eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“Very well, your Highness.”
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“My name’s Edi. You must be the Shadow Queen, correct?”
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
So already we have two who would like commissions (according to the notes, and two pressed that like button). Go to said post to like if you want a commission.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“Yeah.” He yawns. Ed starts motioning side to side, legs starting to lose stability, and upper body starting to lose balance. He really needs the sleep. For a good few minutes he tried to stay up, until actually collapses on the floor, sleeping on the spot.
“I have no words. I used to. But I don’t. For anything.”
“And that’s warranted and fair? Although in all fairness, I often don’t have a way with words so it’s better that I perhaps keep my mouth shut.”
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“You’d think that being 1.4 million years old, I would know enough to have all the answers, but I’m just tired. So tired. I want to fall asleep. And maybe never wake up. Not for the next few thousand years.”
“I have no words. I used to. But I don’t. For anything.”
“And that’s warranted and fair? Although in all fairness, I often don’t have a way with words so it’s better that I perhaps keep my mouth shut.”
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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There are options so far. Murals should come in next week. If we hit a milestone of $500 by mid July or early August (before my birthday of August 15th), I should be able to buy a good computer to do digital graphics, icons, and theme graphics).
If you cannot afford such, but like to support, it would still be helpful to reblog what I have here so far to people with interest. Otherwise, like if you CAN afford commissions, so that we can discuss planning and delivery. See you then.
Commissions available (more about it coming soon).
Like many others, I’ve been cursed with money problems. I’m working, but the economy takes a certain amount out for taxes, and then my mom takes most of it out for groceries and supplies, leaving me with very little.
Because I want to buy myself some stuff (crossbow, desk for building, a new computer so I won’t be stuck on this iPad, etc. I also want to live on my own in seclusion in the middle of a forest near the German Alps). So if you want any commissions, involving realistic (or somewhat) of your muse or simply for someone you know in the tumblr community or out of it, please contact me (when information is all set up).
For the next few days, I’ll bring you updates for such commissions with several weeks. The number of artwork per customer & day, and prices aren’t yet established. I will tell you that such artpieces and graphics can range from small RP icons to murals for your home being the size of one of my bedroom walls (89 ½ inches wide by around 10 feet long), maybe larger. And that prices can range from $5 US (small art and icons) to $300 (the highest price being the largest murals—and extra 100 for painting by an experienced painter, because I can’t paint to save my life).
Anyways I’ll update you when I have decent info. Talk to you then.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
Commissions available (more about it coming soon).
Like many others, I’ve been cursed with money problems. I’m working, but the economy takes a certain amount out for taxes, and then my mom takes most of it out for groceries and supplies, leaving me with very little.
Because I want to buy myself some stuff (crossbow, desk for building, a new computer so I won’t be stuck on this iPad, etc. I also want to live on my own in seclusion in the middle of a forest near the German Alps). So if you want any commissions, involving realistic (or somewhat) of your muse or simply for someone you know in the tumblr community or out of it, please contact me (when information is all set up).
For the next few days, I’ll bring you updates for such commissions with several weeks. The number of artwork per customer & day, and prices aren’t yet established. I will tell you that such artpieces and graphics can range from small RP icons to murals for your home being the size of one of my bedroom walls (89 1/2 inches wide by around 10 feet long), maybe larger. And that prices can range from $5 US (small art and icons) to $300 (the highest price being the largest murals—and extra 100 for painting by an experienced painter, because I can’t paint to save my life).
Anyways I’ll update you when I have decent info. Talk to you then.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“I take it you’ve been too busy to get off your comfort zone, huh? Too busy (or ignorant) to actually venture off this wasteland of a planet. I mean, you were pretty confident in the godlike abilities of my father, the Warrior, before you caused his death trying to fight a bunch of expansionist Vault Hunters. And I’m pretty sure your mother would’ve killed you as soon as she could. Trust me. I may look young, but I’m older than you think I am. And a hell of a lot wiser than you, too, able to perceive many different types of human emotions, and I could see the face of someone ready to pull a butcher’s cleaver from behind their back and hack. Of which, your mother did actually have a cleaver, of which she was so eager to use on you that your grandmother suggested he take you under custody.”
“You know...I’ll tell you what: I bet you 1/4ths of your annual salary that I can list most if not all the things that many think you kept a secret from. Aside that you actually prefer Moxxi over Nisha, despite your breakup. But that’s something a few know, nevertheless.”
“I’m guessing you’re my father-in-law, then?”
Jack’s eyes narrow. He simply quirks an eyebrow at the taunt, but inside the gears are turning. There’s no way this kid could know about Angel. No way.“You take your meds this morning, kiddo?”He simpers, mockingly.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“I’m 1.5 million years old. You think I’m dependent on meds? No. Maybe you, perhaps. But not me. And yes. In case you’re wondering, I know Angel. I snuck into her private chambers a few months back, and .... we really hit it off, I guess.”
“I’m guessing you’re my father-in-law, then?”
Jack’s eyes narrow. He simply quirks an eyebrow at the taunt, but inside the gears are turning. There’s no way this kid could know about Angel. No way.“You take your meds this morning, kiddo?”He simpers, mockingly.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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                                                             𝓦𝓮                                                                  𝓐𝓻𝓮                                                                         𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓰
HOME|RULES|ASK                 Written by Katie
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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reblog if you want more interaction w your lovely followers
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“What do you mean a dick? That child was being a child. By that reason, your parents would’ve shot you, considering that you’re a literal dick with teeth. But you know what they say, you are what you eat.”
@eriiidi replied to your post:     ❝— Typical bandits. This is exactly why I do…
“Didn’t you kill an infant once?”
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     ❝— It was ONE time and in my defense, that baby was a dick. There is no means of comparison between the two situations – I was completely justified.❞
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“No. I won’t.”
I want Zarya to fuck me until my ass turns soviet flag red.
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“Do think before you talk to me, da?”
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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I have lost faith in the Calculator.
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
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This calculator has one fucked up sense of humor tbh ....
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eriiidi-blog · 6 years
“Call me .... your death. Or your demise. That’s ... accurate.”
“Oh. It’s you.” (1st variant Ed. You know. The asshole one.)
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“Da. You sure have a lot of nerve addressing me like zhat. and uh, who even are you?” 
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