ericxanders · 4 years
Sunsetted 🔆
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ericxanders · 4 years
You flatter me, Sir. And thank you foryour kind advice. I’ll take that under serious consideration. 
Seeing the grounds around the buildings sounds like a marvelous idea. Oh! I get to finally break into my new coat, what a plus. Well… To be completely honest, I always liked it whenever I got to hang around the library and the choir room back at school. Mostly I was by myself, but I enjoyed it. Also, does the academy have an Arts room, Sir?
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Well then I know exactly where to take you first -- I imagine you’ll want to know where the Glee Club meet if you’re interested in the choir room. We can stop by the library too. I can promise you won’t be alone here; there’s more than a few of us tend to study there. There is an art room too; and an art club. It’s one of my favourite spots on campus. Are you an artist Kurt?
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ericxanders · 4 years
I’ll trust you word then, since I know you have no reason to lie to me, right? I know… I’m certain the cabin fever will start to kick in soon, so I’ll keep myself busy in getting those points.
Well, Mr. Anderson. Sir… I’d happy to tag along with you. Which spot are you going show me first, I wonder?
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I’m definitely not in the habit of telling lies at all -- never mind to a pretty stranger. It’s not too difficult to get yourself to the first level. Make sure you participate in the guidance classes and you’ll be well on your way.
I’m a big fan of the grounds themselves truth be told, so wrap up warm because I’m thinking we’ll start outside before making our way to some of the buildings. Is there anything specific you’re interested in seeing?
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ericxanders · 4 years
Already unpacked, which was a feat all on itsef, and now I’m ready to take my first tour around campus. I was told that I have to ‘level up’ before I can explore outside the main gates, but considering what I was able to spot on my way here I think I much prefer to stay in. This place looks very interesting. Would anyone mind to be my friendly guide?
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Lima isn’t all that bad -- it’s fairly small but I can almost guarantee you’re going to be itching to get off campus soon enough so building up the points as quickly as you can is worth it.
I’m Eric Anderson, Dominant -- and I’d be happy to play tour guide.
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ericxanders · 4 years
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Oh, not at all, Sir!  I’m going to be starting doing test runs on thanksgiving recipes.  I could totally whip one up…or try some sweet potato hand pies.
As tempting as it is, I’m planning to wait until Thanksgiving for the pie. I’ve waited this long and I’m sure the one Caleb makes will be more than worth the wait. I definitely wouldn’t complain about anything else you’d like me to taste test though sweetheart.
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ericxanders · 4 years
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I don’t think so, Sir! Do you celebrate with big festivities? I cook all my own food, so I can’t say I dream about it. If I really want something, I just make it right then and there. But perhaps that’s a little selfish.
My family are the sort that make the most of any opportunity to get together and enjoy quality time. Why would that be selfish? I mean, I can cook my own food too but the anticipation of a Thanksgiving feast makes it so much more satisfying when it comes round.
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ericxanders · 4 years
I don’t think it’s ever too early to start thinking about Thanksgiving food - it’s my second favorite holiday for that reason alone. Hmm, I’m sure it’s been done before but now I’m inspired to try a sweet potato pie cupcake… 
I’m so glad to have someone else in the same boat as me. What’s your favourite holiday? You know, if you do decide to experiment with that, I know a guy who could be an excellent taste tester.
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ericxanders · 4 years
Is it too early to be thinking about Thanksgiving food? Because I’m not going to lie, I’ve been dreaming about sweet potato pie for several weeks now. And I know, theoretically I could make it any time but it tastes better on Thanksgiving. Am I the only one dreaming about their favourite food?
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ericxanders · 4 years
Pssst- hey. You. Yeah you…you want a jelly bean?
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Originally posted by anatomy-st
Are they vegan? If so, absolutely. I never turn down sweets.
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Pssst- hey. You. Yeah you...you want a jelly bean?
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ericxanders · 4 years
I have to admit that making an effort to get to a level I had already gotten in the past felt like shit. Thanks a lot, asshole. But it felt good to work to get what I rightfully deserve, even for the second time. Now off into town, which I’m counting it to be a short stroll, considering how small and lame it is. But still, it’s better than being couped up in here. Anyone would like to join me into this brief adventure? It will be worth your time.
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That is the downside to taking off and re-enrolling unfortunately. Were you able to skip the 101 classes at least or are you starting completely from scratch?
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ericxanders · 4 years
Afraid: what’s something you are no longer scared of?
Drowning. I think it stemmed from watching Jaws at entirely too young an age thanks to my delightful older brother, and the time I got stuck under the water on a lazy river because a family were holding their rings together. I’m not scared of that anymore though; it’s a fear I faced and overcame.
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ericxanders · 4 years
PM: Stop. Just stop. Take a breath, okay? I don’t want to fight. I just… I think we stopped talking to each other about the important stuff. I know you needed space, I wasn’t trying to do anything except make sure you had some food and I didn’t even push you to talk about anything… You just pushed me away and I didn’t want you to do that. I didn’t “choose” to take offense, you pushed me away and it kind of hurt. That’s not a “choice” I made. 
And I’m not casting you as a villain, either. I’m just… frustrated because yeah, you did drop everything to be here for me, and when I tried to be there for you, you made me feel like shit for it. I was mad. Mostly at myself because I couldn’t seem to even do that right, but a little at you too because… Well, it wouldn’t kill you to just let someone in, even a little bit, when you’re going through stuff. 
