ericbrown · 3 years
Signs it's Time to Replace Your Phone's Battery
“Ugh! My phone died!" This is probably not the first time you are hearing this, nor will it be your last. We have all had our fair share of "phones dying in the middle of something important" moments. But what if it's happening too often? Most of us don't think much about it and proceed to find the nearest charger. But when it comes to a phone, knowing when something is a serious problem can save you future repairs. And here are nine signs that it's time to replace your phone's battery.
Check the battery health of your I-phone: If you use an I-phone, you are in luck. Apple has a built-in feature to check your Battery's health. You can find this by going into your phone's settings and clicking on the "Battery" tab. Underneath, you will see an option called Battery Health (Beta). If it says anything other than good or excellent condition, something is wrong with the battery, and it might be time for a replacement.
Samsung phones: To access similar information as I-phones, Samsung users need to download another application from Samsung that shows different levels of deep sleep states. This indicates how many charge cycles have been completed so far. This app is available at Google Play Store under Galaxy Care. Once installed, open the app and click on the device icon followed by a status report. Make sure you select Show Full information.
Drained Battery Quickly: There are times where you have been plugging in your phone for hours only to get a low-battery notification before leaving the house or going to sleep. This might indicate a problem with your battery. Now, this doesn't always mean that it's time to replace the phone's battery. This might be a result of a faulty charger, damaged charging ports, or even low voltage. But if it's happening all too often, it might be time to get your phone a professional check-up. 
Charger Not Working: If none of your chargers are working even though they should, there is something wrong with your phone's battery, and you need to get it replaced before further damage happens!
Phone Doesn't Hold Charge Long Enough: It does not matter how long you charge your phone; if it dies too quickly, then you might need to think of a battery replacement. This can be caused by many reasons like; apps running in the background, a virus, or the phone's battery. If this happens more often than not, it might be time to consider getting your smartphone's power supply replaced.
Overheating: Smartphones do get hot now and again, but when it starts constantly heating up, it's because of faulty batteries or internal wiring problems that need immediate attention before further damage happens!
Bulging Battery: This one is pretty simple. If you see your phone's battery bulging, it means that the pressure inside of the power supply has increased. In cases like these, the battery needs to be replaced as soon as possible before causing further damage!
Phone Not Turning On: This can only mean two things; either there's no charge left in your smartphone or something might have gone wrong with its internal wiring, and the latter needs professional attention! Now charging issues are common, but not being able to turn on the phone without plugging in could indicate problems within the electronics. So don't wait around for this problem to get worse because then you'll have even bigger problems to deal with!
The phone is getting older: The older the phone gets, the more likely it is to have problems with its battery. And as we all know, no smartphone lasts forever, so sooner or later, you will need to think about replacing your current handset's power supply!
Check the water strip on the Battery for water exposure: If your phone has ever been dropped in the water, make sure to check the strip on the battery for any sign of exposure. If there is no damage, then it's fine but if it looks damaged, replace your smartphone's power supply as soon as possible!
Prevention is always better than cure. If you don't want to replace your phone's battery, you need to be careful with it. To protect your phone's battery, keep your phone in a cool place. Heat is bad for batteries, so give the device some air circulation. Avoid extreme cold when charging your battery, like leaving it outside in freezing temperatures overnight to charge up. This won't hurt the battery but may render its capacity useless in the longer term. It's also best to keep devices out of direct sunlight while they're plugged in and charging. This is especially important during the summer months when you might want to leave them in an open window. When using solar chargers, make sure they are set at a low setting; otherwise, they can overheat and damage themselves and any USB peripherals you are charging through them. If you notice any problem with your phone’s battery, take it to a cell phone repair professional. 
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ericbrown · 3 years
Reasons Why You Should Never Try to Repair Your Own Phone
Phone problems are a dime a dozen. Every person is bound to experience a problem with their phones throughout their lifetime. And while it can be tempting to repair your phones on your own, especially if the repairs come costly, there are several reasons why you shouldn't. This article will discuss a few reasons why you shouldn't crack the back of your phone open on your own.
