interrupting something?”
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enterwithabang · 9 years
“Of course! Heck, I’m not gonna be free for a while after today, so now’s about the best time!”
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“C’mon- we’ll head down to the usual place!”
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“Ooooh, can we? You’re not too busy right now, are you?”
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enterwithabang · 9 years
The kid looked so awkward. Pop couldn’t exactly blame him for that- and he didn’t. He decided to keep it casual, although there was always an air of uncertainty. Pop wasn’t trying to be intimidating or closed-off; that was just how his words were coming out.
“’Kay, cool,” he said. “You been talking to anyone else, then?”
He knew somebody like Tenor would probably happily scoop up and cuddle their estranged little brother. Unfortunately, Pop wasn’t that kind of guy; unless the person in question was Roll or one of the particularly little brothers (but especially Roll), he wasn’t a cuddler, and Blues seemed perfectly grown-up enough for his age.
...Again, that wasn’t really the kid’s fault, but it was hard to think super well of him with the kind of baggage he brought to the family. For the longest time, just his name brought a twinge of suffering that was hard to forget. Dad always looked so sad and regretful whenever the topic was brought up... and Rock ranged from hurt and angry to wistful and solemn. And that didn’t really sit right with Pop.
“Um… that is…” What a great time to sound like a little kid, Blues. The prototype robot was disappointed in himself and his inability to think of a good way to approach his estranged sibling, and despite his best attempts at controlling his expression the anxiety and frustration both made themselves evident. At least the shades helped hide the worst of it, he supposed.
“…Roll talked me into staying a while,” he said at last, leaving out that Roll had practically needed to shout him into the ground beforehand and that her persuasion succeeded mostly through Blues’ own guilt at missing Christmas with the twins. “…I thought you and the others should know.” At least so they could avoid tripping over each other…
Who was he kidding? He already felt like running out of here and going to spend time in his safe house with the kittens to try and relax. This wasn’t going to go well, somehow he just knew it…
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Of all the DLN siblings, Bomb Man was going to be one of the hardest to talk to. Perhaps even the hardest, given what had happened years ago. Blues knew this, however, and while he didn't expect very much, for the twins' sake he would try. And so with some nervousness, he decided to take a risk and approach the other DLN. ... If he could get up the nerve to say something, that was.
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Unfortunately for Blues, if he wanted to back out, it was too late. The bomb-chucking DLN noticed him hovering nearby. Though it had been a very long time since the incident and Pop had eventually gotten over what had happened to Roll, that didn’t mean Blues had ever exactly been forgiven. Roll came too close to dying for that, and although he knew his precious baby sister wanted Blues to be closer with the rest of the family… Pop was apprehensive.
“Hey, kid.” Well, if Blues wasn’t going to start, he might as well. “Did’ja want something?”
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enterwithabang · 9 years
❄ (for the twins too :3c)
Pop: h wo ydoign babe B)Alto: I’m well- uh. Are you drunk again…?Pop: y E AAH……… got a bit ov erbaord wiht th e shots??Pop: iy know yur cute when you worryAlto: Call me when you’re out of the party, okay? Or at least send me your coordinates so I can come make sure you didn’t contaminate anything…Pop: cu tei…….
Roll: Pop, you have work tomorrow.Pop: b tu sIIIIIIIIIS…..Roll: No buts, mister! >:cPop: heh e but tsRoll: Come home this instant!!Pop: o kaay
Pop:  roc kPop: p roamise mePop: if i ge t dar ed into anohter dr ignki gam ePop: y our gonna so tp meRock: That bad? :cPop: y E…….Pop: i cant be lieve it sso easy toge t drun k watcign dO RA……….
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Pop: eYY BR OPop: didj a notice somthinPop: misignFlare: … Brother.Flare: You realize Tenor will kill you, right?Pop: i KNOW IT SGONNA B E GREA T
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enterwithabang · 9 years
❄ (for Napalm)
Pop: dID U J UST D UNK VLADSHE AD IN TEH PUN CH????Guntram: dO YOU W AN T TO HEA R HTE BAD JO KE HE TOL D MEPop: what was itGuntram: a jokePop: lOLGuntram: dO I NEED TO DUN K YOU TOO?????
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Send me ❄ for drunk texts.
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enterwithabang · 9 years
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“Heh- I got the message, Roll. Y’wanna head out?”
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enterwithabang · 9 years
Icon of Your Muse:
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What is Your Muse’s Blood Type: Standard type-A circulatory oil. How do You think Your Muse Handles Rejection?: He gets over it quickly enough. What Makes Your Muse Jealous?: Not much in particular. What’s a Bad Habit Your Muse has?: Ooh... he’s a party animal, he overspends, he’s a social drinker, and he tends to get in minor trouble a lot. He’s a mess of bad habits. A Prized Possession of Your Muse: He doesn’t really have anything in particular, actually. Any Medical Conditions?: None.