As for the “vague, public statement.” I genuinely was just answering a question for the Guidance event honestly, I kept it vague because I didn’t think I needed to name you. Was I hoping you would see it? Kinda, yeah, but that’s not WHY I posted it. I figured if you wanted to talk about it, you would come to me, otherwise you’d just leave it, and I’d have been okay either way. 
Friday’s my day with Sam, but pick literally any other day and I’ll be there. 
PM: What about Saturday afternoon?
Text: Given our current lack of communication, I can only assume I’m the brother you wrote your answer about. Honestly, if you want to fix our relationship, it’d be much quicker solved by talking directly to me and not posting an answer vaguely about me. -Eric
Text: I answered a question honestly. You can’t fault me for that. The last time you spoke to me, you made me feel like shit for wanting to help. So forgive me for not being in a hurry to repeat the experience… I didn’t think posting that answer was going to fix to situation in the slightest, but hey, it got you to send me a message. That’s a start. 
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ericxanders · 4 years
Hi Sir Eric! Your name reminds me of Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid. I think I’m getting used to it now but I’d never turn down a tour, I’m always learning where new things are. Like today I found a bathroom I never knew was there! And the other day, I stumbled on the dungeons somehow. SO that was very interesting.
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You know, you’re not the first person to make that comparison. I’m definitely flattered. Yeah, the dungeons are definitely a place you want to avoid if you can. I’ve been down there a few times and I wouldn’t recommend. Do you have any plans for Saturday morning?
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ericxanders · 4 years
This school is huge and I swear this map isn’t of here at all! Everything is in the wrong place. Or maybe I am. I think I’ll sit still until I can figure it out.
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I’m Fiona by the way.
Would you like a tour Fiona?
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I’m Eric Anderson, Dominant. Welcome to Lima Heights. I promise it gets easier to navigate,
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ericxanders · 4 years
Text: You’re really not getting it, are you. You’ve been distant for months, long before any of that, I’ve tried to reach out and my messages get ignored, I wave at you between classes even, and I still feel like you may as well not even be here for all the effort I get from you. You’ve been so focused on trying to be Mr. Best Dominant you’ve completely forgotten about your brothers. You’re not the only one who goes through stuff, you know? You made it clear you didn’t want my help or support, so I kept my distance. Figured it would be better to wait for you to come to me, but I guess I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. I don’t know what you want from me. 
Text: Your messages aren’t ignored Blaine. If I don’t reply to you, it means your message hasn’t come through or I’ve not seen it. We live next door to one another and I never walk by you without at least saying hello. I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. Mr. Best Dominant? That’s not a thing I’ve ever wanted. I’m well aware I’m not the only person who goes through stuff. If you’ll remember I dropped everything to enrol here when you were kidnapped. I put everything I was doing on hold to be where you were. I wanted space Blaine. I needed space. I didn’t want to see anyone because I was losing it and I needed to be able to do that. You chose to take offence at that but I don’t know why you were surprised. I’ve always needed time to process things myself before I’m ready to accent help from anyone.
Perhaps I should have approached you sooner but what I want is for you to stop casting me as a villain. If you want our relationship to be better then talk to me about that. Let’s figure out a way we can both improve it, rather than posting vague, public statements in the hopes I’ll see it.
I have a shoot in town on Friday. Would you like to come work with me? We can go get dinner afterwards.
Text: Given our current lack of communication, I can only assume I’m the brother you wrote your answer about. Honestly, if you want to fix our relationship, it’d be much quicker solved by talking directly to me and not posting an answer vaguely about me. -Eric
Text: I answered a question honestly. You can’t fault me for that. The last time you spoke to me, you made me feel like shit for wanting to help. So forgive me for not being in a hurry to repeat the experience… I didn’t think posting that answer was going to fix to situation in the slightest, but hey, it got you to send me a message. That’s a start. 
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ericxanders · 4 years
Headcanon Event 2020
What does perfect happiness look like to you?
Are you more of an idealist or a cynic? An optimist or a pessimist?
Imagine it’s New Years Day. What resolutions or expectations do you have for the new year?
If a movie was made about your life, what genre would it be and who would play you?
Which parent do you take after more?
Do you want a second claim?
Who did you most want to be growing up?
If you came back in your next life as an animal, what animal would you be?
Where’s a place you really want to have sex but haven’t yet?
Have you ever hurt someone, even if you didn't mean to? Is there anything you wish you could say to them now?
What are the biggest obstacles in your character’s life?
You are doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for you to throw out? What is difficult to part with? Why?
What conspiracy theory do you believe wholeheartedly in?
Do you get jealous easily?
Do you have a social cause or charity that you are passionate about? Why?
What is your favorite book? Why? Do you reread it? Does it have a connection in your life?
Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost? Why?
What Is your most unusual talent?
Do you believe or not believe in astrology? Why, why not? How are you like or not like your star sign?
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ericxanders · 4 years
What conspiracy theory do you believe whole heartedly in?
Ah, conspiracy theories are like astrology for me. It’s fun to read and talk about, but I don’t really think there’s any truth to it. My favourite one is probably the one about certain famous people being lizard people. As a proud lizard Dad, I can confirm there is, in fact, a lizard agenda to take over the world and Justin Bieber is one of them.
^^ you are welcome.
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