erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y Ch. 5
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend’s home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent’s hotel. With Eren already being on your dad’s bad side, it’s up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
Read the previous chapter here. 
                                                          『5』 “If 2+2 is 4, and 5+5 is 10...then what the fuck is this?” Your dad shouts, his arms plastered down his side. “Why are we in some ratchet little hut!?”  he continued, marching toward the quaint cottage as if he owned it.  Your flight had arrived late into the night, and everyone was feeling exhausted, the last thing you wanted to hear was your dad’s obnoxious yapping. 
Unbelievable. You were so ashamed of your dad’s behavior, of course. Eren didn’t say a word as he unlocked the front door to his old family home...the one he hadn’t been to in 2 years...but you were slightly in shock to see the difference in Eren’s native lifestyle versus the one you knew him to live back home.
“Umm Sir, If I may..” Armin spoke up, always the pacifist, “I know it’s a bit small in comparison to where you’re from, but this is how most homes in Shiganshina are.”
You watched as your dad paused in the doorway, slowly turning around to face Armin, a frown  on his face. “There seems to be a disconnect.”
“If this is how the houses in Shiganshina are, then ima be Shi-gone-shina, get it?” Mila nudged Jean’s side. He shoots her fake smile before turning around and rolling his eyes. 
“It's not delivery or Digiorno, it’s da struggle, ahaha,” Connie bent over laughing before glancing around to see if anyone else found his joke funny. Fortunately, no one was really paying attention to him.  Jean and Mila were too busy arguing about who knows what, Armin and Eren were helping your mom with bringing everyone's luggage into the house, and your dad was still ranting in the mirror, hyping himself up, something he’s done ever since you and Connie were kids. 
You made yourself comfortable on the small dining room table taking in the interior of his modest home, the furniture, floor, and cabinets were crafted from light wood. An antique tv rested on a rusted tv stand in the living room, family photos were the only things that decorated the simple walls. You decided to take a walk down through...Eren’s memory lane.  
“Anybody want snacks?” Eren's nose wrinkled in disgust as he grabbed a couple loaves of stale bread from his bare cabinet. He turned around and tossed it at Jean and Connie as If he were trying to make a 12 pointer. Mila didn’t hesitate to pluck the bread from Jean’s hands before taking a huge chunk of it into her mouth. Instant regret. Her face scrunched up and she groaned before she spat the bread out.
“I thought you said it was a snack, snacks are supposed to be good!” She wailed. 
“That’s because they’re used to second-class food out here,” your dad eyed the bread, not daring to touch it. You watched, out of the corner of your eye, as Eren slowly closed the cabinet door, his jaw clenched.
“It's my bad guys, my brother was supposed to stock the kitchen before we got here,” Eren starts, his face laced with annoyance, “Guess he forgot.”
“You try calling him?” Connie asked.
“I forgot to activate my phone before I got here,” Eren responded, slowly rubbing his eyes. 
You only had one job Zeke, you thought, thinking back to the stories that Eren would tell you about his family on your front porch back home. His deadbeat dad had previously been married before meeting Eren’s mom, Carla, and leaving again. This resulted in Eren not knowing about his brother for a long time, but a couple years ago they were able to reconnect, forming a bond that would last for eternity.   
This seemed kind of out of character for Zeke, from what you heard he was a pretty smart and capable guy, you wondered if everything was okay. 
“Umm, maybe we can go out to order some food?” you suggested, trying to lighten the mood. “Oh,  you guys order without me,” your mom smiled before giving you and Connie a kiss on the cheek. She tossed her cardigan and purse over her shoulder as she slowly trudged up the stairs, “I think I’m going to go to bed. Honey, you can spare to miss a meal or two.” 
“And you could spare to shut-,” your dad muttered but quickly stopped his sentence upon realizing that your mother had heard him. A sigh escaped his lips before he reluctantly followed her into the guest room upstairs, stomach grumbling and all.  
“Alright, autobots!” Connie shouted, waving the keys to the car rental in the air,  “Let’s roll out!”
“Wait! Jeanie, I think I forgot to exchange my cash,” Mila flashed her best helpless anime girl expression at him. She looked up at him with sparkling doe eyes, her index fingers touching. 
“You think you forgot to exchange your cash or you did?” Jean flashed Mila a tired look, his tall figure leaned against the front door. 
“Y-yes? Uh, I mean n-no.”
“Which one is it?”
“Jean, stop giving her a hard time,” you grumbled as you pulled on your furry slides,  “Mila, friend. Make his pockets hurt.”
“Yay, I love you Jeanie!” She clapped, jumped up and down before throwing her arms around his shoulders.
“I wish I could say the same.”