~Questions for the Muse to Answer~
What’s Your Favorite Color: “Green!” What’s Your Favorite Food: “Pizzaaa.” Skiing or Snow Boarding?: “Snowboarding!” Worst Injury You Ever Got?: “... I might have to think about this one.” Early Riser or Sleep in?: “I flop between these a lot, actually. Either I got so drunk that I’m lookin’ at a messed-up circulatory stream at 6AM or the party was so great that I’m still snorin’ away at 2PM.” Video Games or Books?: “Video games!” Something that Makes you Cry?: “...I dunno, actually. I don’t really cry much.” Someone You Hate? Why?: “Eugh- I used to hate a few people, but that’s kind of faded... I like to think I’m not really a hateful guy.” Phobias: “I dunno about that one, either. I don’t like fire, but it’s not really a phobia of mine since I need somethin’ to light my bombs with.” Favorite Soda?: “Can’t go wrong with Coke!” Favorite Drink in General?: “See above.” What did you have for Breakfast?: “... I don’t think I’ve had it yet, oops. I should go get some.” Song you are listening to right now?: “Peace up, A-town down!” Worst Job Ever?: “Uh- hm. I’ve done a lot of jobs for a lot of places- I think the worst one might be the mining stuff because it requires a lot of precision and I’m... not always good at that.” Best Job Ever?: “Demolition. B)” Ever Been thrown out a Window? Why?: “Yeah, I’m sure at least once. Or twice. Or thrice.” Do You Regret what You’ve Done?: “No regrets, baby.” Any Roommates?: “Family doesn’t really count?”
~Choose Between~
Dogs, Cats, or Both: “Both. =u=“ C4 or Dynamite: “How about both? :D” Catch Phrase or One Liners: “I like one-liners better. It’s hard to come up with a good catchphrase, y’know? At least one that doesn’t get old.” Day or Night: “Night! That’s when the parties start!” Star Wars or Star Trek: “Star Wars.” Cake or Pie: “Pie- definitely pie.” Zombies or Vampires?: “Uh... vamps, I guess?”
Tag: the mun is a laze
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enterwithabang · 9 years
“I’m a multi-purpose ‘bot, actually,” Pop said. “Let’s see; I do mining jobs, land reclamation, I’ve done plenty of demolition jobs for my brother, in emergencies I can be called in for bomb disarming when the Spears rear their ugly heads...” Exciting jobs like that last one were few and far between, unfortunately. “Everybody needs a bomb or two in their lives, y’know?”
But man- military weapons training? Base-guarding sounded lame, but this guy must’ve been a combat robot. That sounded awesome! Heck, the name Guntram even sounded like it belonged to a military ‘bot. “What kinds of weapons do you handle? Guns, explosives, tanks-?”
"Is that what happened? Well, I’d just advise double or triple-checking next time, this way we don’t have another hole in the streets," Guntram said as he looked back. "… Or worse."
Guntram didn’t seem to mind the friendly conversation with the bot whose actions he was almost blamed for. He seemed to welcome it, even. The whole incident didn’t seem to make him question whether or not he should be friendly with this individual at all.
"Thanks! Oh, I do work in the military. I handle weapons training and guard a military base. What about you?"
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enterwithabang · 10 years
Icona Pop | I Love It
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enterwithabang · 10 years
“Aw, you don’t need to worry about me, sis. I’m always careful.” ... Mostly. Usually. Still, he hadn’t been too badly beaten up yet, and certainly not by any of his own fault. Of course, there was instead the problem that Bomb was a party animal, but, well. Someone had to be in a city that was often under fire as the big robot hub of the world that hadn’t wholly accepted their existence yet.
He gave her a nod. He made sure his arms were shifted in a way that helped Roll be comfortable in them as he spoke; “No problem; I trust Rock’s judgement on this kinda thing.” Besides, if Oil Man could get along with Quick Man, who was originally one of the biggest jerks in Wily’s arsenal, the DLWNs couldn’t have been bad at all. And even then, they weren’t like a hive mind; Bomb was open to having them come over. “So- anything y’need help with in terms of getting the place set up for them?”
Roll hums in content, settling into Bomb’s arms happily. Yes, this was good. This was perfect. After all that’s been going on, it’s nice to be spoiled a little. Being carried around by one of her older brothers is the best, too! “Yeah, I know. Just— Be careful, okay? I know things get really demanding after Wily’s through with his stupid plans, but you guys can’t overwork yourselves! That won’t help anybody at all! Make sure to take proper breaks, and if anything seems damaged come home as soon as you can to get it looked at! I worry about you guys sometimes!”
She probably didn’t have to lecture Bomb about this, but… Well, best to cover all her bases. Some of their brothers could be real workaholics (cough cough, Elec), and with the demand for their services post Wily schemes things usually got worse. Thankfully, the worst of the cleanup seemed to be over…
“Oh, uh, yeah! Be nice to them. Please? Rock said there was an argument or something, and if it was bad enough for them to feel the need to leave, well… I can imagine they’re not in a good place right now. Shadow Man is really nice! He’s one of Rock’s really good friends, so…!” Roll sighs, leaning against her brother’s shoulders. “I just want their visit to be a nice one. So if you want to help, I’d really, really appreciate it!”
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enterwithabang · 10 years
“Ah, gotcha. Yeesh.” A fight with one of their own? That can’t have been good... Pop didn’t know Snake personally but he never sounded like the nicest guy. “The rest of the family know yet? I can’t imagine Mama Elec reacting too well.”
"Ah reckon Rock said they had ah fight with Snake Man? That’s all ‘e said," he said with a shrug. "They may be stayin’ fer ah while, so jus’ ah heads up." There was a look of relief on his face, as though he had expected a more negative reaction than he got. Then again, this was one of his more relaxed siblings, so he began to wonder why he was worried.
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