epithet-erased · 2 years
On writing good dwarf characters
The questions I get most often on this platform usually relate to the inclusion of dwarf characters in media - whether it be in writing, film, or role play games such as Dungeons and Dragons, the question remains: How do I write good dwarf characters? How do I include people with dwarfism in my writing/film in a respectful manner?
First, we need to understand what's already out there when it comes to dwarf representation. Most often when little people are included in stories, the characters fall into one of four categories: side kick, misfit, comic relief or mystical creature. They are not heroes nor main characters, they do not push the plot forward or fall in love. They are usually one dimensional and comical, or fall under the made up race of "dwarves" such as in Tolken or Dragon Age. They are dehumanized, objectified, and made a mockery.
To begin writing dwarf characters well, several things have to happen:
One must reject the culture surrounding fantasy "dwarves" and write based on real people with dwarfism. Do your research on the disability and talk to real little people.
Stray from harmful tropes such as the "small and angry" archetype (ex: mini me in austin powers) and "group of minis" (ex: snow white and the seven dwarfs, wizard of oz, charlie and the chocolate factory).
Humanize and individualize your dwarf character(s) - make them well rounded, serious, thought out characters. Include them in your plot in ways that matter.
And to do so, it's also of the utmost importance that writers and creatures understand dwarf history. Knowing that little people had a long history of enslavement, of being used for entertainment such as in circuses and freak shows, of social and medical discrimination. Knowing that so many of the harmful stereotypes and tropes used in film and media can be traced back to our history of enslavement.
Do not make them the butt of the joke. Do not base your character design off of gnomes, elves, or jolly beings. Don't allow them to exist for comic relief.
Show them as active members of society. Knowing that historically little people were often midwives, seamstresses, tailors and blacksmiths - that today they work in all manner of fields.
Find the beauty in dwarf bodies, how they can be romantic and sexual, fashionable and beautiful. Make your audience fall in love.
Give your character or characters full and happy lives. Fill them with love and sex and family and community.
Provide the positive representation that the dwarf community is hungry for, that we so rarely get to see.
- Elliot (they/them)
This is just the beginning to get you thinking :) follow and send asks for more information on dwarfism! xoxo
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epithet-erased · 2 years
Stop saying “this is what they want” when people act violently against nazis. What they want is a debate. They want genocide to be something polite society can agree or disagree with. They want to be elevated to the general public discourse by having their ideas argued with. Violence is the exact opposite of what they want. Richard Spencer didn’t want to get punched in the face, he wanted good people to keep quiet, to respect his rights and let him calmly discuss white nationalism. Violence throws a wrench in all their plans. It shows them their carefully planned tactics to infiltrate mainstream discussion are utterly failing. Punching a nazi will get you in legal trouble but don’t let people tell you it’s what they want. 
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epithet-erased · 2 years
I think the sale price of a game is intimately connected to its quality actually, I wouldn't be as harsh on a game for being short or having shallow gameplay if it didn't cost me 60 big ones, I mean 60 bungles that's blockbuster money, for 60 chonkies I want something big and meaningful that will stick with me, 60 whammies should not result in something I play for 2 days and put away
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epithet-erased · 2 years
this isnt about like actual nazis & shit but can we normalize seeing something problematic & contacting the op about it. not every fuckup is a deliberate act of malice. sometimes people really dont realize theyre doing/drawing/saying something shitty. all the time i see people making callouts & “warning” everyone about people over one unfortunate drawing or a single poor word choice & its like. yeah its shitty and yeah being ignorant isnt an excuse but it isnt that hard to be like “hey this thing was kinda fucked up” before turning it into a public ordeal. & also like its hard to know you fucked up if nobody points it out
like im not trying to make excuses for people, we all need to put in the effort to learn and grow and do better, but some of yall are just so thirsty for drama & it straight up is not productive At All. like that shit is so performative & doesnt accomplish anything useful 
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epithet-erased · 3 years
it drives me crazy when clothing brands use plus size models that have Little To Nothing up top so it’s 100% impossible to tell if a top or a dress will actually be accommodating to a ton of titty
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epithet-erased · 3 years
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posting for people here
update: this website uploads it almost immediately
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epithet-erased · 3 years
We got a utility bill that’s like $500 ummmm they’ll shut us off on Friday if we don’t pay them at least $100..
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epithet-erased · 3 years
you say jessica rabbit is asexual and people get sooooo mad
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epithet-erased · 3 years
i think the funniest thing minecraft did was make anvils affected by gravity and deal damage
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epithet-erased · 3 years
Not to be that guy who distracts from Ukraine, but Israel is still cleansing Palestine and the United States just bombed Somalia yesterday. 
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epithet-erased · 3 years
happy aro week everyone! we are allowed to do whatever we want actually. commit suspicious activities. hold knives. safely enjoy fire. do archery. and anarchy
I don't have anything funny to say just hope all fellow arospecs are doing well. gently handing you a +5 to physical and mental health because we all need it
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epithet-erased · 3 years
The concepts of NSFW is being cleared of the Internet under the false pretense of children's safety when it's really about the people in power sanitising for advertisers and pushing evangelical narratives AND that not enough is done to keep legitimately harmful content off of spaces that minors have access to are ideas that can coexist
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epithet-erased · 3 years
ayo i found 2 pages with head angles of humans and animals, could be useful to anyone reading this
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epithet-erased · 3 years
just saw “don’t out a trans person” and “always ask someone’s pronouns” in the same list of How To Be A Good Ally and frankly…… do not always ask someone’s pronouns. please for the love of god do it in private or in an explicitly trans space and then ASK THEM WHERE/WHEN IT IS OKAY TO USE THOSE PRONOUNS. i have been stuck in very uncomfortable situations before where people have asked my pronouns and i have either had to lie or out myself when i wasn’t ready.
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epithet-erased · 3 years
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Satoko to Nada
The manga is wonderful! I found a manga that I can relate to! 💕
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epithet-erased · 3 years
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epithet-erased · 3 years
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