It took your group of friends a couple of  minutes before they decided which nearby fast food joint they wanted to order from. You and Eren opted out of the car ride and decided to take a short stroll outside instead. This city was unlike your own, you found large beautiful trees on every corner, the lack of pollution allowed you to see the star filled skies. Guess they don't call it Paradis for nothing. You were just starting to enjoy the scent of the nearby flowers when the pungent scent of cannabis hit your nose. Something in you snapped when you saw Eren light up a blunt. You weren’t even sure why, you never had a problem with him smoking before, but something was different this time. 
“Could we for once take a walk outside that’s smoke-free? You know how my dad gets when he smells weed. He thinks you’re influencing me to--”
“Fuck your dad,” he snapped. 
Did I hear that correctly? Chile-He always gotta be on some emo shit. 
“Eren,” you let out a nervous laugh, watching him take another drag, his expression unreadable. “You mad? Hi mad, I’m Y/N, nice to meet you.”
He didn’t find that cute or funny at all, but you did finally get him to look at you. Although It wasn’t a pleasant look. His pupils blown as smoke slides past his lips with a long sigh.“This is my house. My house, my rules. I didn’t even have to let him stay here.”
“Eren, you know my dad has a couple loose screws- ”
“Nah, fuck that,” his eyes darkened, “He keeps starting shit with me. Disrespecting my mom’s home? I should’ve clocked him for that, but out of respect for you I held back. Don’t ever tell me to be the one to make peace with him. If that roblox built degenerate comes at me one more time, I swear to God- ”
 “Boi, what are you on?” You blinked, attempting to compose yourself, “You’re threatening to beat my dad’s ass in front of me?”
“Babygirl It’s not a threat, ” He took another drag from his blunt before leaning his head back on a tree, the red around his eyes becoming more apparent, “It's a promise.” 
His silence wore a warning you knew all too well. You thought back to all the “promises” Eren had made back in highschool, had it not been for him being a superstar at your school, he would’ve definitely been expelled, and probably would’ve earned a one way ticket to juvenile detention. You redirected your gaze to the smoke tendrils that floated in the air. The sound of the waves crashing in the nearby river pulled you away from your thoughts. 
“Wow Eren, you’re like, really angry,” your voice wavered a bit since you weren’t used to seeing him this upset...well at you, anyway. It sucked being on the recieving end of Eren’s anger.. The silence stretched between you, and you watched as he stubbed out the blunt before flicking it out onto the sidewalk. 
“Probably should head back,” he muttered, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. 
You nodded before following him back to the direction of his home, maintaining a comfortable distance from him. Your eyes followed his movements carefully, the way his hair drifted in the summer breeze, the way his broad shoulders looked nice in the fitted top he was wearing. You so desperately wanted to reach out and give him a hug, you wanted to comfort him and reassure him that things would be okay concerning your dad. 
You were just about to speak up when the sound of a shrill scream stopped you in your tracks. 
Not just any scream, that voice belonged to Mila. 
“Eren-” you swallow thickly, your heart pounds like a drum in your chest.
“Shh,” he murmured, grabbing you closer .You were shaking, whatever half-assed silent treatment he was giving you earlier dissolved the moment he sensed you were in danger. “That came from the house,” he continued, voice low and heavy. “Stay behind me,” he whispered before snagging a large branch from a nearby tree. The two of you carefully made your way back to Eren’s home, making sure to avoid unnecessary noise.
The door to the house was left ajar, wide open for everyone to see. A dark figure was seen standing hunched over in the doorway. You could feel your mouth going dry. Palms sweaty. Knees weak. Arms heavy.
Eren slowly approached the door, holding up the branch in front of him. Just when he was about to swing, the figure turned around and screamed.
“Yo, chill!” Connie jumped back, round eyes filled with fear, his hands held up in surrender.
“Connie!” you cried, you hurried towards him, engulfing him in a hug. “What happened?” You gasped as you glanced around the once cozy cottage to a now turned crime scene. The place was a mess, every piece of furniture was destroyed, wallpaper ripped to shreds, broken shards of glass from the photos that were once placed on Eren’s walls were scattered all over the ground. 
You watched as Eren gingerly reached over to grab a photo of his mom from one of the shattered picture frames. His eyes clouded with anger. 
“Bestie!!” Mila’s petite figure appeared from the short flight of  stairs followed by Jean and Armin. 
“Mila!” you sighed in relief before you rushed over to your best friend, “I heard your scream, are you ok?”
“No friend, we’ve been robbed,” Mila pouted, she threw her long hair over her shoulder, resulting in a ponytail whacking Jean in the face. 
“Nothing was taken, so this isn’t a robbery,” Armin rubbed at his neck, his brows furrowed in deep thought. “Your parents are nowhere to be found though..”
“What?!” The news caused your stomach to churn. Before you could question Armin any further, a stark yellow piece of paper plastered on the dining room table caught your eye. You walked over to it, upon realizing that it was a note written in a foreign language you handed it over to Eren. 
“What’s it say?” Mila whispered, the group was now huddled around Eren, listening intently as he went to translate the note out loud. 
...Still waiting... Why isn’t he saying anything? He just stared at the note, lips parted, like he was trying to get the words out, but couldn’t. 
