How You Can Tackle Climate Change
Simple small daily changes can help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. By consuming energy and our everyday purchases, we directly or indirectly increase the release of greenhouse gas emissions.
The fight against climate change should not be the sole responsibility of governments and companies, but also individual like you and me. Simple small daily changes of the 6.8 billion people in this world can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that are responsible for climate change.
By consuming energy from the use of our cars, heating, electrical appliances and daily purchases, we directly or indirectly contribute to the release of greenhouse gas emissions.
Change Your Transportation Routine
For small daily trips, it is best to use non-motorized transport, such as walking, cycling and public transport (bus, train, tram, ...).
In the United Kingdom, transport is responsible for around a third of total energy consumption. It is also causes a large percentage of air pollution. Fuel consumption is responsible for up to 35% of CO2 emissions. Passenger cars are responsible for around 14% of national emissions.
For domestic trips, it is best to use the train rather than the plane. Indeed, the latter is much higher emitter of greenhouse gases than the train.
Air transport has double the impact on the climate, not only because of the fuel consumption but also by causing contrails that increase cloud formation and contribute to the warming of the surface of the planet.
When you buy your next car, it is best to avoid large cars or 4x4's if you live in the city. Even though diesels are often seen as heavy polluters, these are now extremely clean cars and are best if you intend to do lots of mileage. New diesel engines produce such little emissions that those in the A band now qualify for free road tax.
The air-conditioning unit on your car emits harmful gases into the climate. It is recommended you avoid using air-conditioning when you absolutely don't need it. According to the Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME), air conditioners operate with hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), whose warming potential is 3 times higher than CO2, the best-known greenhouse gas responsible for climate change.
       Buy More Environmentally Friendly Products
For your food, you should try to buy local products. Fruits and vegetables should be purchased at the time they mature and not cultivated in greenhouses. To limit emissions during shopping, choose products that have travel the least distance, those that require less energy to be produced, those with less packaging, and those that can easily be recycled. The more a product has travelled the more CO2 gases it will be responsible for.
       Home Installation and Efficient Heating
Make sure your home is fully insulated, such as your walls, attic and windows, that will reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and your electricity consumption by reducing heat loss.
Good insulation will help fight global warming. In addition, good thermal insulation will substantially reduce your electricity or heating bill, and offers a more comfortable home by keeping it warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
In addition to thermal insulation, you can act by not overheating your home. Reducing the temperature by one degree will help your wallet and the environment. Many homes are often too warm, and it is healthier to live in a home heated at 19°C than at 21°C.
It is preferable to use ecological heating methods to replace traditional methods. A wide choice of environmentally-friendly heating is available , such as solar water heaters, geothermal energy or wood heating.
Heating is the largest energy user in the home. It represents on average more than two thirds of domestic energy consumption. However, it can have a very different impact on emissions of greenhouse gases. In countries that have a large nuclear presence, electric heating has less impact because it mainly uses low-emission nuclear energy. However, gas and oil heating have a real impact because they are direct emitters of greenhouse gases.
       Reduce Your Power Consumption
When buying electrical products, be sure to choose products with low energy consumption (Class A, for example).
For your home lighting, it is best to buy energy-saving bulbs that consume five times less energy and last eight times longer.
Energy-saving bulbs require more energy when manufacturing, but the ecological balance is better given their long life and low energy consumption. It is imperative to recycle low-energy bulbs as they contain toxic powders.
Leaving appliances on standby, such as TVs, DVD players and stereos greatly increase the power consumption of a home. So it is better to switch off appliances rather than leaving them on standby. Though many modern electronic appliances now produce very little power in standby mode, some older models can reduce up to 70% of the total power consumption of the device when in standby.
       Recycle Your Household Waste
Recycling household waste can limit the amount of rubbish that makes its way to landfill. Items such as glass, plastics, paper and cardboard are easily recyclable. Don't forget you can also recycle your food at home by having a compost corner in your garden.
       Reduce Your Water Consumption
Water consumption can be reduced daily by taking showers instead of a bath, reusing water to wash fruits and vegetables, watering your garden less and regularly maintaining your valves and joints to prevent leakage. You may even want to upgrade your toilet as many modern toilets now have economy flushes.
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