erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 11 years
Yo bitches
Any drummers there local to Leigh/Southend, Essex, looking to join a band?
Weā€™re Port in the Storm, a small, recently formed band of three teens around 16-17 years old, and weā€™re having a lot of trouble finding any good, reliable drummers out there. Weā€™re a slightly conceptual band, and will be in character onstage - an insane pirate captain (me), an antisocial and brooding cyborg assassin (Blaze. She doesnā€™t blog much.), and an overdramatic immortal demigod angelā€¦ thing (Iā€™m being mean. Weā€™re still awaiting Arcadianā€™s bio. He doesnā€™t blog much either). Weā€™re a bit of a mix of everything really - metal with steampunk and pirate elements, that sort of thing.
So weā€™re looking for someone who can come up with, or already has, an onstage persona, but we will accept you being yourself but playing along (eg Michael Reed of Steam Powered Giraffe). We need a drummer who is reliable and friendly, preferably around our age group (late teens, young adults). Skillwise, we hope for someone with moderate experience and/or skill. Weā€™re not the best musicians in the world, but we use this as an opportunity to learn as we go. Arcadian has experience with other bands and has had gigs, but me and Blaze donā€™t have any previous band experience besides a previous band that failed due to management and band chemistry issues.Ā 
We hope to make a fresh start and two of our members are already halfway through a couple of songs, although we will be starting with covers just as a start.
If anyoneā€™s interested, contact me here, or add me and message me over at my roleplay facebook, Elisabeth Oā€™Sullivan.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
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30 Days of New Doctor Who | DAY 5: Favorite Guest Star
SALLY SPARROW (played by CAREY MULLIGAN): Iā€™m clever, and Iā€™m listening. Now donā€™t patronise me, ā€˜cause people have died and Iā€™m not happy.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Oscar glanced up at him, smirking and brushing his thumb over Erik as he squirmed, moaning audibly under their combined touches and struggling a little against his restraints.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œDonā€™t lie you fucking cuntā€¦~ā€ Larco choked, having to lie back down for a moment. He wasnā€™t expecting Oscar to hie such magicā€¦ or even have it in the first placeā€¦A pleasant surpriseā€¦
ā€œWould I lie to you?~ā€ Oscar chuckled, breathing lightly over Erikā€™s length and kissing up his stomach while his hand worked slowly and nimbly over him.
ā€œYes. Yes you would.ā€ Larco replied, pushing himself to his feet to slip behind Erik; his hands moving to rest on his chest as he nipped over his neck.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Erik bit his lip as he returned, Leather, eh? Not the worst thing to be wearing, I guess...
Ayeā€¦ he muttered, smiling despite himself, Huh, wellā€¦ If you insist~
ā€œWell if you notice one thing while youā€™re here, its that the ones who go in and out of the fire put, wear leather.ā€ Rodin pointed to a door; ā€œGo through there and get yourself changed before youĀ spontaneouslyĀ combust.ā€Ā 
Erik raised an eyebrow, shrugging and disappearing into the room.
Cy watched him walk in, sighing to herself and then standing. She was feeling a little more herself than she did 5 minutes ago; fluctuating.Ā 
Bay merely drank a cocktail before mulling over the door into the fire.Ā 
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
"Would I lie to you?~" Oscar chuckled, breathing lightly over Erik's length and kissing up his stomach while his hand worked slowly and nimbly over him.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œYehā€¦ doesnā€™t feel like nothing you dickā€¦ā€ Larco murmured, pushing himself to sit up; still leaning back on his arms. One hand moved to the back of his neck as he scratched his hair off it; it sticking to hisĀ prickly-hot skin.Ā 
ā€œNo Idea what youā€™re talking about~ā€ he muttered, smirking to himself as he lowered to his knees, smirking as he slipped down Erikā€™s jeans, ā€œYou came prepared~ā€
P-pants are aā€¦ annoying, andā€¦ s-slow to get offā€¦ Hardly ever wear the thingsā€¦
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
"No Idea what you're talking about~" he muttered, smirking to himself as he lowered to his knees, smirking as he slipped down Erik's jeans, "You came prepared~"
P-pants are a... annoying, and... s-slow to get off... Hardly ever wear the things...