Armin pushed his way to the front and took the note from Eren. “It says, ‘pay us back the money you owe, or her family dies,’” he gently set the note down, every single head turned in Eren’s direction. 
Your heart sank so deep you felt it hit the soles of your feet, you didn’t bother trying to keep the shakiness out of your voice. “Eren. Who the fuck do you owe this much money to that they’d be willing to kill my parents?”
“Eren!” Armin's voice cracked. For some reason, seeing Armin panic the way he did made matters that much worse. “Don’t tell me you got involved with--” he gestured at the mark drawn on the back of the note left for Eren…a pair of wings?
Eren heaved a deep, choppy sigh before clearing his throat. “Okay, I need everyone to sit down,” his gaze fixated on you, the circles under his eyes becoming more apparent. “I need to explain how I made all this money, and why I left home.”
━━━━━━♡♤♡━━━━━━ ━━━━━━♡♤♡━━━━━━
Hey guys, I’ll be updating the next chapters for this series on my wattpad @/ erenscumprincess or you can just click the link here so please follow me on there and thank you for supporting this hot mess of a story xoxo
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y Ch. 4
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend’s home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent’s hotel. With Eren already being on your dad’s bad side, it’s up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
Read the previous chapter here 
Getting through TSA was thankfully, a breeze. After everything that happened in the last half hour, you really needed a win. Your parents decided to find a pharmacy at the airport before joining up with you guys at the gate, thanks to Eren’s funny trick in the car, your dad’s pinky was now busted and needed to be tended to. 
“You’re lucky I’m not pressing charges,” your dad hissed at Eren, his hand wrapped in a makeshift cast, his blood shot eyes paused at you before storming away with your mom. 
 “Rep the set young blood!” Connie called out after your dad before turning around to face you and Eren, a playful smirk on his face.  
You had to force yourself to hold back an insult directed towards Connie’s ashy ass ankles, you already promised your mom that there wouldn't be any more fighting today. 
The sound of your chunky flip flops hitting the concrete echoed through the airport as you stomped away from the two, trying your best to ignore the feeling of dried cum on your skin. The lyrics of  ‘I Am’ running through your head, in an attempt to relax yourself, ‘I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that bitch, I am gonna go get that bag and I am not gonna take your shit, UH.’
You had just arrived at the gate when  you were greeted by a pretty familiar face, jumping up and down with excitement, her double ds following suit. “Bestie vibes only!” the dark haired beauty queen shouted, her long pigtails swinging with so much force, you wondered how her extensions hadn’t fallen off yet. “Out of the way extras,” she quipped, as she pushed past the two tall figures standing beside her. 
Shit, you thought to yourself. You had completely forgotten that your lovely friends would be joining you on this trip. Armin, Jean and his ex-your best friend Mila-who was currently attempting to twerk on you. You shifted uncomfortably, hoping you didn’t look as gross as you felt. “Mila, you are too close, MOOVEEE!”
“’Sup Armin,” Eren smiled, greeting the blond with a fist bump. They were practically brothers, and you knew there was no way he wouldn’t go on a trip back to his home country without inviting him, Jean however.. 
“Jean, I don’t recall extending the invite to you,” Eren sarcastically rasped, an amused look on his face. 
“That's cuz Connie did, you dumbass,” Jean countered, looking irritated af, his arms folded across his wide chest, biceps flexing with every movement of his arms. 
“Who you calling a dumbass,” Eren frowned, you could see the annoyance on his face, “Horseface.” 
“Jeanie, you always got a stick up your butt,” Mila adds, butting in between the two men, her pointed finger inches away from Jean’s face, “This is the reason we broke up in the first place.”
“Eren, I’ll get back to you in a second. Mila. If I throw a stick will you leave?”
“Come on guys,” Armin started, trying to dissolve the situation, but it was too late. The two men were practically at each other’s throats, and you had no intention of getting in the middle of it.
“Hey,” You snuck a glance at Mila, tuning out the commotion beside you, “Bathroom,” you worded, hoping she would get the hint. 
“Why do we need to go to the bathroom?” Mila practically screamed. You sighed, realizing that you underestimated how dense this girl could get, best friends since middle school, you two were inseparable. But sometimes, she could be a lil...
You wouldn’t call her quirky, but there was definitely something wrong with her.
“Because she's covered in Eren’s man seed,” Connie interjected, splayed out on a seat beside your luggage. Your head snapped back so fast you started to see stars. 
“Wait, what?” Armin’s face flushed pink, glancing between you and Eren. Armin was no stranger to your guys' antics, he knew how bold his friend could get, catching him in the act a couple of times when they used to be roomies. But it still would be pretty awkward for him, considering he still was the “innocent” friend in the group.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to bring this up at my next therapy session. “Just come with me to the bathroom simple jack,” you snapped, dragging Mila along.
