entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of paper in your office? Maybe you even have to pay extra storage fees for all that paper.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
More and more industry analysts have been mentioning ePayables, or Smart Accounts Payable, as the wave of the future.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
Unless we watch a movie from the 1980s or 1990s, it is hard to remember that companies used to have whole floors filled with data entry specialists. They worked hard to enter numbers for hours at a time and they were vital to the overall success of the company. Of course, humans aren’t robots, and even the best of them made mistakes.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
We all know what every small business owner’s nightmare is: the cubicle overflowing with files, with receipts falling out and drifting towards the floor, because you thought you could do it all on your own.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
 Find out  the Entryless features. We work hard for you, and we have been very busy  releasing new features and improvements for your delight. Keep scrolling down  to see a full list of Entryless features.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
  Entryless delivers the industry's first  complete billpay automation solution. When we say fully automated, we mean  it. Every step of the process is automatic, from bill receipt in any format  to electronic payment to invoice closure. Start making billpay easier  today.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
Accounts Payable Software with Xero Integration
The paperless office is the wave of the future, and it is already here for some businesses. In fact, paperless is a buzzword for a reason! You can now get coupon apps instead of collecting them in bulky folders. Instead of having to write in every transaction in your checkbook (remember what a pain that was?) you can just look up your e-statement, and even get transactions texted to you.
So, you can see how paperless is certainly easier, and how it is becoming a part of your everyday life, but what about your business? Are you still stuck in the 90s? Or at least the 2000s? Well, times have changed, and the easiest way to get with the future is to go paperless in your accounting department.
Why are we going paperless? To save the environment, of course, but also to save your bottom line. So it wouldn’t make sense to have to invest in a whole new system. If you have Xero, Entryless is the system for you! It is a receipt scanner for xero, meaning it is automatic bill scanning software.
These types of automatic bill scanning software programs work by using OCR software to read your bills and receipts, and pulling data out.  This data becomes metadata, which can then be used to fill spreadsheets, flowcharts, and more.  And while not all of them offer Xero integration, Entryless does. So, simplifying accounting doesn’t need to mean learning a new system.
Entryless is cheaper and more accurate than people doing data entry, and also faster! Now that you know it also features Xero integration with its receipt scanner for Xero, what are you waiting for? Your only accounting task could be simply auditing and approving! Contact the sales team today!
For further details about receipt scanner for xero and Xero integration please visit the website.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
Simplify Your Business with Paperless Accounts Payable Process
How wonderful would it be to save your business time and money by making one, simple change?  By switching from human powered data entry to Entryless, you can.  This solution works faster than a human data entry specialist, at a lower cost, and with fewer errors made.  Read below to learn more.
Optical Character Recognition
Entryless is powered by OCR software, allowing the program to essentially read the papers that are part of your accounting process.  The software extracts data from your bills and turns it into metadata.  This metadata can then be used to fill in spreadsheets, databases, flowcharts, and more.
Xero Integration
If you feel like you have put too much time and effort into learning another program to consider switching, know that you do not need to give them up.  Entryless offers Xero integration, and also integrates with other accounting programs, ensuring that this change doesn’t have to mean you change everything.
Any Business
Entryless is an all-business solution.  If you are a tiny mom and pop shop, there is a package that will work for you.  And if you are a massive corporation with global presence, it will still work for you.  No matter who you are or what you need from your accounting, Entryless works.
  Any Bill, Any Format
There is no bill that Entryless cannot handle.  It is even designed to work in multiple countries, and they are expanding its offerings all the time.  Even as you expand your business, Entryless is there for you.
To learn more, contact their sales team.
For further details about Xero integration and paperless accounts payable process please visit the website.
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entryless0-blog · 8 years
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