entrcpys · 2 years
they say afternoon naps are for lazy people. jiwoong was never the type to argue against it, for two reasons: 1) he couldn’t be bothered to (see?) and 2) it is kind of true.
he never understood why they say it like it’s a bad thing—lying out in the sun with its soft glow pouring over him like a warm blanket, a gentle breeze passing every now and then. distant chirping melts into the background, bringing about a comfortable silence that drowns out the noise in his head and steadies the beat of his heart—the kind of peace he wouldn’t find back in seoul. 
coming here was a challenge (no doubt one he brought upon himself), but it wasn’t difficult like math was to him (in other words, unbearable). instead, it was challenging in the likes of playing a game for the first time, or trying out a new sport—a challenge he didn’t mind, a challenge that was fun. 
he still struggles with whipping up a decent meal for himself, or figuring out how to operate the washing machines (he’s getting a little better though—finally got the amount of detergent right, no thanks to the palm-sized instructions manual hari wrote him), but something about being away from the city he grew up in and the people he grew up with brings him to new, unexplored territory.
it almost feels like he was entering a new world and discovering a hidden side to him—a jeon jiwoong that didn’t exist back at home. still the same jiwoong that can’t cook to save his life, but a jiwoong that now wonders what he really wants to do with his life. travel the world like youngtaek? hone a skill that actually makes a difference in the world, like chaebin? or to do something he loves, like all the people that are here because they have something to protect? 
an eye peeks open, his hand reaching out to shield it from the sun. he lets the sunlight filter through his fingers as he wakes from his nap, languidly surveying his surroundings to make out the time. his vision is still hazy from rubbing his eyes but he notices a large canvas propped against a debilitated wall, a tiny head poking out from behind, just in time to meet his eyes.
“hey, you!” he calls out, stretching as he sits up from the stone bench. “any idea what the time is now?”
ft. @mooncored
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entrcpys · 2 years
Rule number 1..... Is that u gotta hav funn
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entrcpys · 2 years
post nut clarity and hangovers are not a great combination. especially not if the person whose bed he had slipped out of that morning was the same person he absolutely abhorred with every living cell in his body. 
bumping into her along the corridors was enough to ruin his day, heck, the very sound of her name was all it took to set off an eye roll. if you hadn’t already found yourself stepping in to break a fight of theirs then chances are, you’d have probably heard them arguing from the other end of the mansion. not an exaggeration.
just how did he end up in the bed of someone he couldn’t look two seconds at without rolling his eyes? was it the alcohol? it had to be the alcohol. he’s convinced himself that he wouldn’t spare her a second glance if not for the alcohol in his system—not a great excuse but it’s all he has to put the blame on and he’ll take it, anything but come to terms with the fact that he was even mildly attracted to miss angry-at-the-whole-world. 
the events from the night before come as discrete fragments of memories, of which he could barely put together in a coherent timeline to figure out where exactly things went wrong. was it when she lost her balance and stumbled into his arms? or was it when she spilled some alcohol on her dress that was a little too tight for him to ignore? 
if his head wasn’t already throbbing from the hangover, he would be this close to banging it against the kitchen cabinets hanging above the countertop, desperate to make these memories disappear—as if they didn’t exist if he doesn’t remember them. maybe that’ll be his game plan, act like he doesn’t remember a thing and that he magically rolled out of her bed without catching sight of her snoozing by his side. 
the sensation of cold milk overflowing the bowl and hitting his hand knocks him out of his ruminating thoughts and he zones back into reality, where he was standing by the kitchen counter, pouring himself a sad bowl of cereal because he was incapable of whipping up a bowl of hangover soup. (this makes number 13 on his list of cons living without a maid—yes, he is keeping count.)
he groans at the sight of milk pooling around his bowl—his cereal deflating as it gets soggier by the second. there was no cloth in sight, not even paper towels (which irresponsible prick forgot to refill them—oh wait, him.) can his morning get any worse than this? 
apparently, it can. footsteps approach the kitchen and he looks up hopefully, willing it to be someone who knows where he could get a cloth to clean this mess up. (at least this mess could be cleaned up, unlike the one he created last night.) instead, he finds himself staring into the eyes he got lost in the night before, the last thing he laid his eyes on before—ack, he doesn’t even want to think about it. 