“GIRLL. You used Eren’s Nizzle Drizzle as a moisturizer?” Mila gasped, circling around to face you, “I need all the tea.” 
You filled in your friend on the latest as you peeled off your stained tank top, tossing it in the garbage where it belonged. You grabbed a handful of paper towels, soaking them in water and soap, and then scrubbed your skin like your life depended on it. 
“Omg, you poor baby,” Mila laughed, “Honestly that's so embarrassing, if that shit happened to me I would have unalived myself.”
“Thanks Mila,” you rolled your eyes, as you pulled Eren’s shirt over your shoulders. “I’m surprised you even came, considering your ex is here.”
“Oh, Jeanie boy? Please, that boy is not getting in the way of my hot girl summer.” Mila gazed at her reflection in the mirror, wiping away a spare lash from her cheeks, “My goal this trip is to get stuffed by as many dicks as possible, I want them to ATTACK this pussy!”
“I thought you were here to support me,” you narrowed your eyes. 
“Oh yeah, that too! ‘That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch, ayy.’” You turned around, trying to ignore Mila as she busted out into another song, but you couldn’t help it, her infectious smile pulled you in. 
“Drive her own car, she don’t need to lyft!” you sang, before starting to throw it back with her.
               ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ 
You had managed to sleep most of the flight, however there still were a couple hours left, and it was starting to take a toll on you.  You were currently sitting beside Eren, his head rested on your shoulder, eyes closed, the soft exhales from his nose tickling your cheeks. He looked so peaceful when he slept, a little too peaceful, you almost wanted to wake him up out of spite. You glanced at the seat across from you, watching with contempt as Connie mouthed the lyrics to a Lil Wayne song, adding his own twist to it, ‘It’s young Connie on dem hoes, aka mister make it rain on dem hoes.’ 
You shook your head, redirecting your gaze to the individual beside him. Armin’s face, as per usual, was buried in a book, nothing out of the ordinary there. Your parents were situated in first class, ok so who was missing..
“Ah!” the sound of an unmistakable moan could be heard from the direction of the bathroom, followed by a gruff “Fuck.” You glanced around wondering if anybody else had heard it. Those idiots...you groaned, realizing what had happened. 
“Break my back like a glowstick daddy,” you could hear Mila whisper cry, your face heated up from embarrassment. 
You know what? Nah, where my AirPods at? you thought to yourself, rummaging through your purse. 
A couple more minutes had passed before Jean exited first, his tall figure ducking to avoid hitting the bathroom door. He caught your stare, amber eyes twinkling with mischief. Yes, you were bold, and didn’t break eye contact...you only slowly raised the volume of your phone to drown out anything Jean might say. Jean, needing to be as obnoxious as they come, did the most obnoxious thing ever. 
Did he just... smirk at me??  Your stomach churned and all you could envision was pulling your elbow all the way back and throwing your fist so perfectly that it connected directly in the center of Jean’s smug-ass face. You couldn’t fight the stank face that naturally kicked in, which only made him chuckle before going back to his seat. You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt, but froze when you heard the PING. You glanced up, and to your dismay, the seatbelt sign began to glow followed by: Please remain in your seat and securely fasten your seatbelt. 
Yeah, fuck that, you bolted to the bathroom where Mila remained, and didn’t even bother knocking on the door. Mila’s head whipped back, and her eyes widened with shock at whoever in their right minds would fling the bathroom door open. It was kinda funny seeing whack ass Mila so startled like that. Her face immediately relaxed when she saw you. “Oh hey, girl. Wassup?” 
“Wassup!? Girl you tell me! What were you and Jean doing in here? I thought you guys were broken up? You couldn’t stand him anymore.”
She paused and laughed. “I fell on it-- I mean, I fell for it.” 
“You’re lucky that no one caught you. Now come on, before we get in trouble,” you grabbed her wrist and began dragging her out of the cramped bathroom.
“Oh, look who’s talkin’, miss roadhead.”
“Shut up.” The two of you made your way back to your seats, Mila sat beside Jean right behind you. Eren was already awake looking out the window in anticipation, clearly trying to fight off his exhaustion. “You must really miss home,” you whispered, gently placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah. Haven’t been back in two years.”  You leaned forward to look out the window, failing to ignore the douche talk from Jean and giggles from Mila behind you. 
“Wow Jean, can you believe we’re actually going on a trip together? It kinda makes me look at you like how I did when we first met. Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days.”
If you didn’t wanna punch Jean before, you really wanted to now after he opened his mouth. “I’ll never forget the first time we met, but I’ll keep trying.”
I can’t imagine what it must be like to not have seen your home in two years. I hope this vacation is everything he hopes for...but I hope it doesn’t change things...for us...  
