epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
Senna my precious baby! SEE! People love you and share the same feels as your mundane you silly girl >.< I agree with everything said impeccably  She honestly is a wonderful character that had so much potential with character development  She was different, outspoken, feisty but caring all in one. She could light up saddened faces just with her enthusiasm and that's why I adore her so >.<
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Senna really is a beautiful character. Just look at that face… and when she first appears she has so much grace but she is also a tough girl who can put up a good fight. I feel bad for what she has to go through though. But really I think they did a good job with creating her. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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And I wonder, what it is, You're doing right now. Are you well, are you well? Dear lion of mine. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
''Hope you guys have missed me.'' The amethyst hair female grinned cheekily, a singular amber eye winking. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
My god.. It's been a while.
Senna: -in a fury- MUN.
Mun: -goes to hide now- sorry my precious darling Dx
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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Senna~ :’3
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
Listening to the two men converse as they were, she set out the cups and fresh tea herbs she had placed within the miniature kitchen she had found within the residence of Las Noches. She quite enjoyed making tea for her Lord again, though it seemed as if she had never left. Clinking the tea spoon into the cups she poured in the readily made hot water, the sweet aroma of the cherry blossoms already reaching her. 
Placing the three cups into a silver lined tray, she made her way back to the two beings, smiling warmly at the two. However, she made a tiny detour, only to arrive in front of the tree itself. ''I am glad you took good care of it, Aizen-sama. It has bloomed wonderfully.'' she murmured, her voice warm as she plucked three flowers, placing them gently within each cup before making her way to the beings seated before her.
''One for Aizen-sama, and one for Lazy-sama!'' she giggled before smiling warmly, seating herself beside the higher being as she would have before. ''They sound like two fine boys, my Lord. I hope nothing but happiness fills your life here after. And mitte mitte!'' she grinned, raising her left hand which now held a ring. ''I'm engaged too!'' she smiled happily. 
@ Aizen Dos
She knew very well at hand that she had been lacking in her duties towards the Lord, and felt terrified of his wrath, only hoping that his anger would diminish if she were to resume her regular tea making mornings. Walking the bleached corridors towards the second throne room, she distinctly heard the voices of not one, but two Lords, both to whom she was familiar with. Fastening her pace, she had only heard the last of the beings words before a faint glow seemed to embolish her cheeks. 
”Then it looks like I shall be making cherry blossom tea for my Lord today.” she giggled before glancing at the other known male. ”Oh! Lazy-sama! Sashiburi.” she grinned at her mun’s Aizen before wondering off to begin the makings of her tea, a smile on her lips as her amber gaze caught the well grown cherry blossom tree she had given her lord all too long ago. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
She knew very well at hand that she had been lacking in her duties towards the Lord, and felt terrified of his wrath, only hoping that his anger would diminish if she were to resume her regular tea making mornings. Walking the bleached corridors towards the second throne room, she distinctly heard the voices of not one, but two Lords, both to whom she was familiar with. Fastening her pace, she had only heard the last of the beings words before a faint glow seemed to embolish her cheeks. 
''Then it looks like I shall be making cherry blossom tea for my Lord today.'' she giggled before glancing at the other known male. ''Oh! Lazy-sama! Sashiburi.'' she grinned at her mun's Aizen before wondering off to begin the makings of her tea, a smile on her lips as her amber gaze caught the well grown cherry blossom tree she had given her lord all too long ago. 
@ Aizen Dos
” It seems we chose our mundanes wisely.” Sosuke stated as he looked the other with calm brown eyes. ” Shall we converse over a bit of tea? It will likely help up plot out the best plans against that rebellious human.”
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
I DONT KNOW ;-; I miss you my lovely D': Post a reply up when you get home and we'll go back to normal ;D ♥ HAVE A GOOD DAY!
I-I.. I can’t..
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
IM SPEAKING IN FRONT OF 2000 PEOPLE TODAY -cries- why why why NAZE?! oh right because they think because ive done it so many times I'll be fine v.v GRANNY CHAN AND AIZEN-SAMA THANK YOU FOR TALKING TO ME :D I shall reply when I come home ^^
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
Blinking in her sleepy state, the familiarity of the smooth, deep tone caused her eyes to snap wide open, sitting herself upright too fast, causing a rush of blood to her head to blur her vision. ''It-t-t-te..'' she murmured before glancing up at the male. ''Aizen-sama..'' she spoke as if she were still dreaming, only to realize that he was indeed, looming over her. Scratching her head in embarrassment, she grinned sheepishly up at the godly being. ''You can't have cookies without your tea, neh, Aizen-sama?'' 
Sleepy Senna v.v
Curling up into a ball, she pulled the covers well above her head, avoiding the daylight that came seeping from the windows. A muffled ohaiyo was given before she closed her eyes again. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
''Ah ah, make sure you take care of him, neh?'' she smiled before glancing at her mun who was running around behind her. Pointing a slender finger to the other female, she grinned. ''Mun's late for school.'' she nodded.
Sleepy Senna v.v
Curling up into a ball, she pulled the covers well above her head, avoiding the daylight that came seeping from the windows. A muffled ohaiyo was given before she closed her eyes again. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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bloody-silver-kitsune replied to your post:manipulating-kami-aizen replied to...
-casually kidnaps and takes away-
G-Gin-sama.. .///////. -was taken away-
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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manipulating-kami-aizen replied to your post:Sleepy Senna v.v
OOC: -runs and glomps-
-is glomped and huggles and smothers with love- GRANNY CHAN ;-; save me from school -pouts-
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
Laughing, she glanced down at the demon. ''Yo, Jack. Darko.'' she giggled happily. 
Sleepy Senna v.v
Curling up into a ball, she pulled the covers well above her head, avoiding the daylight that came seeping from the windows. A muffled ohaiyo was given before she closed her eyes again. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
Sleepy Senna v.v
Curling up into a ball, she pulled the covers well above her head, avoiding the daylight that came seeping from the windows. A muffled ohaiyo was given before she closed her eyes again. 
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epitomeofthesky-blog · 12 years
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bloody-silver-kitsune said: :3 Whenever you are free you may bother my Gin and BOTHER MY AIZEN :3 It will be delightful and wise words? -laughs- I guess I can be when I want to be :) Now darling get some sleep, don’t wanna get sick
I can bother G-Gin-sama? *_* oh lord.. its like Szayel-sama all over again .////. and I WILL DEFINITELY BUG AIZEN :3 My Aizen is mean and bossy and he's.. lazy v.v And haaai :D I'm already a tiny bit sick. Just sniffles. But its winter here so thats okay :3 Oyasumi granny-chan -huggles tightly and skips off to bed- ^^ ♥
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