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Hi Steve
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Recommendation: The Wall (J. Miley)
Binged it in one day. Found the plot overall interesting and original, the worldbuilding was fleshed out. The writing was easy to follow and dialogs felt logical. Elaborated point system which I really enjoyed. Three love interests that were equally interesting, including a female love interest and an option to not pursue romance. Very interactive, lots of minigames, multiple endings depending on your decisions. Animations looked great. A lot of coding went into this
Could’ve had more episodes, the plot felt a bit rushed at times. Rapid following of events makes sure the story isn’t boring, but sometimes it was too much for me personally to get fully engaged. The endings felt kind of unsatisfying, even in the happy endings. A lot of gem choices, most won’t affect the story all that much.
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Is the Episode community a thing? No? Too bad, I’m here now anyway
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