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y Ch.3
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend’s home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent’s hotel. With Eren already being on your dad’s bad side, it’s up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
♡ Warnings: Kind NSFW, contains mentions of sex
  Read the previous chapter here 
“Jeager!” Your dad shouted, hopping out of his car, and stumbled toward Eren’s car, obviously shaken by the minor collision. “I’m gonna beat your ass!” He declared, his entire being jiggling, face red as a tomato as he sauntered right before tripping over his way-too-long for him pants sending him into a second minor collision with the asphalt. 
“Shit,” You scurried from underneath the steering wheel, attempting to wipe off the white goo that Eren shot onto your face as best as you could. “Why would you cum all over my face Eren!? You have the worst aim I’ve ever seen!”
“My fault..” Eren trailed off, eyes wandering down to your now cum stained top, “Yoo, we’re fucked.”
No no no, the thought of your dad seeing his daughter drenched in the baby batter of the man he loathed? There’s no way this could be happening. “Eren, take off your shirt, now,” you demanded. He fumbled, quickly removing his shirt and tossing in your direction to hide your face. You frantically pulled his shirt over your tank top, hiding your face in the opening. 
The both of you flinched upon hearing a loud banging on the window. “Open this motherfuckin’ door, nyow!” Your dad cried, his chunky palms repeatedly slapping the window. Normally, you and Connie would giggle at the sight of your dad’s planet-like head tilted back revealing way too much nostril, beady eyes squeezed shut, and his already largemouth filling your entire field of vision, revealing a swinging uvula, but this time, this was no laughing matter. For you, anyway.
Your mom and Connie had also appeared beside him.You suddenly were filled to the top with anger seeing Connie’s obnoxious ass hiding his face behind his hands, obviously trying, and failing, to suppress a giggle.
Eren glanced at you before slowly lowering his window, just enough to expose half his face to your angry father who was still sputtering fumes like a shaken pop can oozing fizz. Eren cleared his throat before breaking his silence.“Sir,” he calmly said, as if nothing just happened. 
“What the hell do you mean ‘Sir’? I’ve had it up to here with you. First, you disrespect me in my own house and now you risk the life of my precious only daughter by driving like a reckless maniac, almost killing me in the process!”
“Hey! What about us? We almost died too, Dad!” Connie interjected, half joking, “No but seriously, y’all good?”
You couldn’t help your body’s natural reaction to start rocking back and forth as you prayed to go unnoticed. Connie please don’t look this way, or fuckin’ comment. Even though it would keep the attention on Eren, you were fine with throwing him under the bus, so long as no one realized that you could be a total freak when no one was looking.
“We’re fine, just saw something run across the road,” Eren coolly said, gently placing his palm on your knee.
Connie squinted, and leaned forward, of course unable to keep his mouth shut and irrelevant thoughts to himself. “Ay, sis, you alright?” He looked over in Eren’s direction, his eyes trailing down to Eren’s naked torso. Instantly, the punk put two and two together, causing his face to light up with delight. “Ooohhh, y’all are nasty.”
The gears in your dad’s head clicked, as he realized what caused the accident, no thanks to Connie. You dared a peek at your dad and froze. You could see the glint in his eyes extinguish, as a part of his soul died. “Congratulations, you just earned yourself the ultimate ass-whoopin’.”
Your mother’s hand flew to cover her mouth as she caught on herself. “Oh my God,” she whispered. You were now officially caught in the worst-case scenario. 
Eren raised his hands in surrender. “Sir, I don’t want to do that, we both know how that’ll end.”
You watched in panic as your dad’s face twisted as if he’d been possessed by a demonic force. “Let me tell you something,” his voice dropped by about eight octaves, and without warning, your dad extended his arm into the half-opened window, his hand forming the perfect “C” shape as he reached for Eren’s neck. “Get-”
Eren moved with the quickness, rolling up his window trapping your dad’s pudgy fingers in the process. 
“AAAHH!” your dad screamed in pain, as he struggled to free his hand, “Unhand me you creatin!”
“It’s pronounced cretin, if you’re going to insult me, you should do it properly. Eren seemed to have lost his sense of urgency after being exposed and chuckled. “I had prepared for a battle of wits, but I see you came unarmed.”
“Eren,” you sighed, rolling your eyes in annoyance, “Please, just give my dad his hand back.” This was a whole new level of hell, you guys haven't even reached the airport yet, and it was as if WW3 had erupted.
 This is gonna make me pick up a cigarette addiction. You glanced at your mom with pleading eyes, hoping she would calm down the situation, the same way she always did.
“Really guys, is this who we are?” the sound of your mother’s voice was like music to your ears, she really came through. “This is supposed to be a family vacation, and right now we’re not acting like a family.” Even she couldn’t hide her disapproving expression when she turned to face you. “I really expected better from you.” Ouch. You never liked when your mother showed her disappointment in you. You’d even prefer your dad’s petty raging over her calm storm.  
“I better not see any more fighting for the remainder of this trip,” she continued, eyes newly fixated on your Dad’s busted fingers. “Carl, Connie, I’m only gonna say this one last time. Get in the car.”