You will void the warranty: As tempting as it is to buy a few parts online and replace them, cracking your phone open will void its warranty. The only way to avoid this is by taking your phone to a certified repair store. And not having a warranty can prove problematic if you need future repairs. Some manufacturers and repair stores may outright refuse to check phones that have been opened up by someone else.
Chances for creating additional problems are high: Many people have taken to YouTube to learn how they can replace parts on their own. While there is nothing wrong with doing that, what most people forget or don't know, is that you need the right tools and equipment to do this. Even if you manage to get your hands on them without too much trouble, chances for damaging other components in the process will be higher than normal because repairing a phone isn't as easy as it looks in videos.
Finding quality replacement parts can be challenging: Even if you are good at doing this, the chances of ending up with low-quality parts that don't last long is high. This will end up causing further damage to your phone, and in the worst-case scenario, replacing damaged parts with low-quality components leads to expensive repair bills down the line.
You probably don't have the tools or knowledge to make DIY repairs work: The people you watch on YouTube are repair experts, either by trial and error or expertise. And since you neither have the knowledge nor the luxury of busting a few phones before you find the right solution, mindlessly believing online tutorials can come back to bite you. Before you consider fixing your phone yourself, ensure that you have all the tools and equipment needed. Without these, it is very likely that you make mistakes when replacing parts on your own. And even if everything goes well with this part of repairing a phone, there are several others steps involved in making DIY repairs work which, again, most people lack the knowledge or experience to handle successfully.
DIY repairs take time: The average DIY repair takes a long-time, especially if you have no idea what you are doing. From understanding where exactly the problem stems from and then replacing the part again, phone repair is no walk in the park.  And considering we all lead busy lives, many people will be too pressed for time to go through all this trouble.
Your manufacturer may be ready to help: We can almost guarantee that an online store won't have the same parts readily available as your manufacturer or other certified repair centers around town. If there was an easy way out, then what is the need for certified stores? And also, keep in mind that any such part is bound to cost more than what you'd pay if it were bought directly from a certified store.
It's hard to source good replacement parts: We know how frustrating it gets when you try finding a few components and they turn out not working. It's even worse when you buy them online because you cannot return or exchange the part. So only go for good quality parts like those offered by us, so that you don't have to worry about getting replacements again soon after the first one breaks down too.
Getting help is affordable: Many people stay away from phone repairs due to their costs. However, it takes much less to repair an iPhone from a certified store than starting on your own. In the long term, DIY repairs can end up costing you more than you previously thought out. So we suggest you look for a certified repair store instead and save your money.
Something is always bound to go wrong: Unless you are used to DIY phone repairs, something is always bound to go wrong during the process. Think about it logically. This is the first time you are attempting to repair a phone. And no matter how detailed and thorough the guide you are using as a reference is, you are always likely to overlook something or ruin something along the way. This creates a whole different complication and can permanently damage your phone beyond repair.
While software problems like faulty wi-fi, Bluetooth problems, or something along those lines can be fixed quickly and don't require technical know-how, hardware problems are a whole different beast. And if you mess up anything during the repair, it can result in a more significant problem and render your phone useless. So the best thing to do when you run into phone problems is to bring them to an expert.
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ericbrown · 3 years
iPhone Repair: Tips on Where and How to Get Your Device Fixed
Do you have a broken iPhone? If so, it's essential to know where and how to get your device fixed. Many places in the US offer iPhone repair services, but not all meet the high standards of quality that you would expect from Apple. This blog post will tell you about some options for getting your iPhone repaired and give you an overview of what to look for when choosing a service provider.
