entitymari · 2 months
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Hear me out guys…
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entitymari · 2 months
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Asher moments before his death ^w^
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entitymari · 4 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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entitymari · 1 year
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Mommy Queen Sonia~~
She’s got me going feral I swear😭😭
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entitymari · 1 year
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entitymari · 1 year
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Finally made a persona for myself😌
He’s so pretty and already has a boyfriend 👀
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entitymari · 1 year
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My persona and his boyfriend😌😌
bruh also do y’all see the dumb scribble in the corner💀💀💀I was struggling so hard getting that pose but I DID IT AND IT LOOKS GREAT
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entitymari · 1 year
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The cutest boy I’ve ever drawn, bros so pretty and the coloring is so good
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entitymari · 2 years
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techno <3
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entitymari · 2 years
I’m going to share what I think is the full timeline of Minecraft lore- not like any smp lore or anything, just Minecraft lore, base game.
So like it’s very obvious that there was an ancient civilization that died out for one reason or another, leaving only the things they created in their wake. And this is obvious by the Temples, Sand/Ocean/Jungle, the shipwrecks, the igloos, the mineshafts, all these buildings they leave behind.
Because it certainly wasn’t the villagers who built them.
Ages ago there was this theory that this ancient civilization was driven out by something dangerous and powerful, I think this theory was MatPats?
So here’s what I’m thinking happened. Because of the different architecture style of all the temples and such it’s easy to assume that there were many different cultures In this ancient civilization. And I think it’s very likely that they were at war. The reason being? Creepers.
Think about it- gunpowder is not something that forms in nature, it has to be specifically filtered and put together for it to properly form gunpowder. Take into account that Creepers are completely silent at all times until they’re close enough to you to explode. And they don’t seem to have any conscious thought other than to kamikaze a human. Now there is the possibility that they could have been made by the Pillagers, but they don’t seem to have any scientific capabilities and are more focused on barbaric tactics, so that means there could have been wars going on between the ancient cultures, and that could explain why the only cities we find are the ones that are destroyed in the ocean and the ancient cities underground, they all destroyed themselves leaving only the sacred temples. Additionally Creepers don’t have a will to live, they don’t try to survive, and if they were formed via evolution, they would have a will to live and not solely explode upon seeing a person, further indicating they were genetically created. At some point during this time, they discovered the Nether.
All those incomplete Nether portal ruins you can find, likely remnant of what they built. So they built these portals and traveled the Nether. Discovering all the things it has to offer. I believe they are the ones who built the Nether fortresses, and discovered that Nether Wart and Blaze rods can be used to create powerful elixirs and potions, so they breed the blaze, making them an active part of the temple, and have the little Nether wart farms. And the fact they have been to the Nether would explain why chiseled red sandstone has the Wither carved into it. So we all know that the Piglins and hoglins seem to carry an innate zombifying virus that triggers whenever they enter the overworld.
So after some time of peace, something happens, and a human is infected by the virus that the Piglins carry. The virus is devastating and spreads far too quickly. All the zombies we see in game are very clearly human, and there’s a clear distinction between zombie humans and zombie villagers. So all the zombies we encounter are likely remnants of those ancient civilizations. The portal ruins we see all over the place? They weren’t failed portals, they were intentionally destroyed to try and slow down the infection rate. Eventually there is left with only a few handfuls of survivors, so they flee below ground, down into the depths where they built their new cities. The Ancient Cities that were added in the latest update. I believe they lived here for some time in relative peace just surviving in the depths. But then their newest and possibly oldest foe came. The Warden. The skulk spread incredibly fast and far, the Warden leaving little left alive in its wake. So once more the ancient people had to flee. They fled and built the Stronghold, one final safe haven against the monsters outside. But they knew it was only temporary. Driven by fear and a will to keep going, the people who remained of the ancient civilization fled into the End.