You watched with weary eyes as your family loaded themselves back into your mom’s, now scraped up, vehicle. This whole ordeal had left you feeling like the main character off of a Tyler Perry movie,  traumatized, ashamed and defeated.  
Your mom was right, if this trip- no if this relationship was going to work,  Eren and your dad would have to force themselves to get along. 
You just wondered if that was even possible.
“Hey big head,” Eren’s deep voice pulled you away from your thoughts, his hands reached over to clasp yours before bringing them to his lips for a kiss. ‘You okay?” His big green eyes met yours, a look of concern on his face. 
“Yeah,” You chuckled lightly, your eyes flickering down to your hand, still wrapped around Eren’s, “This was just a lot you know?”
He hums, nodding in agreement as he watches you trace circles into his skin. His man bun had long gone undone, messy brown tresses splayed across his face. A tranquil silence fell in the car, a nice contrast to all the screaming and yelling from earlier. It's moments like this that reminded you that as long as you had Eren by your side, no matter the circumstances, everything, eventually, would be alright. 
“So,” Eren starts, breaking the silence, a cheesy grin grows on his lips, “I guess no more road head huh?”
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y Ch.2
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend's home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent's hotel. With Eren already being on your dad's bad side, it's up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
♡ Warnings: NSFW, contains acts of oral services lmaoo
                    Read the previous chapter here  
Initially, the plan was for everyone to ride together in  your mom's minivan. But after the awkward interaction that happened earlier, you and Eren decided it would be best to ride in his car instead. Plus, you wanted to try a lil somethin’ somethin’ before getting on that 16 hour flight. Your family was already wrapping up in the driveway when you and Eren arrived. 
“Sup, Connie,” you watched Eren dab up the idiot that was instigating outside of your bedroom door earlier. Eren was no stranger to Connie’s antics, matter of fact they used to play on the same basketball team in high school. “Sir,” Eren gives a brief nod upon noticing your dad.
You watched with weary eyes as your dad turned around to face your boyfriend. Unbeknownst to your dad, he was not intimidating at all. He had a round and pudgy face, and wasn’t exactly what you would call fit. He stood at a mere 5’4, and you just knew that made him feel some type of way, especially with how Eren overshadowed him physically. 
“Jaeger, don’t touch my luggage, I don’t want any traces of whatever narcotics you’ve been doing to rub off on it.”
This man really woke up and chose violence. “Dad, we don’t have time for this,” you glanced over at Eren to gauge his reaction, as per usual, he seemed unbothered. 
“Don’t worry, sir. I never indulge in illicit substances.”
“Thats a lie-”
“Carl, leave that boy alone!” you heard your mom shout in the background, “Connie, get in the car, let’s go!”
This is it, you thought, slowly breaking into a sweat, there was no backing out now. 
“See y’all at the airport,” Connie flashed a smile at his former team captain before giving you the finger.
You took in a deep breath before climbing into the passenger seat of Eren’s convertible, sighing in pleasure as cool wafts of air from the AC enveloped you. 
“Ready?” Eren raised an eyebrow.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
He gives your leg a firm squeeze. You watched, mesmerized, as Eren pulled out of the driveway, his hand placed on the headrest behind you as he continued to reverse with his palm. You swallow thickly, why were your toes curling right now? His hand remained rested on your thigh and the other on the wheel while he drove, the latest Chase Atlantic album played softly in the background, the only thing you could think about is how bad you wanted his dick. You wanted it so far down your throat that you’d be tasting his cum for weeks.
 “GPS says 20 minutes,” Eren gave you a knowing smile.
“I’m here bae if you need oral support- I mean moral support.”
“Yeah?” A questioning but playful look on his face, “Show me what that mouth do.” 
And so it begins.
You slowly reached over to pull down his sweats, just enough for his dick to pop free, before carefully crawling under the steering wheel, a bit of a struggle since this mf was so tall. Your manicured hands now gripping onto his 9 inch veiny cock, slightly flushed and monstrously intimidating with a slight curve to it. 
You sat on your knees, in between his thighs, leisurely stroking his length, your hands looked so tiny in comparison. Shaky exhales started to leave his parted lips with every touch, you smiled to yourself at the sight of his body tensing up. He used his free hand to rest on your head, urging you to go on, you silently prayed he wouldn’t ruin your curls.
“Open your mouth,” he ordered, looking down at you through half lidded eyes. 
Alright, bet. I’m ’bout to give this man the best sloppy toppy he’s ever experienced in his entire existence.
You stuck your tongue out, flattening it out to lick the underside of the head before you took half of him in your mouth, until his tip pushed past your throat. You placed your hand on his thigh and began bobbing your head, your other hand gently fondling his balls. The grip in your hair tightened.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” Eren moaned as he thrusted into your mouth while holding your head still to control the pace. Tears filled your eyes and quickly fell as he started to move his hips forward. Erens moved to stroke your cheek and murmured how good of a girl you were being. A gag left your mouth, sending Eren into an orgasm. The sight of him leaning his head back into his headrest sent warm essence running down your inner thigh. 