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œOhā€¦ Nothing~ā€ He smirked back at him, repeating the movement on Erik and smirking wider as Erik felt its immediate effects in his already-aroused state; moaning and tilting his head back as his leg rubbed against the other slightly and his hands fought against their restraints.
G-godā€¦ Fuckā€¦ O-Oscarā€¦ Nnā€¦ He squirmed a little, moaning a little audibly and looking down quietly as if trying to remove his jeans with his eyes; then looking pleadingly at Oscar, P-pleaseā€¦
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
"Oh... Nothing~" He smirked back at him, repeating the movement on Erik and smirking wider as Erik felt its immediate effects in his already-aroused state; moaning and tilting his head back as his leg rubbed against the other slightly and his hands fought against their restraints.
G-god... Fuck... O-Oscar... Nn... He squirmed a little, moaning a little audibly and looking down quietly as if trying to remove his jeans with his eyes; then looking pleadingly at Oscar, P-please...
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
He chuckled a little, smirking, ā€œThereā€™s a lot you donā€™t know about me~ā€
He watched him shiver for a moment, before biting his lip and resting his hand on larcoā€™s chest, slowly spreading his palm, ā€œThereā€™s an old technique in Ancient Creyna, about three systems from hereā€¦ For keeping people warm.ā€
What he didnā€™t mention, however, as he gently pressed his fingers on five specific points, before stroking lightly downwards and sending a tiny, effortless push of magic through those points before smirking and moving back to Erik; was that the Creyna were a race reknowned for magic that aided arousal~
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
He chuckled a little, smirking, "There's a lot you don't know about me~"
He watched him shiver for a moment, before biting his lip and resting his hand on larco's chest, slowly spreading his palm, "There's an old technique in Ancient Creyna, about three systems from here... For keeping people warm."
What he didn't mention, however, as he gently pressed his fingers on five specific points, before stroking lightly downwards and sending a tiny, effortless push of magic through those points before smirking and moving back to Erik; was that the Creyna were a race reknowned for magic that aided arousal~
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
Oscar sighed, dragging Erik into the next room and slamming him against the radiator; a couple of neckties flying out of a wardrobe nearby and tieing him securely to it while he saw to Larco - finding him a blanket and drying him off a little.
N-no fairā€¦
ā€œI know what a cheat you are. Canā€™t let you finish yourself off while Iā€™m busy, can I?~ā€
Iā€™m the cheat? Says the guy with the fancy alien shit~
ā€œā€˜Fancy alien shit?ā€™ Ohā€¦ You mean this?ā€ He leant forward to repeat the nibbling, stroking movement, smirking at the desperate whine he gave to accompany the arching of his back, before turning to see to Larco again.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
He chuckled a little, smirking, "There's a lot you don't know about me~"
He watched him shiver for a moment, before biting his lip and resting his hand on larco's chest, slowly spreading his palm, "There's an old technique in Ancient Creyna, about three systems from here... For keeping people warm."
What he didn't mention, however, as he gently pressed his fingers on five specific points, before stroking lightly downwards and sending a tiny, effortless push of magic through those points before smirking and moving back to Erik; was that the Creyna were a race reknowned for magic that aided arousal~
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
Oscar sighed, dragging Erik into the next room and slamming him against the radiator; a couple of neckties flying out of a wardrobe nearby and tieing him securely to it while he saw to Larco - finding him a blanket and drying him off a little.
N-no fairā€¦
ā€œI know what a cheat you are. Canā€™t let you finish yourself off while Iā€™m busy, can I?~ā€
Iā€™m the cheat? Says the guy with the fancy alien shit~
ā€œā€˜Fancy alien shit?ā€™ Ohā€¦ You mean this?ā€ He leant forward to repeat the nibbling, stroking movement, smirking at the desperate whine he gave to accompany the arching of his back, before turning to see to Larco again.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Oscar sighed, dragging Erik into the next room and slamming him against the radiator; a couple of neckties flying out of a wardrobe nearby and tieing him securely to it while he saw to Larco - finding him a blanket and drying him off a little.
