ericlarson950-blog · 6 years
Ender’s Game English Part 3
Hello again! I must’ve forgotten about this blog. I’m not even sure how long it’s been since I made the last entry. I even told myself I would try to update this more often. Anyway, in the past, I don’t even know how long, I was given my own army of misfits to command after my wild successes in different armies in the school. My efficiency ratings were off the chart once I got to unleash my full potential. With this new army I was destroying everything that came in my path. They kept trying to make it harder and harder for me but I just kept outsmarting them. They would make me fight battles more and more frequently until it became two a day even, when it was supposed to be one a week. I am now on my leave from battle school on earth and after this I am headed to Command School where I will learn how to command entire fleets of ships. I am taking a little longer than most kids that graduate to Command School do but I am doing so well and at such an alarming rate, I needed a little detox from technology and such. I think that about wraps it up for this post today, as even this is a little too much technology for me at the moment. Signing off for maybe the very last time
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ericlarson950-blog · 6 years
Ender’s Game English Part 2
Hello, still me here. It’s my 350th day here in Battle School and today also happens to be my birthday. I’ve been told by the older boys that you stay here long enough so that you don’t even remember how old you are when you finally leave or graduate. You begin to forge when your birthday is and sometimes the concept of time itself is lost within the walls of this very battle school. About the big news I was talking about in my last post, I got a piece of paper on my bed the following morning after showers that said I had been recruited to Rat Army. I had heard a lot about Rat Army and how they are very disciplined by their commander Bonzo but still manage to do poorly in their battles with the other army. When I first got recruited I was wishing that I would be able to help remedy some of those issues that were holding Rat Army back but instead, Bonzo didn't let me. He would continuously not let me enter the battle at all or go in only on the rare occasion that victory was apparent. This is very irritating but Bonzo keeps saying he wants to trad me and I really hope he does. I want to join another army and hope they see my real potential and I want to humiliate Bonzo with that success that he so quickly traded away. Well, I think that’s all for me today. I’ll catch you up again on what’s going on soon.
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ericlarson950-blog · 6 years
Ender’s Game English Project
Hello. This is my 243rd day at Battle School and although it’s become a little monotonous and repetitive with classes and keeping up with studies, I still find ways to entertain myself with games on my desk, practicing my flight in null gravity, and even with my freezing gun that the older boys use in real battles against each other. When I first launched from Earth, I didn’t know anyone at all in my Launch Group and was honestly pretty intimidated that they were all having fun and I wasn’t. I was still scared of what was ahead and scared that I was leaving everything I knew behind; my family, my friends, everything. I’ve somewhat settled in now and made a few friends. Not too many though. An older boy told me that the more friends you have, the more likely you are to get stabbed in the back by one of them. But anyway, back to my friend situation. I only have three but we are pretty tight knit. They are extremely intelligent, as am I, but they can be a little too eager to jump in and try new things sometimes. I am always trying to learn more about how I can improve every aspect of my movement in null gravity. I believe I’ve figured something out that the other couldn’t wrap their heads around, in null gravity, every direction is just exactly the direction that you want it to be. Anyway, I’ll probably continue this later as it is late at night and I have to go to sleep for a big day tomorrow. I’m still not sure what the surprise is going to be.
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