Damn, I need him so bad, you thought excitedly thinking about him shooting a child down your throat. You only had a second to remove one hand off his thigh and slip it into your leggings to relieve yourself before he pushed your head so rough to a point you nearly choked painfully. Before you could regain control over yourself, your head instantly began to pang with pain as you realized you hit that steering wheel. Hard. 
You didn’t know what to be distracted by first: the loud screech of the tires followed by a bang and abrupt stop, or thick, warm white stuff squirting everywhere except your mouth. Did he just? You immediately pull off of him, your jaw dropped as you stare up at him in disbelief. Fear took over you when you weren’t met with the smile of a prankster. He breathed shakily, with his green eyes wide in panic before saying:
“I just hit your dad’s car.” 
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Attack on Pu$$y
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♡ Pairing: Eren x Y/N reader
♡ Summary: A family trip to visit your boyfriend's home country goes terribly wrong when unwanted guests show up at your parent's hotel. With Eren already being on your dad's bad side, it's up to you two and to save your parents, your vacation, and your relationship.
♡ Genre: Comedy and lots of smut
♡ Warnings: Mentions of sex
♡ Word Count: 11.29k
“Omg! Where's my shower cap?” you screamed, frantically tossing out all the clothes you carefully packed the night before from your suitcase. “This can't be happening,” you promptly pulled open the drawers from your nearly empty dresser and began flinging everything onto the chair beside you. Not like you’d be able to find what you were looking for under the mess you just created.  “I just spent $350 on this brazilian body wave, I need that shower cap!”
“It's on top of that big ass head,” the smug idiot you sometimes referred to as Eren, gestured to the pink sequined article that he bought for you on your last trip to the beauty supply. He was leaning forward in his chair, sweatpants hanging low, hair in a messy bun, dreary green eyes laser focused on the game he was playing with Jean and Armin. “Fuck,” he cursed, “Yo, Imma need some back up,” he shouted into his headset. 
You slowly turned around to face the mirror on your disheveled vanity, Wow, not one of your strongest moments, you thought, gingerly, removing the shower cap. Your long curls cascaded down your shoulders, what usually were bright and dolled up eyes were now rimmed with day old eye liner and lashes that were threatening to pop off. You had to admit, you did look a little rough at the moment, but even now you still remain the baddest bitch in the city, and that's on periodt. 
“Okay, where's my switch then?” you sighed, and tossed the showercap into the suitcase, rearranging all of the clothes back into it again, “You know, the pink bedazzled one?”
“Carry-on,” he responded, motioning to the backpack in front of the door, “Why are you acting like such a bimbo today?” 
Pause, did this boy just try me?  “Why are you acting like such a-,” you hesitated, trying to come up with a good comeback. 
“Exactly,” you could practically see the smirk that you heard in his deep voice.
A couple years ago, you would have never expected you’d be dating this jerk. He was the star player in  your school's basketball team, a literal god on the court, and you were just his tutor to get his grades up so he could stay on said team. But you know, one thing led to another and here you were, still dealing with his trifling ass. You grabbed the carry on and tossed all of your luggage in one place. 
“You know what, I'm gonna pack my vibrator.” “What?” Eren pulled back one side of his headphones to free his ear, his brows furrowed. 
“You tripping,” Eren just rolled his eyes and went back to playing on your brother's PS5, the sounds of aggressive clicking of the controller echoed through the room.
“Nah, you’re tripping if you think you’re getting any action on this trip,” you glanced around the room one last time to double check if anything was left unpacked, “not with the way you’ve been talking to me lately.”
“Babygirl, stop playing, you know you can't resist this,” Eren tossed his headset and controller on to your bed, apparently done with his match. He stood up, towering at an alarming 6’2 above you, he leaned down, inches from your face, the chain that his father gave to him as a parting gift brushing against your skin. “I'm sorry,” he whispered, flashing that handsome grin of his, “let me make it up to you.”
You took in a deep breath, taking in the scent that was Eren, a combination of mint, mahogany, and was that weed? You slowly slid your hands down his chest to rest upon his toned hard abs, admiring the start of the v line that was poking out. This man could never keep a shirt on, but you weren’t complaining, “No,” you poked his waist, ignoring what was growing in his sweatpants, “we got a flight to catch.”
Ever since Eren invited you on a trip to visit his home country, Paradis, things have been pretty crazy, to say the least. You guys have been dating for a cute year and a half and he wanted to show you a different side of him. 
“I can make it quick.”
“Don't you always,” you laugh, slapping his arm. 
He catches it and you find yourself pinned against the wall, your back against his chest. You could feel his hard on pressing against your leggings, his face leaned into the crook of your neck, “Do you feel that?” You shivered at the feeling of his warm breath on your neck. Two large hands gripped the sides of your hips, beckoning for you to move. 
