epherneralives · 10 years
Ryan wasn't enjoying the day. Most of the small team of survivors had decided to split up into pairs in hopes of finding more food while the Georgian man offered to stay behind and continue with the trench around the camp, which sounded like a good idea to begin with. A couple of hours later, however, he was really starting to regret his decision.
"It's too hot for this shit." Ryan muttered quietly, dropping the shovel to remove his cap with one hand and wipe his forehead with the other. He lifted himself out of the hole and practically crawled over to the nearby tree stump where his water bottle sat, too tired to bother standing up properly. He noticed something red not too far into the distance as he picked up his drink and squinted for a moment before dropping the bottle again and running back to the trench to grab the shovel.
"Shit, the dead are walking about already? Maybe it's just a straggler..." Ryan couldn't clearly see the figure's facial features from this distance but the two things protruding from its head looked similar enough to the fungus he saw growing on the zombies that occasionally passed through the area. He slowly started to approach it with the shovel, planning on just taking it out and getting back to work.
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epherneralives · 10 years
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