Apple Stores: The first place you should go if your iPhone is still under warranty and needs a screen replacement. In most cases, Apple can replace the device at no cost to you as part of their one-year limited warranty. If that's not an option or your phone has additional damage, then going into any Apple store will allow you access to trained technicians who know how to fix iPhones quickly and efficiently. 
Several other services are included with this type of repairs, such as data backup and recovery if things go wrong during the service process.
The Apple store offers free diagnoses. So, if there is anything wrong with your phone other than the problem you have encountered, they will let you know. But if you are looking for a quick fix, this is not it. The estimated completion time can be anywhere from one hour to several months, depending on how much damage has been caused. If possible, leave the phone with them overnight to have sufficient time to do their job correctly without rushing through it.
Phone Repair Stores: These stores offer repairs for all types of phones, including iPhones but may charge more than the price offered by apple due to their location (they generally don't have high overhead costs). They usually provide screen replacement, battery replacements, water damage repair, and data backup/recovery. These stores offer repairs for all types of phones, including iPhones but may charge more than the price offered by apple due to their location (they generally don't have high overhead costs). One of the advantages of choosing certified phone repair stores is that the repairs will probably not cost you an arm and a leg, and you can get your phone back faster! Your phone is also handled by experienced professionals, and they do not void warranties on your phone! The only downside is they may not be as reliable as certified apple stores.
Online Stores: These are great alternatives if you want a quick fix without leaving your home or office. Some online retailers ship products directly to customers, while others have physical locations where they can do the work on-site at an agreed-upon time or place. The downside is that sometimes these stores can take longer because they require small parts to be shipped out to them to complete the work. They also don't offer the same services that you would expect from an official Apple store or other brick-and-mortar business. 
There is a high chance that your phone is repaired by unqualified individuals. This means that the quality of your phone may not be as high or long-lasting as it would have been had you gone to a professional.
While some parts can be replaced without any damage, others require special care and attention. If you don't know what these are, there is no way for anyone else to tell if they will work properly on your device after replacement. A new screen does not mean that all other components were changed or checked over carefully enough to function similarly following the repair process. While Online stores offer the flexibility of having someone pick up and drop off your phone before and after repair, they can be risky.
These are great alternatives if you want a quick fix without leaving your home or office. Some online retailers ship products directly to customers, while others have physical locations where they can do the work on-site at an agreed-upon time or place. The downside is that sometimes these stores can take longer because they require small parts to be shipped out to them to complete the work. They also don't offer the same services that you would expect from an official Apple store or other brick-and-mortar business.
DIY it: If you are feeling particularly daring and don't care much about the phone's warranty, you could always DIY the repairs. This method works best if your iPhone is past its warranty period and you know exactly what's wrong with it and how best to fix it. However, the risks associated with DIY repairs far outweigh its benefits. One step wrong, and you can permanently damage your iPhone. There is no guarantee that you will find a quality replacement for the parts you are looking for. Most DIY repairers scout the internet for possible parts, but there is no gauging the quality of the parts, especially for an older iPhone. So unless you are sure about what you are doing and know how to do it, we do not recommend DIY repairs.
Whether you've cracked your screen, lost an essential piece of the phone, or feel it is just time for a new one, there are many places to get your iPhone repaired. And even if you don't know how to fix your device yourself, which you probably shouldn't, this blog will help ensure that whatever happens with your phone in the future is done right!
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ericbrown · 3 years
You should clean your phone more often than not. Here’s how
Do you have phone screen cleaning on your to-do list? If not, it needs to be! Screen cleaning is an essential phone maintenance routine that everyone should follow. Your phone can get dirty just from being used. Fingerprints are left all over the phone screen, and smudges are difficult to remove with a cloth alone. To keep your phone looking pristine, there are many ways that you can clean your phone screen.