“Boy, stop!” you giggled, unintentionally curling into him,  no but seriously, he's about to make me act up.  You hated how you couldn’t stand to be mad at him for too long. You let out a shaky breath at the tingly sensation that was starting to pool up in your stomach, flashbacks from previous hookups whirred through your mind like a broken cassette tape. 
“Hey! What’s taking yall so long?” a familiar voice shouted from outside your bedroom door, “We were supposed to leave hours ago!”
“And YOU weren’t even supposed to come!” You fired back. And he really wasn’t supposed to join. No one in your family was supposed to come. But your dad demanded it, if Eren still wanted to be with you. It took some convincing, but Eren finally caved into letting you bring your family, and you use the term "caved" very loosely.
“You think Imma letchu go to some foreign country with this hooligan actin’ fool!”
“Dad, they probably fucking,” another voice added, “And did you know Eren doesn’t like to wear condoms. Ah shit, I’m probably gonna be an uncle.”
You sighed, suppressing the urge to snap at your dad and annoying ass brother for Eren’s sake. 
“Fuckin’?” You heard your dad gasp, “Oh hell nah, open this muthafuckin’ door right now!” 
How the hell were you going to spend a whole two weeks with these idiots, you groaned at the thought. 
“Your dad has no chill,” Eren laughed as he reluctantly dropped your arm allowing you to turn around to face him.
“I am so sorry,” you whisper, listening for the sounds of your father’s footsteps walking away. You  gently brush away the stray wisps of hair from his messy bun out of his long lashes before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. 
“So…” he paused, securing an arm around your waist, there's a mischievous glint in his eyes. You couldn’t help but notice his gaze travelling from your face, to your chest, down to your thighs.
“So…” you repeated, bashful eyes of yours met his.
“Wanna try road head?”
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
About Me and my blog ♡♡♡
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Hello my name is Lulla, I’m a black and middle eastern female, my pronouns are she/her, I’m 24 y/o. I like anime, kpop, travelling and playing the sims. I like making new friends and meeting new people so don’t be shy to message me! 
I do take requests so if you’d like for me to write something just let me know! Although I’ve been on tumblr for MANY years, I am new to the writing community on here, so I might be ignorant when It comes to some things, but I’m always open to learn  
I feel like id be open to writing dark content, however I don't fully understand what dark content entails, so ♡
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
☆.。.:* Masterlist ☆.。.:*
Total works: 01
Eren Jeager
1. Attack on Pu$$y
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Y/N Reader
Chapter Count: 5/?
Content Warnings: Smut, NSFW 18+
Series Summary: Reader is going on a vacation with her bf Eren, and her hot mess family when things take a turn for the worse..
♥*♡∞:。.。  Check out my Wattpad for easier reading  。.。:∞♡*♥
♡ All Chapters ♡
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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 ​  ☽ . :☆゚.  𝒩𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃  ・ 。゚☆: .☽ .
♡  About me and my blog ♡
♡ Masterlist ♡
♡ Wattpad ♡
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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Sanrio/Sephora: Hello Kitty:)
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Hello guys!  💖
As required, here you have my sims!  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1C0bAzA0HBeU8CXKK7I38BeTL-QBsY100?usp=sharing In the drive folder you can find the tray files, including cc. You can download my sims individually or you can download the whole family unit. N.B.:
if you download the whole group you may find already established relationships (Kakyoin and Jotaro are engaged -🤭-, Jotaro and Dio are enemies and Joseph is Jotaro’s grandfather for real)… I don’t know how to delete relationships sorry :(
for the most part Joseph was created with ts4 original material (no cc)… I don’t remember wich DLCs I used to create him (sooo many), but if you are missing those specific DLCs you may see him… well… naked.
Iggy is not the classic boston terrier, I carefully colored his fur to make him look like the original character! Cats & Dogs DLC is required obvs
SPECIAL THANKS TO JOJO CC CREATORS @drosims​  @gomakamo​  @midnight-moodlet​ You did a great job!!  ❤️ Enjoy! (please contact me If you have any problems with the link or the material, I’m sharing my sims for the first time ever!)  
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189 notes · View notes
erenscumprincess · 3 years
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12K notes · View notes
erenscumprincess · 3 years
Eren wrapped it around her for the last time
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
Chapter 1 Chapter 139
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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he’s got tragic fashion sense but i luv him and his bby bullets anyway -hat is under hats lol bullets not included -top RQ spa day  -jeans RQ bowling night stuff *Now has a BGC option! -boots are a frankly terrible recolor of these by @strangestorytellersims  -the gun acc is 2 files, a left and right hand version located on the middle finger ring slot. tex uses wrist slot tho. probably works with other gun poses -the poses include the two pictured + one other i didn’t get a good pic of RQ MESH by strangestorytellersims DL [sfs] | [googledrive] 
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erenscumprincess · 3 years
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( + Abbacchio fixing his make-up so he can impress Bucciarati better  👁👄👁 )
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