Favorite Quote
“You got a dream...You gotta protect it. People can’t do somethin’ themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. If you want somethin’, go get it. Period” ~Will Smith as Chris Gardner in the Pursuit of Happyness (Happiness is purposely spelled that way)
This quote from Gardner encourages people to understand that even if someone has doubts about whether you can make something of yourself, you have to take the initiative to prove all the doubters and haters wrong. He is using this quote as an opportunity to speak to those who have been outcast and told that they are a failure or that they will never amount to anything in their lives. Gardner needed to communicate this encouraging message because during the dawn of the go-go capitalism age in San Francisco (setting of the movie) where people lost jobs and became homeless because of the failure of a capitalist economy, it was hard to make something of yourself. Chris Gardner himself was a single father who was evicted from his apartment and faced many hardships, however because of his perseverance he was able to create a better life for himself and his son. Gardner communicates that we can do the same thing he did if we do not give into despair and we keep chugging on no matter what the rest of the world tells us we can or cannot do. 
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