N-no fair...
"I know what a cheat you are. Can't let you finish yourself off while I'm busy, can I?~"
I'm the cheat? Says the guy with the fancy alien shit~
"'Fancy alien shit?' Oh... You mean this?" He leant forward to repeat the nibbling, stroking movement, smirking at the desperate whine he gave to accompany the arching of his back, before turning to see to Larco again.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œW-Well I-I-Iā€™m glad y-y-you to a-are w-w-warmā€¦ā€ He shivered, whimpering a little; ā€œI-in b-both sensesā€¦ā€ Larco curled up tighter, hands around his legs Ā as he hid his face in his knees; trying his hardest to conserve his body heat until he defrosted enough to move inside.
Oscar rolled his eyes a little; Erik not having heard the words - not that he probably would have, with Oscarā€™s mouth all over him. Oscar, however, pulled away for a momwnt to have the water carry Larco inside and dump him on the sofa, before returning to Its rightful place while Oscar retuened to his biting.
ā€œA-ā€¦appreciatedā€¦ā€ He murmured, curling tighter in on himself as he tried to keep his core temperature somewhat near normal. ā€œF-Fuckā€¦.C-coldā€¦.ā€
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Oscar rolled his eyes a little; Erik not having heard the words - not that he probably would have, with Oscar's mouth all over him. Oscar, however, pulled away for a momwnt to have the water carry Larco inside and dump him on the sofa, before returning to Its rightful place while Oscar retuened to his biting.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
Larco had slipped a shirt on now it had cooled down outside; walking around the pool before, being the clutz that he was, falling in. There was a large splash before he struggled to surface; freezing cold from the water and the now called air. He struggled over to the edge of the pool and held himself there for a moment before pulling out; shivering as he curled up on the edge of the pool. At least his veins would have gone down now.Ā 
Y-youā€™re a daft twat, you know that? Erik sent as he felt the disturbance in the water outside. Hid voice shook just a little under Oscarā€™s rough kisses and caresses, I-if either of us has t-to fish you out of there again, I s-swearā€¦ Jesusfuck O-Oscarā€¦ Fuckā€¦
ā€œW-Well I-I-Iā€™m glad y-y-you to a-are w-w-warmā€¦ā€ He shivered, whimpering a little; ā€œI-in b-both sensesā€¦ā€ Larco curled up tighter, hands around his legs Ā as he hid his face in his knees; trying his hardest to conserve his body heat until he defrosted enough to move inside.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Y-you're a daft twat, you know that? Erik sent as he felt the disturbance in the water outside. Hid voice shook just a little under Oscar's rough kisses and caresses, I-if either of us has t-to fish you out of there again, I s-swear... Jesusfuck O-Oscar... Fuck...
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
Aww, but-nn! F-fuckā€¦ Howā€¦ Erik shuddered as Oscar stroked his thumb gently over a spot on the back of his neck and nibbled lightly at an area of his collarbone; sending shockwaves down his spine and to his crotch.
ā€œMagician never reveals his secrets~ā€ Oscar growled in reply, smirking and repeating the movement; this time forcing a tiny grunt from Erikā€™s throat.
Larco hummed to himself as he drew silently; shading in various parts of it to create a realistic looking sketch with precision lines.Ā 
Oscar moved further down Erikā€™s bare chest, occasionally stopping to make other small movements similar to the first; Erikā€™s small cries becoming more and more audible the lower he got.
F-fuckā€¦ he moaned huskily, arching his back a little against the cabinet.
Larco had slipped a shirt on now it had cooled down outside; walking around the pool before, being the clutz that he was, falling in. There was a large splash before he struggled to surface; freezing cold from the water and the now called air. He struggled over to the edge of the pool and held himself there for a moment before pulling out; shivering as he curled up on the edge of the pool. At least his veins would have gone down now.Ā 
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Oscar moved further down Erik's bare chest, occasionally stopping to make other small movements similar to the first; Erik's small cries becoming more and more audible the lower he got.