The ancient civilization began building the began building their new home there. Building the strange and towering End Cities and the flying ships we see there. They invent Shulkers as a security measure to defend themselves. There’s only one food source that can be found in the End. Chorus fruit. The fruit that when eaten causes you to teleport randomly. I believe that after centuries of a diet of this fruit and the harsh conditions of their new living environment. The ancient civilization evolved, transforming into what we know today as Endermen.
The more they transformed from human to Enderman, they became enthralled by the Ender Dragon. They go around to the overworld, begging the player to save them, telling them to look for the eye. I think they can’t stand eye contact just because of the pain they feel. You look just like they once did and it enrages them that they can’t have that anymore.
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entitymari · 2 years
Technoblade leaves the Dream SMP server in the middle of the night.
He doesn’t take anything with him. No armor, no weapons, nothing. He doesn’t even take his dogs or Steve. Only Carl, the stable emptied by the first signs of dawn.
Instead, he leaves notes.
One for Ranboo, one for Niki. One for Wilbur, one for Tommy.
He leaves one for Phil too, slightly different than the rest. There’s another line at the bottom, a set of coordinates.
(“To the gates of hell,” Phil had said.
“What about just anywhere but here?” Techno had answered.)
There’s another server. A smaller one, with more sunshine and mob-proofed fences. Where Techno does not ever have to pick up a weapon. Where Techno does not have to continue fighting.
Where there is no need for him to do anything but tend to his farms and sit outside to read, feed Carl carrots and nap as much as he wants. Where the distant crackle of a portal won’t mean anything except the welcomed visit of an old friend.
Where he can rest easy.
Because the war is over.
And dust settles on pain. And regrets become worn with age. And memories will bring strength more than they will sting.
(Perhaps, they will visit. Perhaps, Phil will come along one day and bring with him the people Techno loved and who loved Techno and who Techno hurt and who hurt Techno.
Perhaps they will find something worth holding onto in the ruins dug between them, that will grow flowers again.)
And on this new server, Technoblade is happy.
(And the universe said, you are not alone.)
And on this new server, Technoblade knows peace.
(And the universe said I love you because you are love.)
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entitymari · 2 years
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first post of a stupid monkey comic that i'll be doing. no plot, or posting schedule just when i feel like it
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entitymari · 2 years
something that i will always remember of technoblade is how he was kind just for the sake of it.
i will remember him claiming the monopoly sound was too loud for him to hear wilbur when he spoke of techno staying up all night to comfort him when he was sick. i will remember him taking the time to add watermarks for his artists when they themselves forgot. i will remember niki and sophie saying how he always somehow made sure they never felt excluded or neglected and how he would hate it, it would embarrass him when they spoke of his kindness publicly. i will remember him personally dming ponk to thank them for sending a 45-minute video of someone feeding hotdogs to raccoons in chat and timestamping his favorite part. i will remember his love for the people who created for him, how he would keep his mentions on for everyone before his fanart tag was formed and would just scroll and scroll to make sure not to miss any art someone made for him. i will remember half his friends and peers having some kind of a story of him reaching out to them during tough days, reassuring them, believing in them, making them feel loved.
i will remember him in every act of kindness i receive and i will remember him during times in my life when i will need to remind myself to be kind despite it all.
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entitymari · 2 years
“Sorry you’re too dumb to understand :(” *laserbeams them and steals their wallet before skipping away*
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dont play defense
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entitymari · 2 years
“If you can say a message that’s be heard by the whole world what’d it be?”
Whatever, the beam will hit you in a few moments anyway
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entitymari · 2 years
Hi, can I request obani x reader headcanoans for playing horror games together?
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Like you’ll jump and scream when something comes at you, but he just stays focused and doesn’t even pause or anything, it’s annoying and you’re jealous of his skills
He loves VR games for sure, he’s really good at them too
Thinks Five Nights at Freddy’s is boring and for amateurs, he’s already got all the lore figured out and has his own theories about the game
I personally don’t play video games so I couldn’t tell you about what specific games he likes, sorry-
But like I can see him playing them for hours, and longer when you join him
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entitymari · 2 years
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Cool thing I made of my oc Asher! It’s like a lil shop menu for him~
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