Light cleaning:
Use a phone screen cleaning kit or solution to wipe away everyday dirt and grime. Light cleaning is helpful if you regularly clean your phone and want to take out the dust and dirt. Here's how do you do it:
a. Get a microfiber cloth:
A microfiber cloth works well with phone screen cleaning because it doesn't leave any dust or residue behind. You can use a dampened - not wet-cloth and wipe away the dirt for streak-less phone screen clarity!
b. Turn off your phone:
Turning off your phone before you clean it is essential. You want to avoid any accidents from happening. By turning the phone off, all of the buttons are locked so that nothing gets pressed or activated while cleaning occurs.
c. Clean phone screen with a solution:
Using a phone screen cleaner kit for light cleaning works well and helps get rid of stuck-on dirt and dust particles! Start by spraying some cleaner onto a microfiber cloth - not directly onto the phone itself- then wipe away any smudges until they're gone! Just make sure to use gentle motions when brushing since too much pressure can damage your phone's sensitive parts underneath its exterior shell. Dampen another part of the microfiber cloth with the phone screen cleaner and continue to wipe until you've cleaned all parts of your phone.
Medium cleaning:
If light cleaning doesn't work or the phone is filthy, medium cleaning should be done instead. Medium phone screen cleaning involves using an alcohol-based solution that helps remove smudges more effectively than a dampened cloth alone. Here's how it works:
a. Get some cotton swabs: Cotton swabs can help get into small crevices that are difficult to reach with other types of devices! For example, getting rid of dirt between buttons on phones can prove challenging without something like this! Plus, they're easier to hold while trying to clean the phone, so there's less strain put on your hand.
b. Turn the phone off: Turning the phone off is essential for this type of phone screen cleaning since you're using something that has alcohol in it! You don't want anything to happen by accident if the phone gets activated while cleaning occurs, especially with cotton swabs that can easily cause scratches on a phone's surface. 
c. Clean phone screen thoroughly: Never rub vigorously or use excessive pressure when wiping away dirt and grime from your device. Just gently wipe back and forth until all visible stains are gone! You'll know when you've wiped enough once everything looks clean again, so there's no need to push yourself too hard trying to get rid of every single smudge without any streaks left behind.
Heavy cleaning:
If phone screen stains are really stubborn, heavy phone screen cleaning might be needed to clean away those tough marks! Heavy phone cleaner usage means using a more potent solvent that can break up dirt and grime rather than just wipe it around. Here's how you do it:
a. Get some isopropyl alcohol or distilled water: Never use anything with oil in it when trying to remove phone screen smudges because there can be severe damage done. Isopropyl alcohol works well for this type of phone maintenance since it evaporates quickly without leaving any residue behind, which could potentially damage your phone underneath all of that exterior surface area coating.
b. Turn off your phone and take out the battery: Turning off your phone and removing the battery is essential since you don't want to risk anything happening when using a stronger phone screen cleaner. Plus, this will prevent any damage from occurring by powering it down before cleaning occurs so that none of the buttons get pressed in case it accidentally gets activated - especially if they're close together or near one another!
c. Apply some phone screen cleaner: Don't spray directly onto the phone because that could cause serious harm! Instead, just apply gently with cotton swabs. Apply phone cleaner solution with a clean cotton swab, then use the other end to wipe away any dirt and stains until gone- make sure not to press too hard, however! You'll know how much pressure needs to be applied against your phone after.
Select an appropriate cleaning method depending on the type of stains. Once you are done with the cleaning, attach a screen protector. A phone screen cleaner is a necessary item to have around because it helps get rid of dirt and grime that accumulates on the exterior surface area. Don't be afraid to clean your phone with gadgets such as cotton swabs, either! They're great for getting into small crevices of phones where stains tend to set in.
There are multiple ways to effectively clean phone screens, depending on how dirty they become. Still, the important thing is knowing when you should stop before doing any more damage than good. Especially if heavy phone cleaners need to be used, which can potentially cause irreversible effects if not handled correctly without following proper precautions beforehand. Make sure the phone always remains turned off during this process to avoid accidental damages occurring so all it
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