F-fuck... he moaned huskily, arching his back a little against the cabinet.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œAhhhhā€¦.. Maybe Iā€™ll passā€¦.ā€ He smirked to himself, sipping more wine as he flicked though a sketchbook he had placed on the side earlier that day; filled with various doodles.Ā 
Aww, why not? Erik chuckled silently, leaning his head back as Oscarā€™s kisses traveled lower down his neck.
ā€œBecauseā€¦ā€ He murmured almost teasingly; sat at the breakfast bar ans sketching quietly.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Aww, but-nn! F-fuck... How... Erik shuddered as Oscar stroked his thumb gently over a spot on the back of his neck and nibbled lightly at an area of his collarbone; sending shockwaves down his spine and to his crotch.
"Magician never reveals his secrets~" Oscar growled in reply, smirking and repeating the movement; this time forcing a tiny grunt from Erik's throat.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œAhhhhā€¦.. Maybe Iā€™ll passā€¦.ā€ He smirked to himself, sipping more wine as he flicked though a sketchbook he had placed on the side earlier that day; filled with various doodles.Ā 
Aww, why not? Erik chuckled silently, leaning his head back as Oscarā€™s kisses traveled lower down his neck.
ā€œBecauseā€¦ā€ He murmured almost teasingly; sat at the breakfast bar ans sketching quietly.
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Aww, why not? Erik chuckled silently, leaning his head back as Oscar's kisses traveled lower down his neck.
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
Larco raised an eyebrow at the noise he made; ā€œMost nnnnnn..nnā€¦?ā€ He questioned with a smirk; sipping a glass of wine in the kitchen.Ā 
Oscarā€™s reply was muffled by Erikā€™s lips against his once more, pushing him back for a moment before he managed to switch them back and slam Erik against a cabinet with a thump; his kisses growing rough and deep.
Arenā€™t we the animalā€¦? Erik smirked against his lips, tilting his head down a little, Gonna join the fun anytime today, Larco?
ā€œAhhhhā€¦.. Maybe Iā€™ll passā€¦.ā€ He smirked to himself, sipping more wine as he flicked though a sketchbook he had placed on the side earlier that day; filled with various doodles.Ā 
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
Oscar's reply was muffled by Erik's lips against his once more, pushing him back for a moment before he managed to switch them back and slam Erik againsy a cabinet with a thump; his kisses growing rough and deep.
Aren't we the animal...? Erik smirked against his lips, tilting his head down a little, Gonna join the fun anytime today, Larco?
A Boys Weekend Away - AU
ā€œDoes torturing theĀ neighboursĀ count?ā€ He shouted back, blissfully unaware of the happenings inside. He wasnā€™t really torturing anyone, he merely tripped the other fellow into the pool before hopping back over the fence.Ā 
ā€œUnfortunately, yes! Probably best they were mostly unh-nn!ā€ His call was cut short as Erik bit down a little on his neck and pushed his leg between Oscarā€™s. ā€œAssholeā€¦ā€
Larco raised an eyebrow at the noise he made; ā€œMost nnnnnn..nnā€¦?ā€ He questioned with a smirk; sipping a glass of wine in the kitchen.Ā 
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erikredwindarchive-blog Ā· 12 years
H-help them... DoĀ everything they say... P-please...Tori's breathing had picked up a little, distressed by her inability to move by herself, and the pain blossoming over her neck.
"C-can you help my daddy? Please? He needs to get inside where it's comfy..." Lucy whimpered a little, crouching once more beside Oscar.
Lore growled again, his eyes now locked on Lucy as she moved; an almost sickeninglyĀ frightening smirk across his face as the forcefield flickered out. He crouched on the edge of the platform, claws scraping the edge as his eyes darkened further; preadatorially locked on young Lucy.Ā 
Cy watched on almost helplessly; keeping Erik cuddled close to her. Lucyā€¦. donā€™t make eye contact with Loreā€¦ just walk very slowly and stay close to Toriā€¦ okay..?Ā 
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