“oh.” jeon jiwoong, you’re a fool. quick, say something. “uh, you don’t happen to know where the cloth is, do you?”
ft. @meibunz​
0 notes
entrcpys · 2 years
jeon jiwoong is a lot of things, but in this very moment, a nuisance would be the best way to describe him.
it was his fifth time knocking on her door that day, and this isn’t even counting the text message he sent her to check if he was using the right pot. one would think he was manoeuvring a complicated machine, but really, all he was trying to do was cook his first packet of instant noodles.
it looked easy in the youtube video playing on his phone, but when it came down to working it out himself, he couldn’t tell if he was doing it right. (he wasn’t.) it definitely doesn’t help that he was a stranger to the kitchen, much less a foreign one with old fashioned stoves. to be fair, the youtube video featured an induction stove, not an old gas stove with all these knobs he had no clue how to work around.
the only person he could think of when he was faced with the challenge of figuring out how to get the stove started was the person he had gotten used to pestering in his short time here. not because she’s a pushover, but because he’s already so comfortable around her. (okay, maybe she is a little bit of a pushover—how else would he have gotten his audacity?) he was about to land another knock on her door when he hears it click open. 
“i’msorrypleasedon’tbemad—” he blurts out the second her door flings open, shutting his eyes and bracing himself for an angry hari on the other side of the door. he knows she’s good tempered and hardly gets mad at anyone (not even him and that’s quite a feat) but he also knows that he’s taken it too far this time—most people will get mad at him showing up at their door for five times in the last ten minutes.
“i just have one more question!” he declares, shaking his index finger. “i swear i tried to figure it out myself—i even watched a youtube video!” he whips his phone out, aggressively scrolling through his youtube history, much like a kid trying to worm their way out of trouble. “but i have a problem, they have a different stove here, the kind with all these knobs i have to turn? i’m not sure how to work them out and i don’t want to cause an accident…” he drones on, words dripping with a hint of shame. “you don’t want that to happen either, right?”
 ft. @sncwbored​
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entrcpys · 2 years
HEYYY it’s jay (they/them, 20+) here with jeon jiwoong — spoilt brat with a huge ego (which was essentially what landed him here at maehwa)! someone, out of belief that he would not be able to survive at the mansion, dared him to live here for awhile and he agreed only to save his pride. he packed his bags, left his fancy apartment and maids back home, determined to prove them wrong. whether he succeeds or not is another tale to tell but for now, i’d love to work out some connections to keep him going at this place! i’ve included more information about him below the cut. if you’d like to plot, like this post and i’ll drop you a message. i’m also available on discord if you prefer it there! 
have you seen JEON JIWOONG around? i heard they moved here because THEY WERE DARED TO. their tenant agreement says they are TWENTYTWO YEARS OLD and a TRUST FUND BABY. i always see them LEAVING SOMEONE ELSE’S ROOM IN THE MORNING and they kind of remind me of BICKERING WITH YOUR CRUSH BECAUSE IT’S EASIER THAN FLIRTING… (kim sunwoo ; jay, they/them, 20+)
trust fund baby living off his daddy’s money
was meant to take this time to do an internship (one his father got him through connections so like whatever)
however, he upped and left after a night out with some friends (which was when he got dared to stay at maehwa)
honestly agreed to the dare when he was high af (bad idea) but his pride wouldn’t allow him to take his words back
it would not be a reach to say that this is one of the biggest struggles he’s had to face in life (lol) — he’s always lived in the city, with maids and chauffeurs to make his life easier, imagine living in a secluded mansion nowhere near civilisation
his father is enraged but coddles him too much to cancel his credit cards (he’s mostly worried he wouldn’t be able to survive without them which is very true) 
i’d like to think that this is a good time for him to meet people from different walks of life to ~widen his worldview~ lol
prideful (very), frankly puts his pride before everything
egoistic, can be a bit of a narcissist 
extremely hedonistic, pretty much lives to have fun 
also the life of the party, will probably bring some fun to the residents at maehwa
very flirty, but arguably sucks at it (though his charisma always saves the day)
spoilt brat who has never lived a day of hardship so you might find him complaining about a thing or two at the mansion
but is adaptable and a fast learner so he’ll fit in... eventually
outspoken and has no problems expressing his opinions and feelings (might need to tone down a little though) 
that bit about him often spotted leaving someone else’s room in the morning can go many ways, one night stands and/or him crashing in other people’s rooms when he’s too drunk to climb back into the attic
the person that had dared him to stay at maehwa? he probably went all “ew” when they told him they were coming here and then they went “bet you couldn’t survive here” and it escalated to this point lol
party people, or people he can convert into party people (lbr, this mansion is the best place to throw a party)
someone whose room he often crashes in when he’s drunk (can’t imagine him being up in the attic with wood patterns that change when he’s high lol)
flings, flirtationships, crushes (how else is he going to survive his time here?!)
someone completely different from him, an unexpected friendship that teaches him a thing or two (i imagine a mature, down-to-earth sorta person for this, or someone with different beliefs and values from him)
a parent figure, someone he can turn to with his problems, be it how to work the stove or matters of the heart 
someone he absolutely does not get along with
enemies to friends? enemies to lovers? (yes, he’s the type to bicker with his crush instead of telling them how he really feels about them)
someone he can pick up a new skill/hobby from (does not have to be a good teacher, would be fun to have him struggle)
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entrcpys · 2 years
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