erikcallaghan · 9 years
“Viktor. I can always trust you in all matters concerning social appearances. Speaking of which, there seems be a significant lack of appearances of the Petrovsky nature in my life.” 
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Originally posted by pearsonspecterlitt
“What’s up with that?” 
“Is that even a question? The Palace party, obviously.”
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
“May I ask, why? New Year’s Eve is not usually one of those holidays that you celebrate in the confines of your own home. Even I know that.” 
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Originally posted by captainharvey
“The Palace is the only one I’ve heard about. I’m sitting this year out.”
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
“So, which party is expected to be the party of all parties this New Year’s Eve?” 
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
“Always with the compliments, Viktor.” 
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Originally posted by heartsuits
“Are you offering?” 
Callaghan… You look like crap. You also look like you could use a drink.
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
“New year, new start. I’m not sure I’m such a big fan of that cliche.”
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Originally posted by fuckyeahharveyscottie
“But don’t let grumpy, old me ruin your enthusiasm. How have you been?” 
“That we are, and it’s pretty insane. It almost seems as if we just finished with one.”
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“But I’ll take it. A new year certainly can’t hurt.”
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
“Don’t be so quick to assume the future. Years go by but Mr. Clooney deals with the, gracefully. All we can do is try and follow in his footsteps.” 
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Originally posted by mybumisonthecheese
“Eugh, don’t,” Noam said, making a face. “It just remind me that I’m another year closer to getting old as balls. See this face? It won’t look good all wrinkly and saggy.”
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
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“ I don’t mean to sound offensive or rude, but it seems that you don´t find it a good thing? It means that we were given another year to live and enjoy what life has to offer”
“You’re right, of course. It’s a blessing to live to see another year. I’m just stunned by the speed at which years pass us by.” 
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Originally posted by starskeeper
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erikcallaghan · 9 years
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“And just like that, we’re almost through another year.” 
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
Rear View Mirrors // SELF PARA
The phone shook in his hand, the numbers on the screen barely audible. He’d found the emptiest part of the counter with the excuse of putting together a plan of action. His first reaction was to place all of his chips on Ellie.
Erik knew Launceston better than that now.
He couldn’t win this by rushing into an alley with no exit. Everything he’d been through had taught him a thing or two but he’d missed the lesson on leaving Launceston and all its shit behind. His thirst for revenge had brought him right back to this shithole and now he was stuck in this situation – Ellie captured, tied up and displayed like an article in a shop window.
Erik knew the exact figure that his bank account held. He added to it every month, always the same sum despite the purpose of the money changing over the years.
“Isn’t their house amazing? Can you imagine living right by the ocean? Away from this city…” Olivia’s eyes were hopeful; dreaming.
They were lying in bed, she’d just put her book down and leant her head on Erik’s shoulder. His smile humoured her words. He stole a glance at her ever-growing stomach. The fear he’d developed at having a child was still very present but he’d learned to take the bad with the good; and the good was a plenty.
A Californian beach house was not an option for them right then, not with his political career so deeply intertwined with Launceston. The future was theirs for sculpting though; one day he was going to make all her dreams come true.
“Olivia Callaghan and evening walks on the beach.” His laugh was genuine and it brought a smile to his wife’s face. “That’d be the day.” 
The end of that month had witnessed the first instalment of Erik’s savings; the money would remain untouched save for Olivia’s dream home. That was Erik’s promise to himself. 
Month by month, he transferred money to that account. Come rain, come shine, he never stopped saving. The rough patches his marriage went through did not deter nor discourage him.
His affair with Norah made his question his future and finally, at the conclusion of his divorce with Olivia he had to review his approach. He told his then former wife that with the support of a legally bounding document he could continue the savings account and then subsequently give that to the girls should they choose to go to college or otherwise. Their lawyers never drew up the documents before Olivia’s death hit him.
That and Norah’s death not long before that left a gaping hole in Erik’s life. The only dreams he could cater to from then on were those of the two beautiful little girls Olivia had left him.
The math wasn’t difficult. Erik still had a few years before his girls had to pay for college fees and Ellie’s life was on the line right in that moment. There was no doubt in his mind that this was the right thing to do; this was the only option.
If it weren’t for Eleanor O’Reilly Erik would not be the man he was today. His pity party would have carried on for much longer. She gave him another chance; a shot that not many other would be willing to grant him. Her wit was almost as great as her heart. Erik could never thank her enough for all that she had done for him; and all that she continued to do.
The auction phone line rang in his ear as he downed the rest of his whiskey. The fire in his throat matched that of his anger, the grip on his phone tightening as he finally got through.
Erik feared that Ellie’s life was much fifty times more valuable than his savings.
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
Gerry's face was like a punch to Erik's gut. It was in no way his fault that Ellie had found herself in this situation but he would stop at nothing to get her back home, safely.
She belonged in her home, in their office, directing her judgemental gaze down at Erik and not at the floor in fear. 
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"I'll bid all my money. That's all I can do. It's quite a substantial sum so I'm hopefully. Gerry, we will get her back. I swear on my life." 
[Gerry O'Reilly]
Everything was happening too fast, and while he didn’t want to believe it, it was hard not to. Given the rather crystal clear evidence and the fact that his wife still hadn’t walked through the doors. He’d been hoping she would. Hoping that the video was fake and she’d come sweeping in and dispel all his worries and fears like she always did.
Rather, she wasn’t there and it was Erik approaching him. 
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"I don’t know if I’ll have enough."
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
AU meme : Harvey and Rachel Erik and Norah
"And you can’t fight the tears that ain’t coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive.”
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
OOC;; I really did not need another copious amount of Erik feelings because right now, he is freaking out on the inside. Ellie had nearly died before because of him, she forgave him, she chose him as her running mate, she basically gave him another shot at life, a proper life and now she’s up for an auction, like an animal. This town, the people he’s been trying to cut down as a mayor, they’re treating her like livestock, selling her. He will literally drain his entire life savings to get her back home safely. 
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
[Gerry O'Reilly]
    Erik's eyes widened as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Ellie?! Up for an auction... 
He hated this town.. No. He hated the people corrupting it, the people behind this. Quickly, his eyes scanned the room. Gerry. 
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"If you need the money, you tell me. All my savings, you've got them." 
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
"Sorry." He apologized again, but pushed her glass back towards her. "I'll just order another one." 
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"I'm sorry, I'm terrible company at a party like this." 
"Don’t apologize, here drink this." Maya pushed her glass towards him. "I think you need to relax a little more. Has anyone ever told you, you’re way to serious?"
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
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"You know, as well as me, that what Ellie wants to do, she does. She's like a cat, always walking her own way. I'm sure she'll find you sooner or later. Until then, I hope you will be satisfied with my mediocre company." 
"Only honesty, eh? I don’t know if I believe you on that one." Gerry smiled regardless, happy to have some sort of lighthearted banter. 
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Glancing around the room, Gerry nodded. “Doing well. Even better if this woman in question was at my side. Are you keeping her hostage somewhere? Hardly seen her all day.”
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erikcallaghan · 10 years
Instantly his smile faltered and his face took on a more apologetic expression. 
"I sincerely apologize, I don't mean to be inappropriate." 
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Are you hitting on me, Mr.Callaghan?
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